The Tale of a Thousand Lies V...

By DaimonAkatsuki

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After the series of events which led to his life, from an average normal guy, into a war hero where he had qu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

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By DaimonAkatsuki

7 months after their last mission, they went to japan to stay for a while.

"hey yukiko, what did happen after that talk show with rod?" kaori was asking yukiko when they were washing the dishes

It was still about 8am in the morning when all of them finished breakfast together and left.

That time, rod had bought a house on the outskirts of okayama, japan to live with the girls.

"ahh.. that talk show was one of my favorites about our husband. He just said it straight to their faces which led them to just shut up. Hah!" yukiko said smiling

"yes, I know. It even struck me hard. But what really happened after that?"

"well, you always see it in the news right? rallies going on in government buildings requesting for withheld information. Rallies just outside the company. Many people being given the answers to rods book. Other people now trying what rod has tried and even making their own flying tools. They even dare try to kidnap all of us. Im just glad rod was able to notify the president and they prepared for the worst."

"oh yeah, we were also being kidnapped by terrorists right?"

"yes. and since they didn't know whats on rods mind, they agreed to the trade off for the designs of project iron heart."

"hmm.. I think that rod might have let the terrorists go after they got what they wanted and let us go."

"and after that?"

"after that, president dutuer cut all negotiation attempts with the terrorists and declared martial law to the whole Philippines."

"so that was why—"

"nope. Rod still helped with the situation by just protecting his home town and rescuing other civilians during the increasing fight between terrorists and the government. Rod even killed some terrorists himself as they try to act as civilians and almost doing jihad"

"what really has that country gotten into..hahh.."

"for me, im just glad that were safe and that rod is there protecting us."

they then transferred to the living room to continue their chat.

"oh yeah, didn't rod give the Egyptian president the map of the underground tunnels?" kaori

"yes. its not really on the news so it means that they are seriously protecting it."

"and what did the other world leaders say to rod again?"

"that he has done a great job at his responsibility to warn the public. Its now their duty to protect their respective countries from the new incoming threat of energy weapons. And that they all left other people to their devices and go as they please to those places rod has gone through."

"oh yeah, we still haven't been sent with the video of rods survival in the wild."

"about that, rod just uploaded it to the internet after he received it saying to try it if they can. After the African president saw the post, he just laughed at it saying that this would seriously lead the African jungles in danger, or the people themselves will be in danger of the animals."

"about that, I just saw in the news maybe the other day that an idiot just tried to imitate rod surviving in the jungle but got caught in animal rampage."

"really? That did happen? I wish I should have seen it. the look on the victims faces as they try to do the impossible."

"but rod did it right? so why cant they?"

"that time, the animals might have some respect for rod as he was helping the animals from poachers."

"that does sound farfetched."

"yes it does, either way, rod would have found another way to survive in the jungle."

"why would you place so much trust in rod? though I trust him, I feel that its not the same as yours yukiko."

"yes. I trust him with my life ever since he saved me from the forest of death. And since that day, I haven't regretted my decision staying beside him now and forever."

"I very envious of you for feeling like that yukiko."

"he also saved you right? from your coma."

"back then, I didn't also know what to do as everything was very sudden to me. Though I do feel very thankful for the life he has given me."

"then stay that way kaori. You also love him for the way he is don't you?"

"yes. he is kind, gentle, caring, and smart. Maybe if I could search for another one like him, there would be a very slim chance I might meet another one like him."

"that's what we all felt kaori which is why we all agreed to stay by his side forever. Besides, you already have a son with him. Don't you feel the responsibility for that?"

"yes I do. And its also the first time that someone has given me a family other than my dead father. Im very thankful of rod."

"hmm.. that's the spirit.." yukiko then nodded at the sentiment. "for a month ago, I was also surprised by his sudden decision for us to stay in japan."

"why was that again?"

"there were multiple reasons actually. One was that he was tired of all the killing and the rescuing for now. Another was that some idiots all over the globe comes in front of all his companies trying to rally for what rod had done to the world, that they blame rod for it all the way."

"hahh.. if only they could see past their own pride." Kaori then does a face palm

"yes, I definitely feel you on that. They really didn't think for themselves what rod meant that time by ignorance is bliss."

"rod said this once, on the first day when martial law was passed that he also remembers about one of the Philippines history about people power. That people power are the gathering of all kinds of people against a tyrant."

"but he also said that time that with their rallying right now, their doing people power but nowadays, its just a gathering of stupid people and some intellectuals against a belief they believed to be bad."

"hmm.. that does sound informative."

"yes it is. which is also part of why he moved us up here for a while. While the old men or the board of directors run the whole company for now."

"I also remember him saying that—"

"all you old guys ever do is just sit down and brag while we do the work. Why don't you do it for a while while taking a beating at those people down there." Both girls then giggled

"even sheryls dad was impressed as he is one of the stock holders of the company." Kaori

Then one of the babies cried.

"oh.. let me get the baby for now." kaori said as she stood up


After a few minutes, kaori came back to see yukiko watching TV tuning on the news as it covers only the local news.

"I much more like it here, its much peaceful." Kaori said holding one of the babies

"yeah, me too."

"so how are your studies going yukiko?"

"what are you talking about? We studied it together right?"

"yes but you're the one who studied most than the both of us."

"true.. though it would hurt with you helping me as well with that kaori. Studying ancient languages that is."

"o-okay. I will do my best."

"ever since rod came back from their last mission in Egypt, rod really asked me to study ancient languages and how to read them. Its even rarely on the internet you know!"

"at least he has contacts now in the US and in Egypt to borrow some books for you."

