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By Gentle8Kisses

57.3K 1.1K 229

In which in the town of Greendale, where it always feels like Halloween, there lived two young twins who were... More



4.4K 94 22
By Gentle8Kisses

"I've got a black magic woman

Got me so blind I can't see"

As usual, the gang is at Cerberus's debating the true meaning of some fantastic work of art. Today it is The Fly. I simply listen to them while I sip my milkshake.

"No, no, no, 'The Fly' is about body dysmorphia," Susie argues, slumped back on the big red armchair.

"Isn't it about a guy who turns into a giant fly?" Harvey asks Sabrina.

"The original yes, but Cronenberg said his remake was a metaphor for STDs," Sabrina points out while I nod in agreement with her.

"Guys, what are we doing this weekend?", Roz changes the subject.

"Well, my dad is going to the farm expo for three days, so I'm stuck at home by myself" Susie frowns.

"Ooh! Let's have a girls' night" Roz declares. I already know that she has planned the whole night in her mind and hate to think that I won't be with them starting tomorrow.

Susie is quickly hesitant causing Roz to continue further, "Come on, Susie, please? My mom and dad are trying to get me to lead this youth group at their church this weekend; staying with you would give me the perfect excuse not to do that."

Susie shakes her head still not excited about the idea, "I dunno Roz."

"S? Lina? you in?" Roz asks, and I look at Sabrina anxiously, not wanting to be the one to lie to them. I go and do it anyway because Sabrina's lie is sure to be horrible.

"We can't...I didn't want to tell you guys like this," I say eyeing the group, "but Sabrina and I will be looking at this new art school in New York. I applied last year for singing, and I got accepted...Sabrina told me she would visit with me."

"Wait, you're leaving Greendale?" Harvey looks at me sadly while the others look like they are about to cry.

"I wanted to tell you sooner but," I stop before I make up yet another lie, "I am sorry you guys," I tell them sadly.

Roz is the first one to speak, "We are going to miss you so much," she envelopes me in a huge hug which makes me smile thankfully that at least one of my friends isn't mad. Susie agrees with her giving me a sad smile.

"Call us all the time," Harvey smiles, going in to hug me while as the rest of the gang follows.

"Relax guys, she is only a train ride away" Sabrina rolls her eyes with a smile.

"Yeah, and I am going to be here all the time. I don't even plan on staying at the boarding school. We just won't see each other at school" I tell them trying to make them feel better, before small smirk forms on my lips, "And I am still coaching the cheer team."


"Aren't you even a little excited?" Ambrose asks me while I pack for my stay at the Academy.

"I'm stressed, Ambrose, starting a new school is stressful, not to mention I'm lying to my friends, and I don't see why I have to sleep at the Academy for three whole nights. And I secretly am scared to learn more about my powers" I mumble my last statement with a frown.

Ambrose begins to play with my long pigtail braids, "It's your induction, cousin, you are on the precipice of a stupendous new adventure at the Academy of Unseen Arts, you will meet interesting witches and warlocks from all over the world, some of them -- a great many of them, will be hot" Ambrose smirks.

I feel my cheeks flush a deep scarlet, "I don't think I will be meeting any boys at the academy. And even if I did, I don't think they would notice me..." I say still trying to hide my blush.

Ambrose lets go of my braid before sarcastically saying, "That's the spirit, cuz."

Sabrina walked in right after, with her bags fully packed, "Ambrose, we're not going to the Academy to hook up with hot warlocks, we are going to the Academy to learn how to defeat the Dark Lord...we're going to learn how to conjure him, bind him, banish him, and that's our only agenda."

"She is right" I smile as I finally put in my last article of clothing and close my trunk, "If there is any way of defeating the Dark Lord, the Academy will help us find it."


"Okay, before I forget, I have made you these, they're to take to the Academy, keep in your little pockets," Aunt Hilda smiles, quickly handing us protection charms, wrapped in a thin cloth.

I give her a grateful smile, "Thanks, Aunt Hilda."

"Protection charms," Sabrina asks humorously, not believing we will need them.

"Honestly Hilda, what next? Crystals? Sage?" Aunt Zelda mocks, walking into the kitchen with her cigarette in hand.

"I was concerned, Zelda, that they were gonna get bullied, you know how cruel girls can be at that or any age," Aunt Hilda says giving Auntie Zee the evil eye.

"Don't worry about us, Aunt Hilda, we can take care of ourselves," I console trying to clear the tension in the room.

Aunt Hilda smiles, "I know, oh! What if you took Salem and Astris in with you? Or we could teleport them to you" she suggests.

Aunt Zelda picks up Salem and shoos Astris away. Astris simply flies towards me. I smile at her before feeding her some of my toast.

"Nonsense, only babies and ninnies, take their familiars to school," Aunt Zelda scoffs and Astris squawks at her.

I tell her to stop through our bond, and she immediately goes back to purring while I stroke her.

