A Girl Named Ecstasy

By gericcelestino

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The fourth story in the Saiko Wylde Universe. There was a woman named Ecstasy "Stacy" Miller who lived in an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Finale)
List of Characters

Chapter 4

112 5 0
By gericcelestino

Later that night - Monday

At the Miller residence, Ecstasy is brushing her teeth in the bathroom and looks in the window, where he saw Ashton brushing his teeth as well. Ashton sees her and waves his hand at her, but the toothpaste in his mouth slips down, Ecstasy laughs and him as well. Ecstasy gargles with water and spits it out into the sink until she hears someone screaming outside.

Ecstasy immediately leaves the bathroom and the screaming is coming from Chelsea and Hailee's room. Steve also heard the screaming and the both of them enter their rooms, it reveals that their rooms are infested by bed bugs. Steve and Ecstasy are flabbergasted and decide to call the bed bugs exterminator. Hailee and Chelsea went outside, screaming and show them that there's so many itches and bites all over their body.

The exterminators arrive to their house wearing protective gears and enter Hailee and Chelsea'a room, where they eliminate every bed bugs in their room. Meanwhile, Steve is placing ointment into Hailee and Chelsea's skins at the living room, and they see Ecstasy talking to Ashton outside in the driveway, who was alarmed by the screaming.

Steve: Look at them... standing outside at our front yard, talking to each other about something.
Hailee: Yeah.
Chelsea: Don't they look cute together?
Steve: Are they even?
Hailee: I don't think so.
Chelsea: Even though, it's so obvious. She won't admit it.
Hailee: Maybe they just treat each other as friends, not more than friends because it could affect their friendship. If either of them confess their feelings, trust me it would get very awkward and it could ruin everything.
Chelsea: So, better yet just started as friends first.
Hailee: Yep.
Steve: You're really a fan of romances, huh?
Chelsea: I been reading a lot of romantic novels, shows and movies. And I believed in love at first sight and true love's kiss.
Steve: Well, that's how I meet your mother. Love at first sight until the day I married her.

Hailee and Chelsea tell him that she really miss their mother and wish if she was here, Steve inhales and agrees with them. Ecstasy said good night to Ashton and went inside. Steve asks her "What were you talking about?" and Ecstasy replied "Just what happened". Hailee and Chelsea ask their father that where will they sleep tonight and he suggests that they will stay in Ecstasy's room only for tonight.

Hailee and Chelsea are onboard, but Ecstasy strongly disagrees and went upstairs to her room. After she slams her door, Chelsea said that she is selfish and Hailee also said that God is not happy with her, then Steve tells them to give her time to think about it. Inside her room, Ecstasy is thinking what to do, so she pulls down her pajamas and communicates with Gina.

Gina: (saw the bright light) Ah! My eyes! Jesus, Ecstasy... can you see i'm having a beauty rest right here?!
Ecstasy: My Apologies.
Gina: What do you want now?
Ecstasy: You see, my two sisters are having problem right now because they are rooms are surrounded by bed bugs and it affects their skin which is really bad actually. And then, dad wants them to stay in my room and I don't like sharing my room with anyone else.
Gina: Why not, girl?
Ecstasy: You know... my privacy and I don't want them to know about it. You know how big sisters do when they know about the stuff that are private.
Gina: Ecstasy, they are your family and it's only for tonight. I'm sure they will be gone by tomorrow. And just think like you're having a sleepover.
Ecstasy: Sleepovers are fun, I guess.
Gina: Then go for it, girl.
Ecstasy: Thank you, Gina!
Gina: You're welcome.
Ecstasy: You're the best.
Gina: Yeah, yeah.

As Gina starts snoring like a pig, Ecstasy left her room and went downstairs to tell her sisters that they can stay in her room for tonight. Hailee and Chelsea are happy and embrace her, Ecstasy also tells them that they should have a sleepover and they agree. Ecstasy, Hailee and Chelsea went to her room while Steve pays the exterminator, and they said that their rooms will be back for a week and Steve is shocked because he thought it might last a day.