"im glad and all but aside from researching about shaman rituals and chemistry, studying ancient languages too would be a hurdle. You know right?" she said as kaori sits beside her again

"beats me, I kinda like studying. Its like my second nature now."

"good for you. Maybe im just stressed out over the responsibility that rod gave to me."

"and where might the other girls be again?"

"didn't you listen to our meeting last night?"

"I was but these babies really shake off my concentration you know." Kaori said as she breast feeds the child

"hmm.. alright then. Currently, Stacey is off to a university so that she can ask the professors for a tour of the research facilities and ask for a copy of their research if possible. Maria is currently managing the assault team with their training with the dojo along sideflores. Sheryl is as always, off to make more investors."

"oh yeah, I remember rod enrolling the whole team to train with aikido and kendo as their first step towards rehabilitation. Now that's harsh I tell you."

"haha. True, but I think rod has a lot in mind when he enrolled them there. Don't worry, flores ad maria are managing the whole team well while our darling is off to also study aikido and black smithing."

"why did he decide to enroll for balcksmithing again?"

"he said that its so that he wont be ignorant in the process of forging and making armor. That he would help with the production if possible."

"that's our rod, always willing to help what he can help."

"always willing to help huh.." yukiko gazed in the ceiling thinking

"i-I mean maybe only helping us and the entire family now."
"y-your right. what the hell am I thinking about when we already are having our second child."

"y-yes, that's right. we even told rod last last month about it."

"he has already fulfilled his duties to the world by warning them all of the dangers. Now hes duty is with the family and with the company."

"ever since the talk show, we can always see him in the office and back at home. Im really glad that his duty to the world is now over."

"and now comes his job as the captain of the origami and as the leader of the assault team."

"seriously yukiko, you shouldn't always think of negative thoughts. Its very bad for the baby."

"s-sorry about that. Its just that he is still participating sometimes in rescue work and comes home all scathed or has ash on his face."

"I know right? though its only sometimes that he does that."

"only when he feels like getting out of the office once in a while actually."

"though he would always let the assault team handle all the rescue work most of the time when he is at the office."

The door then unlocked and the two girls noticed it and goes to the hallway to see who has come home.

"hi Sheryl! How was your day?" yukiko said as Sheryl was taking off her shoes still wearing her business attire

"all good. We now have more investors to invest for the company."

"that's what will you do now?"

"maybe I will take a bath. Even in here, its still a bit hot." Sheryl said as she fans herself and goes directly to the stairs

"okay then."

Then one of the babies cried.

"oh.. just when I just came home." Sheryl

"don't worry, I will get the baby." Yukiko

"thanks." Sheryl then goes up to her room to take a bath

After yukiko gets the other baby, she and kaori then goes back to the living room to watch TV. After a few minutes, it was now almost noon and the door again opens up where both yukiko and kaori has gone to the hall way once more to see who it was.

"hi flores! Maria! How is your day both of you?" yukiko

"were just great.." flores said as they take of their shoes

"whew! Finally out of that place filled with foul stenches!" maria said wiping her head

"it was you who agreed to help me with them.." flores

"I did say that which im now regretting for a bit, but its true that I wanted to help." Maria

"yes yes.." flores said smiling as she goes to the living room

"i-I think that im going for a bath. Just waiting at the side of the dojo really gave me a sweat." Maria said as she heads straight to the stairs

"oh yeah.. Sheryl is still probably in the bath right now.."kaori said at the side

"o-oh.. then I will go in with her." Maria then goes up

"haha..shes probably very tired right now." kaori

"probably yes. so whats new in the news?" flores said as she sits on the chair at the side of the couch

"oh.. nothing new actually. Just the same old news with stupid people going after rods footsteps." Yukiko

"oh.. so its still the same as always huh.. any news on the Philippines?" flores

"nope. The company is keeping quiet for now." yukiko

"maybe they are letting us enjoy our stay here in japan." Kaori

"maybe, I don't know. Who knows what those old men are all up to with the company." Flores

"you said that right. though I feel that we better get back if possible to see how the company is doing." Yukiko

"maybe you just missed work.. didn't you remember that were also here so that we can give birth in peace? And so that you can focus on your studies?" flores

"yes yes.. I remember.." yukiko said before she goes to the babies room to lay down the baby

"hmm.. I think I would start making lunch.." kaori

"okay. I will just be here resting then. Though I would agree with maria, its really tiring to just sit at the side just waiting for the team to finish with training." Flores said as she transfers to the couch to lie down.

After a few minutes later, another one opens the door. By then, yukiko was busy taking care of the babies while kaori was making lunch, and Sheryl then comes down the stairs fresh from the bath.

"oh.. hi Stacey! How was you day?" Sheryl said as she came down the stairs as she was drying her hair

"just fine. I finally got all the research materials that I wanted." Stacey joyfully smiles as she touches her sling bag

"I see."

"where is everyone else?"

"why don't we go to the living room then?"

They then go to the living room where they saw flores in the couch and kaori making lunch. Sheryl then sat at the chair at the side of the couch still drying her hair.

"where is yukiko anyways?" Stacey

"probably studying while taking care of the babies." Sheryl

"o-oh.." Stacey said as she sits on the chair opposite to Sheryl

"so what kind of research did you copy?" sheryl

"about robotics and machinery. Rod would be so pleased with this." Stacey

"i see. though he will also be pleased for what he will hear with my work for the day." Sheryl

"okay then. Man im tired from all the heat and walking." Stacey then relaxed more at the chair

Sheryl then sighed at the carefree life that they are all having now.

"I wonder when will we get back."