"Remember when you tried to bring your spiders? How all the other students laughed and called you names?" she laughs at Aunt Hilda. I feel bad for Aunt Hilda, Aunt Zelda is always bullying her, and although I have tried to stop it before I know, she still does it.

"Yes, I remember one in particular" Aunt Hilda growls.

Aunt Zelda smiles brushing her sister's comment off. She goes to sit next to Sabrina and me grabbing our hands with glee.

"My years at the Academy were amongst the happiest of my life, the books I read, the friendships I cultivated, it was like being part of the marvelous salon, arguing about ideas, philosophy, your father and I would get into such debates," Aunt Zelda smiles at the thought. I begin to think of all the good things the Academy could provide. But my sister snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? Because you seemed to be on the same page about signing our names in the Book of the Beast" Sabrina says blankly, very unimpressed.

"Eat up, and then I'll get my coat and drive you" Aunt Hilda smiles awkwardly, but still with pride knowing she is going to drive us to our first day at satanic school.

"Absolutely not, Hilda, you've been excommunicated, or had you forgotten?" Aunt Zelda scolds.

"Oh, how could I forget when you're reminding me every other minute?" Aunt Hilda says with uncharacteristic sarcasm.

"As a consequence, you're not allowed within spitting distance of the Academy or any other church of night property, for that matter."

Aunt Hilda walks over to Aunt Zelda with a glare, "Well I can give my nieces a bloody hug before they go, can't I?" Aunt Hilda spits before helping Sabrina and me into our coats and giving us a kiss.


Sabrina and I walk along the train track that leads to the academy, carrying our trunks. When the trail ends, we are in front of an old building that looks run down. A young boy in a formal blue coat stands in front of the steps with a frown holding a sign with our names.

"Pardon me miss, are you the Spellman twins?" he asks politely.

"We are" Sabrina smiles already fond of the kind young man, "I'm Quentin, we've been expecting you, this way please," he states, taking out trunks and teleporting them, hopefully to our rooms, and walks up to the steps.

I quickly follow him with Sabrina behind me, not wanting to lose him and get lost.

I am incredibly nervous when I walk in to see a grand foyer with an enormous statue of the Dark Lord in the middle.

My mouth is open in awe of the complex and intricate design of the inside of the academy with rooms that are constantly changing and rearranging themselves in new geometric patterns. It is so complex...

Sabrina nudges me before turning back to Quentin, "Are you a student here?"

"Oh, of course, miss, I'm here to show you to Father Blackwood's office," he kindly informs us before walking up and grabbing our hands to pull us to the room we are supposed to be in.

"The Academy was built according to the principles of sacred geometry. Each room is a perfectly proportioned pentagon that locks with the one next to it. No one knows how many pentagons there are exactly. Some say an infinite number," Quintin says, as he leads us through the hallways, noticing my interest in the architecture.

I nod at him looking at the art pieces that hung from the walls, "It is beautiful."

I am so distracted I don't even hear the bell ring until suddenly all the students rush to their next classes leaving me stuck in the middle of the chaos. As I try to get out of the raucous and catch up with Sabrina, I am pushed by one of the students and fall to the ground.

A deep male voice grunts, as I crash into his chest, softening my fall to the ground. Before I can look up to see who I ran into, I notice a thick leather-bound journal on the floor. My hands go out to reach for it, tenderly analyzing the archaic runes on the cover.

I move some of my hair out of my eyes so I can see clearly and am met with dark brown eyes looking right at me. The boy in front of me had pale skin and angular features that seemed to contrast with his dark curly hair that sat in an unruly mop atop his head.

One glance and I already knew he was the exact type of boy I should avoid during my stay at the academy. but I can't help but melt as his annoyed expression melts into that of shock as he stares at me.

I break from my trance, noticing there were still people walking around us, causing me to quickly hand the boy his book and try to brush off any dust that might have been on me, "I am so sorry. I am such a klutz."

After having a moment to collect himself, he smiles at me, giving me his hand, "It is no problem. What is your name, love?"

I falter at the use of the pet name before taking his hand and pulling myself up, "Gracelina."

He tests the name out on his lips, making my name sound more like a beautiful melody than some ripoff of my older sisters, "Welcome to the Academy, Gracelina. I'm Sebastian", I smile moving my hair from behind my ear to hide my blush.

I hear Sabrina call my name from afar. "I better go, it was nice meeting you though. Sorry again about running into you", I smile at Sebastian one last time before running to catch up with my sister.


"Welcome to the Academy of Unseen Arts, girls. I recognize that there's been a bit of...unpleasantness between us, but that's only because we so desperately wanted to get you here", Blackwood tells us with a warm smile causing me to smile back out of reflex.

"I've prepared your schedules," he hands them to Sabrina and us, and I read them.

I have Satanic Choir, Herbalism, Divination, Pagan History, Monstrology, Latin and a free period. I falter when I look at my courses knowing I can't take any magically challenging courses since I lack the amount of magic required to do the spells. I did hope that I could take potions, though, since it didn't require a lot of magic but moreso magical ingredients.

