Fault [bxb] ✔

By wick3d_guy

876K 29.5K 27.6K

"Listen here." He said threateningly as he held my chin harshly, making me look directly into his glaring eye... More

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Author's note 2


7.3K 270 278
By wick3d_guy

CHAPTER 53 | Shattered

Just another pic of Mark because why not. Although not that bearded, but still. Isn't he gOrGeOuS? 😍😍😍♥️ Btw, that's Tyler Hoechlin.


I don't know what would have been of my life if Zack hadn't come back from his supposed death. I don't even want to think about it. Every day I get to see him, I feel this sweet sensation of relief in my chest, relief of knowing that he's alive, and even more at knowing that we're in a relationship. I mean, a true relationship! Not like the shitty ones that I previously had. This one is with a boy, my boyfriend, and it feels as special as I had never felt with my previous girlfriends.

My boyfriend... The first and only one that I would have in my life. It feels so much better to say that I have a boyfriend rather than a girlfriend. With him everything feels a thousand times better: the moments that we share, our dates, our conversations, our sex... Oh, our sex is the damn best thing ever of them all. I had never enjoyed doing it with a boy so much in my life.

I still feel all the sensations that he made me feel that night, the night when I decided to leave behind my pride and take the bull by the horns to try a whole different thing, the night when I bottomed for him. I still can't believe that I had the enough courage to tell Zack how curious I was to try that, and that we actually did it. I still can't believe that it was him who took my... Butt virginity.

In the past, the simple thought of having something inside my ass grossed me out so much. The idea had never crossed my mind until that day when I finally was able to be with him, and he asked me to do him. Just by seeing his face full of pleasure and his uncontrollable moans filled me with so much wonder about what would it feel if I was in his position. When I first thought of it, I tried to ignore it, that someone like me was not supposed to want to try that, that as gay as I might be, I would never want to be the one getting fucked, not even once. But then I had enough of all that shitty thinking. I can feel curiosity to try new things, new experiences, new sensations and I will still be me, despite my appearance and attitude. For years I suppressed every feeling that arose within my body and that I thought it would harm me in some way, but no more. Besides, I would have never trusted anyone else in this world to try that than with my Zack. Only him would be the person who would get to see me like that. Since I already know and have memorized every inch of his body, I think it's fair that he would get to know every inch of mine too.

I don't regret my decision. At all. Instead, I congratulate myself for having enough balls to tell him what I wanted to try. Sure, it was embarrassing and painful at first, but that was just the beginning. It was the best damn thing that I had never felt in my life. I didn't know that I could feel such pleasurable sensations in parts of my body that I never imagined. I didn't know that someone would be capable of making me go insane in a moaning and panting mess, only wanting for more and more. I couldn't be happier for the fact of Zack, being the one who made me discover these sensations. He has made me feel like I have never felt before, and for that I'm thankful for having him as my boyfriend.

That night I had the best orgasm of my life. I came so hard that I literally cried and I even admitted my love towards him. The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. I know it wasn't the best moment to confess your love towards someone, but I just couldn't help it. For a moment I was afraid that he would say that he didn't feel the same, but after hearing his sincere words about him loving me back, I couldn't feel more relieved and happier. He actually loves me, and I really love him, a lot. It's the kind of love that I had never felt for anyone else. I'm willing to do anything to show him my love in every possible way.

Right now I'm just leaning my cheek on the heel of my hand, looking through the window as my physics teacher just talks and talks. My mind is only filled with thoughts of him, of my angel. I think I thought too much about him when my mind wandered back into that dream that I had of him. The experience of that night was so vivid in my mind that I could even see Zack fucking me in my own dreams. Yes, I admit that most of my dreams consist in me and him doing the naughty.

Then I think back of the phone sex that we had yesterday. I'm glad we trusted each other enough to send pics of our private areas and stuff. Those images that only us could see. Then when we talked dirty to each other to the point where our own words made us reach our climax. Damn, now I'm hard. I had to made sure that no one was looking before I shifted on my seat and adjusted my tightening jeans.

"Mr. Pierce. Come to the whiteboard and solve this equation, please." The teacher barked.

I looked at him wide-eyed while the rest of the idiots turned their heads towards me. "Me?"

"Is there another Pierce in this class?" He asked boringly.

Shit, he got to be kidding. He's asking me to go to the front of the class right when my boner is at its full point! Calm down, dick. Calm down!

"Uuhhh, sure. I'll go. Just wait a minute." I said, trying to make time for my dick to go to sleep again.

"I'm not going to wait. I'm telling you to come here in this instant." He said in a menacing tone.

"Um, okay." I said, attempting to rise from my seat, but faking a cry as I grabbed my leg, drawing even more attention to me. "Argh! My leg has gone numb! I can't stand!"

"Mr. Pierce, I won't tolerate your excuses. I know you can stand and you're just making time because you don't know the answer." He retorted. Such a moody bitch.

After thinking of naked girls, I wasn't hard anymore and I was able to stand up. I walked over to the whiteboard and grabbed the marker from the desk. Looking at the equation, it was something to do with the speed and all that shit, but it was actually one of the few things that I had learned. So I simply wrote the answer.