"worried about the company?" stacey

"yes. those old men might not properly do their jobs there."

"your really a hard worker Sheryl. Though you could also use some time to relax."

"really? Your not that worried about the company at all?"

"we already got rod, and the babies here, and this country is also at peace and complete with everything we need. What more would you want?"

"your really getting carefree in here Stacey, or maybe all of you. Hahh.." Sheryl sighed "though I agree with you." Sheryl then touched her belly

Stacey then smiled on her seat. "that's right. its all for the future. They are still about 5 months old you know." Stacey also touched hers as well.

"lunch is ready girls!" kaori was now done with preparing lunch and with the table as she also listens to their conversation

"yes! lunch is ready!" Stacey then stood to wake up flores

"hmm.. I guess this peace isn't so bad after all, if they are involved." Sheryl said as she touches her belly

All of the girls was then ready at the table after a few minutes when the door opened again. They all then took a peek at the door to see rod placing 2 samurai swords at the side, still wearing the same old tshirt and jeans.

"hey girls! how are you all today?"

"just fine rod. anyways, what is that?" sheryl

"my work. The guys at the shop let me keep it as a momento of what I made."

"ohh..soits your masterpiece then." Kaori

"yes. though that's not all they let me keep."

Rod then opens the door for them to find a silver samurai armor just right behind the door.

"you made all this?!" yukiko

"yup." Rod said with a smile

"so your also going to take that back home with us right?" maria

"yes. let me first get this armor to the backyard where I can get this into the house."

"okay. We will wait for you at the table." Kaori

Rod then got outside to lift the armor set towards the backyard and into the living room before he sat at the table.

"so, how was your day girls?" rod said after they said they prayers

All of them went off all at the same time.

"whoa.. one by one girls please."

The girls then faced each other and does a rock paper scissors to determine who will go first.

"ehem.. for me, I just did it rod! I was able to make hyonda one of our investors rod!" Sheryl

"whoa!!! That's amazing!!" rod said as the girls were all very glad about the great news

"whatsmore.. they would also send some of their engineers back with us when we go back to also help with our engineers."

"that's great Sheryl! As expected from my girl." After that, rod covered his mouth from what he just said

"if that's the case, we wont lose either. Time for me and flores." Maria

Flores nodded "our news is that the assault team has just completed their training really ahead of time. Whats more, me and maria also learned aikido from the masters themselves."

"whoa.. wont you like.."

"don't worry. We didn't strain ourselves too much if that's what your asking." Flores

"I even tutored the children in the dojo which also made the masters grateful." Maria

"that's great maria! Flores! You girls have really progressed very much!"

"oh! Time for me!" yukiko

"o-okay then."

"for me, I just finished reading all about Egyptology and now maybe able to ready ancient Egyptian." Yukiko

"wow..thanksyukiko for granting my request. Im sure to catch up later."

"don't worry about that rod, I will also have koari helping me with the translations as well." yukiko

"well that's great! You two will make a fine team."

"really?" kaori


"though don't ever slow me down alright kaori." yukiko

"you got it!" kaori

"and how are our future heroes?"

"the babies are all doing just fine. We will all feed them later after this." yukiko

"I see."

"its my turn now!" Stacey

"okay then. Whats your news Stacey?" yukiko

By the time of staceys turn, they were almost finished with lunch.

"I finally have a copy of the research about robotics and machinery from the Japanese research institute of technology! And whats more, they also agreed sending a specialist along with us when we get back home."

"hmm.. that's great news too Stacey! Im glad I could count on you with that."

"research is my specialty of course, so I had no problem with making friends with other scientists." Stacey

"now that's great! With all this, our company can now expand at a great pace. The president will be proud when he hears all of this as well."

"hmm..whats the president got to do with this?" Sheryl

"that's my part of the news."

"lets all hear it then." Stacey

"aside from the guys teaching me blacksmithing and I completed the armor and 2 swords after a few days, I always forget to tell you girls that the Philippine president always call me to request for assistance with rescue efforts all over the globe requesting for me. So after his call today, I explained to him about our decision to stay here for now so to give a peaceful birth to our children. And because we also needed more investors at this time which is why we are in japan, he also agreed to being one of our investors just so that even if only I could return back to the country."

"what the hell is really happening to this world.. like really though." The girls made a face palm at the fact

"why cant they just leave us in peace?" kaori

"that's the people for you. Even after they have read through rods book and watched rods videos, they just go ahead still do stupid things." Stacey

"well, that's pride for you. The most hardest thing to get out of our system." Yukiko

"well, I cant blame them since we all still have our pride after all." Maria

"if only they could just realize their own stupidity." Flores

"just because rod can do it, so why cant they? Right?" kaori

"yes. the situation might be getting worse for each country." Flores

"so why isn't it showing in japan?" kaori

"well, it is.. I saw it.. but not for that long." Yukiko

"they must be doing it on purpose so that their citizens would not worry about the situation of the world." Maria

"hahh.. whatever the case, the whole world needs us again. And even how reluctant we are, we have no choice."

"we? What about your children rod?" kaori

"I will also protect them along with all of you."

"so your deciding to return to the chaos again?" yukiko

"yes. if its just to rescue people from their stupidity."

"hmm.. why would you risk your life again for them?" maria

"I wont. Though only through special occasions I will. Im the captain of the origami after all." Rod said smiling

"hahh.. what can we ever do just to have peace in our lives." Sheryl said as the girls all nodded

"your all coming with me. After all, I really hate long distance relationships."

"what happened to the original plan of peace for child birth?" yukiko

"I will see what I can do with president dutuer. Because maybe the situation might not be as bad as it seems."

