My demons{Jariana/Justin and...

By xamazynduhx

27.7K 1.4K 272

Ariana grande,a suicidal self-harmer. Justin bieber,a lifesaver. More

My demons
Apologies and Forgiveness
Problems,problems and more problems.
He's dead.
Back to school drama
"Did he do this to you?"
"Are we still dating?"
"Mom,call an ambulance!"
"...She needs some help,before it's too late."
"Who was driving the car."
"The house was comepletely trashed"
"richard,we have a problem."
"You're apart of a gang?!"
"You promised forever,"
"...he is incapable of loving anyone.."
"You don't want to know what you've done to me,"
"Kiss me,"
"I've missed you,"
"you left your shirt at my house"
"You'll be hearing from him soon Justin."
authors note <3
5k yaaaas
"Oh my god,"
"let's play a little game,shall we?"
Guyyyys im sorry


1K 56 10
By xamazynduhx

Song of the chapter-be alright by justin bieber.



Pain shoots through my head,what is that sound?Where am I?All I see is darkness.Oh,right.I force my eyes open,unwillingly,and am blinded my a bright white light.I hiss at the pain it gives me and close my eyes again.

Come on Ariana.

I blink a few times and let my eyes adjust.


"Oh thank god."I hear a sigh.

I look to my left to see Henry sleepily standing up and walking over to me,another figure is laying on the floor sleeping...Justin?

"Why am I here?"I ask,my voice cracking because of my dry throat.

He looks at me and smiles sadly,"Here,have some water.."

He hands me a white plastic cup with cool water in it,I take a sip of the water and let the cool liquid run down my throat.I put the cup next to me.

A nurse walks in smiling,she has short blonde hair and bright red lipstick on,maybe 45-50 years old.

"Hello,Ariana,how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine,why am I here?"I ask,wanting to know since i don't remmeber.

"What's the last thing you remember dear?"

"I was at the park with Justin and..And then he asked me something and I ran home and went into my room..And then...Oh.."Realisation hits me.

Do they know?

Did they find out about the cutting?

Did they see the pills?

"Do you mind if we have a moment?"The nurse asked Henry.

Henry nods and walks out,the nurse doesnt worry about Justin as it's obvious he is sleeping because his light snores are filling the room.

"Ariana,I saw the cuts on your wrists and thighs,don't worry,I didn't tell anybody.As far as I know,Henry thinks you fainted from stress,and those were headache tablets.You did faint from stress,but I know what those pills were for..Now,technically I don't have a right to tell him,it's your choice,but I think it's best for you to tell him."She says kindly.

I sigh,"I'm going to tell him,just not here,at home.Please keep this a secret."I lie.

She nods and rubs my arm,standing up,"so how are you really feeling?"

"I've got a headache,but that's it."

She nods,'I'll be back with some medication,I'm going to get henry to sign some papers for your release,so he'll be back in soon."She smiles before walking out.

I breathe a sigh of relief,thank god Henry didn't find out,and there's no way im telling him about my cuts.

"Ariana?"Somebody mumbles.

Justin,I forgot he was here.

"Yeah.."I whisper,

He stands up quickly,more alert.

"Oh my god you're awake!"He breathes a sigh of relief,"Let me go get a nurse."

"No Justin i've already seen one."I say before he walks out the door.

"Right.."He nods.

Well this is awkward.I don't really want to talk to him right now,not because I'm mad,because i feel really embarresed.As far as he knows,I fainted because of me denying him,he must think im so fucking stupid.I mean yes,that was apart of it,but cutting was the only thing keeping me sane,and i hadn't cut in days,so it all came rushing back to me.My parents,the hurtful words of the students at school,my self-hatred..My life,

"Ariana I am so,so sorry..I didn't think that-"

"Dont-"I cut him off,"Don't apologise,this isnt your fault.It's mine,Justin I can't have friends,I can't.I should never have let you in,became friends with you,lead you on.I'm sorry."I say,shaking my head.

"No I want to be your friend,Ariana,please-"

"Get out."I whipser.

"What?"He says hurt.

I take a deep breath,putting my very practised poker face on,showing no emotion,"I don't want to speak to you anymore,get out."I say in monotone.

His eyes are filled with hurt.

"ok.."He says,nodding his head.

He turns around and walks out of the door,he's gone.

He's gone forever.

3 days later~


I haven't seen or spoken to Justin in 3 days,I'm back to cutting,back to sitting in the house all day,back to being by myself most of the time with Henry at work.

Henry knows what happened between me and Justin,welll,sort of.I told him that we got in an argument and we aren't speaking,so to make sure he doesnt invite them over for dinner.

Right now,I was getting ready to go out to starbucks.I got dressed in highwatsed light denim shorts,just long enough to cover my scars on my thighs,and a white tank flowy top with a white tank top underneath.I put on some bracelets to cover my cuts on my wrists and slip on some white hightops.I put my hair in a half up-half down look and put on a little makeup to finish eveything off.

I walk out of the house and let the warm air surround me.I take a deep breath in before walking down my driveway.As i walk past Justin's house,I see Pattie in the garden.I try and walk past quickly before she can see me but it's too late.