"That's... Correct?" He asked as if he couldn't believe I actually solved it right.

I smirked bitchily and handed him the marker before returning to my seat.

At the end of classes, I couldn't stay at school for Zack because I had something really important to do at home. It was something that I had been debating with myself about whether or not doing it, and today I had finally come to the decision that I should do it. I told Zack about this when he walked into the school through the back entrance. He nodded at me and smiled, wishing me good luck.

And of course, before I could leave, he dragged me into a private area so we could share a couple of kisses. I loved the texture and taste of his lips as we kissed and our curious hands played with our bodies under our clothes as if it was the first time we touched. We always did this before I left to my house and he left for his classes. It was our little secret that only him and I knew.

But good things always had to come to an end when he pulled away and said it was time for him to go to his classes. I grunted and pouted in disappointment. The disadvantage of these kissing sessions was that I was always left for more. Some day I would like to go all the way with him in this school. It would be so hot.

After he gave me a cute smile and kissed my lower lip that was still sticking out, we both emerged from our private area as if nothing had happened. We exchanged a last glance with a smile before each of us headed to their destination.

As I arrived home, I greeted my mom with a kiss on her cheek and dad with a single wave before running the stairs to my room. Once there and making sure that I closed my door, I walked to the farthest corner of my room, taking out my phone and browsing through my contacts. I swear I felt my hands trembling and my heart going faster than usual with so much anxiety. I have never done something like this in my life, but I feel like I have to do it. It'll be a step further to overcome my fear of letting people know who I really am.

I'm going to come out to my brother.

He's the only person of my family who I can trust at this moment. I trust my mom too, but I don't think it would be fair if only she knew. My father would have to know too. Right now I just want to come out to him first.

I know he won't judge me. It would be hypocritical if he did because he's gay too. What I'm worried about is that maybe he will mock me or something... I mean, he believes that I've been straight since the moment I was born, and telling him this will be a great shock for him. What if he laughs at me for hiding it for so long, or if he just thinks that I'm joking.

Believe it or not, Wyatt and I were not all friendly and affective with each other all the time. When we were kids, I remember that he used to mock me sometimes, saying that I was too weak to do very basic things and all. He only did it when we were angry at each other for some stupid reason. One of those times, he said that I would never be strong like him, and that everyone was going to laugh at me for that reason. And me, being one who gets angry easily since I was a kid, I grabbed one of his soldier figures in an attack of rage and ripped off its head. He obviously became so enraged and as revenge, he grabbed three of my colored pencils and snapped them all in two. I cried and went to tell mom about it. She made Wyatt apologize for what he did, and after he complained for some minutes, he finally gave me a hug that I could only return.

So that's it. We don't get into those childish fights anymore so I have nothing to worry about. He just better not say anything hurtful because I'm never going to talk to him again in my life.

Taking a deep breath and my heart going faster than ever, I dialed his number and put the phone on my ear, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hey Marky! What's up bro? It's been so long since you last talked to me." He greeted happily.

"Heh yeah, it's been so long. Look, um I-I... Actually, uh..." I found myself talking in a hurry and stuttering nonstop. I was just feeling so nervous that I couldn't control it.

"Y-Y-Y-You what?" He mocked my stuttering, chuckling. "Are you okay, bro? Has the cat got your tongue?"

"Yes, I'm okay, I just... I have something to tell you..." I said the last part in a low voice.

"Oh really? What is it? Did you get Scarlet pregnant?!" He gasped.

I rolled my eyes. "No, Wyatt."

"Then what?"

I bit my lower lip nervously, my heart threatening to escape from my chest. There was a silence and everything that could be heard was my nervous breathing.

"Mark, are you there?"

"I'm gay."

Another silence. Something inside me was telling me that I fucked up.

"Sorry, what?"

"I'm gay!"

A few more seconds of silence, Wyatt burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"Oh my! Mark, that was the best damn prank that I have ever heard!" He said between laughs.

"It's not a prank! I'm serious!"

But he just continued laughing. I scoffed and shook my head.

"Bye." I muttered.

"Woah Mark, wait!" He said after he recovered from his laughing. "Are you serious?"


"...No lying?"

"No, Wyatt, I'm not lying. I'm gay!" I said for the third time.

A couple seconds later, I heard a bunch of things moving and falling to the floor, followed by a loud thud.


"Come to my apartment right now!"

"What? Why?"

"We need to talk about this, just come here ASAP! I'll be waiting!" Was all he said before he hung up.

I rolled my eyes. I don't know why I kinda knew he was going to do this. He didn't sound mad, he just sounded surprised. Anyway, I couldn't help but feel nervous as I walked out of my room and I told mom that I would go to visit Wyatt.

After explaining to her that I just wanted to hang around with him for a while because I was bored, she finally let me go. I was already climbing into my car and driving into this fool's apartment. It was a bit far away from my house, so it was kind of a long drive.

A few minutes later, I was already standing in front of one of the doors of the apartment, waiting nervously for him to open it after I knocked on it. Not even ten seconds passed by before I heard rushed footsteps and the door flew open, revealing Wyatt standing there with a big smile on his face.

