Teacher's Pet (Jensoo)

By kchsj96

138K 4.4K 4.1K

Jennie Kim is starting her senior year this year and she's got a pretty easy schedule. But as her friends tel... More

First Day
Second Day
Lunch Attempt 1
Lunch Attempt 2
Come Monday
Lasagna Day
Library And Book Talks
It's a Date?
Secrets And Plans
Boston 1
Boston 2
The Morning After
Teacher's Pet
Winter Formal
Living In Hell
The Finals
Unexpected Surprise
A Fresh Year
Testing Waters
Motherly Intentions
Missing Puzzle Pieces
Prologue To A Greater Plan
As We Go On
The Tale Of Discovering
The Greater Plan
Last Day


4.6K 178 169
By kchsj96

Alrighty folks! Update for y'all since i couldn't sleep at all while our dear author is in the dreamland already. Its my first day of work tonight (graveyard shift) and I've been awake since 6am. Wish me luck!
topsoo7 at your service

I dont care if we fight as long as we get to kiss and make up.


This is so extremely boring. Why can't he find something for us to do? I'd really rather be scrubbing floors rather than sit here, twiddling my thumbs as those assholes watch me. Okay, well, maybe scrubbing the floors would be a bit too much- but at least something was better than nothing.

Jennie growled her thoughts, echoing those words inside her head along with several profanities. It had been absolutely boring sitting in the same spot she was the previous day with absolutely nothing to do. Mr. Ki had said that they should catch up on homework as they wait out their insubordination, but naturally, Jennie didn't have any. She usually sped through any class work inside of class so she wouldn't have to bother taking any of it home. The other option was a book to read and, sure, that would have been no problem at all if the blonde hadn't finished the last pages in the first five minutes after her arrival.

Which had also reminded her, she needed to return the three books that she had borrowed from Ms. Kim and replace them with the next three books in the series. To say the least, Jennie had been thoroughly entranced in those vampire romance novels and she just could not get enough of them. It was rather hard to put the damned thing down upon picking it up.

She sighed and slumped down in her seat, her hands poking around in her kangaroo pocket for really no reason at all. Her fingers grazed over the sleek surface of her cell phone, then soon passed over the plastic of her mechanical pencil and ended up fumbling with a piece of paper.


Jennie blinked and pulled that paper out of her pocket. It was a slightly crumpled up pass paper. She merely shrugged it off, believing that it was an old pass that a teacher never took, but upon further inspection, she had noticed that there was something written on it- and not the usual excuse words. It was a number.

Jisoo's number.

And Jennie's phone was in her pocket.

And she was currently bored.

Careful not to let anyone see, she quickly slipped the phone from her pocket and hid it slightly underneath the table.

The blonde woke her phone and went straight to the contacts menu to enter Jisoo's number into her phone, then selected the new message button.

Hey, this is Jennie. I hope I'm not bothering you.

Jennie quickly pressed send and stuffed her phone back into her pocket. As she waited for her phone to vibrate in response, she leaned back against the plastic chair once again and sighed. It was still rather boring sitting here, doing nothing. But at least she had something to look forward to now, as she waited for a response from her teacher.

She let her mind wander at the thought of the brunette woman and Boston. Jennie had tried not to think about it all day, but whenever she wasn't occupied with work, her mind immediately went to that date they were supposed to have. And then her brain began to panic over the thought. Like, how was she going to come up with an adequate excuse to go to Boston when it was with her teacher- or so Minjee would think- since, in reality, Ms. Kim was her girlfriend. Or something like that.

There were many possibilities- most involved using one of her friends- for an excuse. Lisa would be working at the diner, or else Jennie would have picked the brunette waitress. That would be a more excusable reason, seeing as to how she had her own car. But Minjee frequented the diner often and usually had dates with David there, especially when Jennie was staying the night with a friend. So, that meant Lisa was not going to be a liable cover for this weekend.

There was Chaeyoung, but she didn't have a car and everyone knew that her father wouldn't let the brunette teenager borrow his van and he sure as hell wouldn't take them to Boston. It would have been more plausible if Jennie were to be going with both of her friends, since Lisa had her car and Chaeyoung would be able to tag along.

With those facts on the table, that had ruled both of her friends out as a cover to go to the large city. Unfortunately, that left the blonde with very few options and her date with Jisoo was looking quite grim. How was she going to tell Jisoo that she could not come up with an excuse to go to Boston with her? She couldn't tell Minjee about their relationship, that was quite dangerous and she was quite sure that the older woman would agree.

Then her phone buzzed inside of her kangaroo pocket and a smile immediately spread across her lips. Even when her thoughts were going into a downward step, any peep from the brunette just lifted her spirits. But then the thought of Jisoo and Boston sent a rock to the pit of her stomach. She had to tell the teacher of her dilemma. So, she started off with checking the message displayed on her screen with a dumb smile.

Hello! I'm sorry I was unable to reply right away, I was grading a few papers. You aren't bothering me. I honestly need a break. Are you having fun in... Aren't you in detention?

Yes, I am. Shhh... I'm a bad girl, I know.

Jennie smirked and hit send. She didn't care if that sounded flirty or not, because really, that was her original intention. Jisoo wouldn't mind, surely? After all, they were far more closer than they had been. It wasn't long before she received a message back which had made an even larger smile break out on her face.

You sure are a naughty girl, aren't you? I suppose a lesson must be taught, yes?

Holy shit. Jisoo said that. All that was missing was a winking face.

You just might.

Then you shall receive your punishment tomorrow night, Miss Kim.

Jennie couldn't help but to gawk at the screen of her phone, the message never leaving the blonde's sight as she reread the words several times over. What the hell did that mean, exactly? Was she insinuating something... sexual? Fuck, did Jennie really need to find a solution to her problem because she sure as hell wasn't going to pass something like that up.

About that, I don't have an adequate excuse to tell MJ so I can go to Boston.

She bit her lip and hit send. She knew that she could have continued the little charade, but really, there would be no game if she didn't try to work this out with Ms. Kim first. It was something that needed to be done, especially considering that she might just be leaving in a little over twenty-four hours.

