Destined for Love (Book 1)

By Angel-Goddess

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A love handed over by Fate, but only she can make her own, for Angel, she had two destinies, she never expect... More

Chapter 01 ~ Introduction
Chapter 02 ~ Eros and his Parents
Chapter 03 ~ Moments to Remember
Chapter 04 ~ Damaged By Ares
Chapter 05 ~ A Healing Kiss
Chapter 06 ~ The Punishment and the Invite
Chapter 07 ~ Bed of Zeus
Chapter 08 ~ Pleasuring Hades and Apollo
Chapter 09 ~ Death of Psyche
Chapter 10 ~ Guided to Afterlife
Chapter 12 ~ Tour of the Underworld
Chapter 13 ~ The Fates and Hypnos
Chapter 14 ~ Mother Earth and the Titans
Chapter 15 ~ Meeting Sun and Moon
Chapter 16 ~ Ares Reveals the Truth
Chapter 17 ~ Trouble and Underworld Parents
Chapter 18 ~ Meetings and Costly Mistakes
Chapter 19 ~ Evening Meal
Chapter 20 ~ Nightmare and Communication
Chapter 21 ~ Protecting Hermes
Chapter 22 ~ Recovery and Desire
Chapter 23 ~ Summoned for Wedding Details
Chapter 24 ~ Wedding of Angel and Eros
Chapter 25 ~ Teleportation Attempts
Chapter 26 ~ Family Connections
Chapter 27 ~ Saving Family, Proving Points
Chapter 28 ~ Day with the Goddesses
Chapter 29 ~ Tea with Hera/Unknown Place
Chapter 30 ~ Phantasma
Chapter 31 ~ Moments of Wisdom and Pleasure
Chapter 32 ~ Sleeping with Poseidon
Chapter 33 ~ The Ambrosia Incident
Chapter 34 ~ Underworld Gate Incident
Chapter 35 ~ The Conclusion

Chapter 11 ~ The Unexpected News

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By Angel-Goddess

I was stood in the throne room with Eros, Hermes had immediately notified us that Zeus had called a meeting and was asking for our attendance. I also noticed that this included Aphrodite, Ares, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Hera, Poseidon, and for the first time, Hades alongside Persephone. I looked at him, he seemed troubled, after a quick look at Eros, who nodded, then I walked over to Hades and placed a hand on his arm.

"Hades, this is the first time I have seen you outside of the underworld," I said "and yet you seemed troubled"

"Angel," he said, his voice no more than a whispered

I looked into his eyes, they were bloodshot, it looked like he had been crying, suddenly and surprisingly, he wrapped his arms around me, trying not to touch me directly, putting his head on my shoulder and cried. I could hear gasps coming from the other gods and goddesses in the room, the king of the underworld was crying, it turned out that no one had ever seen him lose control of his hardened exterior.

"What is wrong, Hades?" I asked

He looked up at me, tears still in his eyes, I carefully wiped his eyes, but before he could say anything, I noticed that the room had gone quiet, and I saw Clotho stood next to us, a hand on his arm, letting me go, I turned to see her sisters stood around, Lachesis was stood next to Eros and Atropos was stood next to another goddess, who in my opinion, look more like a whore than a goddess, especially with the dress she was wearing.

"Fates, is there a reason for your presence," said Zeus

All three sisters nodded at the same time, but it was Clotho who spoke first.

"We are the bearers of bad news, Lord Zeus, I have to regrettably inform you that life of Lady Psyche has ended," she said

"WHAT?" shouted all the gods and goddesses

I felt Hades shift nervously, so he was leaning against me, he seemed to find comfort in that, I looked up at Eros, his eyes were filling up with tears, he was not the only one, suddenly the goddess next to Atropos teleported, then Eros went too, my heart broke a thousand times, knowing that he was upset about this, if he would let me, I will try to comfort him, he needs me.

"It was my fault" whispered Hades suddenly in my ear "I killed her"

I turned around, trying to avoid his hands, he leaned against the wall, before he slid down it, his hand on his knees, his head on his hands, I walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at me.

