10 Things I Hate About You...

By honestlyamazing

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"People perceive you as somewhat..." "Free-spirited? Aggressive?" "Heinous b*tch is the term used most often... More

I need to learn Occlumency, because I can't get you out of my thoughts.
I must have had some Felix Felicis, because I think I'm about to get lucky.
We may not be in Professor Flitwick's class, but you sure are charming!
Wow, when I said "Accio hottie", I didn't expect it to work!
Did you survive Avada Kedavra? Cause your drop dead gorgeous.
Are you a basilisk? Because when I caught sight of you, I froze.
Did you make me your horcrux? Because my heart stopped when I met you.
Your smile is like Expelliarmus. Simple but disarming.
Being without you is like being afflicted with the Cruciatus Curse.
You must be magical, because I've fallen under your spell.
Did you just use the stupify charm or are you a natural stunner?
If you were a Dementor, I'd become a criminal just to get your kiss.
I might as well be under the Imperius curse, because I'd do anything for you.
Are you a Dementor? Because you just took my breath away.
You're the only thing I need in my Room of Requirement.
Without you I feel like I'm in Azkaban and dementors are sucking away my soul.

Wanna go manage some mischief together? I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.

862 33 3
By honestlyamazing

Marlene smiled softly at the moping boy sitting at an empty table in the library.

"Hey kid, what's up?" she said, sliding into the seat across from him.

"Everything's terrible. But I predicted my death in divination, so that's a plus." Regulus said, lifting his head from the textbook it was resting on.

"Aw, poor you." Marlene laughed. The pair had originally bonded over their unrequited feelings and mutual hate for James Potter, but had realized they actually had a lot in common.

Regulus' brown eyes grew serious. "She's going to the Prewett twins' birthday party with James."

"Of course." Marlene said. She was disappointed, but it didn't bother her as much as it used to. "On that subject, I also have a date. Her name is Emmaline Vance. She's a year older than me and has gorgeous ice-blue eyes."

"I'm happy for you, Mar. Really."

"You should move on to."

"I don't think I can."

"We can't control how someone else feels, Regulus. You can't force her to like you. She doesn't owe you her feelings just because you were nice to her. I need you to understand that." Marlene murmured forcefully.

"I know. It still hurts though." Regulus frowns.

"You really are the most adorable Slytherin I've ever met." Marlene grinned. She ruffles his hair. "Think it through. If there's anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask."


"Honey, we've been over this. I can't have you leaving the country." Kat's father said, not looking up from the papers he was grading. There was little to no chance of him changing his mind.

"What's the worst thing that could happen?" Kat sighed, slumping in her seat.

"You could get killed. You tend to make a lot of enemies." her father said worriedly, taking his glasses off. "I'm just trying to prioritize your safety."

"I'm responsible!" Kat defended.

"Well-" her father began. Bianca entered the office with a smile. She was dressed to the nines, as usual. Kat couldn't help but notice how short her floral-patterned dress was and how her coral lipstick was slightly smudged. She must have been with James.

"Hey Daddy!" she greeted.

He smiled warmly at Bianca and continued lecturing Kat. "Not only did you get sent to McGonagall 4 out of 5 days in the first week, you also broke the Potter boy's broom in a fit of rage. I wouldn't call that... responsible."

"Yeah, Kat. It was totally uncool of you to break something of Potter's. So daddy, can I go to a party this Saturday?"

"Only if Kat goes. You know the rules." he said stiffly. "Now back to Kat being irresponsible-"

Kat scowled. "Ask Bianca where she was last night."

"We're talking about you-" he stopped abruptly and turned to Bianca. "You were in your common room I hope?"

"I was only out slightly later than curfew. It's not a big deal!"

"Where were you? And with whom?"

"Jamie and I were just having an absolutely splendid conversation and we lost track of time, that's all." Bianca said, trying to pacify her angry father.

"Jamie?" scoffed Kat. "As in James Potter?"

"I had to apologize for having a super annoying, lame sister!" retorted Bianca.

"Bianca you know better! And with a boy? What have I told you both about boys?"

