Shake it, Bake it, Brew it

By ToryoKoneko23

392K 14K 3.5K

Between trauma after being attacked by Quirrell, harsh comments from Snape and being told he has to go back t... More

Sticky Fingers
Bon Voyage
Kneazles in Need
Hidden in Front of You
In Sight
Apartment Living?
The Light's Backstabbing
Runway for the Runaway
Don't Mess with Potion Masters
Spit That Out!
To Protect
Sick Leave?
Sorting Things Out
Class in Session!
No Wand, No Morals
Eye Popping!
Snake's Mark
To the Hunt!
It's Nice to Share
Pest Control
Dark Professor
Coming Trials
The Sentencing
The One Who Lived

BEWARE! Pissed Off Wizard!

13.7K 452 131
By ToryoKoneko23

Last Time:

"I don't know about that ... maybe we need to check after some time passes. Until I'm sure I won't make another batch." Harry said as he put his shirt back on. Maybe it was stubbornness, but he wanted to give this potion a chance. With his mind preoccupied with what happened with the potion at the moment a certain new scroll laid on the bookcase completely forgotten ...


Neville sighed sadly as he heard his grandma's daily stream of belittling comments. It has gotten even worse since he didn't excel in his first year of school. At least, not to her satisfaction. Today was the one day of the week he could get away. He always goes to visit his parents on Sundays, which his grandma didn't approve of like most things, but she never stopped him ...

The floo flames died down revealing the lobby in St. Mungo's, which was busy as usual. He made his way up to the fourth level of the hospital and there it was. The door isolated in the back of the Spell Damage floor. The very door that leads to the Janus Thickey ward where his parents have been for as long as he has known them. In a way this was bittersweet. It hurt to see his parents in such a state knowing they were like that because they were protecting him, but he was happy to see them and talk to them eve if they couldn't understand. All the candy wrappers his mother collected for him made it bearable in a small way.

Something made the boy pause right outside the door leading to his parents' ... music? Neville was sure he heard music. He reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it. When the door opened he was met an odd and heartwarming sight. His parents were sitting upright and dancing with two large exotic kneazles. It was more that the kneazles were sitting on their back legs and letting his parents hold their front paws as they swayed to the music, but it was still sweet.

"Cute aren't they?" Neville nearly leapt out of his skin as he spun around to meet a tall blonde blue eyed healer. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, Neville."

"N-no .. I'm sorry for not paying attention. How did you know I was Neville Longbottom?" Neville asked.

The blonde blinked and then shrugged, "I heard you were the only one who visited so I guessed. I'm Cache Devant Vous and I'm a healer in training here."

On the inside Harry was kicking himself for not thinking. Harry hasn't seen Neville until this moment and he let his guard down. His heart was racing as he considered what to do. Should he tell Neville everything? The Longbottom's mother was his godmother so he had a right to know, right? Not to mention Harry did just slip up. However, it would put the one human who tried to help him during school into danger. He didn't know what to do ...

The dark haired wizard frowned, despite what people think he wasn't stupid. This Cache knew him, but from where and why hide it? "It's nice to meet you. I haven't met you before ... where is this music coming from?"

"This is actually my first shift on a weekend ... that thing on the table plays the music. I play your parents some music every time I have a shift, but now it's time to rest." Cache smiled as he went to the little red rectangular device and did something to stop the music "Ok Frank, Alice, it's time to go back to bed. Your son is here." He said and the kneazles jumped down to the floor. Neville smiled as Cache spoke to his parents as if they were adults. He hated it when the other nurses spoke to his parents like they were babies. It's demeaning!

"Nice music." Frank Longbottom muttered as Cache tucked him in, "My son." He said a little more clearly than before as his eyes locked on Neville. A blush crept to Neville's as he sat down on the chair between his parents. His parents seemed a little more stable than they usually were. It was nice ...

"My Neville." Alice smiled though she seemed distracted by unseen things flying around the room as Cache tried to tuck her in. "Brave baby." She said touching Neville's hand, "Furry Frank?"