"How?" I said softly

"She tripped and grabbed my hands by mistake to steady herself, I killed her with my own hands," he said

I pulled his head on my shoulder, he wrapped his arms around me, again trying to prevent from touching me directly, he cried in my arms, I rubbed his head, trying to comfort him, it was strange that I was currently in the room full of gods and goddesses, and I had a king of the underworld crying in my arms, and not one of them seemed to find it in their hearts to show him some compassion, causing me to stare at them.

"Hades, I am sure that you did not do it on purpose, I am sure that she is going to be at peace," I said

"We had Thanatos guide her to the Elysian Fields, my uncle paid Charon," he said

"The god of death and the ferryman of the underworld," I said, still surprised that I know that, he nodded

"I am sure that one day they will ask me to introduce you, especially Thanatos," I said

"I would love to meet them, Hades"

"Maybe I could also show you the Elysian Fields," he said, I did notice that the more he talked about the underworld, the happier he got

"Is it possible for me to get there?" I asked

"I go all the time," he said

"Hades, you are a god, I am mortal" I pointed out

"I am still alive, if I could go so can you, I would love to show them to you"

"If you are sure it is safe," I said and he nodded, "then I would love to see them, Hades, now please cheer up"

He nodded, before standing, Zeus came over and placed a hand on his shoulder, who smiled at him, he must have realised that I was staring at the fact that no one had come across to comfort him.

"Brother, right now, I think she is needed for another god, Eros is going to need all the comfort he can get," said Zeus and Hades nodded, causing me to sigh silently

"Another day then," he said, a smile appearing on his face

"Angel, let me escort you to Eros," said Hermes and I nodded

As we arrived, Eros was sat in the corner of the room, the goddess who Atropos was stood next to was also in the room, Hermes excused himself very quickly at the sight of her.

"How is he?" I asked, causing her to frown at me, "My name is Angel"

"Oh, you are Angel, yes, he told me about you, I am Voluptas, daughter of Eros and Psyche, death of my mother was quite shocking, but my father has taken it worse than I thought he would," she said

I nodded, no wonder she wore such a revealing dress, being the goddess of sensual pleasure, she had to catch their attention, I walked over, placed a hand on his arm, he looked up, tears still streaming down his face, wiping his eyes, I pulled him into a hug, he snuggling against me, my heart beating faster than it should, but he seemed to be smiling, as he listened to it.

"Voluptas, can you leave us alone for a couple of hours, he needs my attention," I said, unsure if she would listen to what I ask her

"Of course, Father needs all the attention he can get, right now, and as his lover, you are the perfect one to give it to him," she said and left

"Eros, it is going to be alright, I know that Psyche is at peace, in the Elysian Fields," I said

"How do you know that?" Eros asked

"Because Hades told me that, Thanatos guided her there personally, making sure she was peaceful before he left her," I said "His uncle even paid the ferryman, Charon himself"

"Thank you for being here, Angel," he said

"If I cannot provide you with comfort, then what kind of lover am I," I said, sneaking a glance at him, he laughed softly and nodded, I placed a kiss on his cheek causing him to blush, "I know that it is possibly too soon for you to want some intimacy, but at least, allow me to hold you in my arms, while you sleep, and I do not mean in the corner, Eros"

He nodded and shifted, he climbed on to his bed, clicked his fingers, removing our clothes before slipping into the bed, I climbed in beside him.

"Actually, Angel, intimacy with you, might be the best way for me to get over what has happened" Eros whispered

"If that what my lover wants, that is what you shall get, my darling" I cooed in his ears and I nodded

I wiped the tears from his eyes before I took his mouth with mine, he deepened the kiss, taking pleasure in them before kissing down my throat towards my breasts, rubbing his tongue over the sensitive area around the nipple, as it hardens, he run his tongue over the taut nipple and then taking it gently between his teeth, he suddenly suck on the nipple, causing me to moan, he repeated the same process with the other nipple, before kissing down my stomach, I moaned softly when he ran his tongue over the sensitive area between my legs, slipping his tongue inside, as he tasted me.

"Oh Eros" I moaned

He pulled his tongue out and began to suck on it instead, making me moan louder, shifting up the bed a few minutes later before slipping his fingers inside me, his mouth teasing mine, as he continued to pleasure me with his fingers.