Perhaps Jisoo would be more level-headed and able to come up with a better solution than Jennie had that wouldn't end in total failure. As she wait for the reply, Jennie looked around the room for a moment. That's when she noticed Jefferson staring at her with narrowed eyes and an angry scowl. Wonderful.

Jennie offered him a sneer in return before turning her body to check her phone after it had buzzed to life once again with another message from the brunette teacher. Oh, good god, did she hope that he wasn't watching her right now under suspicion because she really couldn't afford getting her phone taken away.

Don't you have a friend that lives up in Boston? Hanbin, is it?

Upon reading that message, the blonde wanted to hit herself. She very nearly forgotten about Hanbin who lives in Boston. That would be the perfect excuse to go up there tomorrow night. It was her birthday, after all, and she could "tour Boston with Hanbin."

You're a genius, Jisoo! You. Are. A. Fucking. Genius.

Jennie refrained from ditching this shitty detention and running down the hallways towards Jisoo's room whilst screaming "I love you!" at the top of her lungs. Because in that moment, she really did feel like doing that. Jisoo was like her other half. Where Jennie was lacking, she perfectly filled in the missing pieces. The blonde couldn't complete this damned puzzle without the brunette.

Well, I certainly am flattered. Thank you.

Fuck yeah, you're welcome. You're the goddamn missing piece of my puzzle, because without you, my brain would be in shambles.

Jennie grinned and chuckled at her cheesy line. Why the hell did she just say that? At least she hadn't gone the other route and made it much mushier. ... because without you, my life would not be complete.

Yeah, right. Like someone could make another person's life just complete like that. They weren't playing a videogame and there was no satisfaction to come in the end of finishing this damn torturous thing. People were just pawns on a board, being played out with their petty lives to only die in the end. They were literally born to die. Their life was nothing but a ticking clock. Some lived long, fulfilled lives while others passed before their time. It was a strange concept; life.

And where the hell was Jennie pulling all of this psychological bullshit out of? One minute she was thinking about mushy feelings towards Jisoo and the next, she was questioning life. If that wasn't enough to tell how strange and random the blonde teen was, she wasn't quite sure what else would give her oddity away.

Her phone buzzed once again and she looked down, only to smile like a goddamn idiot at the device.

Without you, my dear adhesive, my heart would be in shambles.

It was simple, yet dealt layers of meaning that Jennie was trying to comprehend. This woman was so much deeper in emotional status than the blonde thought would be possible to be given to her. Jennie had never received such strong emotions towards herself, well, positive ones that was. Everything in her life had usually ended in war and nothing was peaceful. But this little blip in her life, a blip known as Jisoo had turned into so much more. She had turned into a rather large aperture in Jennie's life and that had become quite terrifying. The blonde hadn't suspected such a thing would ever come from this, but she was dead wrong, and will most likely be for the rest of her life, because everything was turning topsy-turvy and she was getting fucking dizzy as hell. She needed to surface and catch a breath before she's drug deeper into the confusing ocean of emotions, but that didn't seem like a possibility anymore. She had dived headfirst into this and there was no way back. She could only go in deeper, like the hole she had dug herself by saying such words.

What the fuck was wrong with her?

Have I really helped mend your heart? I know you've helped me...

Jennie closed her eyes, her thumb hovering over the send button. Should she really send that? Should she risk whatever conversation that might ensue after sending such a message? Would their conversation become much deeper and serious than it had started? She decided to take the risk and hit send.
"Jennie's got her phone out!" The blonde blinked and looked up to see Victor smirking at her as his jerkoff friend stared into Mr. Ki's office after screaming that out.

"Shut the fuck up, you tattle tale." Jennie snarled, shoving her phone into her pocket as Mr. Ki came out of his office, a brow quirked at the blonde trying to sit innocently at her spot. But, of course, that stare that he gave her made the teenager squirm in her seat. Fucking crocodile

"Is this true, Ms. Kim?" The short man limped over to her, his cane supporting his weight with each stride. "Did you have your cellular device out during your punishment? I hope you do know that is not a part of the rules, dearie."


"Yeah..." Jennie chose not to lie, knowing that it would only make the situation far worse. "I had nothing else to do."

"You know that I will have to take that away from you." His hand extended, his brown eyes cold as he stared almost unseeing at the blonde.

"Sorry..." she feebly mumbled, digging the phone out of her pocket, which so happened to vibrate with a new message from the brunette teacher.


She certainly was quite relieved that she hadn't used Jisoo's name for the contact, instead she chose to go with a few smiley faces. It would remain anonymous if anyone were happen to stumble across her cell phone, even though Jennie was usually quite adamant about keeping the device on her person. And she was quite cautious not to use Jisoo's name while texting her, because who would only know what would happen if the principal scrolled through her messages and saw what she was writing. Everything else remained quite anonymous for the most part. No one should be able to suspect that it was Ms. Kim. Hopefully, Jennie added.

"Thank you," he grumbled, taking the small device with eyes gracing over the lit-up screen. "You shall receive this back at four. Now, find something to occupy yourself with." And with that, he turned around to limp back to his office.

When Jennie found her eyes sliding over to the boys, she snarled. They were snickering to each other, of course. They were such petulant boys that got their entertainment out of something so stupid. Although...

The blonde turned her gaze to the clock above her table and sighed with disbelief. She still had a half hour. Half an hour of doing absolutely nothing. And she knew that Jisoo had messaged her back with who knows what response. Oh, god, she hoped that the brunette teacher wouldn't get mad at her for not being able to reply. Maybe she would still be there after detention was over with? She could go pay her favorite teacher a visit and apologize profusely for her own insolence.

Well, perhaps this would give her the time to think over her plan. She needed to find and practice her excuse to tell to Minjee. She was going to visit Hanbin in Boston for her birthday, that far she got. Now, there had to be more reasoning to it and perhaps she could say that he would pick her up? That would leave out the worry of her foster mother wanting to drive her up there.

But, what exactly would 'they' be doing? Hanbin could show her around Boston since she would be moving up there after graduation, perhaps? That would make sense and hopefully the elementary schoolteacher would accept that.

