The Valentin Series, Book 1:...

By Addictd2Violet

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Marvel fanfiction: 6 Months after SHIELD's heli-carrier incident, Nick Fury is forced to hire an outsider to... More

The Valkyrie: Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Briefing
Chapter 3: Hey, Soldier
Chapter 4: Conscience
Chapter 5: Promises
Chapter 6: Follow Through
Chapter 7: Family
Chapter 8: Information
Chapter 9: The Nest
Chapter 10: Hunger
Chapter 11: Dinner
Chapter 12: "Sanity is Overrated"
Chapter 13: Jewelry
Chapter 14: Blood
Chapter 15: Goodbye
Chapter 16: Remembrance
Chapter 17: Red Ink
Chapter 18: Mark Me
Chapter 19: Music
Chapter 20: Nicknames
Chapter 22: French
Chapter 23: Wonderwall
Chapter 24: Salvation
Chapter 25: Wings
Angel of Vengeance
author's note

Chapter 21: Dinner

850 28 0
By Addictd2Violet

A/N: Told ya guys I'd update soon. ;) Hope you guys like it! 

<3 <3 ~A2V~


“Let me get this straight,” Barton said, putting his feet on the coffee table in Stark’s main sitting room, “The two of you are going on vacation?”

Clint, Sam, and Bruce sat on the sofa opposite Val, James, and Diana, who had her head in Val’s lap. Dinner was marvelous, and a tad bit hilarious, but what did you expect when Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were your servers? At one point, Val thought they’d start a good old fashion fist fight in the middle of it all. During dinner James had told Val he wanted to make their three weeks count, so he had talked to Fury about taking her to the Bahamas, and, lo and behold, the director agreed. So Pepper hurriedly booked a private villa for them by the beach, and told Tony’s pilot to standby. They’d be flying first class the next afternoon.

“Apparently, yes,” Val shrugged, snuggling closer to James who had his arm around her shoulders.

“Well that’s…” Clint began, then he caught Nat’s death glare from where she sat on the chair beside Barnes, “Great!” he smiled, reminding himself to ask Natasha what was going on, and why would Fury actually allow a vacation.

“So, you guys headed for your honeymoon then, eh?” Sam wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Val threw a pillow at him, “Ha-ha, Wilson,” she smiled as James chuckled.

Steve, who was sitting on the chair beside Sam, spoke up, “You guys just take care, ok? HYDRA’s still after you two.”

“Psh,” Val scoffed, “They wouldn’t be able to find us unless we wanted to be found, right, Barnes?” she stifled a yawn.

“Aww,” Tony cooed from the bar where he had his arms around a grinning Pepper’s shoulders, “Look at our little Angel, she’s tired.”

“Shut it, Stark, it’s just the wine,” Val said as she sleepily stroked Diana’s fur.

“Thanks for making the food runs, by the way,” Bucky said to Clint, Sam, and Bruce. Clint was in charge of appetizers, Sam for entrees, and Bruce got the dessert while the couple was eating outside, all of them were also having dinner together in the sitting room.

“No problem,” Bruce gave his rare smiles, “I never realized how much I actually missed eating chocolate cake.”

Val felt James’ arms tighten around her and she allowed him to pull her closer, leaning her head on his chest. She gave a small contented sigh, which Natasha heard.

“Did I wear you out at training today, Valkyrie?” she teased.

“No, you didn’t,” Val answered, stifling another yawn, “This is just the drinking from last night and the wine now. My body isn’t used to processing so much alcohol in 24 hours.”

James began drawing those infernal circles on her bare shoulder again, and Val couldn’t help it, she just felt so warm and fuzzy, and, for some reason, safe. She conked out in seconds.

Diana lifted her head from her owner’s lap, then jumped down from the sofa and walked to Steve. She started nudging his hand.

“Alright, alright,” Steve smiled at her, “We’ve got to go,” he looked at Bucky and a now sleeping Val, “Looks like she’s out, bud.”

“Yeah,” Bucky smiled up at him, “I better get her to bed.” Then he lifted Val, bridal style and walked to the elevator, “See you guys in the morning, I guess,” he said as the elevator doors closed.

Walking to Val’s room, Bucky tried to push away the nagging feeling of the blatant lie he had fed her over dinner. He was protecting her, he told himself, and sometimes hiding the truth is the best way of protecting the ones you love. He felt Val stir in his arms.

She lifted her head and groggily looked around, “Sorry,” she mumbled, nestling back into him.

Bucky chuckled, and he felt her smile against his neck, “its ok, Cami,” he said as they reached her door and he opened it, “By the way, doorknobs don’t move, sweets.”

Val groaned in embarrassment, “Don’t remind me.”