Cache chuckled at Neville's confused look, "My friend is doing great. For some reason he has been happier lately despite that certain time coming. I'll leave you guys alone, but Lyra and Libra can stay if you like." Harry said recalling the stories he told them. He left out any details of abuse and other things that other people couldn't know. Not that he didn't trust them, of course, but in their condition it was safer. Frank, Neville's father, even stopped him from talking too much when he was about say more details. Though he wasn't sure if it was intentional or not because he started screaming about attacking flubberworms right after ...

Neville smiled softly, "That's ok, thank you." He said gratefully. The apprentice healer left after taking the music playing device. Neville spent some time talking to his parents and trying to figure out what they were saying, which was easier today for some reason.

"Pretty kitty." Alice said though she didn't seem to actually notice that Lyra nuzzled her hand.

"Are you two Cache's familiars?" Neville asked playfully as the kneazles rolled over each other while playing.

"N.o, no, no." Neville frowned as his mother started shaking her head frantically, "Harry's kitties." She whispered even though this place was private and no one could hear through the silencing spell around each bed. It was like this so visitors could talk with their loved one without listening to the screaming of the patient in the next bed and to make sure someone doesn't over hear personal information.

The young wizard raised an eyebrow, "You mean Harry Potter?"

"Shh secret, danger." Alice said in a hushed voice before losing all her focus and began mumbling incoherently.

To anyone else it would be considered nothing more than the insane ramblings of a spell damaged mind. No one would take that seriously. Harry was safely tucked away somewhere as far as most of the people in magical UK believed, but this young heir suspected otherwise. Neville thought back to when he first saw Harry. The small and frightfully skinny 'Boy Who Lived' made him worry. There was something so very wrong, but no one else seemed to notice. Even though Harry didn't really pay him much attention he tried to help.

It started with lots of snacks that he tried to sneak to the green eyed wizard and then he noticed Harry was having trouble seeing the board in potions class. To fix that he started writing his instructions in big letters and putting them next to Harry who he made sure was brewing next to him. Harry just asked if it was ok to borrow his notebook and never said why. Neville always said 'any time', but there was something else. Something about Harry's vision made him wonder if a certain degree of colorblindness was involved. He was almost always checking Harry's potion to stop an explosion, which sadly wasn't very helpful because his own cauldron was neglected ...

It always pissed off the potions professor, but he refused to stop. This wasn't about him, but about Harry so he shook off Professor Snape's words the best he could. One discovery made him determined to help and it was the set of scars he saw peeking out of the back of the neckline. Harry's school uniform was baggy so seeing the scars was simple for anyone who was higher up than him. That along with the fact that Harry never let people see his arms made wonder how bad it was. He hoped to get Harry away from the abuse. The letter he sent to his grandmother, however, was sadly met with scathing and unhelpful remarks ...

Apparently, he was a stupid attention seeker. She, like everyone else it seems, refused to consider that Harry was being hurt, but Neville knew something was up and refused to back down. He even tried to find out where Harry lived since school ended, but there has been no luck ...

However ...

Maybe Harry did get away ...

Maybe he found a way to reverse what he physically lost due to the abuse he suffered and found a place to stay and a job ...

Then perhaps he is safe now ...

If he was Cache in disguise then it would explain why Cache knew him ...

Maybe ...

Neville stood up and kissed both his parents goodbye, "Goodbye Mom, goodbye Dad. I'll be back next week." He left the ward, but patted both kneazles. "Could you take me to Cache please? I need to talk with him." Neville asked, he had to know for sure. The kneazles purred and trotted away at a pace that Neville could easily follow. They went towards the stairs and down a flight. There was the apprentice healer in the stairwell leading to the first floor. The kneazles went down to meet the blonde, but Neville stopped and ... took a couple steps back up the stairs?

He looked down at Cache and it just so happens that at this angle he could see down the back of the apprentice healer's shirt. The clothing wasn't as baggy, but he cold still see scars very similar to the ones he spotted under Harry's neckline at school...

