Arranged Marriage - (Zarry St...

By LamPayning

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-Zayn Malik has everything he wants, it only takes a snap of his fingers, and everything he requires is given... More

Arranged Marriage - (Zarry Stalik)
* Prologue* (Disastrous)
Chapter 1 - My sister's Fiancè
Chapter 3 - I think I'm falling for you
Chapter 4 - You already have
Chapter 5 - I wonder who he's dreaming about
Chapter 6 - Zayn's Streamy Dream
Chapter 7 - Photographs
Chapter 8 - This means war
Chapter 9 - Wow
Chapter 10 - A Friendly reminder
Chapter 11 - Surprises, Dancing and Kisses!
Chapter 12 - The reward!
Chapter 13 - That's why i'm gay
Chapter 14 - What did i do now?
Chapter 15 - You think i won't make fun of you? (Part 1)
Chapter 15 - You think i won't make fun of you? (Part 2)
Chapter 16 - What does it look like i'm doing?
Chapter 17 - Just friends... for now
Chapter 18 - I hope you have a happy life
Chapter 19 - I won't be able to control myself
Chapter 20 - What happened? (Part 1)
Chapter 20 - What happened? (Part 2)
Chapter 21 - You kissed me...again!
Chapter 22 - Cancel the wedding
Chapter 23 - I should have seen that coming
Chapter 24 - You turned me gay (final chapter)

Chapter 2 - Proposing

25.2K 612 188
By LamPayning

Zayn’s  bad boi gone soft P.O.V

“Here let me help you” my mum smiled, trying to untie the knot I made.

“Do I have to wear a tie?” I whined. My mother raised her eyebrows, finally tying it the right way.

“You’re proposing today, you have to look serious, so Mr. Styles will be convinced that he’s making the right choice, by accepting the proposal! … What are you thinking about, you have a mischievous look on your face” She asked giving me a suspicious look

“Are you saying that if I dress up inappropriately he won’t approve of the marriage?” I grinned playfully, making my mum slap me slightly on the arm. I laughed at how much she believed in everything I said

“Zayn, don’t you do that. Your father will think that I’m okay with you acting like this and he’ll get mad at me” she said seriously. I bit my lip and nodded slowly. My mum brought my head down, and kissed my forehead. Then she handed me the little velvet box. I opened it, to reveal a cute diamond ring that probably cost my dad a fortune.

“There’s nothing I can do now” I sighed, taking the ring between my fingers, and studying it. It reflected the light coming from the window, glinting slightly. That glint reminded me something… or said better someone. Harry, the boy I met last night. He had this glint in his eyes, that craved something down deep inside me. Just the thought of him made me shiver.

“Zayn, Tricia? Are you ready?” my father entered the room, wearing a similar suit to mine. Actually I don’t know if it was similar or not, they all look the same! It’s a suit!

“Yes!” my mother went to him smiling, and kissed him.

“Zayn can you wait for us at the car?” asked my father, nervousness noticeable in his voice. I nodded, and walked outside of the room, giving my parents space to probably talk. I closed the door, but didn’t head to the car. I stood outside listening to my parent’s conversation.

“Yaser, please, don’t force our son into this! I’m asking you for the last time”

“Tricia, I have no choice! We will lose everything” my father said in almost agony

“W-What do you mean” I frowned, pressing my ear against the door.

“The company is about to bankrupt. He’s the only one who can save it, and this is the only way” I felt my heart drop, to the pit of my stomach.

“I thought…”

“You thought I was some kind of tyrant, who was forcing my own son to get married, only to get more powerful” I knew those words were hurtful for my father, but he said them anyway. I removed my head from the door, and numbly walked outside, waiting for my parents by the car. I can’t believe I thought that low of my father! He really wanted my best! 

I looked at the box in my hand, and squeezed it. I really had no choice. I had to save the company, or my father would lose his mind.

I heard my parents walking out, and turned to them, fighting back tears. I walked over to them smiling, and hugged them both.