Steve thanks the exterminator for their help and locks the door as they leave, he slowly went upstairs, thinking that he should tell the girls or not. He arrives to her room and sees how Ecstasy is having so much fun with Hailee and Chelsea, and decides to tell them tomorrow because he doesn't want to ruin their sleepover. He went inside and said goodnight to the girls, then go to his room and falls asleep with a picture of his deceased wife beside him, lying on a pillow.

Steve begins to dream that he is standing in the lavender fields, he looks confused why is he there and hears a woman saying "Come and find me, Steve". Steve follows the voice and sees his wife named Macy Miller, who is wearing a beautiful white dress with a flower crown on her head. He starts chasing after her until he caught her, they roll on the lavender fields, smiling and laughing all the way. He tells her that he misses her so much and Macy kisses him, then he wakes up from that dream. He picks the picture of Macy and kisses her back.
Inside her room, Ecstasy is braiding Hailee's hair and she is also braiding Chelsea's hair, talking about the fun they have since they were little and now they're doing it again. After braiding each other, which it's a total failure and they decide to bring their hair back before. Hailee checks the alarm clock and it's still 10 o'clock and she asks them "The night is still young... what should we do?", Ecstasy and Chelsea stare at each other, thinking, then Chelsea sees a horror movie on the floor and smiles at them.

Hailee is preparing popcorn and drinks at the kitchen while Ecstasy and Chelsea are bringing down their pillows, blankets and stuffed animals into the living room.

Once the popcorn is ready and the CD is already placed in the DVD player, the girls begin to watch a terrifying horror movie and get scared quickly. The girls survived the horror movie and feels paranoid about it, imagining what if the movie is real even though is fake. Then, they suddenly hear strange noises and starts panicking until they see a dark figure approaching them. The girls scream and run upstairs, the dark figure reveals to be Steve, who just want to go to the kitchen to grab some milk.

The girls return to her bedroom, looking scared and extremely exhausted from all the running, and thinks of another activity that doesn't involves something scary, so Hailee suggests they should do a prank call and everyone agrees. So, the girls tries to prank call Ashton and, Ecstasy disguises her voice so that he won't notice it's her.

Ecstasy: (in a deeper voice) Hello? (laughs a little bit)
Ashton: Hello? Baker residence, Ashton speaking.
Ecstasy: I have your pizza ready. Where am I going to deliver it?
Ashton: Ah yes, it's just here in Alder Creek.
Ecstasy: Oh. You actually did order pizza for real?
Ashton: No, I didn't, but I do know that this is you, Ecstasy.
Ecstasy: What! How can you tell it is me?
Ashton: Dude, I can literally see you through the window.
Ecstasy: (in her normal voice) Oh, but the voice is pretty convincing, right?
Ashton: Nope. Good night now, Ecstasy.
Ecstasy: Yeah, good night.

Ecstasy puts down on the phone and lies down on the bed, then asks them to think of another activity and yawns. Hailee suggests that they should play board games, but Ecstasy and Chelsea are too tired to play, so she turns off the lights and sleeps with them.
The next day - Tuesday

Hailee and Chelsea try to wake up Ecstasy because she overslept last night and she is already late for school. When they scream at her, Ecstasy immediately wakes up and yells at them "What you do that for?!" and they shouted "You're late for school!". Ecstasy realizes and rushes to the bathroom, she freshen up, puts some clothes on, then eat breakfast and goes to school.

Hailee and Chelsea notice that her room is a mess, so they decide to clean it up for her and she'll be surprised when she arrives home. While cleaning, Chelsea finds a diary on the floor and its says "Ecstasy Miller's Diary", then reads it until she finds something very shocking. Chelsea immediately tells Hailee and let her read it:

"Today, it was a bittersweet day in school, it's like I'm living in hell where the teachers tortured me by humiliating me with questions I never heard before and. By the time I went home, my frown turn upside down when I saw my next door neighbour waiting outside for me. He came to me to cheer me up, he made feel so special and blessed and happier. I now realized that I think I have a - what's that word again - crush."

After reading that confession, Hailee said "She likes him" and Chelsea replied "I know", then both of them start screaming in excitement because their sister has a crush on Ashton, the next door neighbor.