'secret, danger'

Those words his mother said were clearer than almost anything they ever said before. Now this confirmed something in his mind. He continued down the steps and smiled at the blonde, "I've never seen them like that before ... it was nice. Thank you for that." Neville said happily as he walked up to Cache.

"Playing some music seems to bring them to a different state of mind. It's temporary, but it's rather incredible. You don't need to thank me. I only noticed it by accident just a few days ago." Cache said kindly before he set down some papers at the desk only for those papers to be replaced with a large stack of files. Cache twitched, but said nothing to the witch behind the desk who was smirking at him in a slightly vindictive way.

Neville made a mental note about that interaction for later as Cache picked up the files, "Where can I find a music player like that?"

"It's not something that can be picked off a store shelf ... well kind of. The music player is a muggle device called an ipod, but I enhanced it with runes so it doesn't need to rely on electricity. Here, keep it. I can make another." Cache adjusted his grip on his files and gave Neville the device that was in his pocket.

The Longbottom heir looked at the small thing called an iPod curiously, "Muggles make things like these? Interesting ... you know, my Mom mentioned something about you."

Cache stopped and glanced down at Neville, "Oh, did she?"

Instead of answering Neville responded with a question, "Did you know purebloods are taught Occlumency before school even starts?"

"No I didn't ... it's good to know." Cache said quietly as if he was debating something in his mind and he definitely was.

"I know my parents say odd things in their condition like me being brave ... that's not true." Neville said letting shoulders slump, which made him shrink slightly as if his very poor self-esteem was crushing him, "but I can keep a secret."

"Not brave?" Cache repeated blankly before leaning close to Neville and deciding to take a chance. "Someone one who gets a detention from Professor Snape, for something like say ... bringing food into class, and then continues doing what got him the detention in the first place is actually very brave."

Neville looked into the blue eyes that he knew were actually green and smiled in pure relief, "You are safe ... what's going on?"

Cache heard Poppy say hi to Neville before telling her apprentice to follow for another lesson and sighed, "My shift ends at 5:00 today. I would say you could meet me, but it's a long story-"

"I'll tell my grandmother that I'm spending the night with a friend. She won't care." Neville said quickly, he needed to know what the situation was and why his mother said that there was danger.

"Ok, I'll meet you near the floo and floo you to my place." Cache said. Harry felt a massive burden lift off his shoulders knowing that Neville was willing to hear everything out. Now he had to figure out what to do next. The potion to diagnose compulsion spells will be done in two or three days depending on the potion's reactions and speed through the stages. Either way it would be done before the next full moon.

A couple hours later it was time to leave and Harry spotted Neville waiting nervously at the floos in the lobby. He smiled and went into a fireplace with his kneazles and Neville. With a burst of green flames they came out of the fireplace and into Harry's apartment. It was obvious that Trocar hasn't arrived yet since the windows were open and sunlight was pouring in.

"Wow! Is this where you're staying?" Neville asked genuinely excited. It was nothing like the overstated grandeur of the mansions purebloods like so much, but it was open, bright and felt like a place you could relax. His grandmother's mansion was huge, but you always felt tense as if someone will attack if you smudged the shine on the tables. This relatively small apartment was a breath of fresh air.

The false blonde smiled as he went to grab a red potion, "It's actually huge compared to anything I've had to live in ... I don't want to chance this so ..." Cache glanced at Hedwig who was on the tallest perch. The owl nodded her deceitfully brown head say she had her flight for the day. With that Harry shut the shades on all the windows with one tap of the wards on the wall and ran the red counter potion through his hair and eyes.

Neville's eyes widened as blond hair became soft wavy black hair, blue eyes became green and a lightning bolt shaped scar appeared on Cache's forehead. "You really went all out ... this is serious, isn't it?" Harry nodded silently as they both sat down, "What's going on?"

