For You. {cOmPleTed}

By psyxhedelicc

218 48 0

Seventeen year old Katherine (Kate) Hart lived in the bad part of the state. Eighteen year old Stryder O'Brie... More

the one where it all begins.
the one where they meet.
the one with Autumn.
the one with the job.
the one where the girl has guts.
the one where they get closer.
the one with the glass fiasco.
the one with the cramps.
the one with the 'dating'.
the one with the longboards.
the one with Prom
the one with the flight.
the one with the truth
the one with the town.
the one with her dad.
the one with the birthday
the one with the proposal
the one with the christmas party
the one with the phone call
the one with two years
the one with today's the day
the one with the feelings
the one with the surprise
the one with the happy ending.

the one with the school.

17 3 0
By psyxhedelicc



Once most of the walls are covered in yellow paint, I open a window to air it out. I wait for the top coat to dry. Once it does, I go back to the storage room, grabbing multiple different colors. As I get back to my room, I start painting sunflowers all over my room. As I realize I can no longer reach any higher, I let out a huff. It was around four now, so only Stryder would be home. I go to his room and knock on the door. "What?" I hear a voice call, annoyed. "I-It's Katherine, I, uh, was wondering if you knew where a ladder was?" There's shuffling on the other side then the door opens. He looks at me with a weird face. "Why?" I throw a thumb over my shoulder.

"Your mom said I could fix the room, so now I'm painting the walls and I can't reach any higher." Realization hits him. He licks his thumb then rubs my chin. "You, sweets, have paint all over you," Then he walks past me, leaving me to blush madly. I shake my head and follow him down the stairs. We walk into the garage. I look to my left and see a yellow ladder. I smile lightly. I try picking it up but somehow slip and fall onto my ass. Stryder starts bursting into laughter.

He helps me to my feet then picks up the ladder. "Let's go shorty, I don't have all day," He spits out. Someone's angry. I roll my eyes, then follow him to my room. He sets it up on one of the tarps. Then he leaves, closing the door. "Thank you!" I yell. I finish painting the rest of the walls, then continue the stem of the flower all the way to the ceiling. I stop it, then use a pencil to start drawing out the actual sunflower. I do this in a few spots, the rest of the flowers closer to the ground. I clean up my mess, leaving the ladder folded near the door. I'd have Lee or dad help me later.

I lay on my bed and look around my room. It was much prettier. I go out of my room and to the railing. "Anna, come look at my room!" I yell. "Alright!" I hear a voice faintly yell back. I run to the door and close it. I stand in front of it with a smile. She comes up the stairs twenty seconds later. I open the door dramatically and her mouth falls open. My bed sheets matched the walls and the room looked really nice. "Katherine, oh my i-it's gorgeous." I smile proudly. "You did all of this in three hours?" I nod. "I used to paint all the time. My walls are so thick because I've painted over them so many times." She lets out a laugh. She walks across the room, feeling the walls with her hand. "Not one room in this home is as lively as yours. I'm jealous." I shake my head smiling.

"I really like this touch. When you guys leave, I'll always have a piece of you." I smile wider. "Well, I'm glad you like it, I really do too." I hug her, then she closes the door leaving. I flop onto my bed and put Netflix on. I search for Friends, then start binging. About an hour later, someone knocks on the door. I pause the show. "Come in," I say as the door opens. "Dad? Is everything alright?" He nods excitedly. "Fire chief called saying something was saved from the fire!" I jump out of the bed. "Really?!" He smiles widely. We hug tightly. "Tomorrow's Saturday, so you and I are going to go visit and check it out." Happy tears leave. "I can also visit Gunner right?!" He nods slowly. My heart melts. Tomorrow's going to be good.

My dad kisses the top of my head, "Night kiddo," I blow him a kiss then get comfortable in the bed, falling asleep.


Before I even realize what's happening, my dad's pulling me out of bed and into his car. I'm half asleep as I see the mansion behind us. I fall back asleep.

By the time I'm awake, it's ten and we're almost to the fire station. As we get out and walk into the garage, the chief comes out smiling. "Hart's, hey!" He says giving my dad a handshake and me a pat on the head. He pulls a small silver box out from behind his back. "Here, it was found in the backyard behind a bush." He gives the box to my dad and he starts to tear up. He gives the box to me. "Open it, it's for you." I look at him questionably but do as I'm told. As I open the box, I see a matching pair of earrings and a necklace. It was sunflower earrings and necklace. I start tearing up.

I look up at my dad and he smiles. "They were your moms. She wanted to give them to you for your tenth birthday, but she ended up losing them." My heart starts beating quickly. "S-She liked sunflowers too?" He nods. "I figured that's why you're so obsessed with them." I close the box and hold it to my heart. My dad pulls me into a hug. We wave goodbye to the firefighters then my dad drives me to the park Gunner and I always hung out at. As my dad parks, I get out of the car and walk to our usual table.

