Chapter 8: Either they stole a car and will be in jail or they're at a bar.

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Chapter 8: So either they stole a car and will be in jail soon or they’re at a bar.

                “Fuck yes!” Julia yelled as she pumped her fist as the black Hummer rumbled to life. Ta and I let out a sigh of relief then quickly looked around. Everyone was minding their business which made our jobs way easy. We quickly climbed into the truck and got the hell out of the lot.

                “Oh my god, we’re criminals!” Ta yelled. My eyes widen. Holy shit that’s true. We went from being victims to criminals. In honestly all we had to do was go to the police then we could go home but no, we steal a fucking Hummer.

                Girl power.

Henry’s P.O.V

                “Where the fuck are they?” Jason roared as he slammed his fist into the wall making a hole. We knew they were gone as soon as it went quiet outside. I clenched then unclenched my jaw, grinding my teeth. Fucking little prissy girls. We’ve been so fucking nice to them. 

                “I’m going to kill them,” Luke yelled flapping his arms around.

                “I don’t think they went to the police,” Justin said quietly. Our heads all snapped to him.  “Police would already be here.” None of us said a word and quietly listen to see if we could hear sirens.

                “They could be lost,” I said after thinking about it. They aren’t the smartest crayon in the box. They are in a new area that they have never been before. Actually on the boss’s records they never have been in the south of the USA before.

                “Boss didn’t tell us everything about them,” Justin said, “We don’t know what they can do.”  Fuck Justin was right. I took deep breath trying to control myself form going all hulk.

                “We do not tell Boss,” Jason growled.

                “Boss who?” Sasha asked as she came down the stairs, “What did your fakegirlfriends already go running for the hill.” My eyes widen as I stared at her. How the hell did she know? Great now we have to deal with Justin’s little sister.

                “Sasha, room now!” Justin growled as he ran his hands through his hair frustrated.  We are all frustrated with the girls. Frustrated that Boss didn’t tell us anything about the girls that we should know. Frustrated that if the Boss finds out we lost the girls we’re going to die. 

                “No, I’m going to help,” Sasha said, “I’m good at getting first impressions. Julia is the smarter one, Ta is Miss. Badass, and Lexi drinks a lot. Actually they all drink a lot. So either they stole a car and will be in jail soon or they’re at a bar.” We all stopped and stared at her astonished because she was right.

                “Let’s go,” Jason grumbled, “We need to find them before the police.”

                “Do we get to take your boy’s police cars?” Sasha asked.

                “How the hell do you know about that?” I asked as we all froze.

                “I know everything.”  I didn’t like the way she said everything but it’s not time to think about that. We need to gets the girls or it’s our heads on a silver platter.

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