"Hey Mark! Please come in!" He greeted, stepping aside. After he closed the door behind us, he grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him straight in the eyes. I gave him a weird look as his smile changed into a serious face. "Mark, just to confirm... What you said through the phone was real? Or is this some sort of joke?"

"I told you already. It's not a joke. What I said is real. I called you because I knew you'd be the only one who would understand." I replied calmly.

His face changed into that creepy smile again and he let go of my shoulders. "No way! Oh my God, this is so unbelievable! Come on, take a seat!" He said excitedly as he led me to his living room.

I made my way to the couch of his big and neat living room, with a window wall from where you could see the entire city. The rich fool.

Taking a seat, he let himself fall on the couch carelessly, turning to face me. "Okay I have so many questions to ask, how did you find out that you liked dick more than pussy?"

I turned to him with wide eyes. "Wyatt!" At which he just burst out laughing and I glared at him. See, I told you he would mock me!

"Hey, it was a joke. How did you find out that you liked boys rather than girls?" He asked more seriously this time.

I sighed before I started talking to him about the first time when I found out. I went back to that time when I found his gay porn magazine and I got aroused by it when I was a kid. It was difficult to talk to him about that stuff, but at least he was listening carefully to me. I told him that I had always felt attracted towards guys and that I was never really interested in girls. That I had been hiding it for so long and pretended to be straight to be more popular amongst my friends, to have a better reputation and all that shit.

"Bro, and why you never told me since a beginning? You didn't trust me?" He asked when I finished explaining.

"I was planning to come out after you told it to my parents, but when I saw how dad treated you... I was so afraid of everything he said that I started to tell myself that I wasn't... Gay."

"Oh, I see. And so that's why you called people those names, right? To justify that you were straight when you knew that it wasn't that way."

I looked down at the floor guiltily and nodded my head.

"Oh Mark... Anyway, tell me, are you dating someone?" He changed the topic, his face turning into a smirk.

I blushed hard, playing with my fingers. "Um, actually... Yeah."

"Really? Who is he?" He asked excitedly.

And here it goes.

"Well... His name is... Zack."

He gasped and his eyes went wide. "Zack? The little boy? The one with brown hair and eyes? The cute one? The-"

"Yes, Wyatt. The one who you took to your bed that night of the party." I snapped, glaring at him.

He laughed. "Oh my God! I can't believe it! But didn't you tell me that he had moved to another school?"

"Uh, yeah, he did. But uh, one day I found him at the street and, we started to talk to each other again... Until one day I told him my feelings and he said he felt the same. Actually it happened recently, like, two weeks ago." I lied.

I just wasn't going to tell the whole story of me beating him up because I didn't want to accept my feelings, the fact of him faking his death and then reappearing, just no. There are certain things that are better if they're kept as a secret.

"Aw! That's so cute! You first started as friends and now you're dating! Oh my God I bet you two look so adorable together!" He drawled.

"Yeah." Was all I could say as I nodded my head and smiled.

"Don't worry. I won't try to steal him from you." He joked... Or at least I hope he was joking. If he dares to touch my angel again, he better get used to darkness because he won't see daylight ever again. "But hey bro, are you sure you're not bisexual? I mean, you dated lots of girls at your school."

I shook my head. "No, Wyatt. I'm completely gay. I know I dated girls and had sex with them, but I never really enjoyed any of that. I just did it to gain more popularity and stuff. Believe me that I was bored to death of doing that, but now that I've finally accepted who I am and what I like, there's no point in doing that anymore. I have a boyfriend and even if we have just started dating, I feel like my life is more than perfect with him." I said, smiling.

"AAAAAWWWWWW! My brother is gay! And he has a boyfriend! Oh my gosh, this is wonderful! I'm so proud! I'm gonna cry!" He cheered... In a very girly way.

I gave him a weird look, until he shook his head and cleared his throat. "I mean, that's cool, bro. I'm proud of you. I really am. I hope you can live happily with your new love life."

"You seriously act like a girl sometimes, you know that?" I stated.

"Hey, I can't help it. It just happens when I'm really excited about something."


After some more minutes of talking, Wyatt told me that I could count of him for whatever I needed, even if someday I needed to come out to my parents, he would be there for me to support me. I was glad that I counted with the help of my boyfriend and my brother to do it. The more people I have to support me, the less fearful I feel for the day when I tell my parents who I really am.

We gave each other a tight hug, and after that, I made my way out of his apartment and to my car. Once I climbed inside, I dialed Zack's number to tell him the good news.

"That's amazing! I told you he would understand." He told me.

"Yeah, I knew it too. I feel more comfortable now that he knows it."

"You're doing a nice work, Mark. Coming out little by little to people who you trust. For the day when you feel ready to come out to your parents, keep in mind that me and your brother will be there to tell them together."

"Yes, babe. You don't know how relieved it makes me feel to know that. I love you so much."

"I love you too, my bear."

We exchanged some kisses through the phone, before Zack had to return to his class and we hung up. Breathing a sigh of relief, I drove back to my house to have dinner.


