My Husband's Father -BWWM-

Od MotherMelanin02

180K 8.5K 2.4K

. Více

Author's Note
What's To Come
Cast & Summary
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Author's Note
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
**Chapter Twenty-One**
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter One

9.1K 351 119
Od MotherMelanin02

Song One - Don't Wake Me Up by Lianne La Havas

* * * * * * * * * *

The Taylor mansion was in complete chaos. Caterers and highly paid decorators were in and out of the house, getting ready for the dinner party, that's celebrating yet another great investment by Evan Taylor's company.

While the workaholic is at work, as usual, his wife, Alyson stands outside the house with the California heat shining directly on her. If she wasn't so used to living in California, she would probably melt. Not even the slight breeze, made the day any cooler.

As workers go in and out of her house, she signs off on delivery forms, giving friendly smiles to the workers she's hired; to let them know she appreciates them. Known for planning her husband's huge parties and dinners, has caused workers to be very familiar with the kind-hearted woman.

She was obviously very wealthy and most people tended to be intimidated by that; but when she flashed that dazzling smile and spoke kind words to people no matter her social status, she was eligible to steal the hearts of friends and strangers.

Unfortunately for the beautiful dark skin goddess, she couldn't steal the heart of her own husband. The one person in her life that meant the most to her. All the money in the world couldn't make her happy if she wasn't able to get at least a little bit of attention from him.

"And sign here," a worker pointed to the end of the form.

"Here you go," Alyson smiled as she signed her name.

"Thank you, ma'am," the young man took the pen away from her, bowing his head.

"No, thank you," she called after him as he joined his co-workers.

Alyson turned around, watching her chaotic home from under her Michael Kor shades.

She didn't look or feel her best this morning due to how tired she was. She's been planning this dinner party for weeks. She found herself under a lot of stress, trying to make sure everything was perfect. 

Even after eight years, she thought she'd have the hang of planning her husband's events. As more events came up, it seemed like planning only stressed her out more - every time.

As she let out an exhausted sigh, Alyson heard the sound of a familiar car engine. She turned away from the house, a smile appearing on her face at the sight of her best friend, Kelly's white Porsche Panamera pulled up.

Kelly's car came to a dangerous and screeching stop when a familiar blue Nissan Altima pulled up in front of her and parked.

"Oh god," Alyson shook her head. "Here we go."

An angry Kelly got out of her car with her Dolce & Gabbana purse in her hand and her Michael Kors shades over her eyes. She stomped over to the Altima as the smiling culprit, Alyson's fraternal twin sister, Mia, got out of the car with a bag of Panera in her hand.

Kelly slid her shades above her head as Mia closed her car door.

"Are you insane?" The angry blonde spat, "you could have hurt somebody."

"You're right. Too bad you were my target."

An unapologetic Mia sashayed around Kelly in her nurse scrubs and walked over to her sister.

"Why Mia? Why?" Alyson received a hug from her twin.

"Don't scold me, I brought you food." Pulling away, Mia held the bag up, "I knew you probably hadn't eaten all day since you  forget your needs when -" 

"You don't have to finish that sentence."

"When it comes to taking care of Evan."

"You are such a smartass," Alyson snatched the bag away from her.

"But you love me," Mia held her arms out.

She could see the stress and exhaustion in her sister's eyes and like always had the perfect solution to lifting her spirits.

Alyson hugged Mia tightly, closing her eyes.

Though they were complete opposites, they were like two peas in a pod - closer than ever. Their distinctive looks didn't make it noticeable that they shared a womb but they held the reality of it close to their hearts.

Alyson was tall and on the petite side of the scale. She didn't have much to offer on the top and had a small round cute butt that she took pride in due to her lack of curves overall. At one point in time, she had long dark hair like her sister but had cut it in order to try something she knew. She had small brown eyes, beautiful dark skin, and luscious plump lips. 

She was the girlier, sweet, optimistic one of the two.

All while Mia was the no-nonsense, sassy, realist of the two.

Partly because of who she was and partly because of the things she's been through.

Mia was tall like Alyson but not as petite. She had broader shoulders, the bigger bust (size D to be exact), long thick thighs and stretch marks that she's had way before she even had two kids. She was the runt in the pregnancy but when puberty hit her, her body wasn't ready. Her stretch marks were on her shoulders, her boobs, even her hips - and she loved them. 