Jennie felt so horrible about having to lie to that woman. She was nothing but kind to her and how did the blonde repay her? By lying to her face? But how else would she be able to go where Jisoo wanted to take her without lying? It would be absolutely unacceptable if the English teacher were to take her to Boston for absolutely no good reason. And it would only make matters worse if it were known that the reason why would be a date and perhaps more?

Which also raised the question about that controversial message that Jisoo had sent her. Was she really insinuating something? And if she were, where the fuck would that be happening at? Did Jisoo have plans on staying in Boston, or would she want to come back and take Jennie home with her? Either way, Jennie would be screwed because she would have to stay out later than Minjee would like, if she were to not stay over somewhere.

Did Jisoo want to stay the night in Boston? That would be a whole different story and excuse to tell Jennie's foster mother. Of course, it would also make quite a bit of sense. Why the hell would Jennie go up to Boston with Hanbin later at night for only a few hours before returning home? That sounded like a complete rip off if Jennie didn't know any better. And how would they even get to see any of the city if so? God, did she really need to clear things up with Jisoo before speaking to Minjee because she was sure that the pixie-haired woman would interrogate her before she would leave- or at least gain a sufficient answer.

Hopefully she would be able to do that within the next hour, or at least as soon as she got her goddamn phone back because that had pissed her off. She hated those boys even more now than ever. They just wanted to see her suffer because they were assholes just like that.

At least the time hadn't gone by as agonizingly slow as Jennie had originally anticipated. Mr. Ki was out of his office in no time with Jennie's cell phone in hand and a cane in the other.

"Alright, dearies, you are all free to go. I expect to see you back here after school on Monday. Do have a good weekend." His words were a little too forced and Jennie could tell. He really didn't want them to have a good weekend. Hell, they were as good as common criminals in his eyes. Being in detention didn't help that fact.

It wasn't long before the principal hobbled over to the blonde with her phone extended in his hand. But before Jennie could grab it, he lifted the device out of her reach. "And you, Ms. Kim, I certainly do hope that you plan to keep all electronic devices at home or in your bag. Next time I catch wind of a certain blonde with a cell phone, I will not hesitate to confiscate it and add more time onto your insubordination. Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes." The blonde nodded, receiving her phone when he had finally handed it to her. "I won't use it again."

"Good. Thank you." Mr. Ki's lips curled into an unpleasant smile before he turned to head back to the principal's office, but stopped halfway there and spoke in a bone chilling tone. "I do recommend that you leave your device on silent. The constant vibrations threw my concentration. Thank you."

Wait, her phone had been going off? And possibly more than once considering the man's agitation. Without a second thought, Jennie checked her phone as she stood, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She had planned on quickly dropping by Ms. Kim room in hopes to apologize for not responding to the message. The brunette must be worried or angry at her. Or not...

When emerald eyes scanned through the several messages received, her heart sunk. Was she a fucking moron for getting caught? Really, she wished she would have been more discreet because it looked as if Jisoo was in a self-loathing state right about now.

The first message was in reply to the one that Jennie had sent just before the phone was confiscated, and that had made the blonde just swoon.

Yes you have more than you will ever know. I never thought that I would be able to feel this way for another person, but you have brought so much out of me, Jennie Kim. I think I've fallen so deeply for you, and so hard as well. It scares me, Jennie, it really scares me. You say I have helped you, as well? Do you feel the same?

It was really sweet what she had said and it brought those bothersome tears to her eyes once more. Because, yeah, that's exactly how the blonde felt for the brunette as well. She felt all of those overwhelming emotions that Jisoo had felt towards her, she was quite sure. She was just terrified herself that the feelings were unrequited and Jennie was quite sure that the brunette teacher had those same fears.

And the next few messages that she had seen underneath that very one that made her heart well with emotion, just broke it down completely.

-It's alright if you do not feel the same. I just... I had to get that off my chest.

-I do hope you know that you are not to feel inclined to answer.

-I'm so sorry, Jennie... I didn't mean to scare you in any way...

-Sometimes I just don't know when to stop...

The blonde had shoved her phone into her pocket without a response and chose to quickly guide her feet to the English teacher's classroom. Who knows what this poor woman was going through right now. She really wished that she hadn't been caught- or at least that that stupid jackass Jaenyeol didn't snitch her out on it. Wasn't it enough payback by punching her? Obviously not, and this time he didn't even harm Jennie, but their teacher with his goddamn insolence.

Jennie was by Jisoo's classroom in minutes, slightly panting from her haste. But much to her discontent, upon further inspection, she had noticed that Ms. Kim wasn't even in the room. It was completely dark inside and after trying the handle, Jennie concluded that she wasn't enjoying the dark because the door was locked.


Jennie sighed and pressed her back against the door as she pulled her phone from her pocket. She needed to contact Jisoo somehow. Sending a message was always an option, but how would she truly express how she felt through words? Of course, great emotion was something best described in word, but writing them felt a cop-out.

Would the brunette even respond to her? And would she if Jennie were to call?
It was a chance that the blonde was willing to take, for she brought the cellular device up to her ear after dialing the older woman's number.

The other line had rung, bringing an anxious Jennie to pace about the vacant hallway.

And then another ring.

And another.

Jennie sighed. Jisoo wasn't going to pick up by the fourth ring, so the blonde had decided to give up and end the call. What was she to do now? She really did need to communicate with the brunette, especially if there were to be something tomorrow. Goddammit, she hadn't spent an hour fretting over the subject just to let it go so quickly.

The only logical solution was to go to Jisoo's house. Sure, it was quite risky and not to mention odd, but she needed to and she remembers just vaguely where it was. Pushing herself away from the door that she had found again, Jennie marched down the halls to leave the school.

It wasn't long before she found the sidewalk and began trace the path to Jisoo's house that she had remembered they took after school on Wednesday. Of course, it had been much warmer then. Right now, it was fucking freezing and Jennie was only wearing her hooded sweatshirt- which didn't necessarily protect her much from the bitter cold wind. She had been out here less than five minutes and she was already regretting the decision to walk. Who only knows how far away her house was from here and how much snow would be in her path.