"Eros, Please, Take Me" I moaned

He pulled away shifting my mouth and nodded, pulling out his fingers replacing them with his manhood, causing a loud moan to escape from my lips. He thrust hard, I could tell that he was enjoying the pleasure and that it was bringing him comfort, I moaned loudly as he finally released inside me a few minutes later, moaning as he did.

"Oh Eros" I cooed

He pulled out and laid on his back, I snuggled against him, my head on his chest, my arm around his stomach.

"Angel, I am grateful that you are here," he said

"I am always here for you, Eros," I said "I always will be, as I love you so much"

"Maybe you should get married to him then," said a voice suddenly

We both looked up and saw Voluptas sat on a chair, smiling at me.

"Voluptas, I do not think your father is ready for that yet," I said "it was only today that we lost your mother"

"Instead of just answering for him, why not ask my father if he thinks he is ready or not" she snapped

I turned to Eros, who was just laying there, listening to the conversation, before I said "unless I am wrong, Eros"

Surprisingly he nodded at me and said "I would be honoured to make you my wife, Angel, you are the best thing to come into my life"

"And you mine," I said "Then tell me, Eros, are you actually purposing"

He nodded at me, causing me to gasp before I smiled and said, "I accept"

"Excellent, then it is settled," said Voluptas "you are going to be my new stepmother"

Eros looked at me and together we laughed, I smiled, before gasping at the Fates that was stood watching us.

"Fates, what do we have the pleasure of our appearance for," said Eros

"We arrived too late, you already have it in hand," said Clotho

"Yes, we were coming to tell you that your shared destiny was together, but you seem to have worked that out already," said Lachesis

"Lachesis, it is common knowledge in Mount Olympus, that when a shared destiny is in play, you stand next to the god or goddess in question" admitted Eros, causing her to blush

Wait, did Lachesis just blushed, I thought, turning to look at Voluptas who was listening contently.

"Well then, I guess that congratulations are in order," said Atropos

"Congrats, Father," said Voluptas

"Do you want us to make the announcement for you?" asked Clotho

I nodded my head and said "I think it would be better coming you, Clotho"

She nodded and smiled before her and her sisters left, Voluptas left a few minutes later, I turned to Eros and smiled.

"Are you sure you want the Fates to announce it, do you not want to tell them yourself?" asked Eros

"Considering that we just lost Psyche, I think that it would be better to have it come from the Fates," I said and he nodded

"Whatever you want, my love" he cooed "do you want to go to the throne room with me and get this over with"

"First I want you to kiss me" I cooed

"That I can do," he said and planted a kiss on my mouth, deepening the kiss to enjoy his lips, a few minutes later, he pulled away, I shifted off the bed, as he rose himself, clicked his fingers replacing our clothes before teleporting us back to the throne room. We arrived just in time to hear the announcement from the Fates.

"Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus, my sisters and I have been given the opportunity to inform you of the official engagement of Lady Angel and Lord Eros," said Clotho

Everyone gasped, turned to look at us before an explosion of cheer filled the room.

"Let me be the first to congratulate you on your engagement," said Zeus

"Congratulations, Angel, Eros," said Hera

"Congratulations Angel, welcome to the family," said Aphrodite, Ares just shrugged, causing her to glare at him

Everyone saying congratulations to us both, even Hades said congratulations before reminding me that I promise to allow him a tour of the underworld, I nodded, it was late by the time, we got back to the room.

"That was surprising," said Eros "I half expected to be questioned on my timing of the announcement of our engagement with the death of Psyche"

"I know, my darling" I cooed

"Angel, why not give Hades that tour tomorrow, I have some stuff for work to do, I would feel better if you were keeping busy," he said

"Sure, I can go on the tour with Hades tomorrow if he is not too busy at the gate," I said

"My dearest, Hades, said that he wanted you to meet with Thanatos and Charon, who both work at the gate" he pointed out, causing me to giggle before he clicked his fingers removing our clothes and we climbed into bed, snuggling against each other before drifting off to sleep.

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