Discarded Hearts

By KookyKlouds

1.2K 40 43

Aislinn is a dreamer. She dreams of love, she dreams of freedom and she dreams of music. But her reality is a... More

Chapter 1- If I had a Dollar...
Chapter 2 - Hidden Treasures

Prologue- Unfulfilled promises

712 16 19
By KookyKlouds

*Takes deep breath*, okay. This is the first story I've posted on Wattpad after repeatedly telling myself to. As all amateur writers do I want some constructive criticism. Please with cherries on top and rainbow sprinkles. I want your true opinion. If you don't like it TELL ME!

Somewhere at the back of my mind I have a vague idea of where I'm going with this story. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ IT! Fan and vote if you like it.



Prologue-Unfulfilled Promises

The pressure on my neck increased as I gulped for air like a fish out of water. My eyes felt as if they were going to pop out of their sockets. I tugged at the hands that held my neck in a vice like grip.

A squeak escaped from my parted lips as I saw that I was hanging over the edge of a twenty storey building, above the constant flow of traffic. My ears were filled with the sound of honking and screeching yet the rapid beating of my heart seemed to overwhelm it. The air smelled like burning asphalt and tyres. Ominous grey clouds hung above us keeping the sun prisoner behind it.

"So, were you thinking of paying your dues any time soon?" asked my captor in an inquiring voice with a malicious grin on his face. I gestured to his hands and made a pained face. He sighed a mixture of disgust and fatherly love with an inscrutable look on his face. He swivelled me onto the rooftop as if I weighed no less than a size 0 model and let go. I collapsed onto the cement and gulped in the precious commodity that was oxygen. My eyes started to fill up with salty water. I screamed inside my head, "Don't you dare cry!". I glared up at him through the strands of hair that had amassed in front of my face. Him being a thug surrounded by his army of cronies. Me being a powerless girl crouched on the cement.

"What, cat got your tongue?", he said. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and lifted me up. Did he have to make such a show of his strength, I was getting sick of it. "You think I like doing this, beating up helpless teenage girls so that they can pay off the debts their parents owe?" He spat on the ground by my feet. I answered back in my most acidic voice: "Yes I do Gabriel, I mean wouldn't it be just as easy working the till at Walmart, rather than being an enforcer for a gang?"

Gabriel's name and face contradicted each other. You'd think he'd have the looks of an angel. Quite the opposite actually. I think the only person who could look at his face without grimacing was his mother. Just imagine Tweedledum from Alice in Wonderland. Now make him taller, hairier, muscular and a tad uglier. You've got yourself Gabriel.

His cronies began to giggle and I glanced behind Gabriel to see them assembled like cheerleaders at a football game. They all wore dark hoodies zipped up to cover their faces. I couldn't tell who was male or female. All I could see was the mad glint in their eyes.

"I'll extend your deadline," said Gabe with a weird expression on his face, "I'll be back next month and I want the full $10,000."

If looks could kill I would be alone on that rooftop surrounded by a huge pile of ash. "Oh! How kind of you Gabe," I gasped, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Gabe kissed the top of my head, dropped my again and disappeared as quickly as he'd arrived. His cronies followed him like moth's to a flame.

It began to rain then. Just little drops here and there as if God was spitting on me for being such a coward. I huddled there until the drop turned into a full scale shower. Tears mingled with rainwater on my face and my clothes clung to me. God knows what I would do to get that sort of cash.

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