Because, goddamn, that snow seeped into Jennie's shoes upon impact and chilled her already aching feet. It hurt like a son of a bitch. Every part of her hurt like a son of a bitch from this frosty air. She would be lucky if she were able to speak upon her arrival, because she was sure that her entire body had turned into a human vibrator.

Jennie could have wept when she saw the familiar manor come into view, and quite close at that. She crossed one street and she was there, nearly sprinting to the door in relief. Snow flung itself around her feet as more matted into her blonde mane from the sky. And, oh god, she was about to literally sob when she saw that familiar black Benz parked outside, looking all shiny and spectacular. That had meant that she was home and that Jennie hadn't frozen her ass off for nothing.

Running as fast as her aching and frozen muscles could take her, Jennie approached the door in... not so much record time. But, alas, she had arrived and knocked rather rapidly on the door. Boy, did she hope that Jisoo would answer that goddamn door. Jennie was about five seconds away from knocking it down and running into the fireplace to thaw out.

Then, the door tentatively inched open along with the appearance of Jisoo's face. And, shit, she looked like she had been... crying? The flesh around her eyes were slightly puffy and her nose still red, but the look of utter shock and surprise in those brown orbs had dissipated the other indicators.

"Jennie?" she whispered. "What are you... What are you doing here?"

"I-I... I c-came to ex-explain..." The blonde managed to utter through chattering teeth. It had only taken a few moments before Jisoo had realized Jennie's state, and once she had, Jennie was inside with her shoes and hoodie stripped, a pair of fuzzy socks on her feet and several thick blankets draped around her shoulders. The idea of Jisoo having a pair of such socks would have made Jennie laugh if she wasn't too busy trying to keep from shivering excessively.

"Here's some hot cocoa." The brunette teacher carefully handed over the black mug of steaming cocoa, a light smile on her face. "I noticed that you ordered cinnamon with it at the diner, so I took the liberty to add some for you. I hope you enjoy it."

"I-I will, very much. Th-thank you." Jennie offered her a smile as she took the mug, nearly moaning at its warmth as it soaked through her hands. She quickly took a sip and closed her eyes. "That's good..." she purred, enjoying the warmth spreading through her body. It had already made her feel much better than she had upon her arrival.

"You're welcome..." the brunette whispered, occupying the spot next to her.

"Jisoo, I-I wanted to talk with you." Jennie shivered, pulling the blankets tighter against her. Perhaps it wasn't such a wise idea to walk over here in probably zero below temperatures. "About the text that you sent me. I wasn't able to look at it because Mr. Ki took my phone."

Jisoo frowned and wrapped her arms tightly around Jennie, the new source of heat felt wonderful on the blonde's still shivering form.

"Jaenyeol told him, or else I would have been able to tell you that... I feel exactly the same. I think I probably told you at some point, you know... I don't know what I say and what I don't anymore." Jennie leaned into Jisoo, blinking slightly when the brunette tried to lift her up. Obliging to whatever silent request, Jennie lifted her bottom off the couch and moved to where the older woman was guiding her, which had her ending up on the brunette teacher's lap with arms coiled tightly around her waist. The blonde smiled warmly and wrapped one arm around Jisoo's neck while the other still held her mug on her legs, then lay her head on the brunette's shoulder.

"I nearly cried when I read that first message. Do you know how sweet you are, Jisoo? I feel so flabbergasted that you chose me, or at least wanted to stay with me." her words were a near-whisper as the hand draped around Jisoo played with her raven locks.

"You... you really mean that?" The brunette turned her gaze to lock in with Jennie's, brown eyes were wide and filled with such fear that squeezed the blonde's heart.

"Of course I do, Jisoo. You mean so much to me, it scary. I've been at war with my emotions for you and it's just... it's so crazy. I've never felt like this before. And, honestly, I do not know how to handle it." Jennie shrunk against the brunette's small frame, her grip slightly tightening as she watched the tears start to glisten in Jisoo's chocolate eyes. "I mean, I can't promise anything, really. I can't promise that I won't fuck up. I can't promise that I won't hurt you. I can't promise anything, but I hope that's not a turn-off for you, and if it is, I understand if you want to just turn away."

"Why on Earth would I want to do that, Jennie?" Jisoo gently tucked a loose piece of hair behind Jennie's ear, a watery smile on her plump lips. "I believe that I said this before, and I say it again, I will not give you up that easily and I will not just leave you because of your faults. No one is perfect, darling, we all have our bad sides. I do, as well." She looked away, eyes focused on something across the room. There seemed to be an internal debate going on inside, and Jennie could see it clearly in her eyes. She was conflicted.

"I do, too," she croaked after a moment of silence. "Will you back away, Jennie?"

"No," was the blondes immediate response. "I would never."

"I see," she said, and that was all she said for another extended period of silence. Jennie watched as fingers played with blonde locks, twisting and twirling the strands around each digit. "About tomorrow, have you thought of an adequate excuse?"

"Yeah, I think so." The blonde shifted slightly on the older woman's lap, trying to be as carefully as possible so she wouldn't hurt her. "I was just gonna say Hanbin wanted to show me around Boston for my birthday."

"Oh?" Jisoo blinked, a slow grin spreading on her lips. "That sounds believable."

"It's wrong." Jennie muttered. "But anything's worth hanging out with you."

"You... you really think so?" The teenager smirked when she saw a light pink dusting the teacher's cheeks a pretty hue.

"Of course, Jisoo. I told you, my feelings are fucking scary." Jennie shrugged and dared to press a bold kiss to the older woman's cheek.

"You're the sweet one, Jennie." Jisoo purred, tilting her head to return the kiss to the blonde's own cheek. But then her lips moved, trailing light pecks across the expanse of pale skin until they ended on the corner of Jennie's mouth.

Jennie, on the other hand, sat rigid on the brunette's lap. Her breath had become short gasps for desperate need of air as her heart seemed to skip a few beats when it sped up.

"I like you a lot, Jennie." The brunette teacher breathlessly confided, her lips hovering mere inches above Jennie's.