"Um..." Sabrina furrows her eyebrows as she looks at her schedule which has easy courses.

"Yes?" he asks, "what about classes like Conjuring? Binding Rituals? Demonology?" she asks. I know she must be disappointed with her courses since they aren't challenging. I defend her, "She is right. I hoped that we could at least have one challenging course. If it isn't too much, I was hoping to take potions since it is the only true magical course I could take."

"You have to fulfill the Academy's general requirements first...just now I believe you are due at choir practice" he smiles.


Father Blackwood leads Sabrina and me into the music room, which is filled with different charmed instruments. Some, I have never seen in my life. I am in awe of the beauty of the classroom. I turn to see Sabrina looking around the room as well.

"Forgive the interruption, my dear, but I have some additions to your ranks, Sabrina and Gracelina Spellman, my wife, Lady Blackwood," he introduces with his usual formal tone.

I smile as I walk up to her and shake her hand. She shakes Sabrina's before saying, "I've heard a lot about you, girls...We've all heard a lot about you, welcome", she nods with a serious expression.

The Weird Sisters chuckle, and I look at them confused about what could be so funny. Dorcas gives me an excited wave while Prudence just smirks at me.

"I will leave the twins in your capable hands then," Father Blackwood states before turning around and exiting the room.

"Now, girls, can you sight-read music?", She questions us doubtfully, handing Brina a book. She gives it to me so we can share it.

"Just a verse or two, so I know where to place you."

I begin with Sabrina following soon after so we can harmonize, "It's time we put our love behind you, illusion has been just a dream, the valley of death and I'll find you, now is when on a sunshine beam, so bring us the young perfection, for there I shall surely be, no clothing, tears or hunger, you can see, you can see, you can be."

When we finish, I notice the entire class is looking at us in awe. Lady Blackwood takes in a deep breath before giving us a genuine smile.

"My, my, Prudence, I do believe you have some competition, finally...Grace I want you in the center and Sabrina you can stand next to Dorcas."

When I take my place, I notice the boy I ran into earlier, Sebastian, standing behind me. He sends me a wink causing me to bit my lip before turning back to Lady Blackwood who was back on the lesson again.


After choir ended, Sabrina and I made our way to lunch. After picking up our meal, we moved to sit at an empty table along the wall. I was about to begin eating my vegetarian dish when I feel someone sit next to me causing Brina and me to look up.

"Hi, mind if I join you?" A black-haired boy asks although he has already made himself comfortable in the seat next to Sabrina.

"Sure," Sabrina says, and I smile.

He nods, holding his hands out for Sabrina and me, "Nicolas Scratch, nice to meet you."

"I'm Sabrina and this is Gracelina," My sister begins, and Nicholas stops her, "Spellman..your Edward Spellman's daughters" Nicholas eyed me over before grinning, "Gracelina Spellman, the one riddle Edward couldn't solve in time."

I give him a grim smile, "My reputation precedes me."

Nicholas continues, "Your father's as well. I'm, uh, reading his journals right now."

Sabrina is immediately interested, "You are? How do you have them?"

Nicholas shook his head, "I don't. Not personally. They're in the Sanctum, the library for advanced students, under lock and key. Cassius, the librarian, brings them out to you, one by one, but you can't even take notes while reading them."

I turn back to him extremely interested, "Why not?"

"They're considered dangerous texts. Your father was a controversial figure in the witch community," a familiar voice says from behind me. I turn around to see Sebastian walk up to our table before he takes a seat next to me, barely glancing at Sabrina or Nicholas.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, looking to my side at the boy, "You mean, for marrying my mother?"

Sebastian tilts his head, "And some of his more radical ideas."

Nicholas quickly looks between Sabrina and me before rushing, "Radical to others, by the way, I, personally, think he was brilliant. Ahead of his time. The greatest conjurer the Church of Night has ever produced."

"Desperation is never a good look," I hear Sebastian mutter, moving his eyes to look at Nicholas, causing me to send him a sideways glare.

"You don't have to be so rude," I whisper as my sister talks to Nickolas about our father. 

Sebastian raises his brow before leaning his body in my direction, "I am just stating the obvious, love," he huffs before a coyish grin develops on his face, "You don't seem like the type to settle for empty-handed compliments" Sebastian purrs as his eyes trail over my body. 

I shift in my seat, uncomfortable with Sebastian's smoldering gaze on me. Trying to dissipate the tense atmosphere I ignore Sebastian, giving my attention to Nicholas, "What are you studying at the academy? Conjuring?"

He nods with a smile, "Conjuration. Demonology. Invocation."

"What about you Sebastian," Sabrina questions, causing me to lightly kick her under the table.

"Ow," Sabrina yelps, turning her head towards me.

Sebastian shrugged his shoulders, obviously not interested in his academics. It seemed like Sebastian was only here to cause trouble, and I was not about to be a part of the collateral damage.

Just as I was about to make an excuse to leave the table, however, Sebastian spoke up, "Most of my classes are pretty basic: demonology, pathways to hell, potions, conjuring, necromancy."