Mia had small brown eyes, thick lips just like her sister but was a little lighter. Her hair was also dark brown and went past her shoulders.

She was more edgy than girly, had a nose ring and a half sleeve tattoo as well as a few other small ones.

"I needed this hug." Alyson sighed.

Mia rubbed her back and pulled away, "I know, I know."

"What'd you get me?" Alyson started opening the bag.

Mia didn't answer because she was too busy shaking her head at Kelly. The blonde was currently checking out her car, making sure there were no damages.

"You know if I really wanted to hurt you, the ambulance would be here, don't you?" Mia yelled over to her.

"Mia," Alyson gave her arm a tap, "leave her alone."

Mia watched a grumbling Kelly start making her way over to them.

"Why do you always have to antagonize her?" Alyson asked.

Mia turned around to look at her sister, "Because she'll strike first."

"That's what you tell yourself," Kelly's voice made Mia cringe. "We both know it's jealousy."

"Kelly," Alyson widened her eyes at the blonde.

"I would reply but all of a sudden, I don't speak bitch," Mia hugged her sister again. 

"I'll see you and the girls tonight, right?" Alyson asked her.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it. I gotta get back to work, I'll see you tonight, okay?"

Alyson waved her goodbye, "thanks for dropping by, I love you."

"Love you - oh, wait! Is Ms. Thing gonna be there tonight?" Mia opened her car door.

Alyson cracked a smile, "no, she'll be in Dubai."

"One less thing for you to stress about."

"So lucky me," Mia said sarcastically, not feeling any less stressed.

"I love you!" Was the last thing Mia said before she got inside her car.

"Now, that's she's gone . . . " Kelly gave Alyson a hug.

"Why can't you and my sister get along?" Alyson hugged her back tightly.

Kelly rolled her eyes, "please, let's not even get into it. Let's talk about something else, anything else."

"How about how good you look," Alyson pulled out of the huge looking at Kelly's outfit.

She wore a white strapless romper that showed her very petite figure, along with her favorite Red Bottoms. 

The two locked arms, making their way into the house. "I look amazing?" Kelly scoffed. "More like you look amazing."

Alyson rolled her eyes, pushing her shades on top of her head, "stop it."

"I'm serious," Kelly put her shades in her purse. "If my face glowed as much as yours does naturally, I would never wear makeup. It always amazes me at how naturally beautiful you are."

Alyson put the bag of Panera on the coffee table.

"Kelly," she tilted her head to the side at the blonde.

Kelly stood on the opposite side of the coffee table, putting her purse down. "What? I'm serious. I'm always talking Rick's head off about how good you look."

Alyson let out a scoff, sitting on the plain white couch while Kelly sat in the plain white armchair across from her. 

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! He's probably sick of me."

Alyson couldn't help but smile, appreciative of the compliment.

Alyson and Kelly have been friends since college - they shared a dorm in their freshman year. Kelly met her husband Rick through Alyson. Alyson knew Rick through Evan. Not only are Rick and Evan childhood best friends but Rick dated Mia for some time.

Even though Rick didn't go to college with Alyson, Mia, Evan, and Kelly - he was always around because he was so close to Evan.

"I tell you, Evan is one lucky man," Kelly smirked. 

Alyson sat back, "I wish he thought so."

A look of worry came over Kelly, "what do you mean? What's going on?"

Wanting to vent but hating to put Evan down, she fidgeted with her fingers. "It's just . . . Evan . . . he's . . ."

"Hey," Kelly leaned forward, looking Alyson in the eyes. "I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything. What's going on?"

"Things . . . " Alyson sighed sadly. "Things just aren't the same between us anymore. At one point, Evan and I were so close but he's distanced himself. He's always at work and we barely spend time with one another."

"Oh, honey," Kelly shook her head. "Have you tried to talk to him?"

"Of course," Alyson's eyes widened. "But he just claims he's busy with work and doesn't have time to spend with me." Her heart broke as she repeated her own husband's words.

"Are you having sex?" Kelly asked, curiously.

Alyson cleared her throat. "We, uh . . . We haven't had sex in . . . almost two years now."

"What? No way." Kelly gasped in surprise. "That can't be. I saw how happy you guys were last year when we had that Valentine's Day Trip in Aruba. You mean to tell me you didn't have sex that whole trip?"