"That they only want to get us pregnant so Bianca shouldn't be dating." Kat responded with a subtle smile.

"Exactly." their father nodded.

"But Jamie- But James is different!" Bianca cried.
Kat let out a short laugh. "How so?"

"He... he... ugh!" she screamed. She spun on her heels and marched out, slamming the door dramatically.

"See you later, dad." Kat said with a smile as she walked out as well. Her father watched them go wearily, thinking about how much easier life would be without kids.


Frank was a huge procrastinator. He hadn't done any of his astronomy homework when he was supposed to, or any of his homework at all for that matter. Now it was Thursday evening and he was rushing to the Astronomy tower so that he could study for a test the next day. When he finally finished climbing all the steps, he found a pretty girl with wavy, brown hair and heavy eyeliner reading book.

" 'The Gillyweed Adventures', huh? I love that book." Frank smirked, leaning against the wall. He tried to make his voice seem deeper when he recognized that she was a year older.

"Oh! I didn't know anybody would be up here." Alice said, quickly standing up. "I just wanted a quiet place to read. Where no one could bother me."

"How do you like the book?" Frank said, not taking the hint.

"It's great. It's my 10th time reading it." Alice said, smiling at Frank's surprised expression.

"10 times?! Wow. I read it once."

"Marjoribanks is just so talented." gushed Alice.

"Marjoribanks is a genius. He's kind of my role model, I guess. I'm pretty into Herbology." Frank said, pushing his fluffy brown bangs to the side.

"Really? I've never met someone who admires him as much as I do!" Alice squealed. She sat down and motioned for him to do the same.

By the time it was curfew, Frank still didn't have any of his homework done and hadn't studied at all. But he did have a date to the Prewett Party.


The Great Hall was bustling with activity as it always was during mealtimes. Sirius strode confidently over to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Bianca, with Peter tagging along behind him. Remus was at the library and James was letting his aggression out by playing quidditch.

"Bianca, I need your help." he stated, collapsing beside the table. He wrung his hands together.

"And why is that?" Lily said with narrowed eyes.

"Where's James?" Bianca asked.

"Quidditch pitch. Anyways, I like your sister and I want to take her out, but she just doesn't like me." Sirius said. "She's been rather... stubborn."

"More than stubborn. She practically hates you!" Peter said. Sirius gave him a look, and he quieted down.

"So you're trying to get hints on what she likes?" Bianca said, eyebrows raised.

"Yes. That would be helpful." Sirius said, perking up. "I know she likes that girl band... 'The Hexers' I think? But I want to know how to get her to fall for me when I go to the concert with her."

"You're going to a concert with her? You, Sirius Black, like my sister? When did this happen?" Bianca asked, thoroughly confused.

"W-what?" Sirius said. He ran a hand through his hair to hide his flustered expression.

"Why do you like Kat?" Lily repeated.

"Well... she's really pretty. And way smarter than I'll ever be. She can be funny, though she isn't really trying to be. And she's confident. She doesn't care about other people's opinions." Sirius rambled.

"Woah you actually like her." Bianca said. "Wait. Are you asking her to Hogsmeade?"

"Probably?" Sirius said and Bianca smiled.

"Well, Kat hates smokers. But she likes pretty guys, feminist prose, Thai food, and any indie-rock girl band." Bianca rattled off. "Oh and you didn't hear it from me."

"Thanks for the help." Sirius said.

"Bye." Lily said, motioning them to move. The boys nodded and moved away.

"Do you actually like Kat? Because the way that you talked about her kinda made it seem like you do." Peter said.

"Of course not, Wormtail. Don't be daft." Sirius spat. He paused awkwardly, noticing Peter's startled expression. He quickly changed the subject. "I guess I'm a non-smoker now."

"Just for now, I guess. There's a problem though. She likes pretty guys." Peter said, pretending to ignore Sirius' odd sudden anger.

"Are you telling me I'm not a pretty guy?" Sirius mock-scowled.

"Gorgeous!" squeaked Peter.

"So pretty!" Remus laughed, arriving at the table. "What's going on?"

"Hey, Moony, do you think you could sneak me out of Hogwarts Friday night?"

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