Next day at school, I woke up from a nice sleep with my face pressed against the table and, as usual, leaving a pool of drool on it. I wiped it with the sleeve of my jacket and noticed that the classroom was dead silent and empty of any students. I guess I fell asleep during English class.

Shoving my things into my backpack, I stood up from my seat ready to leave. Not until I caught a glimpse of something next to me and I turned to my right. I yelped and jumped at the same time as I saw a ghost standing a few feet away from me.

Wait, that was not a ghost. That was Scarlet. What the hell was she doing there?

"Damn, Scarlet, you freaked me out. What are you doing here?" I asked her. She was simply staring at me dead in the eyes.

"Care to explain what is this?" She said calmly, lifting her arm slowly and showing me a phone. My phone, actually. It was at that moment when I felt my heart dropping to my stomach and my blood running cold.

The screen showed the conversation I had with Zack. Right where he sent me that photo of his... Member.

My mouth hung open and my eyes were wide. It was as if I had lost my ability to speak and move.

"So? Anything you have to say?" She asked louder, her hysterical aura starting to show. "This is a dude who you're talking to. I'm sure I have seen him somewhere but I don't remember. Why do you say that you want to suck his dick, huh? Why does he send you pictures of his dick? Why do you send him pictures of your... Ass?!"

I was at a lost of words at that moment. Everything I could do was to stare at the screen, trying to come out with something to say. But there was a knot in my throat that was preventing me from doing it.

"What is this, Mark?! Are you a faggot or what?!"

That word hurt me so much. It was enough for me to come to my senses and I shook my head. My hands were sweating and my heart scared than ever.

"I-I don't have to give you any explanations." I started, my voice coming out hoarse. I cleared my throat. "Why are you looking at my things? How the hell did you even unlock my phone? It's locked with my fingerprint!"

"I put your fingerprint while you were sleeping." She replied. Fuck. "I needed to know who was this bitch who you were dating. But now I realize that it's a fucking dude?! Tell me it's not true, Mark! You can't be a faggot!"

"O-Of course I'm not! That's just... It was a dare!"

"A dare?"

"Yes, a dare! Some friends and I were playing a game of truth or dare, and I picked dare. You know how guys are with their extreme dares. T-They told me and a friend to act as if we were a couple and... We had to send each other that kind of messages." I lied. I had to come out with anything. Anything to save me from anyone of this school of knowing.

"What kind of fucked up dare is that?!"

"I don't know! Blame my friends, not me! But that doesn't mean anything, really! Do you really think that ME, that someone like me would really do that?!" I asked exasperatedly.

Scarlet looked uncertain, looking to the floor as if not being sure of what I said.

"Come on, Scarlet... You know I have always liked girls... I'm not... I'm not gay." I told her.

And here I am, back to lying again. But I had to do it. I had to do it to prevent her from telling the entire school. I couldn't bear the thought of that happening. I was so panicked, I had to come out with something!

"Now please... Give me back my phone." I told her, outstretching my arm.

She just remained frozen on her spot. With my phone still on her hand. I sighed and snatched it from her, locking it and tucking it back in my jeans. I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have fallen asleep. But I never thought that this bitch would do this kind of thing!

After some seconds, Scarlet turned around and walked out of the classroom without another word. Even though she had left, I was still feeling nervous to death. Wasn't she convinced from what I said? What if she still tells everyone? What if she took screenshot of the conversation and sent it to everyone in the school?!

Taking out my phone again, I made sure that there weren't screenshots in the gallery. Nothing. My chats were empty of any sent images, so I guess it's all good. I hope she really is convinced of what I said and she continues on her hunt to find the bitch who I'm currently dating. Which is not a bitch.

During the rest of my classes and until they finished, I could only think of what had happened. That damned slut! She's so fucking obsessed with me! She got to the point of looking at my chats to see who I was talking to. And holy shit, I can't believe she actually read that conversation. I'm so damn embarrassed, but most of all, so nervous.

I should tell Zack about it, but I don't want to make him nervous too. I have to make sure that Scarlet will just forget about it. I'm sure that she will. She can't think that I'm gay. For her that's something absurd, something completely impossible. It's not like she will discuss this with her friends... Right?

"Hey, Mark!" I jumped a bit at hearing the distinctive angelic voice of my boyfriend, standing next to me on the private spot where I always wait for him, with a smile on his beautiful face.

"Hey, Zack." I said, trying to sound as normal as possible, but my voice betrayed me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, frowning a bit and his smile fading.

"Yeah, of course. Why?"

"You look a bit upset..."

"Really? Oh, it must be because I'm kinda stressed from all the work I have to do."

"Oh." Was all he said, still not looking sure of my answer.

I wasn't feeling good right now. I just needed time for myself to think properly. This thing that happened with Scarlet is still scaring me to death.

"Yeah. In fact, I think I should go to my house to finish it soon."

"Oh, okay..." He replied sadly.

"See you." I said, turning on my heel and walking away in a hurry.

Then I realized what I just did and how rude I sounded. Stupid Mark! I mentally smacked myself as I turned over my shoulder to see my angel, standing on his spot, his sad puppy eyes looking at his shoes, looking guilty of something that he never did.