Harry gave a bitter chuckle as he set two tea filled cups on the table. It started with the Dursleys and their treatment. He tried to just gloss over and sugarcoat the hell out of the story, but Neville stopped him ...

"I know your life wasn't pretty, Harry. I saw a few scars on your back so don't hide that from me. I'm not as squeamish as people think." Neville said seriously, but was completely caught off guard when Harry burst out laughing. The laugh was almost humorless and as it slowly trailed off a strange silence followed. After several seconds Harry suddenly stood up ...

"Did you know, Neville, that Ron showered with me once? It was that time we were late for breakfast because I couldn't get Ron up ... he just jumped in with me before I knew it ... he didn't even flinch or even seem surprised, but I was sure something was wrong with how I was treated ... nothing came of that moment. So you tell me," Harry pulled off his shirt revealing all the scars on his arms and chest, "Is there anything off about a 12 year old with these scars?"

Neville watched with a horror stricken look on his face for a second. Harry did a turn to show the scars on his back, but nothing more. Neville was smart enough to know the green eyed wizard had scars below the belt as well and didn't ask to be shown more than what Harry allowed. As the shock wore off Harry noticed there was no pity in his friend's eyes. There was only a silent demand to know everything.

What Neville didn't know was that the thin line of undamaged skin going from the middle of Harry's left shoulder blade to the middle of his back was not luck. In fact, that little strip of flesh may be the proof of a future cure for his parents'. However, Harry never mentioned it just in case it didn't work ...

No, instead Harry started his uncensored story from the beginning. Neville proved that he could handle hearing of the main brutality that the muggles dished out, but it was clear he was greatly disturbed by everything he was hearing and it only got worse. The surprises went far past Harry's home life and into school. He was stunned that Harry had to confront Voldemort by himself, killed Quirrell in self defense, tried to tell those he should've able to trust about the abuse but was rejected and, finally, stole from Professor Snape ... all while struggling with the effects of starvation.

"You had to do so much and we aren't even at the part where you escaped ... was that really Voldemort you met? Dumbledore only announced that you slipped down the stairs doing the brave something that earned you, Ron and Hermione those last minute house points." Neville commented.

Harry snorted, the old fool must've done that before he left the infirmary and then worded that little speech before the house cup was awarded so he didn't suspect anything like a disconnect involving two different stories. "I see ... I believe it was, but I don't know how."

"Hmm ... some dark items might leave impressions of the past user if the wizard was strong enough ... maybe that's what possessed the DADA Professor ... other than that I have no clue. I only just started studying to become the next lord of my family so I don't know much more than what is taught at school." Neville said sadly feeling like he wasn't being very helpful.

"That I'm not worried about that at the moment. Right now I better get dinner started before he flips out." Harry exclaimed as he grabbed off the floor his shirt realizing he hadn't put it back on yet.

Neville raised an eyebrow, "I agree we should eat, but who would flip-"

Just before Neville could say another word Trocar zipped into the room, "Harry ... oops ... who's this?" The vampire chuckled sheepishly. He didn't know someone else was in the room and he accidently said Harry's real name. A part of him wanted to get a werewolf to use a memory wipe charm, but he waited to see what Harry had to say. That's when he noticed something else entirely, "and why is your shirt off?" He asked as his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"V-vampire!" Neville squeaked fearfully.

Harry sighed as he put his shirt on and headed into the kitchen area, "Yes, Neville, he's a vampire and he has become something of an adopted mother to me." He caught the look of astonishment on his friend's face and ignored the vampire's pout as he grabbed a pot from the hanging rack. "Nothing happened, Trocar. This is Neville Longbottom. We ran into each other at St. Mungo's and he wants to know everything that has happened to me so I started by showing him."

Trocar's eyes widened and he smiled at Neville, "Really? It's nice to meet you. You've been a great friend to Harry."

"Ummm ... yeah." The Longbottom heir looked like he wanted to drag Harry to the floo and run, but any chance of that flew out the window when Lyra jumped onto his lap effectively pinning him down.