What I see breaks every piece of my heart. Gunner was kissing the most popular girl in school. "Now that your whore of a girlfriend is gone," She traces his bare chest. "I can have you to myself." They make out a good minute until I can no longer stand it. A boulder launches itself in my throat and I hold in tears. "We're done, Gunner! Delete my number you dick!" I scream, stomping away and wiping the fallen tears. I hear faint yelling of him apologizing and calling my name but I don't listen. I run to the car.

As I get in, it takes everything in me not to burst into tears. "You okay love?" I nod. "I'm good, I just couldn't find him here, he's probably helping his mom, come on let's go," I say, keeping my voice as strong as possible. My dad nods slowly, driving back. By the time we get home, it's twelve. I say hi to Lee and Anna then race up the stairs. I don't slam my door, but it's hard enough to make the picture next to it shake. I kick my shoes off and jump into the middle of the bed. The tears just start coming.

How could he?! I saw a future with him. I-I even love him. I never got to say it, but now I'm glad I didn't. I saved my breath. I shouldn't be crying so hard. He's a piece of shit anyway. So why was I crying so hard? Because he was your everything. A little voice in my head kept saying. The tears keep coming. I cry for four hours. My head was throbbing. As I roll over, something pokes my thigh.

I pull out the small silver box. A pain strikes my heart and I start crying once more. My mom died when I was three. I never got to really know her. The fact these were hers and that she wanted to give them to me makes me unbelievably happy. But then the fact my mom had died starts killing me. I start crying harder.

No matter how long ago someone's death is, you'll never truly get over it. No matter how many therapists you see can change that. You'll always have the one voice saying 'she's gone.' I envy kids who can easily move on from a parent's death. I know I cried some when she died, but depression and everything really hit me around the ages twelve through fourteen. I'm much happier now, or well I was. Everything's falling apart. First my house, now Gunner. I no longer have any more friends. Stryder doesn't seem keen on becoming friends.

Gosh and all I'm doing about it is sitting here, crying. As I decide to use the bathroom, my door bursts open. "Dinner," Stryder says before making eye contact. I'm sure my eyes are red and puffy and I look like a mess. His face changes to worry for a split second, then it's instantly back to his usual scowl. "You coming?" He asks. I nod slowly. He nods slowly then leaves. I run to the bathroom, grabbing some ibuprofen, this headache is unbearable. I splash some cold water onto my face. It still looks like I was stung by a bee on both eyelids but I had an excuse.

As I'm walking down the stairs, I hear footsteps behind me. I shake my head, knowing it was Stryder. I stop mid-step and he runs right into my back. As I hear him grunt I let out a small laugh. "Glad to know my pain is funny to you," I smirk and continue my walk down to the kitchen. As I walk in, all three adults look at me instantly. "Oh, honey, what happened?" I start panicking. Stryder comes in behind me. As he sits down he sees my face. "She tripped on her bedpost, it must've been a bad fall because I could hear the thud from my room." He says, starting to eat. They look at him then back at me.

I quickly fake a laugh then nod. I take the empty seat next to Stryder and I start eating my food. When all the adults are distracted, I lean closer to Stryder. "T-Thank you," I mumble. He turns his head to look down at me. "Don't mention it," He grumbles. I shake my head smiling. "Katherine, Stryder, we have something to tell you guys," We both look up at Anna with worried looks. Our dads' smirk. "Well, Katherine needs to go to school. She can't go all the way to her old school, so we enrolled her at your school Stryder. You could show her around, introduce her to your friends?" My fork makes a thud as it drops onto my plate. Stryder's does the same.

"I have to go to a school full of rich kids," I look between Lee and Anna. "No offense," They smile. "But, they're not going to accept me. I come from the worst town imaginable in Wisconsin. I'm not going to make any friends." Stryder starts laughing loudly. "She's right. The kids at my school are ruthless. Everyone that goes there has money, she'd never fit in. Plus, my friends wouldn't like her." Okay, ouch, that stung a little bit. But, I guess he's telling the truth. My dad's face furrows. "Honey, you're both overreacting, it can't be that bad." I look at him with pleading eyes. He shakes his head.

"Even if I agreed to let you go to a different school, we already have you registered. Your first day is Monday." Stryder's eyes widen, as do mine. Lee just laughs. Then his face goes stern. "Which means, young man, you will be giving Katherine a ride every day." His face falls. "No, that's okay, I can probably walk." Stryder groans. "No, you can't." I look at Stryder, ready to argue but once I see my dad and Lee's face, I hold it back.

Stryder and I finish our food in silence. As I finish my food, I stand up bringing my dishes to the sink. As I walk out of the room I look at my dad. "Gunner and I broke up, I no longer have anything to do with that town. Just thought I'd let you know." My dad stands up, getting ready to hug me, but I shake my head. "He's a dick, it doesn't matter anyway." I look at Anna. "I'm sorry for my language." She nods understanding. My dad gives me a tender look and I just turn around, walking back to my room.

