Follow the path only fate kno...

By miriyansilverwolf

5.1K 203 43

Being in our world, you start to dream about Thorin Oakenshield not knowing exactly why. In the world of Midd... More

Shared dreams
Souls bound together
Forbidden act
Forming a plan
Awaken, my love
Not my soulmate
I don't want to see you die
I Need Time
The guilt that consumes you
Time to decide what you want to be
Runes of courtship
Small Again
An unexpected turn of event
Owning the night
The dragon underneath the skin
Punishments and promises
Unexpected news

Give me one good reason

264 13 1
By miriyansilverwolf

Thorin gazed at your golden eyes that were shining as they were locking on his blue ones. He only nodded his head stepping out form the group when Dain gripped his arm worriedly.

"What are you doing?" Dain whispered to Thorin who glanced at his cousin.

"I'm going to talk to her," Thorin said frowning a little.

"No you're not....not alone," Dain shook his head while taking a sideglance to you.

You were quietly listening to the two dwarves arguing with each other in front of you causing you to raise your scaly brow in amusement.

"Dain, we already had this conversation. She's my One, and I will talk with her..alone," Thorin's voice dropped indicating he was losing his patience with his cousin.

"And I'm still telling you, she is a fire breathing lizard, I'm not leaving you with her alone," Dain answered.

That earned your full attention as your head turned to glare at Dain quiet growl making its way up from your chest making Dain halt and slowly shift his gaze toward you.

"I always knew dwarves are a stubborn race but didn't think you were morons too," you sneered at him as you lowered your head narrowing your eyes.

"Easy..." Thorin whispered to you stepping between you and Dain.

"To insult a dragon is an idiotic thing to do unless you have a death wish," your snout was only 6 feet away from Dain, and you could see his lower lip was quivering and one drop of sweat was running down on his temple when your hot breath hit his face.

Fili and Kili were standing little further away from the trio eyeing you worriedly but wisely kept their mouth shut. They were startled when they realized you lifted your gaze to them; it was still unnerving for them to be so close to a dragon not to mention under its curious gaze.

"Hello boys," you smiled when your gaze landed on them and chuckled when you saw them flinching.

"You're not going to eat us are you?" Kili asked making Fili smack his head.

Tilting your head, you looked like you were considering it for a moment making Fili and Kili look at each other eyes wide open.

"Why would I wanna do that?" you finally asked shaking your head amusingly earning a giggle from Kili while Fili just smiled at you.

Balin came to stand next to Dain placing his hand on the Thorin's cousin's shoulder preventing him from saying another word; it was clear you were a little annoyed by Dain's behavior at the moment.

"You two go and talk, we wait here," Balin said the grandfatherly manner and watched as Thorin started walking toward the plains to make some distance between him and Erebor. As you were slowly turning to follow him, your tail went Dain's behind without him noticing as he opened his mouth.

"Dwarf steak isn't on the menu tonight, dragon," he huffed not realizing you could hear him.

Glancing behind you snarled quietly and before he could say anything else you swooped his legs under him with your tail a loud yelp escaping from him as Dain smacked into the ground. Fili and Kili burst into wholehearted laughter doubling over while you smirk letting out a small snicker seeing that Dain's face was turning red as he stared at you. Thorin sighed shaking his head, Dain was practically begging her to hurt him.

"I like her! She is a sassy one," Kili giggled while wiping his eyes from tears.

The bonfires were slowly dying giving the landscape an eery gloom casting long shadows on the ground as you and Thorin made your way further away from Erebor. The full moon was welcoming you two into the embrace of the night while thousands of stars twinkled like they were laughing at you.

Finally, Thorin stopped staring absentmindedly ahead feeling his heart pounding in his chest, and his hands were starting to sweat. A loud noise was forming in his ears as the blood was flowing faster in his veins making him feel lightheaded and little nauseous. Thorin had dreaded this moment ever since he came back to his senses and now that he was able to explain and apologize he was afraid. Afraid what you might think of him, would you cast him out of your life for good and live rest of your life as a dragon hating him until your last breath. He was so afraid the consequences of this conversation it caused him to fight back the tears that were forming behind his eyes.

You remain little further back watching Thorin's back and noticed his hands were shaking. Lying down you waited for him to gather his nerves and calm down enough to be able to talk. Shifting your gaze up you tried to remember your previous life in New York, how your parents were doing, what your friend was thinking right now, had they buried your body already? Closing your eyes as you could feel the anger seeping into to your mind again you forced yourself to be calm, raging wouldn't do any good in this situation.

"I don't know what to say right now," Thorin's quiet voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you opened your eyes....then would do some good for you as your eyes were shining the angrier you got.

"Why don't you start by explaining why did you think you had any right to do this to me?" you growled your burning gaze fixed upon Thorin's back earning a shiver from him as Thorin slowly turned to look at you.

"I...." the words got stuck in his throat when his gaze met yours. It cut him deeply like a knife when he saw the fury, the hurt, the resentment in your eyes at that moment.

"The sickness in me justified it that if I didn't do anything, I would lose you forever as you lived in another world and the jealousy got the better of me," Thorin's voice was barely audible, sounding broken as he avoided your eyes.