“But you’re adorable when you’re drunk!” Bucky laughed as he kicked the door shut.

“And you look absolutely delicious in this suit, can I take it off?” Val asked simply.

Bucky stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her. She had pulled away and was looking intently at him, waiting for his answer. Then she burst out laughing.

He looked so cute. He seemed so shocked at her request, it was adorable. What was she going to do with her World War 2 soldier? His face was priceless.

“James,” Val sighed when she caught her breath, “You have got to get used to the 21st century, I swear.” Then she swung her legs out of his arms and stood in front of him. He still looked a bit taken aback by her question, but there was mischief in his eyes now, and it made Val shiver. She removed his tie and threw it to one of the chairs in her room. Then she unbuttoned his dinner jacket and pushed it off his shoulders. He finished taking that off while Val smoothed her palms across his broad chest.

“You really do look nice in this suit, you know, I like it,” she whispered as she unbuttoned his shirt.

“Hmm…” James hummed as he closed his eyes and felt Val kiss his exposed chest.

“But, I like you better shirtless,” she smiled up at him as she finished unbuttoning his shirt and he shrugged it off.

“Angel,” James sighed her name as her hands roamed over his bare torso, trailing fire in their wake. He cupped her jaw with his human hand and brought his lips crashing down on hers, his other hand snaking behind her pressing her close to him. “This dress almost killed me, by the way,” he whispered against her lips.

“Yeah, Natasha kind of mentioned it might give you a heart attack,” Val smiled, pulling away to look him in the eyes, “Glad you survived.” She teased.

James kissed her neck and trailed butterfly kisses all the way down to her chest, “I don’t think this dress might, though,”

Val felt his metal hand tighten at the back of her dress, “Oh, no, mister, this was a gift, you aren’t ripping it,” she pushed his hands away and giggled at his amused expression as she took off the dress.

“Keep your shoes on,” he whispered huskily as he stood behind her and began kissing her shoulder.

“Sir, yes, sir,” Val moaned, and she turned around and kissed him passionately as he walked them both to the bed and pushed her down.

Bucky dispatched the rest of his clothes and crawled on top of Val who had braced herself on her elbows and was watching him with dilated eyes, her breath coming in short gasps. He kissed her navel up to her breasts and smiled against her as she arched her back when he suckled.

She tangled her fingers in his hair, reveling in the softness of it as James kissed up her torso and finally kissed her lips, he moaned as Val sucked on the tip of his tongue. “You know,” Val whispered when she broke the kiss, grazing her fingers across his strong jaw, “For a 90 year old guy, you are really good at this.”

James growled, “Shut up and kiss me, woman,” he smiled at her.

“Oh, I plan to do more than that, Sergeant,” she whispered as she brought him down for another kiss.


“God, I am so sore,” Val groaned, her muscles screamed at her as she lifted her bag from the floor and she walked out the elevator and to the ground floor of Stark Tower, Natasha chuckling behind her.

“From training, or…?” Nat asked, letting the question hang as she rolled out Val’s other suitcase to the entrance where a car was waiting for them.

“Shut up, Romanov,” Val snapped, blushing as red as her sun dress.

“Did you get any sleep, like, at all?” Nat teased, “You look tired.”

“Lalala,” Val chanted, but she was smiling. They neared the entrance; Bucky was already waiting for them, a big smile on his face as they approached, Steve and Diana beside him.

“He does look really good, though,” Nat whispered.

“Shut up, intern” Val whispered back, teasing Natasha’s navy pant suit. James was in faded jeans, sneakers, and a gray thermal. Val still wasn’t immune to his good looks, you would think that chasing this guy around for four years would actually lessen the effect he had on her. Might be the normal human clothes, she thought.

“Hey, beautiful,” Bucky winked at her; and Steve grinned as he saw a part of the old Bucky pull through. It seemed the more time he spent with Angel the more of the Winter Soldier disappeared.

“Not too shabby yourself, Barnes,” Val replied, straight faced and Steve chuckled as he took her suitcase from Nat and loaded it to the car.

“Ok,” Val sighed as she bent down and hugged Diana, “You be good, don’t eat anything you aren’t supposed to, don’t give Steve a hard time. Mommy will be back before you know it.” She whispered to the dog.

“We’ll be fine, Angel,” Steve smiled at her when she stood up and faced him.

“You better get going,” Natasha said, “We’ll see you guys in three weeks?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Val smiled, then turned to James, “Let’s?”

Bucky opened the car door and let Val slide in first, “Bye, guys,” he grinned at Steve and Nat as he folded himself into the car.

“Be careful,” Steve called before the door closed.

Bucky lowered the window, and, together, he and Val said, “Yes, dad!” as the car sped off.

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