My Possessive Kidnapper

By Ironically_

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What would you do if men dressed like superheros came into your school with loaded guns? Jump out the window... More

Possessive Kidnapper
Chapter One: Its official I've been kidnapped by fake Superhero's.
Chapter 2: Batman and a wild creature is getting it on
Chapter 3: "How was kissing Mary Jane or whatever her face is..."
Chapter 4 "Protect the man boobs!"
Chapter 5"I'm in a van full of immature horny three year olds"
Chapter 6: "Jackie Chan's with man- vaginas"
Chapter 7: Well the girls are sex deprive and me sister is parent deprive.
Chapter 8: Either they stole a car and will be in jail or they're at a bar.
Chapter 9: Seeing you all tied up is kind of a hard on.
Chapter 11: "Bone me, here in the elevator."
Chapter 12: "Why don't you just jump right back into that dirty hole!"
Chapter 13: Panty droppa
Chapter 14: "You're like that girl in Magic Mike, breakfast hater."
Chapter 15: "Fuck angry child I'm an Al Qaeda member."
Chapter 16: "You don't get Belgian waffles in Belgium!"
Chapter 17: "Does this plan include a sombrero?"
Chapter 18: "My stomach is a beast."
Chapter 19: "Attest we get to die with a sparkly sombrero."
Chapter 20: I will hit you with the stick I peed on!
Chapter 21: I slammed myself in-between the two sexual boys.
Chapter 22: "You got fucking shot!"
Chapter 23: "So Luke has a baby mama,"
Chapter 24: I fell forward and ate carpet, literally.
Chapter 25: "Dun to dun it's dumbass and motherfucker!"
Chapter 26: "It's my baby's mama!"
Chapter 27: "Rescued me from dropping the soap "

Chapter 10: I rather shove a firecracker up my ass and light it

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By Ironically_

Chapter 10: I rather shove a firecracker up my ass and light it

Lexi’s POV

                Jason stormed into the room with a huge bang from the door. My tired eyes snapped opened to him. I opened my mouth about to cruse him out for disturbing my much needed sleep till I saw his facial expression. There were too many emotions for me to detect but I could tell he is still pissed. I bit down on my lip so I didn’t ask him what was wrong.  He’d probably throw a chair at my boobs if I opened my mouth.

                He ran over to me and bent down in a rush. He quickly unlocked my feet and wrists form the chair. I jumped up and messaged my wrists. They had perfect bruises where the cuffs use to be. Jason looked down at them but didn’t say anything. His facial features didn’t change either. I’m guessing the fucker doesn’t feel any remorse.

                If I was a doctor I would put him in the mental hospital for being a sociopath because I don’t think he can feel anything.  Actually I bet he could feel my fist hitting his balls.

                “What the hell is happening?” I asked through clenched teeth as he tightly grabbed onto my bruised wrist. His grip is tighter then the cuffs where. I wish a firework would go off in his ass crack.

                “We’re leaving,” was all he said as he pulled me out of the room. I winced as he yanked my arm down the stairs, almost pulling it out of socket. My wrist was throbbing by the time we reached the living room where everyone was. Julia was in a corned all by herself gripped her bleeding wrist. My eyes widen as I started at both of her wrists. They are bloody and raw. Jason yanked on me again tearing my stare away for Julia.

                I’m going to kill whoever did this. I’m going to put the fucker into surgery then remove his heart with my bare hands.

                Ta was staring intently at Henry. She didn’t look bruised or battered but she looked off. Her eyes never left Henry. She kept scanning his body like she was trying to figure out a puzzle. Something happen to her and it wasn’t physically but emotionally at least I think. I shot Julia’s wrist one last glance before looking at the boys.

                “Get your shit and get the fuck out,” Justin said breaking the silence. I gulped as Jason started to drag me again. I guess I’m his shit.

                “Where are we going?” Ta asked again. I sighed in annoyance; I swear this girl is driving me up the wall with that fucking question.

                “God damn it Tatyana! Stop asking that fucking question!” Luke roared as he slammed his hands onto the dashboard. I gasped in shock at the dash board, surprised that it didn’t crack. Julia winced and dug herself deeper into her chair. I narrowed my eyes at that but didn’t say anything. Something violent happened between them.

                “We’re going to a friend’s,” Henry stated rolling his eyes.

                “How far is it?” She pressed, completely ignoring Luke. I thought Luke’s vein on his forehead was going to burst as she asked that. Someone is in a shitty mood. The vein kind of looked like a bad zit that was about to burst. I’d hate to marry that thing. It could have its own country.

                “Ten minutes,” Jason growled form the driver’s seat.

                “Does your friend have pizza rolls?” Ta asked. Oh God this girl is going to get herself killed by Luke. Luke clenched his fist and clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth.

                “I swear to God I will kill you,” Luke said slowly as he turned to stare at Ta. His vein is the size of China now.