“I love you two” I said my voice shaking, and then leaned out of the hug, and kissed my mother on the cheek. I was about to get in the limo, when my fathers voice stopped me

“Zayn, I know you’re mad at me…”

“I’m not mad at you dad. I understand!” I said and got in the car, my parents following.

The chauffeur brought us to the right address, and the gates to the luxurious house opened in no time. We got out, and a young butler appeared at the door, holding it open, and bowing down a bit. Old school much?

“Mr. Styles and his family are waiting for you” he said, bowing his head again. He led us to the living space, where the coupe who probably would soon be my parents-in-law stood. They shook hands with my parents, and then it was my time, to leave a good impression.

“Mr. Styles, it’s good to meet you” I said seriously, but adding a slight smile, while shaking his hand. He gave me a short nod, but seemed uninterested. Did I screw everything up? No idea. Anyway, I moved over to the lady and bowed a bit in front of her, grabbing her hand and kissing it. “Mrs. Styles, it’s a pleasure”  I looked up at her and she was smiling. Whew, I guess I did it right!

“Welcome Zayn. You’re a handsome young gentleman, your mother failed to describe you” I felt my face flush, and found myself being grateful that the red color didn’t show to much in my dark skin. “Alice and Harry will be here any second” I nodded a smile creeping to my face when I heard the name Harry.

“We’re already here” I heard a girly cheery voice behind me. I turned around wanting to finally see the girl I would spend my life with, when I felt my mouth hand open, and my eyes widen. Not at my fiancé though. It was the beautiful creature standing beside her. It couldn’t be, could it? Wait… beautiful? I shrugged, when I heard Alice’s voice again

“Not the reaction I expected, but that’s good none the less!” she giggled, making me frown a bit. Did she think I was gawking at her? I composed myself and gave her a flirty smirk. She was VERY pretty, but there was someone else catching my attention more.

She shook hands with my parents, Harry following, when they finally stopped in front of me.

“I’m Zayn, nice to meet you” I took her hand and kissed it, same like I did with her mother. That’s what my mum said I had to do so…! I heard her giggle

“I’m Alice. It’s VERY nice to meet you too” she gave me an unexplainable smile. Was it supposed to be seductive? I nodded awkwardly, and turned to Harry, not being able to resist any longer. I extended my hand grinning, but he looked at his parents gulped and started talking faster than usual

“I’m Harry, Alice’s brother” I frowned, cause I already knew that. Why was he acting like this?

“I’m Zayn” I said flatly, not knowing what to say else. He gave me a short smile and went to sit down next to his parents and sister, while I took a seat next to mine. I know I was here for Alice, but there was something about Harry that made it hard for me to look away, on the other side, he ignored my gaze, and played with his hands.

Maybe it was the way he was dressed that kept me staring? The way his white t-shirt clung to his body, or the way the blazer, made his shoulders look broad and strong, or the way his tight-but-not-to-tight cream colored trousers fit him?

Or maybe the way his hair looked today. Last night it was messy from the beanie he was wearing, but today… I just felt like running my hands through it. He finally looked at me, with an annoyed expression on his face, but when his emerald green eyes met mine, he looked away again. Why is he acting like this?

“Alice honey, why don’t you and Harry, show Zayn the garden? I’m sure you don’t want to listen to our boring conversations” smiled Harry’s mother. Actually right now, a boring conversation seemed great… compared to proposing it was awesome.

“Sure” Alice stood up, walking to me, and grabbing me by the hand “Come on” she led me outside. If I didn’t know Harry had no choice but to follow us, I would think he wasn’t there, he was that quiet.

We walked outside, to the garden which opposed my mood completely. It was all flowery and happy… just like Alice in her flower dress.

“I’ll go get drinks” she said grinning, and disappeared in the house again, leaving me alone with Harry

“What’s up Harry?” I asked wondering if he would admit now that we knew each-other

“N-Nothing” he said uneasy “You?”