Hailee and Chelsea are extremely happy what they have discovered and Chelsea decides to read more of it. Hailee grabs her hands and tells her "Is it one enough? This is our sister's diary. We are invading her privacy". Chelsea agrees with her and places her book back in the drawer, then continues cleaning her room.
Ecstasy came to school late and starts running to her Mandarin Class, she opens the door and sees her chair in front of her and the teacher is not looking, so she quietly takes a seat. The teacher named Mr. Daniel Chu turns around and notices that one seat is being occupied, and he can sense that someone is late and came here while he's not looking. Suddenly, Mr. Chu angrily bangs his ruler stick to his desk and yells "Who's late?!". Ecstasy gulps and slowly raises her hands above, he confronts her and tells her to go to detention after school.

Ecstasy tries to apologize to him, but he bangs his ruler stick again on her seat, threatening her and she stays quite. Mr. Chu starts the class by discussing them how to speak Mandarin, he asks everyone to follow him as he speaks a simple Chinese word. Stephanie hears Beverly gossiping to her friends behind her and tells them to shut up, she got mad and stays silent.

The teacher hears the school bell rings and dismisses everyone. Outside, Beverly starts teasing Ecstasy for being late and getting to detention after school, but Melissa and Marty defend her. Beverly laughs and makes fun of them for being the worst couple in school until she is scolded by her boyfriend, Drake tells her "That's enough, babe!". Beverly gets mad and walks away, Melissa and Marty thank Drake and they all proceed to the next subject, which is Art Class.

The Art teacher named Ms. Bridgette Cranston who is very positive and energetic, tells everyone to make a portrait of a bowl of fruit. While everyone is paintings, Ms. Grahams circles everyone and starts telling them how good artists they are even though they are bad. At the end, she gives everyone a perfect score for effort and creativity although it is messy and untidy, but still she doesn't want to destroy their spirits.

The teacher hears the school bell rings and dismisses everyone. When all the students are having lunch at the cafeteria, she is confronted by the school nurse named Marisa and the History teacher, Mr. Wendell Griffin who came to have lunch with her. They start talking to her, regarding about her class.

Wendell: So, how's your class?
Bridgette: It's amazing!
Marisa: Wait a minute, something's not right here. I can tell your are lying.
Bridgette: You're right. Have you seen their paintings.
Wendell: (sarcastically) Wow! That's so... very nice.
Marisa: Some are nice except for that one. It's like a baby who drew it. Who owns that one?
Bridgette: Chrystal.
Wendell: And that weird painting?
Bridgette: Benjamin. Ah, I failed as a teacher. I'm an Art teacher and it's my job to make them be a better artist like me.
Marisa: But...
Bridgette: But I can't criticize them. I really can't.
Wendell: You know sometimes a little criticism never hurts anyone, sure it does, but it also helps them improve themselves.
Marisa: In fact, you're the teacher, right? So, you have the right to tell your students whatever you want to say and I'm sure they will listen to you.
Bridgette: Perhaps, I could try. Thanks guys.
Wendell: Don't mention it.
Marisa: No problem.
Wendell: Let's eat now, I'm starving.

When the school is over, Ecstasy said goodbye to her friends and went to the Principal's office where the Principal of the school named Mr. Dax Hashmore is there inside, sipping his hot coffee and sees Ecstasy coming inside.

Principal: Let me guess, late?
Ecstasy: I overslept last night.
Principal: Why did you overslept last night? Doing your homework? Focusing on your studies for the pop quiz?
Ecstasy: None of your guesses got it right. I was having a sleepover with my sisters last night.
Principal: (smiles) In that case, why don't you close the door and have a seat with me?
Ecstasy: (closes the door and sits on a chair)
Principal: Which of the teachers puts you to detention?
Ecstasy: The Chinese teacher.
Principal: Ah, Mr. Daniel Chu. He is one of the strictest teacher I ever met but he is very loyal to me, so that's why I hired him to teach.
Ecstasy: Can I ask you question and please don't tell him about it?
Principal: Depends on what question it is. Just kidding, I won't tell him.
Ecstasy: Why is he like that?
Principal: I said the same thing to him and he told him that he grew up in a big family. His father was very strict to his children especially for him because his son is a failure, a disappointment, a pain in the ass. That son is your Mandarin teacher. So, he spent of his life trying to make his father proud.
Ecstasy: Did he?
Principal: Absolutely. It's not his choice to be strict, he don't wants you to be a failure, a disappointment, a pain in the ass just like him before.
Ecstasy: ...
Principal: So, can you improve yourself, not just for him only but all the teachers?
Ecstasy: I will.
Principal: I bet you're wondering how long your detention last?
Ecstasy: Indeed. How long?
Principal: For bad students like Zack and Joseph... three hours but for you... after this conversation.
Ecstasy: Really?
Principal: Yes, because you're a good student. You're nothing like them, so I'll gave you a second chance but this is your last chance, got it?
Ecstasy: Yes. Thank you!
Principal: You may go home now. And don't be late next time.
Ecstasy: I won't. Bye!