I hated seeing him that way. I turned sharply again and walked back to him. He looked up at me and I slammed my lips into his in a strong, passionate kiss, so he can be sure that my love for him hasn't disappeared and it will never do.

"I love you." I whispered to him as I pulled away and looked into his puddles of chocolate, brushing my thumb over the soft texture of his cheek.

"Me too." He whispered back. I kissed him a last time before smiling at him and turning to walk away.

He didn't do anything. This was something between me and Scarlet. That bitch better keep her mouth shut before I can beat the obsessive slut out of her. I don't care if she's a girl. I've had enough of her and I won't take it anymore if she dares to do more of her bullshit.


Stopping my car on the parking lot of the school and climbing out of it, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and made my way to the backyard of the school. Roaming my eyes around it, everyone looked normal. The girls pointed and turned to look at me as always, whispering to each other. I see some of them still like me. It's a shame that I don't feel the same for them. Well, not actually a shame, but a blessing.

As I walked through the double doors, all the eyes were set on me as they watched me passing by. All of them had their phones on their hands and looked at me as if I was some sort of celebrity. It's been a while since people looked at me like that. I must look kind of more handsome today.

As I walked through the halls, I could see the students stepping out of the way and looking at me strangely. Whispers and mutters were heard throughout the place, as well as some laughs. I guess they were looking at some sort of viral video on their phones or something like that. But I didn't know why everyone was looking at me that way... Even the guys.

As I continued walking, I noticed all of their stares were turning into ones of disgust, anger, disbelief. An uneasy feeling started to make its way to the pit of my stomach. I felt like something wasn't right about the way they were behaving with me. As I turned to see a guy leaning on my locker with two girls at his sides, I watched as he raised his fist to the level of his open mouth. Then he started to move his fist back and forth, with his tongue pushing the inside of his cheek every time he moved it forth, simulating the action of... Sucking a dick. The girls at his sides laughed at his actions and so did the guy. Why was he doing that?


Hearing that word made me stop in my tracks. My body froze and all I could do now was to look in disbelief at the mass of people that continued sneering, whispering and sending disgusted looks at my direction, as that and many other hurtful words were thrown at me, each one feeling like knives that were stabbed in my heart. There could only be a logical explanation to this.

They knew. They fucking knew. The worst thing that I could ever imagine happening to me, was happening in this moment... And I knew exactly who was the idiot responsible for this.

Standing at some lockers farther away from me, was Scarlet, crying for some unknown reason while two girls at her sides tried to comfort her. I didn't care for what kind of reason she was doing that hysterical crying. The slut will have to listen to me.

Moving my feet from the spot where they had frozen, I made my way towards her as more insults were thrown at my back and people stepped out of my way as if I was a parasite. The girls turned to look at me while Scarlet had her face buried in her hands.


"Stay away from her, faggot!" One of the bitches barked, making me feel hurt, but trying to not let it be visible in my face.

"Scarlet... Did you tell them?" I asked first in a low voice, but she just continued to cry. At that I was running out of patience due to everything that I was hearing around me. "DID YOU TELL THEM?!"

"She didn't tell them."

A different voice spoke behind me. I turned around slowly to see a smirking Herman walking towards me, holding his phone in his hand. "I think the right person who you have to thank is me." He said, smirking more and lifting his phone to look at it. "You see, Scarlet here was devastated after the disturbing conversation that she found in your phone while you were sleeping. She needed someone who could give her a true explanation as to why you had this conversation with another dude, so she sent me the photos that she took with her phone, showing various parts of this chat." He said, turning his phone so I could see some of the conversation... Exactly the part where I had sent Zack the photo of... My butt.

"She said you told her that it was a dare. But after analyzing every message and every ridiculous name that you called this fag, I came to the conclusion that this can't be a dare or a joke. I know that us guys sometimes like to act like faggots, only to make fun of them, but reaching to this level of faggotness to the point of sending pics of each other's dicks and asses? That's a bit too much, don't you think?"

More people started to laugh and insult me at that, and I guessed that the fucker who was right in front of me had been the one responsible for sending the rest of the school those same photos. My whole face was red and all I could do was to hang my head low. I was feeling a rush of shame and embarrassment like I had never felt in my life. I had never felt so embarrassed since the time I peed my pants after receiving my first kiss at elementary school.

This was so much worse. The photos that I had sent to Zack, the ones that I thought that only him would see, were now before the eyes of all these assholes to see too. He violated my privacy and showed it to everyone in this school. What did I even do to him to make me suffer this much humiliation?

"I never thought that you'd really be the type who would cry out to suck another dude's dick. I mean, you looked like a man, you really looked like one. But now I see that you're not. People like you don't deserve to be called that. You're just another one of those fairies, princesses, a whore hungry for cock. You seriously disgust me." He laughed.

My breathing came out quickly from my nose like steam from an enraged bull. I could feel my blood boiling, my fists clenching into tight fists to the point where my nails turned white. With every insult that came out from his mouth, he was adding fuel to the anger, fury and rage building up inside me.

