The darkness within

By DonnaCarothers

194 21 2

When Addison's father gets a promotion she can't help but be proud of him but when she finds out they're movi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7 Delvin
Chapter 8 Addison
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

15 2 0
By DonnaCarothers

The moment I was safely within the confines of my car, my hands began to shake. The image of Cynthia's still flashed within my mind leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Those eyes. Those soulless empty eyes. Her ghostly white hair and unnaturally blue eyes kept replaying over and over within my mind on repeat. The girl in that poster was gone. The unbelievable pain she experienced. Something dark had replaced the happy girl in those posters. How was I even going to tell Warren?

As I sat there looking out at the gray clouds in the distance casting the world in shadow. The surrounding woods seem to grow darker. I swallowed feeling like the darkness within those trees was alive with something sinister. I frown as I sat and stared unable to look away. The darkness seemed to move causing my back to throb. I leaned forward placing my forehead upon the steering wheel suddenly feeling dizzy. It had grown late, closer to sunset making me realize I had not yet eaten.

Suddenly a knock sounded at my passenger window and I jumped, jerking away from the door. My eyes were wide as I watch the boy with the blonde hair and honeysuckle eyes enter my car. He sat there a moment quiet smirking at me as I sat there frozen

"Here," I frown as he handed me a bright pink bag.

"What is it?" I asked feeling somewhat cautious.

"Open it and find out." He smirked leaning back against my door waiting. There was a challenge in his eyes as he watched as if he thought I wouldn't open the bag. I rolled my eyes and opened it even though I was scared to do so.

Inside were a dozen little white and brown balls. The smell of glazed donuts assaulted my nose and instantly my stomach growled. Glazed donuts were my absolute favorite comfort food. I smiled stuffing a donut hole into my mouth.

"Hmm thank you," he laughed watching me stuff another into my mouth.

"Thought you might be hungry. You were out for quite some time. I'm Vincent Michael's Delvin and warren's cousin. The other guy earlier with the sour-looking upon his face was our cousin Hunter Ross. He's quiet but a good guy. Since you were going to start working at the library I figured I'll introduce myself." He said sticking out his hand for me to shake. The moment our hands touched a spark ignited between our hands. An image formed in my mind. Delvin standing along a cliff bath in light, with black wings sprouting behind his back. Then it changed and suddenly I saw myself with blood upon my brow and a terrified look upon my face as I stood there in a dark clearing with the woods surrounding me. Cynthia standing in a wide clearing with those soulless eyes with blood around her mouth. The next it changed and I found myself lying in a puddle of my own blood and my last dying breath upon my lips.

Vincent jerked releasing my hand and the images instantly disappeared. I sat there stunned unable to comprehend what just happened. Vincent sat close starring back at me with a frown upon his face as he stared back at his hand in shock. I was shaking, feeling nauseous unable to form a single word. What just happened?

"Adds, are you okay?" He said and his eyes narrowed.

"I'm sorry but I suddenly don't feel so good." I said as I realized I was physically shaking in my seat.

"Right, I guess I'll go." He turned about to open the door when suddenly he stopped. "Did you...?

"Did I What?" I asked watching the worry in his eyes grow.

"Did you see something?" I stiffen wondering if somehow he saw something too. I opened my mouth but I couldn't bring myself to tell him what I saw because a part of me was afraid.

"I don't know what you mean." I said averting my eyes as I started my car. "Did you see something?"

"No, and that's the problem." My eyes drew to his feeling confused By his words.


"Adds, please be careful. I saw you eyeing the woods earlier. The woods are not a fun place to wander into at night. Promise me you'll stay away from there. I'll see you at work tomorrow. 9 sharp. I have to go." He said exiting the car. I sat there stunned wondering if maybe he knew something, either way, he didn't have to tell me to stay away from the woods. A light rain began to fall signaling my time to leave. As I drove away I took one final look behind me finding Vincent still standing behind me watching me drive away with a frown still marring his face.


After I got home I began making a light dinner as I waited for my dad to come home. It wasn't much just spaghetti and meatballs. I had just finished the noodles when my dad walked through the front door. The instant he saw me, he smiled. I couldn't help but rush to him. The smell of wood shaving assaulted my nose as I wrapped my arms around his back and I sighed suddenly feeling emotional.

Whatever happened in that car, the things I saw and felt, left me feeling shaken to my very core. I couldn't let it go. Those images were so clear like I was actually seeing them. The emotions, the fear I experienced at one point, I could physically feel everything like I was actually living it. None of it made a lick of sense though.