Ecstasy left the detention room and walks going home.
At home, Ecstasy opens the door and sees her two sisters standing in front of her, smiling on the outside and screaming in the inside. Ecstasy asks them "Hey, what's going on?" and Chelsea tells her "We know you have a crush on someone, so spit it out!". Ecstasy takes a deep breath and confesses that she had a crush on Leo, the next door neighbor in Michigan due to his friendliness, comfort and his dazzling dreamy eyes.

Chelsea and Hailee knew it all along, but got confused when she told them that she had a crush on Leo, and not Ashton. Ecstasy replied "You knew that right? Isn't why you told me?", Chelsea and Hailee agree and rapidly went to the kitchen, and Ecstasy feels suspicious about the two of them.

When approaching to the stairs, Steve immediately confronts Ecstasy and tell her that Chelsea and Hailee's rooms will be finished for a week. Ecstasy replied in an excited tone because she'd enjoy spending time with them last night. Steve relieves himself and goes to work, then Ecstasy went upstairs to do her homework.

In the kitchen, Chelsea is disappointed on what they've discovered in her diary, and she demands to read more, but Hailee insists that she should stop before she finds out about it. Chelsea sooner realizes "If Ecstasy have no feelings for Ashton, maybe he does" and laughs maniacally, she left the kitchen. Hailee asks her "Where are you going?" and Chelsea replied "I'm going to ask him. You're coming with me or not?", but she said to her "You're on your own". Chelsea angrily left the house and approaches Ashton's house.

When she is about to knock on the door, Chelsea realizes that it's not worth it to ask him whether Ashton has a crush on Ecstasy or not.

Chelsea decides to leave his doorstep and went back home again, she opens the door and Ecstasy slaps her in the face for reading her diary this morning. Chelsea denies, but Ecstasy said that Hailee was the one who told her, then she continues to scolds her. Hailee feels bad and confesses that she also read the diary, Ecstasy is flabbergasted and tells her "God is not happy with you, with the both of you!". Ecstasy storms into her room and locks the door, Chelsea said "I guess we're sleeping on the couch now for a week" and Hailee replied "Yeah, we deserve it".

At night, Ecstasy is having problems sleeping for tonight and starts reminiscing how much fun they have last night, but decide to ignore it and move on. Chelsea and Hailee are having problems sleeping as well because they can recall the horror movie they watched last night, and start hearing things that go bump in the night. Chelsea and Hailee who are staying in the couch, immediately covers themselves with their stuffed animals and blankets.

Chelsea and Hailee see the tall dark figure again standing in front of them and the two start screaming, then the tall dark figure opens the lampshade, revealing it's just Steve. Chelsea and Hailee stop screaming and Steve knows what they've done, and they feel bad and ashamed. Steve tells them to apologize to her tomorrow and they think that she won't forgive them, then he said "Just try" and went to bed after giving them a goodnight kiss.
The next day - Wednesday

Ecstasy went downstairs and is confronted by Chelsea and Hailee, but she ignores them, then they apologize for reading their diary. Ecstasy forgives them and embraces them, she asks them "Sleepover tonight?" and they agree. When she left the house, they immediately went to her room to find her diary, but it's not there anymore, they look at the window and see Ecstasy holding her diary and putting it inside her back. Chelsea and Hailee smile and tells her "Fine, we'll stop", then laughs.

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