"I expected more from you, Mark. But sadly we can't expect anything from a faggot. Turns out that the biggest and most popular jock in this school happens to be a cocksucker slut." He sneered. "So tell me, where do you like it more? Down your throat, or up your ass?"

It was as if a bomb had exploded inside me as I snatched the phone from his hand and slammed it hard on the floor, shattering it to pieces. In a swift movement, my hand flew to his neck and I gripped it as hard as I could, my enraged eyes piercing into his shocked ones with so much hatred that I had never felt for any other human.

"Woah, dude calm down!" Two guys immediately ran towards me to stop me.

Before they could stop me, I used my free hand to grab the collar of one of the guy's shirt and pushed him hard onto the lockers behind him, making him hit the back of his head. The other one grabbed my arm that was choking Herman, but I used my elbow to hit him in the chest, the force sending him to the floor.

Turning to look back at Herman, his face had turned almost purple as he tried to escape from my grip on his neck. And he managed to do it as I felt his leg hitting hard against my groin.

I groaned in pain, causing me to fall to the floor and I clutched my pelvic area. Everyone owed as a circle of students surrounded us and Herman coughed, trying to recover his breath. The force of the hit on my groin was so hard that I worried that he had done some serious damage.

I opened my eyes just in time when I saw Herman walking towards me, raising his foot and getting ready to kick me, but I managed to catch his ankle and I made him lose his balance, his back and head hitting against the hard floor with a loud thud.

A chaos erupted around us as I got on top of him and lifted my fist, hitting his eyes, nose and cheeks with all the strength that I possessed. He tried to cover his face with his arms and tried to get me off him, but I was so much stronger than him. My rage took control of my entire body and I couldn't control my actions. I didn't even care if this was going to get him killed.

I was too distracted while hitting his face that I wasn't fast enough to block the fist that impacted against my right cheek. Soon another one came, hitting me very close to my right eye, then another one on my other cheek, so hard that I felt one of my teeth coming loose.

For a moment he started to take control of the fight, but I wasn't going to let him win. He was still on the floor with me on top of him. I lifted my elbow high in the air before letting it fall with full force on his stomach, the action making him gasp and spit blood out of his mouth. The cheering and wooing that you would usually hear at a fight scene had now turned into scared screams and yells of help. Grabbing him by the collar of his bloodied shirt and lifting him up a bit, I raised my head before sending it down at his face, my forehead connecting against his already broken nose and earning a sick cracking sound.

Before I could use my fist again, a pair of arms held me from behind and pulled me up to my feet. I tried to break free but the grip on my arms just got tighter.

"Calm down you two!" Yelled the voice of the man who was holding me.

A teacher lifted Herman from the floor, him letting out winces and groans of pain, but still trying to break from the grip on his arms, looking at me with murdering eyes.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill him!" He yelled.

"You won't kill anyone! You two will come with me to my office now!" The man behind me said, letting me know he was the principal of the school.

I managed to calm down a bit as the principal forced us to walk, while Herman still protested and struggled to break free of the teacher that was holding him. It was as if we were criminals walking directly to our cell.

Once we were inside, the teacher let go of Herman, but he didn't try to charge at me again. He was holding his stomach with a pained bloody face. I kept a safe distance as I stood in front of the principal's desk, my own face and genitals still hurting, but dealing with it.

"So, care to explain what all that chaos was about?" The principal demanded.

Ms. Wright stepped into the office with a surprised look, asking what happened. I was the first one to speak.

"It's his fault! He sent photos of my conversations to the entire school, including photos of me! Those were private. It's violation to my privacy and this... Idiot sent them to everyone!" I explained exasperatedly, while pointing at him.

"You deserved it... For being a faggot." Herman muttered.

"Herman!" Ms. Wright scolded.

"What? Aren't you going to say nothing to him? Look what he did to me! Ow!" He winced as he clutched his stomach again. "He could have killed me!"

"Herman, can we know the reason why you did this to Mark?" The principal asked, ignoring Herman's whines of pain.

"Wha- Now he's the victim?! I needed everyone to know who this idiot was! He's a faggot, and faggots can't be in this school!"

"You don't rule this school, Herman. Who ever told you that sexual diversity in this school was something bad?" Ms. Wright asked him.

"It IS something bad! I wasn't going to take the risk of being raped by this faggot! Did you want that to happen?!"

I looked at him in disbelief. "You seriously must have some sort of trauma with gay people to hate them so much, and think such things of them."

"Shut the fuck up, faggot! You don't know anything about my life, you stupid motherfucker son of a-"

"Enough!" The principal yelled. "Herman, seeing what you just did to your partner to humiliate him in front of everyone, besides violating his privacy, I'm afraid that we won't be able to keep you studying in this school any longer. You're officially expelled from now on."

"What?! Why me?!"

"Not only because of this, but also for everything that you have done in past days. You're the worst troublemaker that has ever stepped into this institute. I'm fed up of finding you here every single day for everything you do. But now you have gotten too far. Right now I'm going to organize some papers for your expulsion."

"What about him?! Look at what he did to me!" He yelled.

