Escape the Walking Dead // h...

By pimpingstyles

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"Have you ever had to kill people because they had already killed your friends and were coming for you next... More

Welcome to ETWD


146 6 5
By pimpingstyles

Jane's POV

"And us? Are we safe?" I whispered as he stared back and forth in my eyes.

Harry answered me, "I'm working on it."

"So is Christian," I fessed up and Harry's eyes lit up with a strange sense of curiosity.

"What?" Harry flared his nose. "Is he against Eric? But he-he took over the camp with Eric. Christian killed people, Jane. You can't trust him. You can't trust any of these guys. They all killed our people."

"I trust Christian as much as I trust you, Harry," I admitted with a stern tone. My eyes ran wild over the man I still loved with every part of me. But he was different. I was different. Everything was different.

Harry stayed silent and put his head between his hands.

"He's a fucking Mad Man!" Harry spat at me with fire in his eyes.

"So the fuck are you, Harry!" I shouted back with anger coursing all over me. "So the fuck are you," I whispered softly as the realization hit me Harry was no longer the man I once knew and loved.

"Jane," Harry frowned and winced his head away from me. He shook his head slowly as if he wanted to knock that information out of his ears. His eyes couldn't meet mine and I wondered if it was because of his guilt.

Just then Christian's bedroom door opened and Eric walked in with a few Mad Men. I stood up and pulled my gun on Eric, then back on Harry, then back on Eric.

"What is this?! You set this up, Harry?!" I backed away from the five large men closing in on me.

Eric's eyes danced on mine and I saw the excitement in them. He was ready to kill me and I was ready to kill him. If I fired my weapon, I was dead. But if I didn't fire my weapon, then I was likely to be dead shortly anyway.

"OOOOO!" Eric sang with a wild smirk spread on his cheeks.

"What?!" Harry stood from the couch and looked at me with hurt spread all over his face. "Jane," Harry warned trying to reach his hand over to push the front of my gun down.

But instead, I trained the hand gun on him and the man I loved lifted his hands up to his ears.

With tears falling down my cheeks, I took a step backward as my heart broke into a million little pieces. "I trusted you! You promised me you'd find a way out of here! You lying son of a bitch!"

"Jane, Jane, Jane," Eric clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. He was mocking me, thriving off my heartbreak.

"Jane, I didn't," Harry looked back and forth between me and Eric.

"Get down on your knees!" I shouted. "All of you! GET DOWN!"

I pointed the gun back at Eric.

None of them made a move to get on their knees. Their guns were pulled on me and I knew I'd only have one chance to kill one man. And that man was going to be Eric if it was going to be any of them.

No matter who Harry became, Mad Man or whoever, I'd never be able to shoot him. My choice was Eric. With my gun aimed at the leader of this operation, I aimed for Eric's forehead before I missed my chance.

"I just had this weird suspicion you were up to something in that weapon's room," Eric took a step forward and I took a step back. "I think you have Christian under your love spell and I'm just curious if he even has to force you down anymore?"

"You're sick!" I spat and noticed my hands were trembling as I held the gun up at him. "You're a sick fuck!"

"I'm a sick fuck?" Eric laughed as he took a few steps to the side and I had to turn with him. "You're the one sleeping with the enemy, succumbing to the power of one of us, and inevitably Jane, you are one of us now."

"I am a prisoner. I am not one of you," I breathed out holding my gun tightly.

Eric smirked at me as he bounced his eyebrows, "She's sexy when she's upset. Anyone else getting a boner right now?"

Eric laughed and turned around to look at his colleagues with their guns pointed at me. Feeling my anger consume me, I pulled the trigger and shot my weapon. Eric spun around and I realized I completely missed him. My hands were shaking too bad to aim properly.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself as another shot sounded off from one of Eric's people and I felt a bullet dig into my side.

"Jane," Harry called out for me and I dropped my arms from their position as my eyes trained on the blood soaking through my shirt.

I raised my weapon again, but before I could aim properly, Harry tackled my arm and threw the gun to the floor. It slid across the hardwood and I fell back into Harry's body as the room erupted into chaos.