"It good to see you too, Adds. Dinner smells amazing." He says as he turns to make his way to the dining room table as I stood there stuck in my own mind.

"So what have you been doing today?" He said as he grabbed some food and made his way to the table.

"Oh umm.. I got a job at the local library. I start tomorrow's" I said as I busy myself around cleaning up my mess.

"Wow, that was quick. I'm glad sweety. My official first day starts tomorrow night. It will be from 8 to 8 in the morning. So you'll pretty much have the day to your self so I'm glad you found something to take up your time until schools start. What made you think about the library? That's a great fit for you.

"Oh, I wasn't really looking at first but the owner offered so why not?" I smiled as I gathered food onto my plate.

My father and I sat at dinner exchanging pleasantries but in the end, I wasn't really into it. I felt distracted and soon our conversation laps with me saying a word here and there. I sat there as my father talked, moving the food around my plate. So many things were on my mind.

"Adds, you okay?" My father said making me realized he hadn't been sitting there quietly as if he was waiting for me to speak.

"Oh sorry, Dad. What did you ask?"

"I asked if you were excited about your new job?"

"Yeah I am but I'm just tired. Didn't get much sleep last night. I think I'm going to go to bed early. Work starts tomorrow at 9. So I got to get up early." I moved away from the table smiling at my dad as I passed as soon as my back was towards him my smile disappeared.

I couldn't let it go. Those things I saw. I could still feel the moment I died. The fear that filled my veins. Those feelings I get told me to not dismiss what I saw even though I knew It couldn't be real. Delvin with wings. Beautiful full black wings that sprouted from his back. He looked beautiful. If only it was real but even though I knew it was all in my head I couldn't dismiss any of it.

I went into my room turning on the light and instantly I felt unease. I stiffen with an overwhelming sense that I wasn't alone. I scanned my room looking at every inch of the place but nothing seemed different until my bedroom window came into view. A chill filled the room as I watched my curtains blow in the wind. I've lived in City my whole life and the one thing about living in the city is you know not to leave your bedroom window wide open. I cautiously walked forward, when a crash sounded outside. I jerked running forward and looked out.

The world had grown dark fast. Rain pelted the ceiling but I couldn't see a thing. I looked out wondering if maybe I imagined the sound. My mind hasn't been right for hours not since I awoke from the library couch. I turned seconds from going back inside when something shiny caught my eyes.

I reached forward as far as I could reach but the trinket was just out of my grasp. Cautiously I stepped out on the window ledge and reached forward trying to get the silver object. My heart leaped with joy when I finally felt the chain within my hands. I pulled seeing that it was caught on one of the roof shingles. A slight tug and the object came free. I turned making my way back into the window.

Just as I made it back into my room my father came through the door.

"Hey Adds, I was thinking I'll make you breakfast before your first day of work. Any preference?" My dad asks with a smile.

"Um...waffles?" I said watching as the smile disappeared from my father's face

"Adds, why is your window wide open. You know that's not safe and..." I began scrutinizing me further. " are you wet?"

"Oh, I was trying to close it but it seems to be stuck. The wind kept blowing the rain in." I said watching my father step forward closing the window with ease. A nervous laugh bumbled up as my father turned to face me. "I guess I loosened it for you. Thanks, dad. I'm going to take a quick shower and head to bed." I said as I turned to gather some close from my closet.

"Okay, night sweetie. I'll see you in the morning." I nodded listening for the click of the door.

As soon as the door was closed, I looked down finding a simple silver cross laying in the middle of my hands. The cross was heavy making me think it was made out of real silver. It was about the size of my palm. As plain as it was, it was beautiful. I stood there looking at it and I couldn't help but think I've seen this cross before. I turned one last time towards the window and looked out watching as the trees swayed in the wind and for a second I thought I saw something move. I looked harder, trying to see more but whatever it was it was gone. I looked down with the cross still in my hands and I frowned. Someone was in my room. I frown turning way, grabbing my things for bed.

My shower was long, relaxing the soreness from my shoulders and back. I dressed quickly and I crawled into bed, laying there staring up at the ceiling and though, my body was tired my mind was wide awake. Everything I saw and felt kept filtering over and over within my mind. I tried to push everything out and just relax but no matter how much I yearned to forget. To just relax and sleep. Sleep wouldn't come.

It wasn't until well into the night that my tired mind finally quit and I could finally fall asleep.

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