Second Love

Da JL_Huxley

531 48 39

I'm cold. I'm alone. I'm not angry... at least not anymore. But here I sit. Alone. And Numb. You think on... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

29 3 0
Da JL_Huxley

I haven't talked to or seen Peyton in over a week. I know it's a school week for him so between school, practice, and the kids I know he's really busy. I tried to keep busy myself with volunteer work, playing with Auden and Emery, and running. I even went to a few of Emery's dance classes.

She was explosive when she told me that she and her little friends would be performing at the JV football game half time. I couldn't help but laugh. Life of a 7 year old is fascinating. I decided to stay another week and get through Labor Day holiday. So I'm already passing my deadline of two weeks.

Hilary and I arrive at the game with the kids. When half time goes off and Emery is absolutely adorable in her green and white dance uniform with her little friends. Not too many people in the crowds for the JV game, but when it's finally over and our team has won, smaller crowds start moving into the stands for the Varsity game. Hilary and kids decide to stay for the game, so I go along.

I run back to my car to grab something when I see Peyton's SUV pull up frantically. To my knowledge the Varsity games starts in 45 minutes. I see him pulling at his hair while talking on the phone. And yes, of course he looks hot in his coach polo and black slacks. He looks incredibly annoyed so I make my way over to him as he ends the call.

"You okay?" I ask.

"What? Oh, Hey H- No, my kid's babysitter called out sick and my parents are gone. And I can't find someone to watch them..."

I interrupt him. "I can watch them."

"Seriously, you're offering?" he looks at me questionably.

"Yeah, I figure I owe you after last week. I'll take them to your place and you can drive my rental car back after the game. It seem fair."

He looks at his kids in the car then back at me.

"Peyton, I promise to protect your babies with all my heart." Crossing my heart with my finger.

He laughs. "Okay, my house is clean and the kids don't need to shower. Dinner can be anything in freezer like chicken nuggets or pizza. Bedtime is at 8pm."

"Okay grandpa!"

I pull my jacket and bag from the car and hand him my keys. And climb into his SUV.

Crew immediately laughs "Are you going to let me eat cake before dinner?"

Peyton gives me a look that could kill.

I smirk at Peyton "Maybe buddy. Daddy is pretty strict."

He doesn't hesitant and I don't pull away which surprises us both when he kisses my forehead and closes the door. Chloe is passed out in the back with animal crackers all over her pink dress. I laugh at the scene that I'm about to walk into.

A few minutes later we arrive at their house. Peyton lives in a two story red brick house. It's super cute and I notice the grass is perfectly cut. There's a large oak tree in the front that has a swing on it.

Crew unbuckles himself and I unbuckle Chloe and carry her up to the front door. Crew opens the door for me and we walk in. The house is simple and clean. A large living room is to my left with a door to his office on the right. The staircase starts in front foyer and leads upstairs. The hallway has a small half bathroom and opens up into a large kitchen with dining room and table.

Chloe finally stirs awake as I lay her down on the couch. She shoots opens her eyes and takes a moment to recognize who I am without a second thought she squeals "brave?" How could I refuse that cute girl?

That night goes on smoothly which I'm grateful for, considering it's my first time babysitting kids alone. Luckily, I'm an expert on frozen pizza and movies. The kids chow down on their pizza and juice. Then we settle down to watch Frozen because its Chloe's favorite.

I pop some popcorn for myself and they each snuggle up next to me on Peyton's large cozy couch with their own blankets. At least he knows how to select comfy furniture. The lights are off and soon we're all fast asleep listening to Frozen.

My eyes are closed but I feel a presence in the living room. I almost forget where I am but my grip tightens around each child under my arm and my chest feels heavy. I flicker my eyes open and see Peyton standing over us. He's reaching for Crew.

"Hey...Its okay. I'm just putting Crew to bed. I'll be back for Chloe" he whispers.

I nod my head. I look down to see that Chloe has crawled into my lap and is resting her hand against my chest. That's why my chest feels so heavy. I don't know why but I naturally snuggle closer to her, wrap my arms around her, and close my eyes.