An amused smile slipped onto Harry's lips, "Neville ... this place I'm living in is Eventide in Knockturn Alley. I see you know of it." He said with a light chuckle as the look on Neville's face screamed one phrase, 'Are you insane?'. "They never hurt me and that's much more than I can say for most humans I know ... I've lived here for a month ... with vampires ... with werewolves ... I shopped in the 'dark' stores nearby and I'm still here, Nev. I'm still human. No fangs. No bite marks. No urge to howl at the moon. Really I take it personally. I'd make a great vampire. What am I chopped liver?" He asked with a look of mock hurt making Trocar laugh.

Neville's mouth slowing opened and closed as if trying to process this new information, "It's just ... I thought that ..." He stammered as the kneazle nuzzled him.

The vampire smiled softly and sat on the couch with slow careful movements, "You assumed that we were the bloodthirsty monsters." Neville flushed slightly and nodded "It's ok. You're hardly the first person who thought like that. Harry is the only person I know besides other creatures who act like we aren't creatures to be avoided. How far has Harry gotten in the story?"

"Don't worry, Trocar. I haven't told him about your mother owl nature yet." Harry chuckled as the pout returned to the vampire's nature and Hedwig hooted in offense at the phrase. "I got to stealing from Severus-" Harry smiled sheepishly at the look that crossed Neville's face. "If you thought I was crazy when I stole from the most feared professor in school you will know I went out of my mind when you hear what I did under the identity of Cache. Any problem with vegetable pasta and chicken?" Neville shook his head and Lyra leapt off his lap to wait near her bowl with Libra.

With dinner decided they chatted a little. It took awhile but by the time the kneazles were fed and dinner was set on the table Neville had relaxed around the fussy vampire. Really it would be hard to stay scared of any creature that tries to comfort you when it comes to your hospitalized parents. Neville joined Harry at the table and ate while they talked between bites with Trocar.

"Your grandma sounds like a tough witch." Trocar growled slightly. He didn't like this woman at all ...

"S-she means well. She even gave me my Dad's wand. It's doesn't help that I'm one step away from being a squib." Neville said in his grandmother's defense, but only succeeded in making the vampire and his pupil look at him blankly. Clearly they weren't convinced. In fact, both were sure Neville's grandma just wanted a duplicate of her son and was trying to force Neville into those shoes. That didn't make her a bad person, but it wasn't the right thing to do.

Trocar frowned, "No wonder she thinks you're a squib. If she's making you use a wand that's not suited for you then, of course, you'll look like a squib."

"It that true?" Neville asked curiously.

"Yes should eat a little more." The vampire said when he noticed that Neville had stopped eating. "Eat this half at least. A growing boy needs nourishment." He said as he took the knife and split the remaining chicken into two parts and pointed to the smaller half. Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes. It seems Trocar adopted Neville too ...

"I know a place just down the road that sells wands. I'll take you there." Harry said happily hoping Neville would forget that he hasn't finished his story yet.

"That isn't something you should do. Besides, you have to tell me the rest of the story and I want to know how your vision improved and how you got so tall." Neville said before eating the portion of chicken the vampire indicated.

"Fine ... this is where things get irritating though." He grumbled and made a point of finishing his meal slower than necessary ...

The plates were finally cleared and the three settled in the living room to continue the story. To say Neville was shocked that someone would lock a child in a modified prison cell and leave for three weeks was a understatement. He was horrified, but he admired Harry's strength and will to survive! The boy listened with rapt attention as Harry explained how he freed himself, discovered a conspiracy involving the headmaster, invented a potion to disguise himself and managed to piece together a life for himself. It was amazing that the green eyed wizard made it to safety, but then to find that vampires and werewolves are his allies! Neville could imagine his grandma freaking out if she heard this. She hated any 'non-human' ...