"Ariana!"Pattie yells,smiling.

I inwardly punch her in the face but put on the best fake smile i can manage and greet her back,"Hey Pattie."

"How have you been,feeling better?"She smiles sweetly.

"Yeah."I nod,beginning to walk away.

"Oh thats good sweetie,hey before you go.."I hold back a sigh and stop walking and turn around to face her again,"Have you spoken to Justin lately?"

"um,no...We aren't really speaking.."I shrug.

"That explains it.."She mumbles to herself.

"Sorry?"I say confused.

"He's just been..I don't know..Different.He stays in his room all day and when he's not in his room he's out doing god-knows-what.I know he liked you a lot."She sighs..

"Oh.."I say,feeling guilty..I shake it off,"Well,I'll see you later,Pattie."

"Bye."She waves.

I wave back before walking away.

I make my way to starbucks,pushing Pattie's words to the back of my head.Starbucks comes into sight,I breath a sigh of relief.

I cross the road and freeze at the sight infront of me.

Maddie making out with some boy..

Let me tell you about Maddie..

Maddie is the most popular girl in school,and she's very stereo-typical to say the least,long blonde hair,bright blue eyes,very pretty.Rich,short skirts,great body,and bitchy....Very bitchy.

But its who she's making out with is what makes me want to throw up.


My eyes widen and,for some reason,I feel hurt.

Why would I feel hurt?god,I was the one that rejected him,this is my fault anyway.What am I even saying,I don't care about him at all.

Suddenly an annoying yet familair high pitched voice says in an annoyed tone,"Ew,It's you."Maddie says as I walk past them.

Justin looks at me and then looks at Maddie,"You know each other?"

"Unfortunately,"I hiss.

"Wait,you know this emo freak?"Maddie laughs.

I roll my eyes,"Bye slut."I spit at maddie and then turn around and walk inside.

I push back all of my anger and stand in line..Finally,after what felt like forever,I reached the counter and ordered my drink.

Once it was ready I decided to sit in a booth by the window.

As soon as I sit down Maddie and Justin walk in,Justin looking un-interested and maddie shooting a death glare my way as she sits two booths infront of me.

Her back is faced to me,meaning I have am facing Justin's front.

I sigh and look out the window,refusing to move.I won't show weakness.I was here first,they can fuck themselevs if they think they are going to get some sort of reaction out of me.

I feel Justin's eyes on me,so I glare at him,except his eyes aren't glaring,they are soft and gentle.I think he's trying to say something to me,but I don't understand.

Suddenly Maddie gets up,saying something to Justin and walks towards the Bathrooms.

Justin walks over to me after Maddie is out of sight,making me sigh.

"Ariana we aren't dating or anything it's just-"

"why are you talking to me?Oh i'm sorry,did you think I actually care?"I laugh sarcastically,"Justin,I dont care about you or what you do."I lie.

His eyes are filled with hurt,"Fine,good.I didn't care about you either."He spits.

I laugh sarcastically,"so that's why you asked me out?"

"No."He mutters.

"Bye,Justin."I stand up and push past him.

As I walk out,I turn back to see him one more time,he is standing there with hurt in his eyes as he runs his hand through his hair before he slumps back down into the booth.


I walked past Justin's house on the way home and Pattie was still gardening,

I was angry at Justin,don't ask why,so I used this as an adventage to let out my anger.

"Hey Pattie."I smile.

"Oh,hi dear."She smiles.

"Um,do you know where Justin is..?"I say.

"I thought he was in his room,why?"

"Well,I just saw him out the front of starbucks making out with some girl,he never told me he has a girlfriend."I hold back a smirk,knowing he would get in deep shit since he isnt aloud to have a girlfriend wthought Pattie meeting her first.

She gasps and then an angry look comes over her face,she stands up and rips her gardening gloves off."That boy is in huge trouble."

"Well,I'll see you later.."I shrug walking back into the house.

 As soon as I get in my house I burst out laughing.


It was currently 6:00pm and Henry was downstairs cooking dinner while I was in my room sitting on my bed reading a book.

"ARIANA!"Henry calls from downstairs.

I groan and walk down to see Henry at the door and Justin infront of him.

I sigh.

Henry smirks and walks back to the kitchen.

"What do you want?"

He looks up at me and his eyes are all red and puffy..Has he been crying?

"Ariana I-.."He sighs,"I'm sorry about today.I've just been really lost.I know i haven't known you for long but what I do know is that I like you,alot.But I'd rather be friends then nothing,and if you don't like me like that,it's fine,but please let me be your friend.I don't want to lose you.."

I feel a smile forming on my lips..

"ok.."I smile.

"Really?!"he says as his face lights up.

I nod.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me in a hug,I laugh and hug him back.He finally lets go with a smile on his face,"thank you."

I just shrug,"So um,i'll see you tomorrow maybe?"

"Yep,I have a surprise for you,i'll pick you up at 2."he smiles before dissapearing down the driveway.

You've done it again Ariana.

Hey guys hoped you like this chappie and I was going to write more but I decided to leave it with that and write about the surprise in the next chapter,so yeah.

Ily all hehe





<3 xoxox

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