“Getting ready to propose” he snickered at my response.

“I’m sorry I’m acting weird, it’s just that… I love her so much and…”

“I understand, it’s okay” I patted his shoulder, and just like last night when he caught me, warmth spread through my whole body, starting from my hand.

“I should leave you two alone” he said signing to his sister that was coming towards us, carrying only two drinks. *Gulp*  Harry gripped my hand on his shoulder, and gave it a squeeze, looking in my eyes. He frowned, as his eyes traveled around my face.

“Good luck” his voice cracked when he talked, even though his voice was a bit above a whisper.

“Thank you” I whispered, not trusting my voice. I almost grabbed his wrist to prevent him from leaving, but my limbs felt numb again. A dull feeling filled my senses. I felt like crying, but I knew it wouldn’t help at all.

I shifted my gaze to Alice who was coming closer, with a massive smile on her face, while my eyebrows sunk deeper and deeper in my forehead.

“You can still drop out” Harry almost pleaded

“I-I… can’t. I have to do this!” I reached to my pant pocket, and touched the box. I looked up at Harry again, who looked like he was about to cry. His eyes were red and watery. He sniffled, looking at his feet and suddenly took of running in the other direction from where Alice was coming.

“HARRY!” I was about to start running after him, for some reason, but a soft, yet strong hand kept me in place by my shoulder.

“Let him go!” she said sweetly, leading me to a few seats nearby. I couldn’t help, but look in the direction Harry disappeared in. “Zayn! He’s okay. He just wanted to leave us alone, so you can… you know do whatever you’re here for?” she smiled at me again.

Right now I couldn’t care less, what I was here for. The only thing in my mind was Harry. I wanted to know if he was okay, see it with my own eyes. He looked so sad. Sadder than his sister, and she was the one forced into something she didn’t want.  Actually she looked pretty happy!


“Yes?” she smiled expectantly, making it hard for me not to roll my eyes.

“Stop acting like you’re happy, you’re forced into this. I don’t expect you to be happy” her smile fell slowly

“But I am happy” I shook my head

“Stop lying to both me, and yourself”

“But…” I raised my hand making her stop. I got on one knee, beside her chair, reached down my pocket and took out the little box that now felt like it weighted a ton.

I sighed looking at it for a moment, opened it, and stretched my arm in front of her. Her eyes shined and her whole face light up when she saw the ring.

“Alice…*gulp* will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I asked looking down. I couldn’t make myself look up at her smiling, when inside I was in agony. I didn’t get the response I was waiting for, so I HAD to look up at her face, only to see her nodding furiously.

“Yes!” she squeaked. I took the ring out of the box, took her left hand and put the ring on the respective finger. I stood up involuntarily after I finished doing what I had to, and my head instinctively snapped in the direction Harry ran off.

I expected to see nothing, but I was wrong. Harry stood there his shoulders dropped, shaking from crying, tears falling freely down his breathtaking green eyes, his whole face red, his curly hair stung to his wet face.

“It’s beautiful” commented Alice, holding her hand in front of her face studying the ring. I looked at her, and forced the corners of my mouth up a bit. I turned to Harry again, but he was gone. “Let’s go inside now” she squealed, grabbing my hand

She dragged me all the way to the room, where our parents were. As son as we entered the room, four pairs of eyes landed on our intertwined hands. Alice ‘randomly’ brushed her hair of her face with her left hand, and immediately the four other people stood up, engulfing us in hugs, and congratulating us. It all seemed like a far away experience for me, like I wasn’t there, my mind constantly wandering of to Harry, for reasons I couldn’t understand.

The way the sun reflected in his hair and eyes. His eyes seemed endless, like you could get lost in them, and never find a way back. Not like I would want to find the path that led out of those rich green eyes that craved something inside me every time I came in contact with them.