"I like you a lot, too, Jisoo..." Jennie softly replied, and that was true. She really did like Jisoo, and a lot at that. Although, the blonde feared that her feelings directed her to more than just liking, but she wasn't brave enough to voice that small voice in the back of her mind. She didn't know if she believed it, either. Only over time would she find the true answer and solve any waking questions in her head.

Every thought dissipated when she felt soft, luscious lips press against her own in a slow and sweet kiss. It felt different than the other ones that they shared- even though there were very few. But she could differentiate them, and this one was definitely more... tender. She could feel the emotions pouring from Jisoo in that kiss and it had seemed to short-fuse her brain.

Fortunately, she gained enough sense to return the kiss, easily willing her own emotions to step forth and take control of the intimate connection with slow moving lips sliding perfectly over lipstick covered ones. Jennie's eyes slipped closed as she let the world around her fade away and enjoyed the pleasant bumps breaking out over her skin. This woman could make Jennie float on a goddamn cloud with just a this simple, sweet kiss, and stir so much more inside of the blonde. Everything was perfect with her, even when they had pulled apart when the kiss had came to a natural end. A perfect end with soft, breathy gasps.

"Do you know how beautiful you are, Jennie?" Jisoo smiled, licking her lips. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on- both on the inside and out."

The blonde's eyebrows shot up to her hairline from the sudden compliment, but that didn't stop the blush that soon crept onto her pale cheeks. "You're really too kind, Jisoo..."

"Kindness has nothing to do with it. These are feelings and thoughts that I feel must be addressed. You deserve every wonderful compliment and I am willing to give them to you whenever I can." The brunette teacher's voice was a low hum as she tenderly ran her fingers through Jennie's blonde locks. "Like how I love your hair. It reminds me of honey, for some reason. And it's soft and silky. I often find myself wanting to just... bury my face in it."

"What..?" Jennie blinked. "You..."

"I'm sorry. Was that too much?"

"It's... fine. Just a little strange." The blonde shrugged and bit her lower lip, letting her fingers lightly graze across Jisoo's shoulder. "Just as long as I am able to express how much I love to touch you. Your skin, specifically. It's like velvet, you know? You must use some nice moisturizer, because I often find myself fantasizing over touching your skin."

"My skin?" Jisoo couldn't stop the blush on her cheeks. "I do use good moisturizer."

"I knew it." Jennie chirped. She always fantasized about touching Jisoo and her flawless skin. It was usually, for the most part, to make sure that the brunette woman was real. And she was real alright, or at least that kiss had told her so. Also, she always had fantasized about touching all of the brunette, but wasn't that just every girl's dream?

Holy shit, hadn't Jisoo suggested something like that through a text? She had... hadn't she? Which, with that in mind, had raised the question she had asked earlier. What the fuck were they going to do after getting to Boston?

"Hey, uh, Jisoo? I needed to ask you something. I know that it's kind of abrupt..." Jennie shifted once again on the brunette woman's lap, her fingers anxiously playing with a stray lock of her hair.

"What is it?"

"What did you... What did you want to do when we get to Boston? I mean, it would be kind of pointless to only go there for dinner so late at night, and especially when Minjee would think I'd be visiting Hanbin. She'probably think I'd at least stay the night or something. I mean, I'm not really trying to insinuate anything. I-I was just curious." she elaborated, this time letting her hand gently massage the older woman's shoulder before adding quietly. "... and your text to me was a bit suggestive."

"Oh, right. You are correct, Jennie." brunette purred softly, rolling her shoulder after the blonde had stopped. "Perhaps we could rent a hotel room to stay in for the night and pick up brunch before we leave?"

"A hotel room?" Well, hot damn, she had something planned out, didn't she?

"Yes. I could get us one with two beds if you wish."


"If you are uncomfortable with sleeping in the same bed as I, I mean."

"O-one would be suitable. I don't mind." Jennie smiled shyly and, before Jisoo could see her face, she buried it in the older woman's hair. "Is it official, though? I would have to tell Minjee about it."

"Yes. I can book a hotel room tonight so we are guaranteed to have one for tomorrow night." The brunette chuckled softly at the blonde's actions and playfully pinched her sides. "That is, if you feel inclined to come out of your hiding place before then."

"But I like it here..." Jennie mumbled against Jisoo's hair. "Your hair smells like apples. And it's soft." And to prove just that, she inhaled deeply and giggled.

"Well, I am certainly glad to hear that." The older woman smiled softly and squeezed the blonde tighter against her. "But you do know that you'll come out of there soon. You must tell your mother some time, yes?"

"Nah, I think I'll just let her continue believing I'm straight." Jennie did, though, move away from Jisoo's hair to gaze down at the brunette with a mirthful smile. The look on Jisoo's face made the blonde laugh, and boy, laugh she did. Jennie had ended up falling off the brunette's lap and hit the floor with a thud, but that hadn't fazed her as she continued to guffaw in memory of the face that was given in response to her statement.

"Jennie! Are you alright, darling?" Jennie heard rustling from above her, but she didn't give it any mind. She was in tears, unable to catch her breath. Why she thought it was so funny, she would never know. And the burning on her legs from the spilled hot chocolate went unnoticed.
That was, until Jisoo had pulled the blonde into a sitting position on the floor, in which amused eyes met with concerned brown. It had taken a few deep breaths and couple of suppressed giggles until Jennie had finally calmed enough to realized where the hell she was and why the hell her legs felt as if they were on fire.

"Are you alright, Jennie?" Jisoo repeated, her eyes wide and wild with worry. "You took a hard fall, and the cocoa didn't stay in the cup."

"That's because it's on my legs." Jennie gestured to her jeans, which were dark with spilled hot cocoa. "My ass hurts a little bit, or else, I'm okay."

"Take your pants off."

"And here I thought you were more dignified."

"Not like that..." Jisoo quirked a brow and pushed herself up with the couch, which had her soon standing with an arm extended. "You need to get out of those since you've spilled sticky cocoa all over yourself."

"Am I gonna walk around in my underwear, then?" Jennie smirked, taking the offered hand to stand up. "Because, you know, I don't wear those cute kinds or anything."


