Loving A Monster (Van Helsing)

By WildPuppy11

32.6K 762 44

She's unnatural, she's a freak but does she care, no. Shade has a secret that binds her to prince Velkan Vale... More

One || Beginning Of The End
Two || Shade The Great Hunter
Three || Mission Transylvania
Four || Invisible Nightmares
Five || Little Village
Six || Inexperienced Werewolf
Seven || Run Free
Eight || Come Back To Me
Nine || I Promised
Eleven || I Didn't Do It For You
Twelve || Inner Turmoil
Thirteen || The Cure
Fourteen || Biting Cold
Fifteen || A Final Farewell

Ten || Still Need You

1.9K 46 4
By WildPuppy11

Shade had ran for what felt like a lifetime, losing Van Helsings scent as soon as she managed to cross the river, something that had required her utmost courage due to her last encounter with the river. Yet losing the scent did not stagger her in her attempt to find her fellow hunter, somehow only stirring an emotion deep within her that tugged at the instincts of the wolf inside her. It hurt her though, the seperation between her and Van Helsing, this was the first since they had met that she had been seperated from him, without knowing how to get back to him and it scared her more than she realised, showing her just how attached she had grown to the man that had plauged her heart and mind for so long. Even as she wondered, paws bleeding from the lack of rest, she began to realise that she would have to tell Van Helsing, because she would regret it if she died again without getting it off her chest.

Eventually, the search became an endless wander of the wilderness, mind fogged with many throughts and body numbed by the forces of nature that worked against the wolf. Slowly, the path led to a outstetched cliff that hung over the forest of Romania, a slab of rock for the werewolf to fall upon with a small whine, seemingly losing herself to her own belief of failure. Her eyes would shift between the blue of herself and the abyss of the black eyes of her wolf, unable to decide who this body belonged to. For the first time, in a long time, Shade was afraid, feeling it clench around her heart like the slave collar of an animal in a cage. Allowing her eyes to move towards the stars, the werewolf's eyes were slowly filled with the gaze of the moon as it rose over the horizon, filling her with the warmth of the moons embracing light. Letting out a small huff of a laugh, the wolf heaved herself to her paws with much effort, growling at the pain that accompanied the movement. She didn't know what spurred her forward but as her mind began to clear, she noticed that she now stood at the very edge of the cliff, muzzle tilted upwards in an attempt to feel the rays of light stroke at the fur of head. Something seemed to grow inside her, blooming like a flower in the hands of the sun, a feeling that swept through her like nothing she had every felt before. It escaped her in the form of a howl, far softer than she anticipated, seeming more like a song than the howl of a wolf without purpose. Yet she didn't stop, didn't allow the sound to be drowned out by the wind as she sung her heart out the moon, letting the world crumble away from her own reality, a single memory creeping into the foresight of her mind. 

The memory was of her and Van Helsing, the day he had found out about her curse, the day she had wanted to run away and also a memory that she had no idea she had. They were hunting a warlock, walking side by side as they searched the darkness of the castle before them, Shade leading her companion through the cobwebs and shadows. For years they had been together now, there methods of hunting now legendary among those that supported them in their fight to kill the dark forces of the world. Over those years, they had become close, without realising it, they had made a connection with each other that no one would ever be able to understand. Coming to a large room, the hunters came to a stop, silently sharing a look before seperating to search the room for their target, listening carefully to their surroundings. They had been searching for only a few minutes when Shade saw a shadow creeping towards Van Helsing, she knew she would not be able to get to him in time but another part of her refused to allow the creature to harm the man. Changing into her wolf form, the werewolf surged forward and tackled the creeping warlock, drawing the attention of the other hunter as she wrestled the creature, wrapping her powerful jaws around the warlocks neck as she bit down into its neck, tearing its head from his shoulders with a low growl. The wolf stood there for a moment, gathering her mind before slowly turning towards the eyes that bore into her back, she was meeted with the pointed end of a loaded arrow, Van Helsing glaring at her. She whined softly, bowing her head as she slowly turned back to the blue haired girl that had spent so much time next to Van Helsing. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she cried, telling him how sorry she was. telling him that it was okay if he killed her for being a monster, that she would not blame him for doing what was right. Yet the arrow never came, instead, he had kneeled in front of her, placing his crossbow upon the stoned floor before cupping her face in his large hands. He had forced her to look into his eyes, a small smile gracing his lips as he gazed into her teary eyes, assuring her that she was not a monster and how a monster would not have saved his life the way she had. He had accepted her, held her until the tears stopped, whispering in her ear everynow and then to tell her that she wasn't a monster.