As a person raised in a pureblood home Neville was gravely disappointed in the headmaster. Stealing was a terrible thing to do, but when you add in mind control and the other things it becomes clear that Albus Dumbledore is an insane greedy bastard who should be locked up. As for Ron and Hermione they were foolish to trade friendship for money. Neville was definitely under the impression Harry may have gone insane though. Not for befriending Draco. That he was happy about, but some other things were rather terrifying ...

"You agreed to be Professor Snape's apprentice when you were in disguise and he still doesn't know who you are ... that won't be pretty when the mind control is removed." Neville shivered in fear at the thought of a potion master on the warpath.

Harry gulped, "I know ... I'll be right there when he finds out and will be the one to make the right potion to remove whatever spells he has ... I made a lot of calming potions for that day." The green eyed wizard shook the scary thoughts from his mind, "Anyway, impending doom aside, let's go get you a wand."

"Huh?" Neville blinked as Harry got up to get a few vials and reapplied the blue-eyed blonde disguise. That's when the Longbottom heir's eyes widened as he realized Harry wasn't kidding. "Oh! You don't have to do that!"

"Of course I do! If not for everything you did for me then for the simple reason that I didn't get you a birthday present!" Harry pointed out as he quickly checked his disguise in a small mirror on the wall.

A light blush graced Neville's cheeks at the kind offer, "That's fine. You were going through so much-"

"What? No present! We can't have that!" Trocar yelped.

It was clear Neville lost this fight when both kneazles sat near the door ready to go. Just like Harry it wouldn't be wise to be for the Longbottom heir to be recognized by the wrong person. As a result a couple potions like the ones Harry used to change his hair and eye color were picked and applied. Neville found it fascinating to see his eyes and hair turn black and followed 'Cache' to the lobby of the apartment complex. For a second it seemed awkward since every creature immediately looked at him as if trying to decide if he was a threat. Trocar and Harry cleared that up quickly though ...

"Alright Neville, it's still to early for me to come with you so Frank will go with you guys." Trocar grumbled slight. He really hated being limited by the sunlight.

Neville blinked as a strong black haired man with amber eyes that meant he was a werewolf came over to them, "So you're 'furry Frank.'" Frank burst out laughing. Werewolves have been called far worse. It was refreshing for their kind to get a kind nickname.

"Yeah, that's me!" Frank grinned, he hoped to meet the Longbottoms one day. They did sound like nice people even though their minds are out of sorts at the moment.

"We'll meet you guys at the White Wyvern after we get Neville his wand." Harry said cheerily before dragging Neville out the door.

It didn't take long to get through the streets since most of the shops weren't open. What Neville didn't expect was that there was another wand shop other than Ollivander's and it was a very different compared to what he heard from other students. There were no explosions for one. A kid said nearly every wand he touched destroyed something, but the owner of this place, David, only had him touch a glass orb so it can read his magic. The ribbons of blue and greens that whirled around in the sphere came as a pleasant surprise for Neville. He honestly didn't expect to have enough magic for this orb to read ...

The sound of shaking in the back made David leave for a moment and return with two beautiful wands. The strong pulse of magic given off as each wand was picked up surprised everyone, but none more so than Neville ...

After buying some holsters and paying for everything despite Neville's protests Cache left with his friends. Just as they came to the White Wyvern the pub opened and soon the place was filled with dark creatures. Maybe it should've been more scary, but Neville calmed down when it was clear Harry was a regular. The owner handed Frank a pumpkin juice, Cache his usual tea and a tea for Neville just as Trocar and some others came in.

Trocar introduced Armel, Maria and Sanguini to Neville and they began chatting.

At some point Neville commented on Cache's extreme height change, but Armel was quick to counter. The very tall vampire said the change in the amount of time was dangerous, but the height itself wasn't. After all, Armel himself was 5'11" at only 12, which is a bit taller than what Cache was now. Neville and Cache chatted with the others and the Longbottom heir was happy to hear that Harry will be returning to Hogwarts, but as Cache. It would be nice to have a friend right there and apparently not just any friend either. Harry told him about the connection they shared through Alice Longbottom. They were family! Practically brothers!

