Lunch Attempt 2

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"I made art." Jennie pulled her backpack over with her as she scooted her chair next to Ms. Kim's desk once again.

It was Friday, fifth period, and as promised Jennie had brought the extra grilled cheese with her to give to Ms. Kim as she stayed after class once again without an excuse of trying to finish her paper.

The previous day in art class, they had worked on making words creative. Of course, she chose Ms. Kim' name and used the best of her artistic ability to perfect it. Each loop of words and each vine constricting them together made Jennie proud of her work and she hoped that her teacher would like it, considering that she had made it just for her.

"You made art? Congratulations, Jennie." Jisoo chuckled softly and carefully unwrapped the grilled cheese, muttering a 'thank you' before taking a bite of it.

"Yeah. In art class yesterday. I made something for you." The blonde teen smiled proudly, pulling out a thick piece of parchment to hand to the brunette. On it were the letters that made up Ms. Kim and below that, in the bottom right corner was Jennie's signature of J. Kim.

"Oh, wow, Jennie... This is really, really, good. You're as talented in art as you are in writing." She smiled and moved to hand it back, but Jennie shook her head.

"No, I want you to keep it."

"Thank you," the brunette's appreciative smile was wide and white, reaching her eyes. "I should hang this up on my wall of student art."

"You have a wall?" Jennie blinked, a sting of jealousy wringing through her at that thought. She wanted it to be special, but if it were to just hang up next to other artworks...

"I believe the question you are looking for is if I have other students' art. And the answer is, no." Ms. Kim' smile faded somewhat as she brought out a tack to place the new artwork on a poster board on the wall by her desk. The only other items tacked to the board were a calendar and a paper that stated the school day schedule.

"No one's ever made you anything? I thought people did that?"

"For their favorite teachers. And let me tell you that I am no one's favorite." she rolled her chair back in place, eyes now locked on the partially eaten grilled cheese on her desk. Jennie had noticed the tone that she had taken to her tone. God, these students were assholes.

"Why... why would you say that?"

"Obviously I am not deaf, Jennie." Ms. Kim still hadn't taken her eyes away from the sandwich. "I do realize that I can be a bitch at times. I know that I don't exactly give everyone a good grade, but I'm not just going to let them get easy grades. You have to work for it. But they do not understand that and so my class gains a bad reputation." she sighed softly. "I might as well put a sign on my door warning to turn back now because this teacher sucks, since that is what I hear these students say. As you may have noticed, the class number dropped dramatically after the first day. After they realized who they had."

"You can't be so sure. Maybe they didn't want to take this class. I should know. We just wanna take ones that promise easy grades so we have a smooth year." Jennie shrugged, frowning at the way Ms. Kim' voice had dropped incredibly now, as if she were afraid to speak her thoughts. It just made Jennie's heart sink. It wasn't really her business to snoop around in her teacher's feelings and personal life, but goddamn, she really wanted to put a beat down on these students that made Jisoo feel like shit.

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