"You asked for it, now deal with it." He replied.

He stared at him for a few seconds, then at Ms. Wright, and then at me. "Fuck you! Fuck you all!"


"Shut the fuck up, whore!" He spat at Ms. Wright. "You all are just a bunch of retarded assholes! Suck my dick everyone! You too, principal! Everyone in this school suck my fucking dick!" He yelled in frustration as he made his way out of the office.

"And you, faggot." He warned, pointing a finger at me. "This is not over." With that, he walked out, cursing and kicking at everything that he found on his way.

I stood there, staring into nothing, digesting everything that had just happened. A gentle hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned to look a concerned Ms. Wright.

"Are you okay, Mark?" She asked me.

I shook my head.

"I have a son who suffered the same humiliation in middle school. For that same reason." The principal spoke. "I couldn't allow him to continue studying here. Not after this."

"You did the right thing, principal." Ms. Wright spoke, then turning to me again. "Mark, I can give you a pass so you can go home if that's what you want."

I nodded my head. Ms. Wright gave me a pass and with that, I made my way out of the office.

Walking down the corridors, there were still some people whispering, although less loudly than before. They had scared looks on their faces as they saw me walking past them, as if thinking that they were going to end like Herman too.

I felt someone wrapping their arm around my shoulder, making me clench my fists and turning sharply to see the idiot who was trying to make fun of me, only to stop my actions at seeing that it was Skylar.

"Calm down. I've got your back." She said calmly, walking down the halls with me.

"Me too." Elliot appeared at my other side, patting my shoulder and giving me a smile.

"Us too." Carl and another of the soccer members joined Skylar at their side.

"And us too!" Amber, Vincent and Jaida said all at once as they joined Elliot at his side. I couldn't feel more relieved at this moment at knowing that I could still count with a few people. People who didn't hate me. I wish my Zack could be here too.

"Thank you, guys." I told them sincerely.

"No problem, Mark, you're not alone." Amber reassured me. "And don't listen to these idiots. They have shit in their heads."

They accompanied me until I reached the parking lot. I turned to look at them all and thank each one of them for being there for me. Now these were my friends. My real friends.

I gave them a smile as I climbed into my car and they waved at me, starting the engine before driving to my house. It feels good to know that you're not alone in situations like these.

My parents are going to kill me as soon as they see me like this, my jacket and shirt stained in me and that fucker's blood, but more his. I should be extremely careful and sneak out to my room as quietly as possible. I still couldn't believe that the entire school now knew about my deepest secret. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I just don't want to keep going to that place where I know I'll never stop getting insulted and mocked. I could never get used to that.

It looks like bad luck decided to make my life a living hell today as my parents noticed me the instant I stepped into my house, my mom gasping and rushing to my side, looking horrified at my face and clothes and demanding for an answer of what the hell had happened.

"It was nothing." I replied, trying to get to the staircase, but the hand holding my arm not letting me.

"Yes, it was something! What happened?!"

I sighed. "I got into a fight."

"A fight? With who?!"

Just at that moment, the phone started ringing. My dad was closer to it so he went to answer the call. My mom had to remain silent as my dad lifted a finger, telling her to shut up.

"Hello? ... Yes, that's me, who is this? ... What?" After he asked that, he turned his head to look at me with confused eyes.

A bad feeling grew inside me as I made my way from the spot on the door to where my dad was listening to the phone. From here, I could make the distinctive voice of that fucker talking from the other end. My body immediately acted by himself as I lifted my hand, trying to snatch the phone away from him.

"Dad!" But before I could do it, my dad stepped back and placed a hand on my chest, preventing me from taking the phone from him. "Dad, don't listen to him!"

Hysterical laughter was heard from the other end. "Yes, sir... I'm sorry to be the carrier of bad news, but I'm afraid to tell you that your son is a faggot."

My dad had a very angered face right now as he slammed the phone back to its place. That look contained so much hatred as I had never seen on him before.

That fucker... He told him. Now my parents know about my secret too. This is definitely not how I expected them to find out.

"What's happening? Who was that?" My mom asked.

"Dad... Please listen to me..." I tried to explain calmly, but of course, talking things through calmly wasn't one of my dad's best skills.

"Listen to you? What do you have to say after that kid told me everything I needed to know? That you're a faggot?!" Hearing my dad calling me that hurt me way more than hearing the students saying it. "He said he found conversations of you with another... Boy?! Is this the reason why you never told us who you were dating? Because it's someone of your same fucking gender?!"

"Yes!" I admitted, knowing that it was pointless to deny it now. "I never told you because I knew that you would react this way! I knew you'd do the same to me as you did with Wyatt when he came out to you, that's why I kept it hidden for so long! But I'm tired already of faking being someone I'm not. I never liked girls, I always liked boys! Now I have a boyfriend who I love with all my heart and you won't do anything to stop that!"

His fist came flying to my direction before I could even notice it, connecting against my already bruised jaw and making me step back. My mom cried while covering her mouth with her hands, while everything I could do was to look at the angered beast in front of me.