A few minutes later Peyton is standing over me again and reaches to take Chloe. But naturally I tighten my grip again.

"It's okay, I've got her" he whispers.

I release my grip and he pulls her into his arms. I close my eyes again and snuggle up into the couch pulling Chloe's soft, white blanket up to my chin. I hear the door close to what sounds like Chloe's room and hear footsteps coming closer.

"Okay your turn" Peyton whispers as he reaches for me.

But I let out a quiet laugh. "It's okay, I drive back" I mumble.

"H, its late and your half a sleep so either you sleep on the couch here or you come to my bed where it's more comfortable?" I nod half asleep and he scoops me up effortlessly.

He opens the door to his bedroom and lays me down on the left side. "Do you want to borrow and clothes or do you prefer to sleep in jeans a shirt that hugs every once our curves" he whispers.

I finally open my eyes and shoot him a glare "Don't pretend that you haven't checked out my tight ass."

He lets out a small laugh. "Yeah, I have. But it's kinda hard to miss."

I sit up and he hands me a t-shirt and shorts. It's nothing fancy or silk but it's comfortable. I stumble to the bathroom and change out of my designer jeans and top. I naturally remove my bra and place it with my jeans and top. I slide on his t-shirt and shorts which are way too big for me. I turn the bathroom light off behind me and I walk to the bed. He's already climbing in on the right and I feel his eyes graze over me.

I climb in and hug the left side edge. Part of me is half asleep while the other is freaking out about what I'm doing. I quickly ignore the later and fall asleep.


I wake up to the rays of light escaping around the dark curtains. I have no idea what time it is but what I do know is that I'm warm and wrapped around Peyton.

How the fuck did I end up like this?

He's on his back and I'm on my side with arms on his chest and my leg wrapped around his waist. He's got one wrapped around my waist and another hand in my hair. I lay there for a few minutes not sure what to think, let alone do. But he must feel my panic.

It doesn't even phase him. He kisses my forehead and pulls me closer. Somehow I sink closer into him to. I don't even fight the feelings of panic I had a second ago. I feel him stir and pull my chin up towards him. "So I guess you liked the bed better?" he smiles.

A grin spreads across my face and we just stare at each other for a few minutes. He looks down at my lips and licks his own. He's about to lean down when we hear "Daddy, I want pancakes?" Chloe's little voice echoes through the door. He smiles at me again before saying "Yeah, baby. I'll meet you in the kitchen." I pull away from him all too soon and I can feel his longing for me to be close. I scurry to the bathroom and place my bra back on.

I come back to the bedroom and I get a quick glance of him stretching as he gets out of bed. Does he ever not look hot?

"So you cook pancakes uh?"

His eyes graze over my body in his clothes and a smile he can't hide washes over. "Yeah, but its just the Bisquick kind."

"Still you're pretty awesome as a Dad to make pancakes."

"I'm assuming that's your compliment to get pancakes yourself."

"How could I not want pancakes" I laugh.

We make our way downstairs and see a very eager Chloe at the table and Crew wiping his eyes. I naturally follow Peyton's lead.

"Alright boys and girls do you want apple juice or orange juice." They both claim apple juice so I quickly pour it into the designated cups that Peyton points to. Peyton quickly starts cooking up pancakes and I pull out the store bought syrup.

The four of us indulge in pancakes and make each other laugh. Chloe begs me for a French braid after her bath so I don't mind doing a quick one after Peyton puts on a cute pink shirt and white shorts.

"Aright guy's grandma and grandpa are taking you guys for the rest of the day so I can get ready for our bbq on Monday." Chloe squeals and runs to the door to try to put on her own sandals which I know she can't. Crew follows suit. I clean up the kitchen while I hear Peyton's mom show up to scoop up the rascals. I don't hear her ask Chloe about her braid, but I know she can't see me from the front door as I clean up.

Peyton kisses them both goodbye and I hear the door close. The kitchen is clean. Luckily, Peyton is a fan of paper plates like me.