"Cache, you have to promise to send a letter the second your potions master, is made aware of certain things. I want to know that you survived." Neville said worriedly.

"Of course, Neville. Hopefully it isn't going to be that bad." Cache commented before wincing when Neville made a deadly mistake ... he yawned.

"Time for bed! Come on you two! Neville, you can take my apartment for the night. No point in you sleeping on a couch. It's bad for your back to sleep on a couch." Trocar said as he practically dragged the two 12 year olds off their stools to take them back to the apartment complex. Harry managed to catch himself and walk on his own, but Neville was dragged off the stool and clumsily to his feet ...

Neville blushed shyly, "That's ok. I don't want to cause trouble-"

"Sweety, I'm a vampire. We rarely sleep so the bed is usually free." Trocar shrugged and stepped on Frank's foot before he could make a perverted joke involving other uses for a bed.

"I didn't think you were lacking a sex life. Mothers deserve some fun too, you know." Cache said with a smirk proving that training as a healer has removed any filters in his mouth. Trocar gaped not expecting Harry to say that and Frank howled in laughter with the others. Even Neville snickered slightly. The Longbottom heir was taken back to the complex with Harry by the pouty vampire and his disguise was removed before being shown to Trocar's apartment.

Not long after Neville left the next morning Harry pulled out his experimental potion and applied it to several more scars ...


"Light did this you say?" Severus mused as he inspected the vial his apprentice gave him. in the vial was a clear potion that had the occasional flicker of vibrant colors dance around.

Cache nodded and rolled up his left sleeve revealing several scars missing, "Yes. Light that was refracted through some diamonds. I checked each time. The potion heals the nerve damage. It's amazing, but there are limits. I tried to put it on a paper cut. The cut didn't heal any faster, but I can't say for sure if it did nothing. I applied it to the rest of my scars so they should be gone tomorrow ... Trocar refuses to let me to try drinking it. He took my quartz cauldron captive until I find another guinea pig." The blonde sulked and settled back in his seat to work on the rune sequence on the table.

The potion master snorted in amusement. As admirable as it was to be willing to test your own experimental potion it was best to be careful. "You may not want to use other people to test this until you're sure it's safe, but you won't learn everything with only yourself as a test subject. You were mistreated by muggles so the nerve damage was local. Someone who suffered under the torture would have wide spread damage, which is quite different. I think you should turn it into the lab, but if you aren't sure you should ask Lucius to drink it and I could as well. I doubt anything serious will happen if you didn't have a problem with topical applications."

"You think so-" Cache jolted as he heard a very subtle hiss coming from the cauldron on the far table. "It's done."

Finally ... the day has come ...

The potion to diagnose mind control spells or foreign potions spells was done. Once the potion cooled Severus explained that all that was needed was a drop of blood or a hair to be added. The potion would change color and then you brush the potion onto a piece of parchment. Words will appear telling the person exactly what's in their system that shouldn't be there. Once they know the right potion or potions can be brewed to remove the spells or potions.

Frank watched in the background with the two kneazles as the potion was bottled into 20 small vials, "That will be tricky. What are you going to do? Tackle the idiot to the ground and force him to give up a hair?"

"I don't know." Cache sighed genuinely concerned, "My professor is frighteningly observant when it doesn't involve me. I don't think he's a push over either so tackling him would not go well, but if he doesn't see for himself that it was his blood or hair used he will never believe it."

Severus nodded as he listened to the problems, "Indeed, those are valid issues ... I'll first test a potion to show you what happens and we'll figure things out from there. If it comes to it I will contact him and have him try it as a precursor to an experiment. Most potion masters are willing to support each other."

"That is an option." Cache hummed fully aware that Severus was fishing for answers ... well he'd soon get them ...

"What are you working on?" Severus asked as he looked at he apprentice's rune sequence.

The blonde examined what runes he had so far as he leaned back in the chair, "I'm trying to catch light!" Cache said not caring that the task sounded impossible ...