Against every instinct in my body, I turned to face him, "Necromancy?" I have always been interested in art which takes years for witches to learn but comes easily to me. Stupidly, I believe that learning necromancy would allow me to understand my powers better, "Is it fun?"

He nods, a devious smirk forming on his face, "Are you interested?"

I nod my head, not even caring that I am playing into his trap, "I believe it will help me understand my powers. I-"

"Gracie, Nick, Sabrina, Sebastian," Prudence's voice interrupted me, "We're not interrupting are we?" Prudence asked, in her sickly sweet voice. I titled my head noticing the slight shock she held in her tone when she mentioned Sebastian's name. Did they not get along?

Although from what I could tell, Sebastian doesn't get along with anybody...

"No, not at all, join us, please" I try to say in a cheerful tone, hiding my disappointment that I would no longer be able to talk with Sebastian.

"Well, how are you enjoying the Academy so far? is it like your other school?" Prudence asks me, ignoring Sabrina.

Sabrina answers the question anyway, "Uh, Baxter High? No, not really."

Sebastian tilted his head, almost analyzing me for a reaction as he spoke, "You went to a mortal school before you attended the academy?"

I nod my head, "Yeah. Baxter High is the mortal school in Greendale."

Prudence nods her head, although her eyes were focused on Sabrina now, "You know what we heard? We heard you didn't want to take your dark baptism because you were in love with some mortal...Must be some Spellman kink, hm? Slumming with mortals? 'Like father like daughter,' right?" she mocks, while Sabrina rolls her eyes.

"Watch your tongue, Prudence," I snap, silently reminding her that Sabrina was my sister first and foremost.

Agatha leaned forward, her lips curled into a snarl, begging for drama, "Or what? You'll pelt us with leaves," she mocked, giggling at her joke.

I wanted to make a comeback but, I was stumped. Agatha knew that I was insecure about my abilities. My mouth hung open, waiting for some response to pop into my mind but before I could even begin to stutter, Sebastian said, "Or you will have me to deal with Agatha. And last I remembered, you were very easy to undo," Sebastian said in a low, yet menacing tone.

Prudence lightly laughed along with Dorcas as Agatha seemed to curl into herself in shame. I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding whatever Sebastian had mentioned. 

"Careful boys or they'll cocktease you the way they did the Dark Lord," Prudence warns with a small smile. I furrow my eyebrows, not understanding why Prudence was being so mean.

"Why do you have to be a bitch all the time, Pru?" Sebastian smiles. Maybe I should rethink the whole 'no dating boys at the academy' rule and replace it for a 'crushing on one jerk at the academy' rule.

"I don't know Sebby, why do you have to be such a warlock slut all the time?" she remarks.

Sebastian didn't seem fazed as he moved out of his seat, "If I am a warlock slut then what does that make you, Pru?"

I look down with a small frown, of course, the one guy I like is a player. I bet the only reason he is talking to me is so he could get into my pants. A warm voice pulls me out of my thoughts, "What is your next class? I'll walk you," Sebastian asks, not bothering to glance at the others sitting at the table.

As much as I want to say no and save myself from the inevitable heartbreak, I can't stop myself from saying, "I would love that."

Sebastian intertwines our fingers together before pulling me away from the group and leading me to my next class.

You are going to break my heart, Sebastian. I just know it.


That night I wake up to a scream. I jump out of bed and look to find that Sabrina is not in her bed and neither are the Weird Sisters. I run out of the dormitory and try to find my sister. I easily get lost and find that I am outside in a strange courtyard area. I am about to leave when I notice a familiar shadow sitting on a bench. Sebastian.

I move to sit next to him. He looks up noticing my presence, "Hello, love. May I ask what you are  doing up at this haunting hour?"

I raise my eyebrow, "I could ask you the same."

Sebastian shrugged, placing his book down by his side, "I don't really fall asleep easily. I guess you would call it insomnia."

I nod my head slowly, "I can't find Sabrina," I confess him with a frown, "That is why I am up, " Sebastian nods in silence, although he doesn't really seem interested in my sister's disappearance, "Her bed and the Sisters were empty when I woke up."

"The Sisters are harrowing her," Sebastian shrugs, turning back to his book, "You won't be able to get to her until they stop."

I can't help the anger bubbling in my chest as he goes back to reading his book. I have never met someone who is so rude in my entire life...Not to mention confusing. In the few hours I have known him, he has gone from a distant jerk, to defend me from Prudence to an acquaintance, and then to whatever the hell he is now.

Reacting out of character, I snatch the book out of his hands, pulling it to my chest, "How can you be so careless? You just tell me my sister is being bullied and you go back to reading like it is nothing to you?" I feel my voice grow louder but don't stop, "Most people express sympathy or at least a bit of remorse. What is wrong with you?"

Sebastian's expression turned grave as he got up from the bench he sat at, causing me to flinch back, "I will have you know that most people would think twice before yelling at me, let alone snatching a book from my hands," He said in a dark tone, his eyes becoming darker than his words, "And I have bo reason to care about your sister. She isn't my concern," he spat.