                “Luke calm down,” Julia said butting in. Luke turned his head to her but didn’t say anything. Julia bit her lip waiting for his whole hearted threat. But none came he just stared at her. Eventually he turned around without a word.

                I looked at Julia shocked. That girl does not have a virginal area anymore; she has full grown man balls. The next ten minutes was awkward and made me want to be in a sucky horror film. And believe me there are a lot of things I rather do then even watch a shitty horror film. I absolutely can’t stand them.

                I rather shove a firecracker up my ass and light it then watch two minutes of the shitty ass film.

                “We are alive!” Ta shouted as she jumped out of the not completely stopped van. I raised my eye brows at her trying to determine what’s wrong with her. But then again I bet a doctor wouldn’t even know what to do with her.

                For all I know she could be the girl in American Horror Story, insane asylum with a cucumber. Just kidding… 

                “What’s wrong with her?” a feminine voice asked. My head shot up to see a perky blonde standing at the door to a beach house. I narrowed my eyes at her.

                “A lot of things,” Henry murmured as he climbed out of the truck.

                “I guess your driving is just that bed Jas,” the perky blonde said with a teasing smile. I frowned at her and narrowed my eyes. Who does this little bitch think she is? He would have thrown me down the stairs if I called his driving bad.

                “Never was bad and is currently not,” Batman said angrily.

                “Dude, you failed your driver’s test eight times!” Perky blonde argued. I fell onto the ground having a laugh attack. I probably looked like I was going into cardiac arrest but seeing Jason having a tantrum like a three year old made it ok. I slapped my hand on the ground a few times. My laugher was still there but nothing came out.

                While I looked like a fish out of water to everyone I was having a good time. So screw them for judging. Once I was done I just laid face down in the grass.  I swear I was on concreate a few seconds ago but oh well.

                “Did these girls break free from the mental hospital?” the perk blonde girl asked again. My head shot up to look at this blonde bimbo. Did she just call me crazy?

                “No they did not but it does seem like it at times,” Justin said in our defense, kind of. The bimbo made a sound. She sounded like a pig; snort, snort.

                “Bitch we are right here. No need to talk about us like we are invisible,” Tatyana snapped. The bimbo rolled her eyes at Ta’s slide remark but didn’t reply. To be honest that just pissed Ta off even more. She glared at the blonde before going to the back of the van.

                Ta ripped open the back door and started rummaging through stuff. Little bit later she pulled out a bottle of Malibu Rum. She smirked proudly and ripped off the cap. Then she chugged form the bottle straight not taking a breath. Once she pulled away she smirked at us.

                “I feel much better now,” Ta said before skipping into the house with the bottle of rum still attached to her hand. I shook my head but grinned. The bimbo stood there shocked as she watched Tatyana walk into her home.

                The blonde’s house fitted her personality. It was big and fancy. My mother would never have let me into this kind of home. She would be too afraid for me to touch anything. And the touching would lead to breaking some overly high priced object.

                I quickly got onto my feet and joined Ta in the house not before pushing the bimbo out of my way. I’m on a mission to find an overly priced object and break it.

                “The name is Kenzie not bimbo,” the blonde said slowly as she glared at me. My double vison making her look worse then before. Her bleach blonde hair had no shine to it; it was burnt as all fuck. Her face is covered in makeup that made her look like a troll. Her cloths are too tiny for her body and it made her look disgusting.

                I rolled my eyes at her. I looked her up and down and shook my head. Her name is not Kenzie it is bimbo. It says that on her birth certificate. Haha, mother fuckers!

                “What’s going on here?” Julia asked as her and Luke entered the room.

                “And it’s the violent couple!” Ta said clapping her hands.

                “Excuse you?!” Julia screamed waving her arms.

                “You dirty, kicky, sex monsters!” I said joining in. I thruster my hips up and few times getting the point across.

                “My lady area is a virgin to his dick!” Julia shouted.

                “Suuure,” Ta said sarcastically dragging out the u. Ta added a dirty wink at the end making Julia stomp her foot.

                “We haven’t had sex but I’m sure if we did it would blow her mind,” Luke said while throwing his arm around her shoulder. She looked at him shocked before throwing his arm off and storming out of the room. Luke follower her like a little lost puppy muttering something about women.

                Justin, Jason, and Henry walked in as they walked out. All of the boys looked confused but amused. Henry shook his head but grinned at us like he figured something out. I wonder if Harry likes Harry styles. If I was Harry I would kill him off so I could be the Alpha but I guess it’s a good thing I’m not Harry.

                I’m drunk.

                “What’s going on with them?” Justin asked.

                “Kicky sex,” Ta replied winking at Henry. Someone has the sexual bug. 



School has started :( :( Plus volleyball = Not many updates ... but vb ends next month sooooo.... yea...

Any ways i hope you all like this chapter... yea its a little short but oh fucking well

Hope you all enjoy school and if you dont have school your a lucky boss ass bitch that i am jealous of. 


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