Being Brooklyn

By livelaughluv99

15.8K 335 77

What happens when one girl gets the chance to spend time with One Direction? What if that moment becomes a ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A/N (In Honor of 9/11)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

647 15 0
By livelaughluv99

Hey guys!

Here is the promised chapter ten! Please enjoy! Don't forget to comment, vote and fan!

Just a lovely reminder that I have written another story as well, and in your spare time, if you would please check it out? It's on my profile page! It's called Broken Tears, and it is a One Direction fan fiction as well. This time it is centered around Harry and an actress. I hope you will read and enjoy!

Yours truly,



I blinked. Twice. "Too bright…" I mumbled, flipping over and shoving my face into my pillow, silencing the light. Someone bounced onto my bed and started to strum a guitar. "Nialler?" I asked, drowsily, dozing back to sleep.

Someone leaned over me, bending towards my ear, and I felt their hot breathe on my neck. It gave me the shivers.

"It's time, to get up, in the morning.." He started to sing softly in my ear.

"In the morning." Louis and Liam sung in unison.

"Got McDonalds breakfast for you…" Niall continued to sing.

"Just for you." Liam chorused.

"Or any other brand…." Louis muttered.

"We drove two miles to get it…" Niall's deep voice purred.

"So you better get up and eat it.." Liam piped.

"You don't wanna be a selfish, lazy, crazy girl, Brooklyn…" Louis and Liam  belted.

"So we gotta get up! Get, time to get up! It's time to get up! It's time to get up! It's time to get uuup! It's. Time. To. Get. Up! It's time to get up!" five voices harmonized.

"IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" Niall shouted, bouncing on my bed.

"IT'S TIME!" Liam and Louis echoed.

"It's time to get up-" Niall started.

"It's time to-" Liam said laughing.

"SHHHH!" Louis screeched. I could just imagine Niall's rosy red cheeks after his laughing spell.

"Get up…" Liam finished, shoving Louis into Zayn.

"Zayn… Zayn's up before me!?" I was in utter shock.

"It's time…" Louis continued, from his perch on top of Zayn's head. Zayn was sitting cross legged, on my floor.

"Dooobie dooooo." Liam yodeled.

"Waakkkeeee… getttttt. UUUUP! Time to get up! Yay!" the five boys finished.

I opened my eyes a little. I laughed. Ten eyes were staring back at me expectantly.

"Fine. You don't wake up and get your lazy butt outta that bed…" Louis paused to think, "We won't let you come to the studio with us today!"

At that threat, I rolled right out of my comfortable bed, falling face flat on the floor right on top of Harry.

"Well, hello there!" Harry smirked, being the cheeky lad that he is. I smacked the back of his head.

I got up, sighed, and trudged into the bathroom, my fuzzy, pink bathrobe in tow behind me. It was so hard not turning around and running back to the comfort of my bed, that was now calling my name, "Brooklyn… Brooklyn… Brooklyn!" It was pure torture.


An hour later, I was sitting comfortably between Harry and Niall on our way to Syco Recording Studios.

If you thought I would be calm about heading over to the recording studios, you thought wrong. I was extremely excited, hyper and all over the place. I couldn't sit still. I was like a four year old stuck in a sixteen year old's body.

After what seemed like forever, Paul pulled the van into a parking spot and we hopped out. I bounced happily around the parking lot, until Paul tugged on my arm, "Let's go Brook."

We rode the elevator up to the eleventh floor, the recording studio where the boys were privately recording. Niall barged through the door, charging at the mini refrigerator stocked with food. He grabbed a cold slice of pizza. "Hit me up!" Zayn exclaimed, referring to the pyramid of Sprites sitting on the shelf. Niall grabbed a soda a threw it at Zayn as he shoved another bite of pizza down his throat.

"Boys will be boys…" Simon sighed as he entered the room. "And who is this lovely girl?" He asked pointing at me.

"Oh, I'm Paul's niece, Brooklyn. It's an honor to meet you Mr. Cowell." I stated politely.

"Brooklyn will be staying with me and the boys for a couple of weeks. Is that alright?" Paul continued.

Simon nodded his head and motioned for the boys to enter the recording room.

And so, the recording and the drama shall begin.


What drama do you think will be happening? I won't spill, but I promise it will be juicy! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please check out Broken Tears as well! I will be updating a chapter two on that story soon!

Yours truly,


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