I scoff, moving from my seat to face the intolerable ogre, "Well she is mine," I growl before scowling, "And I will just have you know that you are the worst person imaginable. I can't believe I ever thought that you were worthy of respect." I look down at the book in my hands ready to throw it in his chest when I notice the familiar runes on the cover, the same runes form this morning.

"Are you done screaming at me?" Sebastian lazily asked, unfazed.

Forgetting my initial anger, I open the book to read inside noticing my father's name, bringing my head up to face Sabastian I ask, "Why are you reading my father's journal?'

Sebastian lightly took the book from my hands, "It is funny how you scream at me for being selfish and uncaring since you have never once asked me anything about myself," Sebastian began with a cocky grin, "I'll have you know that I am reading about you."

My jaw drops in shock, "Why?"

He laughs, the first time I have ever seen any emotion other than brooding on his face, "Your father's journals mention you quite a lot."

I sit in silence, imagining my father spending time with Sabrina and me. I turn to him, "What does he say?"

Sebastian looked at the pages trying to find a way to explain what my father had written about me, "He loved you,  Sebastian said in an odd manner.

 It was as if he has never used the word before. There was no emotional understanding displayed in his tone that most people used, a softer tone almost reminiscent of innocence. Sebastian's voice was instead filled with a detached drawl that held undertones of unexplainable disgust. 

"He mostly has entries of your abilities," Sebastian continues, "His theories. He worried about you."

I nod, knowing that before my father had died, he had been said to go in a frenzy almost trying to discover what made me different.

I nod my head, thinking about his death, "You know...I am sorry for screaming at you. I didn't mean to be so harsh," I guiltily say.

Sebastian looked at me with an amused expression, "Harsh? You getting angry is the equivalent of a kitten trying to roar. It is more cute than threatening."

I feel rose coloring my cheeks at Sebastian's mention of my being cute before I think about what he just said, "I am not cute! I am scary," I fervently reply looking at the infuriating boy next to me.

Sebastian laughs, this time I take note of its singularity as it resembled more of a light exhale of air than a true boisterous chuckle, "Sure, you are."

I roll my eyes, trying to ignore my drowsiness, although it obviously is not working since I begin to feel my eyes droop.

Slowly I feel myself lean against Sebastian, as his arms wrap around me, making me feel secure. I hear him mumble something in my ear but it comes out muffled, "What did you say, Bast?"



The next day, I sit on my bed and wait for Sabrina to return from wherever the Weird Sisters sent her. When she returns, I notice that Salem is with her and that she is covered in mud. I jump up and immediately go to make sure she isn't hurt.

"What happened?", I ask her as I continue to look and make sure she isn't cut, scraped, or bruised.

"They locked me in a haunted cellar, but Salem got me in time," Sabrina said patting the feline on its head. I smile at the cat rubbing it gratefully.

"I wish there were something could do," I frown. Sabrina just gives me a sad smile, "I am going to take a quick shower and call Harvey."

"I think I am going to get dressed as well."


When Sabrina and I return from our shower, we notice that Salem and her clothes are missing. We look around to see the Weird Sisters giggling near Sabrina's cot.

Prudence sits on her chest, giggling, while the other sisters laugh with her.

"Give them back" Sabrina groans.

"Whatever are you talking about?" Prudence innocently grins

"My cat!"

"What cat?" Agatha questions. "What pajamas?" Dorcas purrs.

"They were on my bed; now they're gone" she yells before storming over to her chest and punching Prudence away.

"I know you took them" Sabrina growls when she realizes they are not there.

"How bad do you want them?" Prudence smirks.

"Give them back. Prudence, what did Sabrina do to you?" I firmly ask.

Everyone starts chanting for us to fight. I roll my eyes and pull Sabrina away, but my sister has other plans and rushes forward and pushed Prudence. They both begin fighting while I try to break them apart causing me to be hit in the face.

"Miss Spellman!" Blackwood shouts, causing everyone to stop and look at Father Blackwood who is holding a pet carrier in his hand.

"Get dressed at once! And then to my office! Both of you!"


"Firstly, familiars are not permitted at the Academy; Salem will have to go home with Zelda" Blackwood states while Sabrina and I look to the floor embarrassed that our aunts had to come over here.

"Secondly and I feel I must ask this, are you happy here, girls?", he asks with fake concern.

"Of course they are, Faustus. Although I can see if they were not. Gracelina has a bruise due to that little brat", Aunt Zelda snaps.

I remove the now watery ice bag from my face and set it down on Father Blackwood's desk, "I am fine Auntie Zee. It is just a small bruise on my jaw; it barely hurts."

Aunt Zelda humphs in annoyance before glaring at Father Blackwood.

"They have been picking fights with other students, complaining about schedules," he lists, and Aunt Zelda looks at us shocked, "What's this now?"

"I picked the fight, not Gracie. And I didn't come here to major in herbalism, or Latin, Aunt Zelda" Sabrina complains.

