Sherl Shots

By whiskeyeyedfool

939 89 136

A collection of very cliche Sherlock oneshots. Does contain angst and fluff. Unfortunately for all you filthy... More

Proposing in John's Life
Back to You
The Best Man
It's Like Science
The Best Man: part two
Jan 6
John Heard It
Young and Beautiful
Now You're Gone
Now I'm Gone

Eternal Life

47 5 2
By whiskeyeyedfool

"Losing you," I said, a crack in my voice as my eyes were stung by tears "yeah, losing you was by the worst thing to ever happen to me." I forced a chuckle, my eyes glued on the headstone that haunted my nightmares for months.

Sherlock Holmes

I picked the petals off the white roses someone gave him, strewing them over his grave. I wonder if he felt it, the weight of the rose petals. I did. They weighed so much in my hand. It's funny how something so beautiful, can be so painful. I hate roses, they're so pure and so innocent. They mock me with their smiles and their promises of eternal love,

Eternal Life

I wonder if he ever dreamed of me or if the dirt in his eyes gave him restless nights. If the worms in his ears kept him up. I never wanted to bury him. I didn't want him to feed maggots. Fatten them up. But... the choice wasn't mine. In his will; he specified that he would rather be buried than cremated. Cremation wasn't his style I guess. It wasn't... Sherlock. It's  the all the things Sherlock,


I left him flowers. Peonies. His favourite. I don't remember how I came to know this. A case maybe. A leaked fact. Something he said in the rare moments of sleep. They looked happy sitting there in front of the polished granite. They looked calm. Serene almost. I tried smiling for him, but... I was lying through my teeth. Peace wasn't real, it wasn't


I saw him in the mirrors and the glass and the cab windows and in everyone's faces. I saw him long coats. In cigarettes. In quick remarks. In cold days. In police sirens. In milk and fridges. I saw Sherlock in myself. In my eyes. In my lips. In my hands. In all the things he adored. Sherlock... I don't know how to get


And then... a ghost appeared. He looked so real. So human. He was a walking corpse. A memory I tried to get rid of, a song I tried to forget. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I tried to kill you. But I just... I couldn't forgive you for what you had done. You made me believe that you were gone. You were left to time, floating around in space somewhere. I cried over you, I died. But I guess I was a fool, to fall for your

Pretty Lies

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