"okay then. I hope so too, for our futures sake." Sheryl

"imfull.. if you will need me, I will be with the babies." Rod said as he stood up and walked towards the babies room where all of them just woke up.

The girls were smiling at the scene as rod was playing with the babies and they understood again how precious they all are to him.


"hello president dutuer"

"hello rod. don't just call me out of nowhere. Im still busy overlooking the military."

"if I say yes, would my work just be rescuing people?"

"no. I would have your people participate in the fight since its your weapons that has caused us problems in the battlefield."

"mr president, its really easy to handle the situation. We already rescued over 100% of the civilians all over Mindanao. What more would you really need?"

"our military cant handle that much on their new weapons—"

"the ones that blow up upon contact right?"

"yes, that one."

"im sure that those were from other terrorist groups while they only took our design for project iron heart."

"yes, I know that. But its your responsibility right to handle the situation that you created?"

"was it I who created the situation in the first place? Anyways, I have already done what I can to contain the situation. And im not even allowed to just bomb the whole south of Mindanao right?"

"are you crazy?! Bomb the whole south of Mindanao?! As if they would allow that!"

"then what else can I do aside from fighting?"

"if possible, I would really like to have you in here fighting on the front lines with your armored men."

"you know, even though they are in armor doesn't mean they wouldn't feel pain and get wounds from bombs and bullets."

"arghh!! So why the hell wouldn't you help your country then?!"

"sir, with all due respect, I really value my life and if possible, I would like to be with my family for the rest of my life. This isn't world war 3 you know."

"I know and respect your decision on that. But good men are dying here at a faster pace than they are!"
"that shouldn't be possible since making project iron heart would seriously need the proper facility and the proper equipment and marterials. In short, its also a delicate operation."

"I don't know but the terrorists are all getting the upper hand here!"

"what about the other world leaders? Do you have intel on the activities on the triads, cartel, mafia, the other yakuzas, and the other terrorists?"

"whats that got to do with our situation right now?"

"I feel that it has something to do with their current activities right now."

"you mean the black market? that shouldn't be."

"did the other countries try their best at hunting down the rest of the mafia that time? Or hunt down terrorists from Iraq or something?"

"I don't know about that since its now their own country. But what I do know is that I have intel that evil organizations in the Philippines are on the move or something and we don't know what."

"hahh.. the world is already starting to crumble and I can feel it."

"hahh.. hey rod, about the situation with project atlantis from before, once again im very sorry for that. If it weren't for them, we—"

"nope. Not just that mr president. Since I also included in my possibilities of an inside job within the military that might leak info to the outside about this."

"so from the start you also decided it was useless that the military would keep the secret?"

"no. even if that possibility is not true, there is still one possibility that those generals might get ahead of themselves with making us or they would make new weapons for the fragile reason of security."


"with great power comes with great responsibility. With too much power, one would drown from that power and corrupt even their souls. And every sin is an instigator of everything. You got all that mr president?"

"hahh..fine.. but I still need you here on the front lines if that's possible."

"impossible mr president. Those old geezers in the government probably said to just request for me on the front lines since they wont ever approve my plan for clean up."

"if you knew that, why wont you still help me?! Were friends right?"

"hahh.. we are. but there is another way to solve this aside from just bombing the whole place."

"what is it? Im all ears."

"just cut ties with muslim countries and drive out all the muslims from the country."

"what?! That's your—"

"its all because they are also using that as a disguise so that they can transport more arms to the Philippines as well as more men from abroad. You know, terrorism is more worse than illegal recruitments and illegal migrates because they will also transport drugs in here."

"I know about that! To tell you the truth, I have even thought about it and found it inhumane."

"me too. But it's the only way left to end the war there in Mindanao right? since im guessing the war is now reaching up to northern Mindanao as well."

"good guess. Yes, it has now gone that bad and if it continues, they will now have complete control over Mindanao."

"so why not just make the same weapons as them mr president?"

"its totally not in our budget right now. arghhh.." dutuer then scorned

"hahh.. even if we decide to send our forces into the front lines, even with armor, it doesn't mean that they wont get hurt with each hit of a bullet or each bomb blast. It will still leave us back to square one."

"hahh.. your right. I really thought that they could withstand the barrage of attacks on all sides while maintaining air supremacy."

"that's a good strategy there, but it doesn't mean that my men are invincible. All the options are right before you mr president. Its just up to you on how to proceed."


"but here is the good news. We can accept rescue missions if you want. Though if possible, we would like it after the girls give birth."

"really? How long is it now since they got pregnant?"

"its now 5 months sir."

"damn it! Still a lot more months to go. You know, I was in a meeting with the other world leaders and they would also now request for your help. You now got many official requests from us directly rod."

"cant they just wait until they give birth?"

"hahh.. I will try to convince them. But wont you reconsider about my request in sending more men in the battlefield?"

"you know my motto right? I leave no man behind which is why im only on rescue duty.. hahh.."

"a-alright.. I was really hoping you could help me with this. Those old geezers just wont stay quiet unless they could have you doing the job."

"then tell them what we have discussed right now. My decision remains firm on this."

"okay then. You have my word that I will try and convince them only for a later date."

"thank you mr president."


As rod hangs up on the phone as he was calling the president on the bedroom by the window, he sighs as he thought of the world going haywire.

*ring*rods phone rang


"hello rod. I have an urgent request for you right now."

"what is it now mr president?"

"there is now a rumor all around japan that you have now stayed here, is this true?"

"yes, for now. I just got tired of all the fighting and stuff."

"I see. so would you like to accept my request?"

"what is it mr president?"