"I can't believe it. What did I even do to deserve sons like these?! Why couldn't any of you be normal? Just when I thought you were the only sane one, now turns out that you're a faggot just like your brother! I knew my brother was right about everything he told me. It's Wyatt's fault because he corrupted you! I never should have let him get close to you. Now look at the consequences. Another faggot!"

At that moment a second bomb exploded inside me as I couldn't bear his insults anymore. "Fuck you, son of a bitch! You're not my father, you're a monster! I don't want to see you again in my fucking life! All I wanted from you was at least a bit of tolerance for me, a bit of acceptance, a bit of respect. But I'm fed up of just hearing shit spilling out of your mouth, I'm fed up! I hope you die soon and rot in hell!"

My dad looked taken aback from what I said, but I didn't regret a single word as I turned around and ran up the stairs to my bedroom, kicking open the door and picking all my clothes from the floor. Before I could think about what I was doing, I was already shoving all of my clothes inside a suitcase. I know that this idiot who I call my father doesn't want to see me here anymore, nor I want to see him. I don't know where I will go. I just know that I can't continue sharing this home with someone as toxic and as ignorant as him.

I felt tears threatening to escape from my eyes, but I wiped them away before they could start falling. That's when I heard my mom talking from downstairs.

"It's over, Fred. I can't keep living like this anymore." She started. "I can't continue seeing you treating our sons like this. If you're not going to respect them, I will. They won't be alone. But guess what? You will."

"Now what are you talking about?" My dad asked in the same angered tone.

"It's over, Fred. I want a divorce!"

I stopped my actions and my eyes widened. My parents... They're divorcing. Because of me...

"What? No, Claire, don't do this. It's not your fault-"

"It's no one's fucking fault! Don't talk of it as if it was something to blame for. My sons are completely normal, it's just you the one who hasn't developed that ignorant brain of yours!"

My parents continued to argue as I went back to pack my things. After one suitcase was filled, I went for a second one, then for a third one. I had to shove some more things in one of Wyatt's old backpacks. And when I was ready, I took all of the stuff downstairs, not before giving my bedroom a last glance, a last goodbye, and that's when I descended the stairs where my parents continued arguing more loudly.

My heart stopped for a millisecond as I saw my dad taking my mom's arm in a hard grip, looking at her with intense murdering eyes. "You're not going anywhere. You're not leaving me. You're in my house and you do exactly what I tell you to do! So don't you think in having a fucking divorce because I won't allow it!"

"Let go of her!" I pushed my dad away from her as hard as I could, him looking at me with shocked eyes as my mom turned around to get into her bedroom. "Don't touch her, you jerk." I muttered, and for a moment, he seemed only a bit scared of me.

My mom came out of the bedroom a few seconds later, holding some bags and suitcases just like me. My dad watched with wide eyes as if he couldn't believe that we were actually going to leave him. A shame that I can't feel the tiniest bit of remorse towards him. If only he hadn't acted the way he acted, we would've continued to live as a happy and united family. But I see that was not the case. I hope this helps him to think about his mistakes and all the damage he did to my mom, my brother and me.

"I didn't want to get to this, Fred. But you left me no other choice." My mom said sadly as she opened the door and let me step out first. I glanced a last time at my dad, who went to sit on the couch and buried his face in his hands. I dragged my luggage out of the house and so did my mom.

"Don't worry, Mark. I will call your aunt Lissie so she can let us stay there for some days. She's nice so I don't think she will mind." She said in a hurry as she sniffed and pulled out her phone, looking for her number.

"Thanks, mom. But I think I'll go to someone else's house, if that's fine for you."

She turned to look at me. "Whose house? Your... Boyfriend's?"

I nodded. "I'm sure he will let me stay. Trust me."

"But what will his parents say?"

"They... They're out for some days."

My mom considered it for a moment, before she nodded. "Okay, if you think he will let you stay, then go. I'll stay at your aunt's, then."

I nodded, turning to walk towards my car, before my mom called me and I turned back to her. "I love you, Mark. You are and always will be my beloved son, no matter what. Keep that in mind." She said softly as she got on her tip toes to kiss my cheek.

"Thank you, mom. I love you too." I replied, smiling at her.

A couple of minutes later, I was driving my car towards Zack's house, the back seats stacked with my suitcases. I hope he doesn't get angry at me for this. No, he's not that kind of person. I'm sure he will let me stay at his place at least for some days. I hope so.

Climbing out of my car and taking out all of the suitcases inside, I dragged them with me until I was standing in front of the entrance of his big house. Lifting my hand to ring the doorbell, I waited for a few seconds. Until the door opened slowly, revealing the angelic face of the person who I loved the most in this world, wearing that beautiful smile on his face as he saw me.

"Mark!" He greeted, his smile fading and his face changing into one of confusion as he saw all the suitcases at my feet. "Mark?"

"Zack... Can I please move here with you... For a couple of days?"

I stood there, waiting anxiously for his answer as his eyes went wide.

Aw, Mark suffered so much today 😔 *pulls him close* What will Zack do to comfort his Marky bear?

Sorry if this chapter was long. Argh. Why they come out so long?

Can this chapter get 1 vote? ♥️⭐

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