The sadness Harry showed, reflected hundred times worse into me. I felt so sad, like I couldn’t take it anymore. Like my whole world was fading into dark seas of unhappiness and sorrow. So sad, I felt like screaming, till I didn’t have the last drop of power left. Upset to craziness… upset to the point where I was having one of these moments where all the colors went pale, life tuned grey, and sorrow chocked me. The pause between two breaths seemed an enternity in this agony, slicing and destroying everything I had left.

“Let’s celebrate” I heard Mrs. Styles say, and in no time the previous butler appeared with a trey of glasses and a champagne on his hand.

“Cheer up, or at least act happy” my mother whispered in my ear, making me put on a hurtful fake smile.

“Where’s Harry?” asked Mrs. Styles holding a glass for him as well

“I’m here” he replied in a deep hoarse voice, walking over to his mother. His eyes were a bit puffy, and red. He must love his sister a lot. I felt someone slid their arm into mine, and I looked to my side only to see Alice grinning. She was very pretty, but acting like this, she was getting on my nerves.

“Yes?” I asked as sweet as I could. Suddenly she moved closer and kissed me quickly on the lips. The kiss lasted about a second and then she rested her head on my shoulder. I looked up, shifting my gaze to Harry, raising one eyebrow in confusion, making him chuckle. He came closer, holding a glass in his hand.

“Aren’t you too young to drink?” I asked

“Turned 18 a month ago” he shrugged looking down “Do I look that young?”

“No, I guess not” I said even though I didn’t think so. He looked very young, especially when he was vulnerable like earlier, crying.

“I’ll go talk to my soon-to-be-mother-in-law” said Alice leaving my side finally. I let out a relieved breath

“Don’t take it the wrong way, but what’s wrong with her?” I whispered making Harry smile, revealing his cute dimple.

“She’s getting married to you”

“Yeah, she’s a great actress” I rolled my eyes

“She isn’t acting” Harry shrugged


Harry’s short but cute P.O.V

“But…” he looked confused making a cute face.

“Zayn, ANYONE would want to marry you” I stated obviously

“Yeah, sure. Who wouldn’t want to marry a stranger” he joked

“Not a stranger Zayn, You” He shook his head, blushing a bit

“Then why were you crying earlier? You feel sorry for her, cause surely, you don’t feel sorry for me. You don’t know me” I froze.

“Actually I am sorry for you. You don’t know my sister” I joked, but in the inside, I was trying to get the reason why I cried of my mind. It was because of my own self, I somehow didn’t want Zayn to get married to my sister. I couldn’t keep looking in his eyes any longer, that’s why I ran of earlier. They seemed like two dark pools of fear and sadness. I withed I could do something to prevent this, yet if my father can find me someone like him… hell I want an Arranged Marriage too!

“Alice is a great girl, and she’s the person I love most. Please take care of her.” I whispered. He nodded

“Don’t worry I will. I’m not planning to make this harder than it already is” I stared at him, and it seemed impossible to take my eyes of his beautiful face. His warm brown eyes, his olive skin, his perfectly styled silky hair, his long eyelashes, his plump lips… everything about him was beautiful, and the way he acted made it even better.

“Too bad you don’t have siblings” I mumbled, making him laugh, his cute laugh. It was almost impossible to keep myself from pinching his cheeks, and then kiss him senseless.

Kiss him?

My sisters fiancé? I shook my head when I heard his voice again.

“Why is that bad? I think I’m better on my own! No fighting, no rage…”

There would be more perfect people like you! Possibly one for me, a clone maybe? I don’t know why, but there was something about Zayn, that made me feel weird. His presence, urged me to do things that I wouldn’t normally do, and it was hard to prevent myself from performing those actions, like pinching his cheeks for example… or kiss him.

“You would know how bad I feel right now”


Second Chapter WHOOP WHOOP!  Do you like it? Tell me by commenting and Voting. It would mean a lot, specially since I worked hard on this one. I know it’s not that good, but I’m trying not to complicate it that much.


                                                            Thank you XxXxx Emma

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