"Did you stop to think, even for a second...that by doing this you would lose me forever?" your voice was terrifyingly quiet followed by a growl indicating you had a hard time to keep your anger at bay.

"I guess not..." Thorin answered truthfully fisting his hands.

"No, you didn't," your voice coming thick from emotions that were storming inside you.

"I was telling myself I did for love..."

That was it; your head snapped upward when you heard that one word and you lashed out.

"Love??! You call this act of love??" you bellowed standing up your claws scratching the rocky ground making Thorin back up from you hastily eyes full open fear gripping his heart like a vine.

"if you call this love, I dare say you don't even know the meaning of the word," your snarl was vicious as you lowered your head near the ground.

"You have no idea how much I suffered while being trapped in that black void for days, in vain calling out for you to let me go," taking one step forward you forced Thorin to step back.

"You didn't answer me....not even once, and that felt like the worst betrayal one could do for another," taking another step forward your chest started to glow.

"You knew that by summoning my soul into this cursed body, I would die in my world, you broke my heart, you broke my mother's heart, you broke my entire family's and friends hearts, and you didn't even care!!!" your deep voice boomed through the air and opening your jaws you charged forward.

Thorin managed to dodge your attack just in time and tumbling into the ground he stood up as fast as he could to avoid your next attack which was a furious tail swing. The impact crushed the boulder into pieces making Thorin start running looking for cover. Your chest was glowing as you bent your neck and released the hot dragon fire setting the entire area into flames.

"Amrâlimê...please..." Thorin nearly begged as he was panting dodging the flames as best as he could.

"Don't you dare call me that! You don't have the right!" you growled hitting your head against the next boulder where Thorin was hiding behind it sending him flying across the plain.

Landing roughly onto the ground he groaned as the impact nearly made him pass out. Before he could get up your hindleg came to his view and next thing he knew you were pinning him down with your foot. Lying on his back staring at you between your two toes Thorin sent a silent prayer to Mahal hoping his death would be quick.

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now?" you asked narrowing your eyes putting pressure on his chest.

Thorin's face twisted in pain as the immense pressure was pressing his lungs and the chest bone was almost pressed entirely against his heart.

"There's none," he grunted gasping for air.

"What?" you were surprised by his answer; you were almost expecting Thorin to plea you to set him free.

"The ultimate crime I did against you is punishable by death in dwarvish culture; I don't expect you to spare my life after what I did to you. If you kill me, there is no reason for you stay in Middle-Earth and you can ask Gandalf for help so he can send you back, he can even erase your memories so you won't have to remember any of this," Thorin spoke as you released some of the pressure off of his chest. The guilt was visible in his eyes as you stared at him quietly. He was ready to die so you could go back to your world? He was prepared to accept his fate and the fact that you wouldn't remember any of this if you were able to go back home? He was willing to sacrifice everything so you could go back?

Feeling astonished by his words, his resolve you lifted your foot off of him and backed away from him. Earlier you accused him not knowing what love was but now as you looked at him as Thorin slowly got up heaving a breath you were baffled. Who was this dwarf? You thought you knew him through the books and the movies, but it would seem you didn't know him at all, there was so much more to this dwarven king that meets the eye. He did unthinkable act against you, but now he was prepared to make it right, even if it meant him to die. Your respect toward Thorin went up spite the little anger that was still in the back of your mind, but you felt like you had to give him a chance to prove himself to you, that he was worthy of your love.

Thorin straightened his back and gazed at you seeing you were struggling to understand his actions.

"Can you forgive me?" he asked hopeful tone of voice.

Raising your brow, you were baffled, but the warm feeling in your soul was melting the ice around your heart once again and knowing it was useless to fight against it what your soul already knew was right you lowered your head, so your snout was only a foot away from him.

"Eventually, you have a long road ahead of you before you're forgiven," you hummed giving him a naughty look causing Thorin to look at you stunned before he broke into a laugh.

"I guess I deserved that," he smiled gingerly lifting his hand and keeping it in front of you. Glancing at his arm, you closed the little distance between you two allowing Thorin's hand rest on your snout.

"Totally," you purred enjoying the warm feeling of his touch, your soul soring up into the sky from the pure joy of you two being together again.

Thorin was beaming as he gently stroked your snout feeling happy at last. He had a lot to fix between you two, but still, you were there with him so he couldn't complain.

"We should get going back before they send a patrol after us," Thorin chuckled as he cuddled your snout while you smiled your eyes lazily half closed purring quietly.

"If you insist," you murmured opening your eyes when you felt him pulling away from you.

"And you still need to convince Dain you're not a cold-blooded lizard," Thorin smirked earning a glare from you.

"Or I could just eat him," you shrugged making Thorin chuckle again while shaking his head.

"That would only prove his point," Thorin smirked at you causing you to roll your eyes feeling irritated.

"Fine, I play nice, for now," you huffed as you followed Thorin back to Erebor.

"Good girl," Thorin teased.

"Don't push it; I still might add dwarf steak on the menu,"

Thorin just snickered at your reply as you two were getting closer and you could see the small army of guards already getting ready to find their king and slay a dragon. This was going to be entertaining you thought a smug expression on your face. 

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