Chapter One: Its official I've been kidnapped by fake Superhero's.

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Chapter One: Its official I've been kidnapped by fake Superhero's.

                Tap, tap, tap, my nerves where on end I had to know what I got on the test. No I'm not Miss. Perfect, has to get everything right. Actually I suck at school, well mostly math. This test was seventy percent of your English grade. I do all right in English, average B-.  Depends on the teacher, last year in eleventh grade I had a teacher named Miss. Cotton everyone called her a bitch and long story short she caught me one day at my locker telling my friends about how much I hate her guts and she can burn in the scorching pits of hell. Since then she has had it out for me.

                I head a paper fall on my desk my eyes shot up to see a white sheet of paper. I took a deep breath before flipping it over, my eyes bugged at the big red D+ on it.  A D+! You've got to be freaking kidding me! That's it! I'm going to be homeless! Get a job at Anderson Windows like my mom, I'll have to work twelve hour shifts and I'll have to do swing shifts from nights to days. I wanted to let out a frustrated scream but being in a class with people who  don't like me and think I need to go to a mental institution would not be a good idea.

Flash back **

                "Luke and I did the dirty in the Janitor's closet," my best friend Julia whispered to me as she was leaning over my desk passing around the new homework. My eyes went so wide they hurt; Julia is no saint but her doing the dirty in school. That did not make senses.

                "What!" I screeched. I turned to her; shock was clear on my face. She put her figure to her mouth telling me to shut up. 

                "Miss. Devine, do you have anything you would like to share with us?" My math teacher asked me. I felt my cheeks grow red with embarrassment, I hate attention. I hate it with a burning passion like how my cheeks are burning right now.

                "N-n-no sir," I strutted out. My whole face was red now and half the class was silently laughing at me.  Oh how nice of them.

                "I'm not buying it, Lexi Devine," he growled using my whole name. This shit getting serious! Mr. James was a cool teacher at times but he can also be a total pain. I mean he gives like four pages of homework a day! Ok maybe I'm being over dramatic but you get the point. That is one of the reasons why I have a D in this class.

                "Julia's hamster died and she didn't invite me to the funeral," I blurted out. I wanted to face palm myself right now. Really Lexi? Hamster, wow I'm a clever.

                "What was his name?" Mr. James asked with a raised eyebrow.

                "Her," I said without thinking.

                "Her?" he asked confused his eye brows frowning together.

                "The hamster is a girl." He blinked and I blinked back.

                "Ok fine what is her name?"

                "Car," I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Wow I'm on a roll. I should teach lying lessons.

                "Car what?" he asked. Mr. James eye brows where pulled together indicating he was tangled in my web of lies. My neck was burning now.  I looked around the class room to scared to meet anyone's eyes, they're all confused too.  Julia? Well she is face palming herself right now, literally.

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