Coming back to the present, the wolf slowly came to a silent standstill, allowing the memory to stay fresh within her mind, making her heart swell with happiness. She was filled with a new determination to find Van Helsing, even if she wore herself out. Nothing was going to stop her from finding him, four days without him was enough for her, it already felt like she had lost him, slightly wandering if it was how he felt when he had watched her plunge into the icy water of that river. Shaking her head with a small growl, the wolf turned her back from the edge of the cliff, leaping back into the forest as she ran in the direction her intincts pulled her towards, eyes swirling and merging with the black and blue of both human and wolf.

The sun had risen twice by the time Shade had managed to come to a small town, changing into her human form so that she would be able to walk through the slightly busy streets, stealing a jacket from one of the stools so that the attached hood would hide her face from anyone that might recognise her. As she walked through the streets, the sound of powerful wings beating the wind made her look up, catching the sight of a one of the vampire brides as she flew away from the village, saved from the sun by the dark clouds that covered it. That was when she heard it, the squeaky, unmistakable voice of her favourite little friar. Smiling softly, the woman made her way towards it, rounding the corner of a wall that led to a path that went under a bridge that connected the village to the city beside it. There stood Carl, huddled with Van Helsing and a man she had never seen before, they were talking in low voices, not having noticed the girl that now watched them in both relief and amusement. Relief soon turned into slight worry when Van Helsing pulled out his dart pipe, looking towards the large man that stood beside him and Carl.

"You know, not everything is solved by your damn blow darts." Shade spoke up, drawing the attention of the three men, slowly lowering her hood.

"Shade?" Van Helsing stared at her, frozen in spot.

"I promised I would come back to you." She spoke softly, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "But you have no idea....how much it hurt not to see you when I opened my eyes."

Even as Van Hesing stared at her now, she could have sworn that his own eye had began to fill with tears as he listened to her, his own heart clenching tightly in his chest. Without missing a beat, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Shade, letting her bury her head in his neck as she silently cried.

"I know exactly how it feels." He whispered in her ear, his voice slightly strained.

His words only seemed to make Shade cry even more as she now clung to him, she had tried to be the sarcastic wolf, make a joke about her own death but seeing Van Helsing had completely broke the wall she had tried to rebuild after all this time. But as the pain came back to her, the pain of being seperated from him, she knew she needed to tell him how she felt, even if he didn't return her feelings, she just needed him to know.

"I...I..I felt so lost..." Shade cried into Van Helsing's shoulder, having to pull away slighly to look up at his face, tears freely falling down her cheeks. "I know, deep down that...n..no matter what I still need you and...I..I need to tell you..."

She didn't manage to get anymore words out before she was silenced by the warm lips of the man holding her, she was slightly shocked but soon her body melted into him, her lips sligjtly pushing back against his as she kissed him back. She poured her feelings into the kiss, her hands balling into fist as she clung at his jacket, not wanting to let him go. But eventually they had to pull away to breath, their lungs crying out from the lack of air. Van Helsing rested his forehead against hers, not caring that he was showing emotion because for her, he knew he could show weakness and she would still see him as the strongest person in the world. Almost losing each other had brought up a lot of emotions that the two had tried to bury, both far too stubborn to admit to them until now.

"I know." Van Helsing finally spoke, pulling away slightly to look at Shade, afraid she may disappear if he closed his eyes. "I need you too."

{Author Note}: Really hope this doesn't suck.
Also want to hear your thoughts on this story because it means a lot to me that you are taking time to read this also want to see how you guys want this to end <3

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