Aunt Zelda scoffs, "Well, of course, you didn't, if this is what you've got them studying, it's no wonder they're feeling restless, they're not being challenged. Now I understand Grace's condition forces her not to take any rigorous magic activity, but even she can study potions", she tells Blackwood, shocking me. I didn't know that Aunt Zelda knew of my interest in potions or believed that I could take it.

"'Brina told Father Blackwood, she wanted to study conjuring, like our father," I tell her.

"Zelda, I can't put them in conjuring or potions without being sure they're ready, it wouldn't be safe, for them or the other students" Blackwood sighs.

"Then test them" Auntie Zee quickly rebukes. Father Blackwood sighs before turning to his chest and unlocking it to extract a weird ball machine. I wonder what it is.

"What is it?" Sabrina voices my thoughts.

"It's an Acheron Configuration if I'm not mistaken, an arcane puzzle" Aunt Zelda scoffs.

"A variation on it, yes, it's a test of mental and actual dexterity" Blackwood stares at it with a crazed look in his eye.

"Solve it, and you can join conjuring class" he holds it out to Sabrina who takes it.

"Or go mad trying," Aunt Zelda barks.

"That won't happen with your niece, only the weak-willed fall prey to the Acheron's fascinations" Blackwood assures as I stare at it curiously.

"Grace must aid her to prove her worth as well," Father Blackwood states dismissively.

"Quite right, Sabrina and Grace will prove themselves their father's daughters," Aunt Zelda boasts.

Blackwood smiles at her with a hungry expression I do not want to dig deeper into, "I had forgotten how fiercely maternal you could be, Zelda...there's a personal matter I'd like to discuss with you in private if your nieces excuse us."

"Of course they will, and girls...Behave."

I bow my head with a smile, "We will, Aunt Zelda," I send a knowing smile to Father Blackwood before leaving, "Even though we're still missing our pajamas."


I walk out of the school, leaving Sabrina, so I could have some time to think. as I sit down, I am greeted by Bast who sits patiently on the ledge almost knowing I would be here, "Hi, there."

He gets off the stairwell and walks closer to me before casually leaning near me, "I heard you got into a fight with Prudence," he says looking straight ahead at the railroads near the school, his voice low and emotionless, as usual.

I laugh, "I didn't. I just tried to stop the fight between her and my sister and somehow ended up in the crossfire."

Sebastian turns his entire body towards me as he steps closer so that he is now only a foot away, "That sounds more realistic."

I move my hair behind my ear nodding before he looks closely at my face. My bruise. He softly grabs my head to see it better.

"Did she do this to you?", Bast asks in a clipped tone, his eyes filled with rage. I immediately explain how it was not intentional, but my defense seems to be ignored by Bast who continues, "I'll handle her."

Handle? Finding myself shocked by his own violent reaction, I shake my head, "Please don't. It wasn't her fault."

Bast's eyes move down, as his brows furrow, slowly he begins to nod his head, "Fine. But if anything ever happens to you, then come to me."

"Why do you care?", I ask with genuine curiosity. Bast did not seem to be the type of guy who would suddenly get upset because of a fight in the girls' dormitories. In fact, he did not seem like the type to get upset about anything. It would be a shock if he even cracked a smile during Yule season.

Bast seems to avoid the topic leading me to think about his connection to Prudence, based on their last interaction. I wonder if they dated; Prudence does have a nickname for him and seems to know a bit about him and they are both attractive people. 

"Did you guys date?" I think aloud.

Best seems to be caught off guard by my question, before an evil glint flashed in his eyes, "For a short period, yeah, I was involved with the Sisters."

I cock my head sideways, "All three of them," that doesn't make sense, "All at once? How would you," I ask before my eyes widen and I blush. Bast seemed to be relishing in my embarrassment, wearing a small smirk.

"It didn't work out though. The girls aren't as entertaining as they may seem", Bast informed me. 

I shake my head, unable to control the light laugh that came from my throat, "You are the worst."

Bast raises his brow at my response, "Why? Because I don't like to be tied down to one person at a time? Your mortal ideal of monogamy is unrealistic. I hope you know that. Most of them end up leaving each other anyway. I just rush the process."

"I can't believe you," I feel my face turning red as I listen to his brutal idea of relationships, "So you are telling me you rather spend your whole life with little flings that don't mean anything rather than finding the actual person you love?"

Bast shook his head, "The entire fact that you believe in soul mates, proves my point."

"So you expect me to believe that you don't believe that anyone can truly fall in love with just one person," I ask.

"Nope," Bast deadpans, looking me straight in the eye, "This whole idea you have of meeting the perfect guy who will be with your forever and satisfy you in every possible way," Bast arrogantly leans closer to me, fanning his minty cool breath over my face, "Is unrealistic," he adds with a tight-lipped smile, watching as I struggle not to unravel in front of him.

"So why even bother flirting with me, now?" I push, trying to prove my argument to be true. Foolishly, I tilt my head closer to his, making it so our lips were nearly touching, in an attempt to flirt him into agreeing with me.