"I received intel that there are now many foreigners in tokyo right now that are currently searching for you. Although some might have gone to akihabara, but the only thing is that all ofthem aren't buying anything at all and just wandering off everywhere asking everyone for you."

"hahh.. they have already come here huh.."

"yes. this is really disturbing many citizens since most of them also came to the diet building submitting request for information about you."

"who could have spread those rumors..hahh.."

"we can only hide you for so long since the reason for all of their request is so that you can say to them information regarding hidden treasures. They are even paying big money just to tell your current position"

"so this is their move huh."

"yes. many of them are really invading most of the countrys industries. And I haven't also told anyone else but the rate of disappearances of children in the country has increased just recently."

"what? They even have gone that far?"

"there is currently movement in the black market right now. I—"

"I kinda have a feeling on what they really want. They really want the designs of all my companys inventions. The treasure thing is just a cover up though some might be aiming for that. And since they got word that I was in japan, they all try to confirm if I am truly here."

"if you knew that, why would you still hide from them?"

"we just want one thing, peace. You already know about my wives right?"

"yes. but we cant really hold them for much longer."

"ever since president dutuer made martial law, inspections there has become more hard which made going in and out of the Philippines hard for foreigners."

"and there is also the situation in Mindanao. You—"

"there is definitely nothing that I can do with Mindanao sir. No matter how well protected my men are, they can still feel pain and what if they get captured? It still doesn't solve anything."

" guessing you have already talked with president dutuer."

"yes, I just have. I have already done everything I could to solve the problem so the only thing left is for president dutuer to decide whats best for the country."

"hahh.. anyway, we really need to do something about the growing problem with foreigners in the country."

"you know, some of them are probably cartel or mafia. They really want the designs so that they can change the world by their own hands."

"if you already predicted that much, why haven't you moved yet?"

"we really wanted to live in peace for now. that is our only wish as I have already fulfilled my part for the world."

"yes, you definitely have. I have already read your book and it was a good book. They should have already been warned from your book alone yet you have also gone your way to warn them a second time. So I respect your decision in staying in japan."

"so can you hold out until then?"

"probably not. Like I said, most of them are seriously paying big money just so that they can have you in their hands."

"okay then mr president. We will think about it and we will let you know soon."

"thank you mr rod. so I now need you to do one more thing."

"yes, what is it?"

"please save one of our idols from falling over the Tokyo tower. I really don't know her aim but she is not responding to the calls of the police to come down."

"did you—"

"yes. we searched her profile and it was normal. So the only thing left would be—"

"to lure me out huh.. they have really gone far enough. Don't worry, we will decide something soon."

"I see. normally, we wouldn't bother you but since she also said if she doesn't bring out rod mason, her family will.."

"hahh.. just as I thought."

"can you help her then?"

"let us think first."

"okay then."

Rod then hangs up the phone and gone towards the bed where the girls in their night gowns are currently waiting for him.

"so im guessing it was bad huh." Sheryl

"yes. its very bad news."

"hahh..lets hear it.." Stacey

Rod then got to the bed so that the girls can all gather to him.

"the world is now catching up to where I am. And with this, im burdening you all." Rod said with a sad face

"no you aren't. you have already done so much for us that makes us happy a thousand times over." Kaori said and the girls smiled at rod

"but I really wanted for us to live in peace. Why cant the world just leave us alone?"

"this is really what happens when you enter this world as a worlds hero." Flores

"hey! Hes our hero you know, not anyones." Yukiko

"s-sorry. Its just that people—" flores

"I know. Even if I already gave them the memory of ghandi and king Gilgamesh, they would still perceive it as something else. Like its my destiny or something."

"well then.. how about we run away again?" maria

"seriously? Like this would probably be the only country in the world that would be able to hide rod and live in peace." Yukiko

"hmm.. I think that would be a great idea maria." Stacey

"what?! How do you suppose we run away?" Sheryl

"where no one can catch us.. in the skies." Stacey


"now now girls.. we all need to decide now whether to accept the request or not since the japanese government is starting to get problems with their visits."

"their visits?" maria

Rod then explained everything to them.

"I have thought of something like this, but it certainly have surpassed my expectations. " Sheryl

"so what should we do now?" kaori

"we follow marias idea.. we fly.." rod said with a smile

The girls then nodded in agreement with the plan.

"are you sure girls?"

"we are all with you all the way rod. you laid down your life for us now we would also lay down ours for you and the future." Yukiko

"oh.. cool.." stacey said smiling

"alright then. Let the plan commence now."

They all stood up from their bed and changed. They then called all of the assault team which hasn't yet slept for the plan.

It was already 9pm at the top of the Tokyo tower and it is now way past the time arrangement to release her parents.

"miss.. please do come down here."

"you cant stop me officers! If I don't let him show up, they will seriously kill my family!"

"who are they? We will all help you miss!"

"my work as an idol is over now! If it wasn't for rod mason being here, they would still be free from them!"

"like we said.. who are they?!" the officers all try to come near her

"I cant tell you that! Please don't come closer or else i will jump! Even if hes not yet here!" she then steps back for a bit

"please stop this at once! This isn't the way!"

"it's the only way! And you all cant stop them! Ever since rod made that stupid book!"

"please stop blaming others and come here! we will help you!" the officer tries to go near her again

"don't come ne—" as she step backwards one more time, she accidentally slipped which made her fall

Then from the skies came rod rushing in at full speed with his armor.

"are you alright?" rod said as he carries the girl in his arms

"s-so its true! Your really here in japan!"

"true, im in japan right now. Though I don't plan to stay for long. Im very sorry for all the stupid people who just comes for me."