I'm washing my hands in the sink when I feel Peyton's arm wrap around me and his chest pressing against my back. He whispers through my hair "So, the kids are gone..."

Electricity shoots up and down my spine and my head becomes foggy. My breathing quickens and he knows what he's doing to me because his grip only tightens. He moves my hair to one side and begins to lay soft kisses on my neck. I grant him greater access by cocking my neck fully to the side. I find that my right hand has moved up and now sits on back of his neck pulling him closer.

I hear a slight moan escape and realize it was me. I haven't been touched like this, let alone feel like this in over a year. I wonder if it's been a full three years for him. But I don't doddle because he's slowly rotating me and kissing my jawline. His lips finally graze mine and I'm the first one to attack. His lips are incredibly soft, yet firm. He tastes like maple syrup and it's incredibly sweet. I let out a whimper when he briefly pauses to hoist me up on the counter. He stands between my legs and were eye level now. My hands are running through his hair and his hands on my cheek and waist.

I can feel the fire between us building as he moves downward on my neck. But I don't want to lose the contact so I pull him back up and kiss him hard. His tongue is remarkable and I get a moan or two back from him when I nibble on his earlobe.

But he immediately pushes me away and I feel him rush to the door when I hear his mother shout "Honey, Chloe forgot her blanket. Where is it?" closing the door. He runs to the front door and stops his mom before coming to the kitchen. I hear a few whispers and movement from the front foyer. I hop off the counter and readjust myself. Without a second moment to catch myself, a million thoughts start to sink in and I'm utterly torn.

What the fuck was that? Aren't you leaving for London? Stop!

When I hear the door close I walk to the front door and hear Peyton the lock the door. He hears me creep up behind him

"Hey, sorry about that but I wouldn't want my mom to see us like that just yet."

Just yet? Oh shit. He thinks this is going somewhere?

"Uh, I need to go Peyton."

"Why" he looks concerned now.

"Because I don't have any clothes, my makeup, or even my tooth brush here."

"Okay, so shower here. I have a spare tooth brush and you don't need makeup.-"

He takes a step closer to me but I step away.

"Peyton, I need to go. I shouldn't have kissed you."

He stands there as I walk up the stairs and into his bedroom. I quickly take off his clothes and slide my own from last night. I fold his clothes in the hamper and close the door behind me. He's leaning at the bottom of the staircase with his arms folded over this chest.

I walk by him without glancing at him and grab my bag.

"Where did you put my keys, Peyton?"

He looks annoyed at this point and I know already we're about to be in a fight that I will win.

"Not until you tell me that you didn't mean it."

"Peyton, I shouldn't have kissed you-"

"Oh, spare me your typical bullshit H. You kissed me because you wanted to and in the first time in over a year you fucking felt something. You felt alive and you haven't felt that in a long time."

He's right.

I stand there. Just stand there frozen. No words are escaping my mouth. Just blank stares.

"I know you feel that way because it's exactly how I feel right now. You can't pretend that you don't feel the electricity between us-"

I snap back "Peyton, I shouldn't have kissed you. We've just been spending some time together and it's comfortable." I'm trying so hard to be emotionless about the whole thing.

"Really, H. Comfortable. That's it."

All I want to do is avoid this argument. "Please Peyton, where are my keys?"

"Not until we're done" he shouts.

"Fine" I throw up my hands. "There's no electricity, no anxiety, no feelings of making me nervous when you touch me, clouding my judgement, or making me feel alive. No warmth in the bed that we just snuggled in. There's nothing!" I scream.

My cheeks are flustered and I can feel the heat. But all there is on his face is huge ass smile.

"Okay" he says simply. He pulls the keys out of his sweat pockets and hands them to me.

What the fuck?

I quickly open the front door with my bag in hand when I hear him "So I'll see you Monday for our BBQ?"

"Yeah, I'll swing by to say hi to the kids since I promised them."

I drive back to my cottage and immediately hop in a cold shower letting all thoughts leave me. I've been here two weeks and this is the kind of shit I'm getting myself into. I need to leave on Friday for London and never come back here.

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