Alyson shrugged, "let's just say, my act of happiness has improved lately." She had to bite her lip, to keep in her tears.

She loved Evan but the fact that they haven't been sleeping together and he hasn't been complaining worries her.

"Another woman," her breath hitched.

"What?" Kelly asked.

"Another woman, do you think there could be another woman?"

Kelly stood up, walked around the coffee table and sat next to her. "Of course not, honey. I know Evan and he's anything but a cheater. Besides I would know, Rick would have told me." 

She pulled Alyson into a hug and suddenly got an idea.

"Rick, I can talk to Rick, and tell him to talk to Evan."

"No, no," Alyson pulled out of the hug. "Don't, Evan will get upset and things between us will only get worse."

"Well, you can't just throw this on me and expect me not to do anything," Kelly's eyebrows furrowed.

"You being here is enough, Kell," Alyson took ahold of her hands. "You let me confide in you and that's good enough for me."

"No, it's not. As your best friend, I'm obligated to help and I know just the thing," Kelly's lips curved into a smile.

"And that is?"

Kelly stood up and grabbed her purse, "I'm not telling, I will give it to you tonight at the party."

Alyson stood, watching the blonde put on her shades. "Give me what? Kelly, what are you planning?"

"Something that's going to put a spark back in your marriage," Kelly kissed her in the cheek. "Love you, darling. I'll see you tonight at the party."


"Bye, Aly," The blonde left Ally standing there in utter confusion and wonder. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

* * * * * * * * * * 

As she stared at her reflection and adjusted the gold watch on her rest, Alyson heard an annoyed groan. She looked behind herself to see Evan looking into his own mirror on the other side of their walk-in closet. As always, he was failing at tying his tie.

Alyson smirked and walked over to him. 

"Why don't you just ask for help?" she stood in front of him.

"I got it," he tried to insist.

Alyson slapped his hands away, "no you don't. You never do."

He sighed, sweat beaming down the side of his forehead.

"Nervous?" She asked him.

"You would think I would be used to these investment parties by now," he shook his head.

Alyson looked up at him, grinning. "Tell me about it. You can't see it but I'm on edge."

This made him snicker slightly at the fact Alyson was always able to hide how she really felt. It strained their relationship in the beginning until Alyson eventually opened up to him.

"There you go," Alyson smoothed out his tie as she looked into his blue eyes.

"Thanks," he eyed the tie in amazement.

He never understood how Alyson was an expert on doing such a difficult task. He was so busy fidgeting with the tie, he didn't even notice his wife looking at him with so much love in her eyes.

As calm as the sky before the storm, but as wild as the sea during one. Those were his eyes. As bright as sapphires, but as dull as the baby blue of a newborn's room.

When Alyson met him, she had just gone through a very bad break up. Being the dramatic young girl that she was, she thought it would be a long time before she started dating again but it wasn't until she saw his blue eyes, that she changed her mind.

"I love you," she said without even thinking nor did she hesitate.

"I love you too," he gave her a small smile and patted her shoulder. "You ready to head downstairs?"

She nodded, checking her hair in the mirror one more time.

As soon as the two exited their bedroom, Evan took a hold of her hand. Their guest erupted in applause when they arrived at the top of the staircase.

Just like Evan and Alyson, the wealthy guest was just as dressed to impressed; expensive gowns and tuxes from the latest expensive brands covered the body of every single person. Lights flashed from the hired professional photographer's cameras; they snapped pictures left from right.

Alyson couldn't help but smile at how many people admired and supported her husband.

"Welcome," Evan smiled as the two made their way down the steps. "Thank you all for celebrating yet another great investment with me." 

They stopped at the end of the stairs, the guest giving them their full attention.

"As always these parties are not just to celebrate my success but my business partner as well. This investment couldn't be done without the CEO of The Beacon Council Economic Development Partnership, Eric Felder."

Evan pointed to the older gray-haired man, who waved as everyone clapped for him. 

As the applause died down, Evan looked at Alyson, "anything you want to say, honey?"

Everyone looked at her and she flashed her dazzling smile. 

"All I can say is thank you for celebrating with us and make yourself at home."

Another applause erupted for the end of the couple's speech and the two turned to the cameras beginning to take more pictures.

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