"Sorry. I just... shouldn't open my mouth." the blonde muttered. She was really putting too much flirt into this conversation with her teacher, well girlfriend. Teacher girlfriend? Whatever the fact, she wanted to know why. Normally she would never-... well, she couldn't necessarily say that, especially since she never really had flirted with someone she liked so freely. It came way too easily to Jennie when she spoke with Jisoo.

"It's fine, Jennie." Jisoo offered her an amused smile. "I have a pair of pants that you may wear until yours are done washing."

"You're going to wash my pants?"

"You do still need to return home, don't you?"
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Jennie made a face of displeasure. "I wish I could stay here longer."

"But you can't." The brunette gave her a look that said she wished Jennie could stay as well, but that was something that could just not happen. "Why don't you stay down here while I grab something for you to wear?"

"Alright, thank you..." Jennie mumbled with a smile as she watched the brunette teacher turn to leave the room.

This was happening, Jennie thought as she tried to peel the material of her jeans away from her skin where the cocoa had spilled. Here she was, now pantsless, in Jisoo Kim' home. Never had she ever thought that would be a reality. Of course, the context didn't apply to where the rest of Jennie's little fantasy would go. Everything about this situation was innocent, or so she thought. There was a possibility that Jisoo would come back wearing nothing but what she was born, but of course, that was highly unlikely, no matter how much Jennie wished that were to happen.

"There's a rest-... room..." The husky voice of the brunette teacher had Jennie's attention to the door where Jisoo had entered with a pair of grey, silk pajama bottoms. But the way she paused halfway across the sitting room with wide eyes told Jennie that she hadn't been expecting a pantsless blonde on her couch.

"Hi..." Jennie mewled sheepishly, the intense stare of the brunette had her shrinking against the couch and wishing to whatever higher deity that she was wearing pants.

"Your... You... Here." The brunette cleared her throat and tossed the bottoms over, in which Jennie quickly slipped them on to sooth part of her embarrassment. The older woman's eyes were burning darker than before, which had alarmed Jennie. Was this turning her on?

"Thanks," she mumbled, smoothing her hands over the sleek fabric, trying to forget that little fact. "They're really comfortable."

"That's why I purchase them."

Jennie nodded, smiling up at the brunette as she picked up the jeans strewn over the couch. She folded the jeans neatly and, once again, moved to exit the room. Even though she hadn't said anything about her departure, Jennie guessed she was going to wash them. That had made the blonde feel rather guilty, considering that they were her own and the mess was also her responsibility. She figured the least she could do was help, and so she did.

Jennie jumped up from her spot and picked up the forgotten mug from the floor before quickly following behind the English teacher to wherever she was headed. With the mug held close, she let her eyes wander around the scene of Jisoo's home, noticing all of the lavish and expensive items that decorated it. It took all of Jennie's will to not stop and just gawk at everything that she passed by. How nice would it be to live here?

"Jennie?" The brunette suddenly paused her movements and turned to look at the teenager behind her.

"Yeah?" She queried, taking the few step distance between the two.

"What are you doing, dear?"

"Following you." When Jisoo turned around, Jennie smiled innocently. "Is there a problem with that?"

"Of course not." A smile broke across the older woman's face and she reached out to gently take Jennie's hand. "Want to take a trip to the laundry room?"

"That's what I planned." Jennie replied stupidly. "I mean, that, I wanted to help. It would only be right if I were to. After all, they're my pants."

"You don't have to, honey. I can wash them." Jisoo shrugged and proceeded onward, dragging the blonde behind her. "Why don't you put that mug in the sink on our way, hm?"

Jennie nodded as they crossed the foyer and went straight into the kitchen. She did as suggested and gently set the mug into the sink, but not after rinsing the rest of the contents out with a proud smirk. When she turned around, she was met with a quirked brow and pursed lips.

"Are you done?"

"I just don't feel right about making you clean up after me, is all..." Jennie said quietly, once again following behind Jisoo as the two made their way out of the kitchen and down a hall. The brunette opened the closest door, which had revealed a rather small room with a washer and dryer, as well as a small basket of clothes.

"Sweetheart, my home is your home, I hope you know that. But I do like to... I like to take care of people. Especially someone that I care greatly for." The brunette gave her a small smile before turning to toss the jeans into the washer. "Do you mind if I throw my own clothes in there as well? I know how touchy people can feel about mixed laundry."

"I'm fine with it..." Jennie kept her eyes glued to the brunette as she then proceeded to neatly put each article of her own clothing into the washer. The blonde blushed when she saw several pairs of panties enter the machine that held her jeans, and holy shit, Jennie felt as if she had to look away because of privacy issues.

"Are you alright?" Jisoo smirked after setting the washer up to start and turned her body to face the blonde once again. "Are you embarrassed over something?"

"I-I don't want to... invade anything..."

"Trust me, you aren't. I wouldn't show my undergarments to just anybody." she purred, taking a few steps closer to the blonde. A soft hand gently caressed Jennie's cheek, resulting in the softest mewl. Her eyes closed as she nuzzled closer to the hand, quite enjoying the warmth and small jolts of electricity coursing underneath the touch. Jennie's breath caught in her throat as one of Jisoo's fingers grazed ever so tentatively over her lower lip.

Oh, god, the strange things this woman does to her.

"Am I considered one of the lucky bodies?" eyes opened, an innocent doe look on her face.

"Yes." Jisoo answered, her voice huskier than it originally was. "And you're the only one that has the privilege to have their clothes mixed with them."

"I'm one lucky bitch, aren't I?" The blonde breathlessly inquired, pale fingers wrapping around the older woman's delicate wrist. "Because I certainly feel like it."

"I suppose you are, Jennie. As am I." Arms soon engulfed Jennie and her senses were filled with the scent of Jisoo's spicy perfume. The blonde couldn't help but to grin like an idiot and probably hugged the teacher back a little too tightly, or so the small squeak the came from Jisoo told her so.

"Sorry... 'chu..." Jennie mumbled through short puffs with her face buried in Jisoo's neck and hair. Apples was her new favorite thing, and she had the lovely Ms. Kim to thank for that.