"if it wasn't for your book!" she then pounded rod in the chest as he descend to the ground where the media were waiting

"why wont you answer me!? If it wasn't—" she was about to slap him in his helmet when he hugged her

"im very sorry for what happened. Please do forgive me."

After that, all that she could do was cry. Then rod took off his helmet.

"rod mason! You saved her life! What can you say to the world?!"

"you know, I came so that I can relax from all the fighting and the nonsense requests that people would give me everyday. And here I am trying to live a peaceful life so that my company over there can also function properly without the security and rescue agencies for a while. "

"what do you really mean by that rod? do you hate the people now?"

"no. it's the people who hates me for being too cocky.. well FYI.. don't push the blame on me.. if it wasn't for my book, all this wouldn't have happened. But if it wasn't for peoples foolishness first that book wouldn't have been written!"

"why are you comp—" rod then grabs the microphone

"I just received word that many foreigners came to mess up japans industries just to bring me out of hiding. Well guess what! Im here! and I have a message for you fools! You will request me for many things and even rally in front of my own house day after day that I should go to jail or something! Aren't your brains smaller than everybody else? Cause everybody else really understands my words better than you! Don't you all get it?! I want you all to think of what I meant by ignorance is bliss! Reflect on your own actions if it's the right thing to do or not! You request me to make weapons? To go into those dangerous places again so that I can just play? What am I? stupid? To hell with those nonsense requests! Look now at what happened and think of what will happen once they would be in control of your lives! Those stupid people who got nothing better to do with their lives rather than ruin everyone elses! This girl, no matter who she is, is still a human. A human which I saved because of all your stupid actions. If you really think you can control whatever you want, then your wrong. Do you all see that most intellectuals already understood my words? Though some are also with you only because they are threatened or forced to your kind of understanding."

"please give me back my mic.." the reporter keeps telling rod at the side

"sorry my lady, but I still have business to attend to with your mic and cameraman." Rod said looking at the reporter "I want to impart with you my sayings from my book. With great power comes with great responsibility. If one would have all the power, they might drown from all that power. Sin is the instigator to everything! And ignorance is bliss! I want you all to really think! Don't you guys have brains?! Or are you no different from the zombies that I have killed just to save millions of lives?!"

Rod then gave the mic back to the reporter before he ran backwards and flew away upwards where the origami just arrived up in the skies.

"w-what is that?!"

"I know that thing, from all the videos that me and my friends always watch. It's the origami, the carrier for rod masons team." The girl wiped her tears and began to realize that he wasn't as bad as everyone says

"this is live now from tokyo tower where rod mason just flew back towards the origami, or the carrier or whatever. The rumors were actually true! That rod mason was here in japan! Did he just disappear from the world? We don't know. But now hes back! What else does he have in plan now?"

The girl just stood there as she watched the origami up in the sky, ascend towards the clouds.

In the Philippines, they have returned once more so that they could check on the company where they got another request for an interview session.

"thank you again for being here rod mason."

Rod was invited by a different show for an interview in manila where the same as always, he just wears tshirt and jeans.

"I can at least accept this kind of offer though."

"hmm.. I see your still with your bodyguards. Why is that really?"

"you can never tell what kind of idiot would just barge in just so that they can have what I know."

"oh.. so your still keeping secrets to the public. Can you ever tell us those—"

"nope. Never. I have already given the public so many clues just for them to figure out. So many warnings, wisdom, and even helped them with some research."

"why just give them clues when you can just help them like everyone else?"

"do you really think I gain all this just like that?" rod then made a gesture "no! I earned all of it! So they all should also earn their way through the trials that they will face."

"but you have already accomplished those trials, why cant others do it as well?"

"like I said before. Do you think nature is really that forgiving? I already showed all of you all the clues on what lies in there. If you still think that nature is doing some kind of favoritism, that is definitely not it."

"so what really makes you special then rod mason?"

"there is really nothing special about me since im just a human like everyone else."

"then why were you granted access to those places when others were being thrown away from the challenge?"

"you also think it's a challenge huh. A trial is very different from a challenge. A challenge is where you can compete against others which are more or equal to you. A trial is where you are tested to you limits in order to earn you way through that life and death experience."

"then what really makes you special? That's on everybodys minds right now. ever since you have shown videos of your adventures, everyone is just aching to try it."

"hmm.. if they want to try it, then they can always go for it, whats stopping you?! I have already warned you all about twice already. I gave you a clue to the warnings in my book and the second time are my videos. If you have seen my videos, you should have been afraid whereas fools would take warnings as a challenge."

"r-really? That was really shown in there?"

"yes. even camellia had also declared a clear warning when she did an MC on the videos."

"so only those who didn't get the warnings in the book—"

"and in the videos are the real idiots here."

"you know, I really think no one is an idiot. They are just misguided souls."

"yes, true. If they know, then they are not idiots. Do you get what I mean?"

"u-um.. like seriously? Its just that simple?"

"yes. naturally, wisdom is really simple in form. Since it only entails both common sense and knowledge all together."

"you know, that just enlightened me. So if they would have the knowledge, they would be wise enough to do what is right."

"I see. but considering the situation right now, aren't you concerned for your family?"

"yes im concerned. There was even once that my family was being threatened so that I could give the designs for project iron heart."

"w-we haven't heard of this before!"

"it was never brought up in the news after all. And since then, they are all with bodyguards granted by the president himself."

"since if your family would get caught by some idiots if we would call them, then the whole world would be at stake right?"

"its already way past that. Although I cant tell you the current balance of power of the world right now, I can definitely tell you that its headed for destruction all because of those men who really wants everything for themselves."