Bast raises his eyebrows, "Touche."

I glare at him, hurt more than upset that he didn't seem fazed at all by my flirtatious attempt, moving away in an attempt to clear my head, I divert the subject "Anyway, I know that you were reading my father's journal last night so I figure you have access to them," I begin as my mind travels back to the Acheron Configuration, "Would you be able to get one of them for me?"

"What you're asking is impossible," Bast warns knowingly, "I mean if we got caught, and we would, we'd both be expelled from the academy."

I raise my eyebrows the same way Bast does as I smile, "I doubt I'd be expelled. They'd probably just force me to sleep here indefinitely," I scoff.

An unknown emotion passes across Bast's face before he tries to hide it. He leans so that our noses are touching before asking me, "Would that be such a bad thing? Staying here?"

But as I look into Bast's dark pools of brown eyes, I am at a loss for an answer. Because, right now, standing next to Bast, it didn't seem so bad.


Tonight, Bast said that he would try to get my dad's journal from the library. So here I was sitting at the front of the school where he promised he would meet me once he got the book. While I waited, I began to think about Bast and what he said to me about the Weird Sisters.

I hate to think that I am starting to like a polyamorous warlock. Not to mention a rude one. He is everything I swore I would never date yet, here I am helplessly wondering when he would get back so I could be near him, pitifully hoping that I may provoke him into reading with me. And I have only known him for two days.

I am broken out of my thoughts by Bast whispering my name.

I look up to see him holding a journal out to me. I carefully grab it and analyze the cover in awe of the book which held so many of my father's theories and inventions. I let out a quiet squeal pulling him into a tight hug before immediately moving back, realizing what I just did.

To my surprise, Bast doesn't push me away and waits for me to go back to my seat without revealing any emotion to my reaction. 

Choosing to pretend my hug never happened, I give Bast a toothy smile before turning towards the book, feeling him sit next to me so we can both read the journal. I hesitantly lean closer to him, so he can see the pages better, "Are you good?"

I look up at Bast, whose face is right next to mine. He replies in a low, rough voice, "Perfect." He then grabs onto my legs pulling me closer to him making me tense up a bit, having never been so close to a boy before. Other than Harvey who was more like my brother.

Trying to play it cool, and not reveal how nervous I am, I begin to skim the pages of my father's journal. I notice an excerpt with my name and begin to read the notes my father carefully wrote.

' Gracelina's powers are beauty hidden behind the darkness, and I worry that the Dark Lord will use this against her. Diana and I brought the twins to the lake near the house to have a picnic, and as we settled down, Gracie noticed a dead bird near the water. Before I could stop her, she crawled over to the pitiful fowl and hugged it. Just as I was about to pull her away from the filthy corpse, I noticed that it was no longer dead but fully healed and flappings its wings. I was proud and curious of my daughter's newfound power but this joyful moment quickly dissolved when I noticed that my dear daughter, in turn, had a gash developing across her forehead. The connection that Gracie's healing was only transference terrified me, and I immediately moved to heal her myself but found that I could not. I then tried to charm her not to feel or see the cuts, but that didn't work either, only earning more tears from the already miserable child. Eventually, her cries turned into that of wails which could be heard moons away and made my ears bleed. I realized that Gracelina was no ordinary witch and that something about her was different. I swore that I would die before I stopped trying to find a way to help my poor daughter remove the curse she was given.'

I read the page more than ten times trying to grasp the fact that my father believed that I was cursed. I always accepted that I was different, but deep down I believed that my father would justify it somehow. I didn't realize that I had been crying until Bast's arms hesitantly wrap around me, and began rocking me.


After last night, Bast gave me the journal and told me to give it back to him Monday. I decided that I would read more, later, with Sabrina.

Right after that thought, Sabrina came rushing into my room again with dirtied clothing, "I thought it was over? Why didn't you yell for me?"

Sabrina glared at me, and I look at my shoes in shame realizing that I left to see Bast.

"As much as I would like to find out why you snuck out, last night, I need to tell you this first. Quentin, the kind boy we met the other day", I nod for her to continue, "Is a ghost. He was harrowed years ago with so many other children. And they are all tied to the academy and its grounds. We have to help them and to stop this!"

"You are right. I am so sorry and will explain everything later, but right now, I am going to call Auntie Zee and tell her everything you just told me."

After saying that, I run to the phone booth and rush to dial the number and explain everything to my aunts who, inform me they will be here in a few short seconds and to meet them at Father Blackwood.

We wait outside of his office as Aunt Zee argues with him about the injustices of harrowing. When she walks out her face is read, and her lips are in a thin line meaning it did not end well. Aunt Hilda, Sabrina, and I jump out of our seats wanting to know what to do next.

"What did he say?" Sabrina asks already knowing the answer.

"He's going to look into it," she says with a curt nod

"And you believe him?" I ask doubtfully.