Eric was storming over towards us until he wasn't. He was running out of the room with the rest of the Mad Men.

"Harry," my hands shook as I pressed down on my bullet wound.

"Hold on, baby," he pulled me across the floor and propped me against the wall. "Stay with me!"

Harry's body left mine and I watched him bludgeon a wandering dead one that came into the room. I pressed my weak hands against the hole in my side and winced in pain. Blood was shooting through between my fingers and I felt my body growing weaker and weaker as time went on.

Harry was fighting to keep some of the dead out of the room. As he pushed and slammed the door closed, he locked it and slid a dresser in front of it. Then he came running back to me, "Hold it tight. Hold it tight."

His large hands pressed over mine and I moaned in pain. Tears fell down my cheeks as I thought about this being the end. Harry frantically reached and grabbed a towel from the rack by us sitting on the floor.

"Lay down, lay down," Harry eased me to the floor as I heard the dead ones growling outside of the door.

"I'm going to die, Harry," I shook and felt my body growing colder. "I don't want to die."

His scared green eyes met my fearful brown ones.

"One of the things I love most about you, Jane, is that all your courage comes from your survival. You live fully even in this shit fucking world. Don't worry, baby. You're going to be ok, you're going to be ok, you're going to be ok," he rambled as he removed my shirt and looked closely at my gun shot wound.

"If I die, Harry," I cried as my chest expanded with my anxious realization. "Don't let me turn. Harry, look at me. Promise me, you won't let me turn."

"You're not dying," Harry began crying as he looked down at me.

"Promise me you can do it. We've talked about this before. Don't let me turn into one of them," I reached for his sweaty face. "Don't let my soul escape while my body lives on killing."

"You won't die on me," Harry growled over me as his eyes bulged out of his head and the vein in his sweaty red forehead pulsed.

"Tell me Harry!" I breathed out and then grunted in pain. "Tell me, please tell me you didn't bring Eric here."

"Baby, no," his eyes were swimming in tears as they poured down his face. "No, I didn't. I'd never, I'd never betray you like that. I-I-I stole keys to get to this part of the compound. I-I-I don't know how they knew I was here."

A strange thought occurred to me. Maybe Christian said something? But that didn't make sense so I quickly forgot it.

"I've thought about you every day, Jane," Harry pressed harder and harder on my wound. Tears spilled down my cheeks again. "Every fucking torture filled day here."

"I think about you too. Constantly," I confessed as I brushed my fingers up the side of his face. "I wish we had longer."

"No, no, no," Harry shouted at me. "We have forever, baby. We're going to take on the world. We gotta get out of here to find Will, get to Ben, Luke and Ciara. We have things we have to do! And we're doing them together! I can't do it without you anymore."

"Harry," I breathed out as I looked down at the blood coating the towel pressed between his hands and my gun shot wound. "You don't let me turn into one of those monsters. Promise me right now. Even if I don't die right now, promise me if I ever get this close again, promise you'll kill me before that happens."

Harry tenderly nodded his head as his chin quivered.

"If I can't make it out of here, you can trust Christian. Find him and find Will."

"I'm not leaving you, I won't."

"You will, Harry. If you have to, you will leave me and save Will. Then you'll go and save Ben and Ciara."

The dead were roaming the halls all around us and I knew Christian had begun his plan I was partially excluded from. I looked back and forth in Harry's green eyes seeing his fear.

Trying to figure out a way to save my own life, I looked around the room for something to stop the bleeding.

"Harry!" I shouted as I thought of something.

Something to save my life.

"Help me to the bed."

Harry instantly lifted me up as I screamed in pain from the agonizing ripping of my muscle and skin.

"Grab the knife under the mattress. Christian keeps them hidden there," I confessed and Harry seemed to stutter in his movements to look there probably wondering how I knew this. "And look in his drawers for matches."

"Jane?" Harry didn't understand what I was getting on about.

"You're going to cauterize my wound and we're going to find our way out of this mess," I winced as I pulled the towel away from my gunshot wound in my right side.

Harry nodded his head and then flexed his jaw as he begun weighing the pros and cons in his mind. "We don't know if it hit any of your organs, Jane. You could be bleeding internally."