"what do you mean by that?"

"you know, during the last month that I stayed in japan.."

"you stayed in japan? Why?"

"just listen... ehem.. during that time, japan was being slowly invaded by many foreign rich guys who might have heard rumors that I was there. Threatening their industry from the inside all just to maybe search for the secrets that I have."

"j-just what kind of secrets do you have rod? cant you just tell us so that it will be over with?"

"yes I can tell, but I have a responsibility to keep in guarding those secrets. and didn't I tell you? I already left clues in both my book and in my videos. Its now up to you guys to earn you way to prove that im wrong or right."

"I see. so you're a very responsible guy, I like that."

"thank you."

"currently, the Philippines is at a very dangerous spot right now."

"yes, I know. Men with dangerous ideals came to ruin the country and has gotten hold of energy weapons."

"what?! We didn't know that?!"

"yes, normally you wouldn't. I bet president dutuer is pissed right now but im telling this so that the public will be warned. The senate probably thought that in order to keep the peace, they must never know. But its quite the opposite actually, because they don't know which is why more people gets killed everyday just so they could go back there."

"h-how dreadful the situation is right now. what would you do about the situation there?"

"the president has already asked for my services before but as we are only a rescue team, we don't do battle in the front lines. Anyways, you can always ask the details from the president himself."

"that's the problem rod, we just couldn't get hold of the president right now and he keeps rejecting our offer right now."

"hes just busy, that's all. And how would he spend time when he has already warned everyone and done everything possible in his power. Yet some doesn't even listen." Rod said as he made a gesture

"a-alright then. But as a rescue unit, how can you contribute to the situation right now?"

"we have already done our part actually. We have already helped evacuate about 90% of the total population in all of south Mindanao."

"then what is left for you to contribute?"

"if you will ask the president, he might tell you. Since we have already talked about it over the phone one time."

"really? Cant you just tell it now?"

"nope. I maybe pressuring the president right now, but only he has the power to make that decision and never me. I just gave him a suggestion, that's all."

"so your close friends with the president?"

"were friends, yes. I don't know if were close because we haven't invited each other to private dinners and stuff or talk about personal feelings and something like that."

"o-oh.. I see. so how can you explain the current situation of the world right now?"

"now that's a broad question there filled with both confidential material and facts."

"o-okay then. Lets just narrow it down shall we? Ehem.. umm.." the interviewer was almost running out of questions to ask rod

"hahh.. isn't my team invincible and stuff?"

"t-that's it! Hey.. don't just state the question. Its as if were reading a script here." The interviewer pouted

"sorry about that. Though I just wanted to help. Anyways, they are not. Even though the armor is tough, the person inside it are still human after all."

"so why didn't you design it for full protection then?"

"if we did that, it would decrease maneuverability by a lot. I need my rescue team to be as flexible as possible."

"that wont matter in a fight if the armor cant—"

"as I have said, we are a rescue unit or team so we cant and wont go to any battlefield." Rod said massaging his eyebrows

"o-okay. Hmm.. since you have posted videos online, lets also see their questions as well."


The interviewer then viewed her tablet to see the questions posted by the people.

"here is one. You're a hero right? so its your job to save everyone when there is trouble. how can you answer that?"

"actually, who said im a hero? Im a human just like you and everybody else. And a heros job is to save what they can save and never to do the bidding of the people. Heroes are also people you know. And a hero is one who is recognized by the people or a group of persons as one who saved lives am I right?"

"hmm.. that's actually a good answer. But to them, you're a hero right? so why don't you just save more lives? That's the job you wanted right?"

"nope, not at all. But since everyone is just requesting many things from my company which is why I made the security and rescue agencies. I can always quit all this if I wanted to."

"wait.. so your saying that the people pushed you to this job?"

"no. I chose to include this rescue job as it was in demand. But if the outcome would be like this all the time, might as well cancel my license for the rescue and security agencies. And do you also remember my message for those who does rescue work? Do you really think that im the only hero there is? There are many. And don't you all also get tired of the peoples nagging to do your job when they aren't even in your position?"

"o-okay, that's enough rod.. we get it.. now onto the next one.. my family has been sending multiple requests already to find my missing boy. He was suddenly lost somehow and were still trying to find him."

"now that request is where the police comes in. I have already rerouted those requests to the police where they are still searching for those lost souls."

"but don't you have a security agency?"

"yes. but its job is only to guard and protect the country including to help other guards be hired in other companies or firms."

"I see. so why cant you help them instead?"

"you see, a lost persons case is most of the time, a cold case with a very very few evidences to go through. And its also not our job which is why we gave it all to the police."

"so if its your job, you would accept it right?"

"depending on the request."

"so if they have enough evidence—"

"hahh.. its never like that. And even if you might have evidences for that case, most of the time its always pure speculation."

"hmm.. I see. how would you know?"

"because the police and detectives said so. You know, the police is also considered a rescue team because they also save lives. If you wont count on them, the professionals , then who would you count on? Its even written in my book."

"really? Its there?"

"from your reaction, you haven't read my book yet. Hahh.."

"its because im not that much of a book reader and reading books is like tiring."

"fine.. ignorance is bliss anyways.. and FYI, my book is an E-book so it can always be downloaded anytime."

"fine then, I will read your stupid book! That what I have to do right?!" the interviewer was pissed off

"hahh.. I will also have you know that there was a fool who recently tried to get in to my companys research facility."


"yes. the culprits faces were even shown on CCTV camera."

"then even though the police will know who stole it, it would already be too late!" the interviewer said wide eyed

"nope. All that's left are just infinished projects and all the projects left inside the facility wouldn't have a power source in it."