I strip and get into the shower. This was the one place I felt most relaxed. I sit on the floor, leaning my head against the wall. A knock sounds from the bathroom door. "Hey honey, can we talk." I shake my head. "Why? We're done, that's it." The door opens and I feel the tears starting to spill. "What did he do sweetie?" I don't answer for a good minute. Then, it all just comes out. "I was gone what? A day, two? He was already cheating. You know the popular bitch that used to bully me? Her. They were doing it at our table. He didn't look guilty at all! From the way she spoke, it sounds like he's been cheating for a while. I love him, dad!" I burst out. "I was going to tell him soon. I just knew it was the time. But I guess not. I guess you don't know a person, even after eleven years." I start bursting into tears.

"Why don't you get out so we can talk face to face. I'll be waiting on your bed." The door closes and I turn the shower off. I get out, drying myself and putting clothes on. I open the door to see my dad on the bed waiting. I walk over slowly and sit next to him. He puts his arms around me, kissing my forehead. "I know you're upset now honey, but just wait, karma will bite him in the ass harder. He was not worth your time and attention. Nor your loyalty. I want you to know, you did nothing wrong. You were an amazing girlfriend." I nod slowly, not really believing him.

We sit there in a hug for another minute before he leaves me to myself. I lay in the middle of the bed, drowning myself in the comforter. I stare at the ceiling, wondering where I went wrong. We were pretty active if you know what I mean. I always cared and tended for him. I stuck up for him, I gave him a place to stay when he wasn't on good terms with his family. I couldn't have been the problem, right?

Before I answer my own question, a girl I'd never seen before bursts through my door. I sit up in a frenzy. She stands next to my bed, judging me immensely. I don't make eye contact, I couldn't. She sticks her hand out and I shake it. "Hi, I'm Vanessa Fox, you must be Katherine Hart." I look at her curiously. She laughs, short and harsh. "I'm Stryder's girlfriend, duh." My eyes widen in realization. Oh.

"Okay?" She scoffs. "I'm just here to warn you. Don't ever pull anything on him. He's mine and mine only. I don't like him living in a house with a slut." I roll my eyes. "Shouldn't you be able to trust him?" She stutters something incoherently. "That's what I thought." I point to the door. "I think you're having this conversation with the wrong person." She huffs, walking out of my room angrily. I smirk, falling in and out of sleep. A knock sounds from the door and I open my eyes angrily.

"Hey," A deep voice resounds. "Come here to gloat about your girlfriend?" It's silent and I look at him. He shakes his head. "I heard what Gunner did to you, I'm sorry." My eyes widen. Stryder felt sympathy? Who would've thought? "Thanks, I guess." He comes into the room farther. "Also sorry about Vanessa. She's pretty protective of me." I nod sarcastically. "I couldn't tell." He lets out a light laugh. "Why did she think I was a threat? I mean look at me, then her. I'm no match." He laughs again. "Yeah, she's pretty, I don't know why she gets jealous so easily. I love her." My eyes widen even more. It did hurt he was confirming she was much prettier than me, but the fact he just said I, love, and her, in the same sentence shocks me just a bit.

He rolls his eyes. "Weird yeah. But I do. I'm confident she doesn't cheat, I just wish she'd feel the same." My heart melts a little. I know the feeling. I pat the bed next to me. He obeys, making my body roll toward his. I laugh, sitting up and a good two feet apart. "Well, you don't have to worry about me for one, but I think a good way to show her you're completely into her, is to not be so flirty with other girls." He looks at me weirdly. "You haven't even seen me with other people, how would you even know?" I laugh.

"One, you just seem the type. Two, you've done it with me a few times. You may know it means nothing, but she doesn't." He looks at his lap thoughtfully. I gulp. "W-When Gunner and I were together, I'd get jealous because he would flirt with other girls. I thought it was meaningless, but it still did something to my insecurity. I'd confront him about it and he'd just say, it was him being friendly." Stryder looks up at me. "You were right though," He trails off. I nod. "Turns out it wasn't playful. But, that's why I can understand where Vanessa is coming from." He nods. "Okay, thank you, I'll start working on it." I smile and nod.

He waves leaving the room. I lay back down and start thinking. I really just helped Stryder. While I was crying today I tried thinking of other things to get my mind off the subject. Each time it was an old memory of Stryder and I. We were best friends from birth. That's why I was so off with him now because I remember all the teasing, the fights. I used to dread coming here. At the time I wouldn't have known how, but now I know how to get him back.

If he starts acting like the Stryder I knew, he's in for a treat. I smile to myself as Gunner leaves my head and plans for Stryder appear. I fall asleep happily.

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