"Chu?" Jisoo's voice was muffled, for her own face was hidden away in blonde curls.

"I meant Jisoo." She quickly mended and she had meant that. Somewhere in there, the "Ji" was lost in raven locks. She wasn't really one to give people a nickname if they didn't come across as that type of person. And she usually veered away from cute pet names. They never felt right coming from her mouth- or so she thought if she were to say them. It just didn't go with her persona and trying to call Jisoo 'baby' didn't seem really fitting. The woman was much older than her and she wasn't sure if the brunette would actually appreciate it. Like she didn't know if Jisoo was offended or surprised over what she thought was a nickname.

"Oh..." and that answered Jennie's question. She sounded slightly disappointed, but didn't want to show it, or so Jennie thought.

"Do you want me to... to call you Chu?" Jennie asked tentatively. "I really wouldn't mind and it can be our thing."

"No one has ever called me that before. Well... I wouldn't let them if they had." Jisoo bit her lip and moved away from the blonde curls to stare into emerald eyes. "But I like it coming from you."

"That settles it then?"

"I suppose it does." The brunette smiled and leaned forward to press a quick kiss to Jennie's lips, which had ultimately left her breathless.

"Chu. It suits you... well..." she couldn't help but let out an elated giggle. "When you look like that, it does."

"What do you mean? What do I look like?" Her eyes were wide and incredulous.

"When you look at me with those big, brown eyes and they're just so sparkly and sweet. And the smile on your lips... looks so natural. You look, dare I say, adorable. And adorable is Chu. Chu is adorable." The blonde offered her most innocent smile that she could to the brunette, because she knew for a fact that Jisoo didn't like to be called adorable, considering that she didn't take too well the last time Jennie had called her that very word.

"Chu is adorable, huh?" The brunette woman quirked her brow. "I think I would like to digress."

"Nope. My Chu is adorable and that is that." Jennie nodded simply, squeezing Jisoo even tighter. Oh, good god, did she hope that she wouldn't break the poor woman in half. But she was just so adorable.

"You know, Jennie, I won't always be adorable."

"Yeah, because you're pretty damn sexy, too. I know for a... I-I mean..." Jennie blushed quite vividly and chose to hide her floral face in apple scented hair.

"I am not responding to that." Jisoo's voice sounded as if she were completely thrown off and Jennie wouldn't doubt that she would because. Because even the blonde herself was surprised by the sudden comment that flew from her lips. Really, she needed to do something about that. Perhaps there was a kind of surgery to partake in? Whatever the solution, she needed to get it done rather quickly before she said something else she wasn't meant to.

"I don't really expect you to. I am really, like really sorry about my mouth." Jennie mumbled against the older woman's neck. "I just... I really do not know how to stop."

"Don't worry." The teacher whispered softly, pressing a kiss to the top of the blonde's head. "I don't either."

And that had struck something inside Jennie's brain. She remembered reading that message that Jisoo had sent her earlier. She said that she didn't know how to stop. The blonde wasn't the only one with vocal diarrhea problems. Apparently Jisoo suffered the same, and currently... there was no cure. They were quite hopeless and they could only wish a single dose of something would help them out.

"Hey, Jisoo..." Jennie pulled slightly away from the brunette, holding her at an arm's length. The look in her eyes had literally tore the blonde's heart in half. She looked just so goddamn sorrowful and self-loathing, it was impossible not to pull her into an embrace. And so Jennie had, not even bothering to finish what she was about to say, because instead, she just held her teacher and hoped to be of some comfort.

"You're a wonderful woman, Jisoo. Please don't feel anything but elation, because that's all that you deserve. You deserve to be happy and I will try my goddamn hardest to do that for you. Sure, there'll probably be some assholes in the way, but that doesn't mean I won't try." Jennie reassured, her voice soft and her emotions genuine as she whispered into Jisoo's ear.

Then she moved back and stared deeply into the teacher's chocolate pools as one hand tucked her dark hair behind an ear. "I will reassure you many, many more times if I have to because I want you to know that I am here and always will be here for you. No matter what. Please... do not doubt yourself. I... I know earlier that you had.... through that message that you had sent me."

Jisoo had remained silent during the time Jennie had spoken and for several moments afterward. And the, without notice, the brunette burst into tears. That had startled Jennie, and it had had even more when the older woman threw herself into the blonde's arms in a sobbing mess.

"Chu... J-Jichu?" Jennie frowned, pulling her tight against her chest. She was always quite awkward when dealing with emotional people. She never figured she could be enough to comfort them, but since she was the only one here for Jisoo, it seemed as if she had to try. Luckily, it didn't feel all too awkward. Perhaps it was because the thorny disposition between the two had come down quite a lot and she had gotten so used to holding Jisoo. Whatever it may be, she was able to harbor the feelings needed in comforting a hysteric person and it seemed to be working quite well. The soothing circles on Jisoo's back and the way Jennie had stroke the brunette's soft hair had calmed her incredibly.

"It's alright, baby." she whispered. "It'll be alright. I'm here for you." She felt the brunette nod and heard a few sniffles that made her heart ache.

"Good, good... Come on, why don't we switch out the laundry and go watch a movie? Lighten the mood?" Jennie brought a hand up to cup the brunette teacher's olive cheek.

"A-alright, that sounds good." she nodded, her voice now hoarse.

So they did just that, working as a team to switch the cleaned clothes over to the dryer with Jisoo pulling them out as Jennie tossed them in. After they had finished with the small chore, both women headed to the sitting room and picked out one of the lighthearted romantic comedies. They cuddled up under the blankets as they watched the film, with Jisoo holding Jennie in her arms as the blonde pretended not to be interested in such a 'lame' movie, although she was thoroughly intrigued by it.

By the end of the movie, Jennie was yearning to watch another of the silly rom-coms, but Jisoo had pointed out that the clothes must be dry by now and it was getting late. And by getting late, that meant that Jennie needed to head home before Minjee had a fit of not knowing where she was. So, with that, the two quickly made their way to the launder room where Jennie retrieved her pants and donned them.