"so if they might have a power source for it, they can use those other finished projects right?"

"yes, but only for a limited amount of time maybe. Since most of the finished projects required tremendous energy. And all of them are just too big to fit in the door."


"I have a secret base."

"wow! Now that's a surprise! But are you sure to tell this here?"

"yes. by now, most of the corporations all over the globe would know I have a secret base. Anyways, that doesn't mean that they can just get away with my stuff."

"that's where your security system kicks in right?"

"nope. This is where the president comes in. I tell him and the police whats going on and he does a complete search on whoever would steal my projects."

"you know, that's highly irresponsible coming from you."

"yes it is. But what can I really do? The world is already headed towards destruction at the moment that project iron heart was introduced to the world."

"now tell us.. oh yeah, it was already explained why you have shown project iron heart right?"

"yes. because sooner or later, my company will suffer tremendous damage thanks to some people who just cant get their heads off of my company."

"i-I see. though no one could have anticipated this kind of change right?"

"wrong. Some of them have already predicted the damage project iron heart would do to the world. And of course, as other companies would already know this, they still want my companys inventions for themselves. Well, if you really want to destroy the world, be my guest. Like we said before, its really easy to destroy those companies or people who brings harm to the whole country, but that would just be inhumane and irresponsible."

"so why did you invent them—"

"please go on with the other questions. Your just repeating those other questions already been said." Rod said with a gesture while massaging his eyebrows

"s-sorry about that. But don't you want to repeat yourself just for the public?"

"I hate repeating myself when I have already said it. Now on to the next question please."

"y-yes sir! It says here.. if others will use your inventions for evil, why don't you just save the day again like last time?"

"last time? Are they crazy? The world was just lucky enough that I was there. Who knows on the next time if I will be able to save the world on time."

"but you will break the hearts of kids with that answer. Are you sure?"

"yes. its better to give them the truth rather than false hopes which would someday lead to their demise. Im a father too after all so I understand that much."


"yes. but as for the details, its highly confidential." Rod said with a wink

"a-alright then. I will have your word on that one. The next one is.." she then scrolls down her tablet. "crap.. crap.. crap.. oh, here we go.. do you ever regret not ever taking the treasure for yourself? You have earned it after all."

"well.. I would be lying if I don't regret it. But my job comes first over a pile of treasure. I value life over gold any day." Rod said with a smile

"oh.. what a heroic answer we have.. which makes me wonder if your either a good hero or a bad guy."

"I kinda get that a lot.. indirectly.." rod said with a gesture

"hmm.." she scrolls down again "here is another one. as a security agency, why wont you let them help with the situation in Mindanao?"

"to tell you the truth, were already helping with the peace and order of the city. The security agency is still a small firm after all."

"oh.. I see. but didn't you also said earlier that you wouldn't dare send your team to the front lines?"

"yes, that's what we did. Having the team stationed throughout the whole city to help guard it along with the police."

"i see.. and here is another one.. can you give back my son please?"

"well.. we are not imprisoning your children in my company you know. They are always free to go home if they want to. Though in our last night im proud to say that they are all willing to go with me into the distance."

"is this really true?"

"why don't you tell her.." rod then speaks to the 2 bodyguards behind him smiling

"yes sir! We all decided to side with rod mason with his rescue missions."

"hes a good boss after all. So we all agreed to help him whenever we can!"

"we were all with him through ever impossible rescue mission he has ever faced! And we have never been proud to call him captain!"

"wow! Why is this? your men thinks highly of you while the people all thinks your evil." Interviewer

"no he isn't at all, in fact, he stays true to his word that no man gets left behind." One of them said while the other nodded

"and we aren't hypnotized or anything you know. And if that is true, he would have left us dead a long time ago."

"hmm.. I guess my opinion of you is wrong after all rod mason. But I don't know about the public." Interviewer

The staff was very quiet as the conversation was very serious. During the whole interview, none of them dared to say a word as all their questions and doubts were somewhat cleared. Cause ever since the start of the show, many of them were very frightened when rod got to the studio and there were even others taking a sneak peak by the door.

"so.. is this all of my interview?"

"y-yes. probably.. since I saw no more comments worth questioning you." The interviewer laid down her tablet. "thank you for this opportunity rod mason. I hope the people will understand your concerns." She then shook hands with him as they stood

"nope. As long as there are doubts in them, they will never stop watching or questioning or criticizing what we do." Rod then faces the camera and lets go of her hand "remember this folks.. I already warned you all.. now its your turn to think clearly whats the right thing.. and remember.. pride is nothing compared to doing the right thing." Rod said with a smile

With that, rod walks out of the set and into the people taking a peek at the door. He didn't say anything more as he waved at them. Then at the exit of the station, there were also people waiting just to see rod mason where some of them protested against rod. rod just walked past the crowd being protected by his bodyguards before they flew up once they were in a clear area back to the origami which was just floating high above the station.

"so, how did they take your interview?" Sheryl

They are now on the bridge of the origami where the girls are all now in their positions.

"just great, I hope. At least it went well enough than the last one."

"I hope so too." Sheryl

"I do really hate those people always rallying in front of our house." Maria

"so, where do we go to now?" flores

"lets just see the list of request we have piled up over the months."

"got it. And I pick this one." Yukiko then displayed the contents of the request on the screen.

"hmm.. what do you think Stacey?"

"well.. its up to you, you're the captain. Though I think we should go and check it."

"hahh.. were stuck here anyways so lets just respond to their requests." Sheryl

"alright then.. to new Zealand!"

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