Then, I wondered if the bullet was still inside me or if it went all the way through. "Look and see if there's an exit route on my back. Did the bullet exit my body?"

Harry pulled my shirt up as I shifted in the bed.

"Yes, yes," his voice was panicked as his hands wiped my blood off on his pants.

"Make a fire, Harry," I seethed through my teeth as I started getting lightheaded from all my blood loss.

Just then as Harry searched the drawers in Christian's nightstand, the door to the room began to try and swing open but the dresser was placed in front of it making it impossible for whoever to come through just as it was intended.

"Jane! Jane! Open the door!" Christian's voice shouted through the metal.

"Harry! Get it! It's Christian!" I softly yelled as my energy began depleting even faster.

Fuck, Christian!!!

Christian's POV

Running through the corridors all I could think of was Jane. Something went out of plan. Someone sped the plan up. It wasn't supposed to happen until nightfall. Was Jane safe in my bedroom still or was she one of the roaming dead?

As crawlers roamed the halls, I slashed my knife into dead one's brains and pulled the trigger of my pistol as they approached me. Kill after kill, kill after kill, kill after kill, I ran to find her hopefully safe back in my room.

And hopefully Harry wasn't with her.

As I made it down my hallway and I turned the corner to my room, I pounded on the door. Someone stole my key out of my pocket. And I hoped that somehow my bedroom door would be unlocked with a safe, human Jane inside.

"Jane! Jane! Open the door!" I shouted through the metal as I pushed the unlocked door open, but it stopped after only an inch.

"Harry! Get it! It's Christian!" Jane demanded weakly. I could hear the tension in her voice. She was weak and I knew the only person to make her weak was Harry or Will.

I continued throwing my body into the metal hoping to push through. But this was one of the major reasons why we chose to make this place our home, the interior of this place was strong. Strong enough to keep both man and dead from taking over.

Dead ones — the horde of the once living Mad Men — were growling down the hall following me to feast. My time was fast approaching. I would be dead soon no matter how hard I fought through the horde. If Harry didn't open the door, I would die out here and add to the increasing undead toll.

"Open the goddamn door! I'm going to be filleted" I shouted and screamed banging on the metal door of my own bedroom.

As I turned my head over my shoulder to see the fast approaching dead, I fell through the crack of the opening door. I landed straight on my ass inside the small little entryway of the room I called home the last year or so.

Harry quickly shoved my dresser back into the doorway and leaned on it to help keep the crawlers from coming inside. Going to his aide, I too, pushed and pushed the dresser against the door until their hands crushed in the seams of the doorframe. The smell of flesh was rotten and the sound of their bones crunching in the metal sent zinging pain up my spine.

Harry didn't miss a step as the door finally shut. He turned on his heel to go see a wrecked Jane gasping for air laying awkwardly on my bed.

"Jane," I gasped as I ran to her side. The dull worried ache I held in my chest this whole time quickly erupted into full panic. She was shot. She was bleeding...a lot and it was everywhere. Her blood it was all over everything.

Before I could even breathe and take the entire space in, Harry took a knife and seared Jane's wound closed. An echo of her scream played in my ears and quickly triggered me to my own son's screams when an infected bit his cheek. Flashes of my past morphed with my present.

Just standing there, I watched Harry mindlessly flip her over to cauterize her other wound on her back next.

"You!" Harry pointed to me and then the shaking dresser doors from the crawler's pushing against the metal door behind it. I shot to action and watched the two seamlessly go back to caring about each other like the many months of them being a part didn't matter...because it didn't. Love defies time, but time doesn't defy love. Love only knows love.

Harry wiped the fallen tears on Jane's face and he kissed her forehead.

"Compose yourself, Jane. Let's get out of here and find Will, yeah?" Harry mumbled down to the innocent creature we both wanted to take care of. "Let's go get Will, then let's go meet Ben and Ciara. Let's save our family."

"Will is on his way to the storm shelter. We need to meet him there," I growled heavily as I fought to keep the dresser tight against the door.

Jane stood up, turned over, and threw up all over my bed.

It was go time, mother fuckers.

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