"Of course." The potion master answered stoically not betraying any of the pride he felt for his student. "You're going to accomplish great things. You have already surpassed all the dunderheads I teach and considering the new DADA teacher will be Gilderoy Lockhart that gap will only widen."

Cache smirked, "You don't honestly mean that idiotic writer? That fool can't even fight let alone teach kids how to fight. I bet the only spine he has is the ones in his books and judging from the one book of his about vampires he's a liar." Frank snickered as he remembered how everyone reacted when Harry brought that Lockhart book into the complex. Harry got three pages in and showed the book around. It was full of incredibly offensive and completely false things about vampires that Lockhart claimed was true. Suffice to say Gilderoy Lockhart had better stay far away from Knockturn Alley or he won't live to write another book ...

"Indeed." Severus said with a snort of amusement, "I just hope Potter doesn't spend too much time around him. Those arrogant fools will feed off each others fame and only become worse."

A blonde eyebrow twitched subtly, (He just had to get that dig in, didn't he?) Cache thought with a sigh. Severus wasn't going to be happy when he finds out ...

Too late to turn back now though ...

The potion was cool ...

Harry went over to watch Severus set up a piece of parchment and take a vial filled with a potion. His heart rammed against his ribcage as Severus made a small cut on his finger letting a small drop of blood to fall into the potion. Frank slipped out at that moment and quickly flooed to Eventide and back. By the time the potion changed from gray to white to show that it has information there were ten werewolves and vampires standing silently in the hall.

With quick graceful strokes of a brush the potion master applied the potion to the parchment. The secretly green eyed wizard saw the professor's eyes narrow as words formed revealing spells he never expected. Severus still didn't make the connection as he instructed Cache on which potions to make. The apprentice had to brew each of the three potions needed by himself because Severus might sabotage himself. The spells on him could make him destroy ingredients and perhaps fight taking the potion. Cache, however, was ready and prepared the potions.

In one hour Harry had all three done and, once thy were cool and fully stable. he combined them into one potion before pouring several vials, but Severus couldn't make his hands move to get the potion. He actually tried to throw the potions against the wall. That was quickly rectified though ... by a team of dark creatures. Greyback came up from back with two pack members named Jack and Carter and they stunned the potion master. Severus quickly canceled the stunning spell, but he was pinned down anyway and the potion was forced down his throat ...

Severus breathed a sigh of relief as he felt his body stop fighting and he was released from the werewolves' grasps, "Well that's one method we could use to give your professor the potions."

"I don't think you understand Severus." Cache said knowing that the first sign that the potions are working is that the body stops fighting to keep the spells in control. It will take a moment more for his mind to clear. "I just did."

"What?" Severus blinked uncomprehendingly for a second before clutching his head in pure agony.

Connections that were never allowed to form started snapping into place as his mind cleared ...

A few moments passed and the pain faded away ...

Black eyes locked into false blue ...

"I ... I never lied to you professor." Harry said nervously as a foreboding feeling filled the room. Trocar and Armel moved to stand next to Harry with their fangs bared protectively, but it wasn't enough to stop what happened next ...

The enter building began shaking as magic whipped around violently. Severus looked down at the floor, but you could tell he was furious and his magic showed it. It was impossible to see or hear over the chaos. The vampires were the only ones who could see and shielded the others from flying objects. Out of nowhere the magic stopped and Severus was gone ...

"Ok ... what just happened?" Harry asked as he looked around the damaged room.

Armel stepped forward cautiously, "He apparated out of here."

Before anyone could consider where the furious wizard went he reappeared with a pop in the center of the room. Everyone froze when they saw him standing there now covered in cuts, ash and bits of charred debris that were leaving small burns on his skin. Not that he noticed. He just stood there quietly before suddenly passing out.

Against the others warnings Harry insisted on taking the unconscious wizard back to his apartment to tend to the injuries ... under the watchful gaze of Trocar and Frank, of course ...

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