"Of course not, take us to the children," she sighs before we all follow Sabrina,


"Quentin? Would you please come out?" Sabrina calls out as we trek through the woods. I breathe in a sigh of reliefs, feeling calm, as I am surrounded by the elements which always welcome me. They are, after all, the only magic that I have mastered.

"We want to help and feel free to bring the others" I add, hoping they might feel more comfortable together. I suddenly feel the temperature drop, meaning they are here.

"Oh, the poor dears, your heart breaks for them," Auntie H says sadly as she sees all the tortured souls.

"I think they're bound to the Academy because they died here," Sabrina infers.

"Witches hurting witches, it's unspeakable," Aunt Zelda scoffs causing Aunt Hilda to give her an 'are you serious' look.

"Can we free them?" I ask hopefully, wanting them to be able to explore the world they were so rudely ripped away from.

Aunt Zelda kindly leans down towards them, "Is that what you want, children? To be released from here?"

"Where would we go? This is our home", Quentin looks around the forest before turning to see the others agree with him.

"Yes, it is. So what do you want then?" She asks, straightening herself, upset by their refusal to be freed.

Quentin looks down in guilty for his genuine desire.

"I-I believe, I know what they want," Aunt Hilda stammers, looking at Aunt Zelda hesitantly.

She leans down giving them a toothy yet knowing smile, "I was harrowed, back in my day, by my sister no less. And the thing that I crave more than anything in the world is revenge", she turns to us, "they just need someone to give them permission to do it," she winks at the kids, "isn't that what all well-behaved children need, permission?"

Quentin nods shamefully, "Okay, come on, gather round my darlings, you listen to Auntie Hilda."

I turn to look at Aunt Z who is ridden with guilt for the years she tortured Aunt Hilda. I feel sorry for her knowing she never means to hurt her truly. Aunt Zelda's love is strange but, nonetheless stronger than anything I have seen.


Tonight, Sabrina and I are waiting for the Weird Sisters to take her, so the ghosts can get some revenge. I am going to follow them to wherever they are going to make sure they don't get there late.

I hear the sisters take Sabrina much to her protest and pull her out of the dorm. I quickly jump into action and sneak behind them as they lead her out of the academy and into the forest.

I can't hear what they are saying since I have to maintain a reasonable distance away from them, so I don't get caught, but I do know that we are being led to the hanging tree. I finally stop when I see them standing around my sister with a noose around her neck.

"Do you know what it's like to die by hanging? Most people think it's fast, but it's not" she smirks playing with the rope while her sisters just watch.

Prudence throws the noose around the tree, "Any last words?" she growls, much to my shock. I knew the Weird Sisters were mean, but I never thought they would be this cruel to someone.

"Yes. Thirteen witches were hanged here by witch hunters, those women couldn't possibly have imagined a place like the Academy, a school where witches would be safe, even if they could, they'd never believe that the women inside its walls would turn on one another like this, which is why..." she stops as she sees me walking through the clearing..

"The Academy tradition of harrowing ends tonight," I shout making my presence known.

Prudence leers, "It's three against two. You're going to die, half-breed, give the Dark Lord our best won't you?" She smiles, tugging on the rope before turning to me with a sincerity hidden behind her sadistic smile, "Sorry, G."

I choke back a sob, looking for Quentin to come out and stop them.

"Light as a feather, stiff as a board, light as a feather, stiff as a board," ghost children chant as they come behind Sabrina. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in the joy that my sister would not be killed in front of me. What I didn't expect however was for the sisters to be hanged instead. I cover my mouth with my hands to hide my shock and disgust of hurting the sisters. I walk over to my sister though with a look of determination knowing that the Weird Sisters deserved this for trying to kill my sister, "Like we said, harrowing of any kind will no longer be tolerated! Understood?"

They are pulled higher into the air by the harrowed children.

"Understood?", I emphasize, and Prudence nods, choking on air.

Sabrina smiles, telling Quentin he can stop and the Weird Sisters are dropped to the ground. I pull Sabrina with me and make her help Prudence up as a sign of peace. Prudence looks hesitant, but after a nod of reassurance from me she takes it. I move to help the other sisters up as well.


The next morning I am talking to Quentin about how grateful I am that he helped Sabrina and me to stop the harrowing traditions, "Thank you, Miss, for everything."

I mess up his hair with a smile, "You're welcome. Glad we could help."

A male voice interrupts our conversation, and I turn to see Bast leaning against the Dark Lord's statue in the middle of the foyer, "Who are you talking to? "

I turn towards Quentin who waves goodbye, and I smile at Bast knowing that Quentin does not want to be recognized by him, "Myself. Good morning."

"Good morning," he walks closer to me, "You survived your immersion."

"I did," I smile before thinking about Sabrina and adding, "Barely. I haven't made it to potions class yet, but I will."

Bast smiled at me, "I do not doubt that you will. I guess I will see you on Monday?"

I nod my head beginning to consider enjoying my stay at the academy, "See you then." I turn around and begin to walk away although I can still feel Bast's warm stare.

"I'll be waiting."

I blush before whispering to myself, "Me too."

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