Soon enough, Jisoo and Jennie were out of the house and on their way to the blonde's apartment. The trip there was sat in companionable silence as the music on the radio sprang through the speakers. It was to Jennie's pleasant surprise when she had noticed that the station was one on that of classic rock. So Jisoo did have good taste in music besides the classical she thought the brunette listened to, or at least of what she saw in part of the older woman's musical collection.

It wasn't long, or so Jennie thought, until they arrived outside the apartment. It always felt that the ride home was always too short. Or, at least the last time it felt the same. When she arrived on Sunday, though, she knew that would be a much longer trip. If Minjee were to let her go. She wouldn't find out until she got enough strength to get her ass out of the car.

"Until tomorrow?" Jisoo turned to face the blonde, an elated smile on her face. "I'll pick you up around seven, if your foster mother allows you to go."

"She probably will." Jennie shrugged. Minjee never said no to her when she asked to go somewhere, especially overnight. The pixie-haired woman was a little too trustful for her own good, and Jennie tried not to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, tonight, she would have to in order to go on that date with Jisoo. Maybe in the future, if Jisoo and Jennie were still together, she would be blatantly honest about this day. After all, it was the mark of their first date out. It would be a rather important milestone that hopefully Minjee would forgive her for.

"But I'll text you when I get an answer. Okay?"

"Alright," she nodded.

"Goodnight, Chu." Jennie smiled shyly, looking at Jisoo through her lashes.

"Goodnight, Jennie." The brunette's smile radiated, brightening up her entire face and, oh, did it make her look so breathtaking. Jennie's face just lit up as well, the smile contagious, and their eyes met in a heated stare. She found herself leaning forward, an invisible force drawing her near the brunette, and it had seemed the same for Jisoo. That was, until Jennie's phone rang to life with a speedy tune, indicating a call from her foster mother.

Jisoo jumped nearly ten feet in the air from the interruption and Jennie the same. She cursed under her breath, pulling the device out to answer the call.

"Hello?" She asked, trying her best not to sound annoyed.

"Jennie? Where are you?"

"I'm outside. I'll be coming in a moment. Alright?"

"Alright. Goodbye."

"Bye." The blonde huffed and ended the call. She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door, but before she stepped out of the car, she turned to look at what appeared to be a shell-shocked Jisoo.

"You alright?"

"Wh- yeah." The brunette offered her a smile. "Goodnight, honey."

"Goodnight, Jisoo." Jennie leaned forward and kissed her cheek before hoisting herself out, slamming the door behind her.

God, did Minjee sometimes make her angry. She always had to call at the most inopportune of times. Sighing with irritation, she made haste to get upstairs and enter the already unlocked apartment to be met with Minjee staring at her.

"Where have you been, Jennie?"

"I had a tutoring session with Ms. Kim again. I'm sorry. I thought I told you..." Jennie ran her fingers through her hair. "I would have told you, but I thought it would be rude to use my phone."

"You really need to tell me when you tutor, Jennie." Minjee sighed, extending a hand to tuck a piece of hair behind Jennie's ear. "Alright, hon?"

"Yes. I'm sorry... I will, okay? I'll try to when I know she's free."

"Thank you." The brunette woman smiled softly. "Have you eaten?"

"No," she shook her head.

"Well, dinner's in the oven if you're hungry." Minjee said. "It should be done about now, too. So you're just in time." And with that, she started to walk towards the kitchen with Jennie trailing behind. "Your father should be home soon."

"Minjee?" Jennie set her bag on one of the stools as she leaned against the island counter. "I have to ask you something."

"What is it, Jennie?" Jennie's foster mother asked as she pulled whatever tonight's meal was out of the oven.

"Tomorrow's my birthday, right?"


"Well, I was wondering if I could go with Hanbin to Boston." Jennie looked away from Minjee's back, suddenly feeling terrible about lying to the woman's face. The words coming out of her mouth didn't even feel like her own, and oh god, did she hope that her mother would let her go.

"He, uh, he asked me. He wanted to show me around Boston as a birthday present and take me to a few places up there since I'll be moving there after graduation." It seemed so easy to lie, it was scary.

"How do you plan on getting there?"

"He bought a car and he's gonna come pick me up."

"When would that be?" The brunette school teacher walked over to the island and leaned against it as well, her eyes on the blonde.

"Around seven."

"So late?"

"I don't think he gets off work until later and it's a long trip here." Jennie shrugged. "And since he'd be coming so late, I thought I can crash at his place for the night and we'd get up Sunday so he could finish showing me around."

"Wait, you'd be staying the night over at his place?" Minjee looked skeptical at this face and Jennie swore she was going to finally say 'no' to her. Shit.

"We're just friends, Minjee. We won't do anything. I think he has a girlfriend, anyways, and there's two rooms in that apartment he has. Remember that we planned on moving together?" She certainly hoped that this would work and that her foster mother would say yes, or they were fucked out of a date.


"Please, Minjee." Jennie did what she rarely ever did; she pleaded. "I promise I'll call you if anything goes wrong. And, if you want, I can check in periodically."

"You really want to go that bad, huh?"

Jennie nodded and offered her a smile that she hoped looked too hopeful to pass up. "And we can still celebrate my birthday here since he won't be in until late."

Minjee stared at the blonde teenager in front of her, as if contemplating on her answer. Jennie could even see the gears inside her head working together to formulate the response.

Then, she finally said it. "Fine."

"Really?" The hopped up from her seat and threw her arms around her foster mother. "Oh, thank you! You don't know how much this means to me. You really don't!" she squealed.

Minjee chuckled and hugged the blonde back. "Now, don't get into trouble, okay? I don't want to have to go up to Boston at some strange time at night to bail you out."

"I won't! I promise! You won't regret this!" Jennie giggled with excitement. "I have to tell him!"

Then Jennie was hopping out of the kitchen with her backpack and headed upstairs to her room where she just could not stop bouncing about. She pulled her phone from her pocket and quickly searched for Jisoo's name to message her the answer. And, oh god, she could barely type up the message for her hands were shaking too much because Minjee said yes.

Guess what? We're going on a date in Boston!

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