Master Chief & Teen!Reader

By OrphanedWorks404

33.4K 823 806

The readers world is completely obliterated when the covenant came and destroyed everything. But you have to... More

I'm Re-Writing the Story + Vote
Story Rewrite Chapter 2
Story Re-write Chapter 3

Story Re-Write Chapter 1

4.7K 108 81
By OrphanedWorks404

Note: Okay soo...this is a really long chapter. 

Just to warn ya guys. 

I'm so sorry for all the long hiatus on all my stories I kind of had a couple of months where I just needed to collect myself cuz my mental health wasn't doing so good. It's doing better now but I still have brief moments. 

But anyways I'm super excited seeing the Halo Infinite Trailer and I kinda got a chuckle out of how the ship shook when the guy dropped Chief onto the ground. 

My boi heavy. Dammmn. Well I mean I've read the stories and I know their armors weigh multiple tons so I don't know if I'd want a hug from a spartan. 


Okie, enough talking! 



Not a cloud in the sky.

Beautiful, comfortable weather.

You smiled down at the book in your hands the gentle creaking of the patio swing the only sound under the whistle of the pet birds under the controlled glass dome that was your backyard.

A cooling cup of tea was on the wooden foldable table beside you. A hair fell into your peripheral vision, you instinctively looped it back behind your ear.

The soft cardigan had slumped down to your elbows allowing the warm, soft breeze to tickle your skin.

Comfy and cozy.

You heard a low hum and picked your head up in curiosity.

Just your phone, laying on the table beside your tea.

You returned to your book and flipped the page, trying to delve into the wonderland of words as deep as you were seconds ago.

Your phone hummed again.

You continued to ignore it.

It was probably just the group chat you were forced to be a part of most of the time.

Seconds later your phone repeatedly vibrated until it was near the ledge of the table. You grunted and saved your page, clapping your book shut.

You snatched it off the table to see you had multiple messages from your friends. Before you could look through the hundreds of messages, that continued to spill in, much to your annoyance, an icon appeared that was a message from your father.

Probably just making sure you didn't have any boys over the house.

You rolled your eyes and swiped the call icon. You lifted the sleeve of your cardigan where your phone-watch was strapped onto your wrist. You swiped the screen of the phone and transfered the call to your watch.

"Hello?" You answered, strolling to the sliding glass door.

The door recognized your facial features and slid open allowing you to step into the house.

"(Name)?" Your father's voice called.

You were oblivious to the concern laced in his voice.

You grabbed a glass from the shelf and placed it under the drink fountain. After a couple button presses water trickled into the glass.

"Yeah, what?"

"Where are you?" He demanded.

"I'm in the house, why?" You asked, carelessly swiping off crumbs off your emo-band t-shirt from the snack you had earlier.

He took an awkwardly long time to answer, you could hear the background noise of people talking.

The water finished and you picked it up from the machine taking a sip.


"(Name), whatever you do stay in the house." He ordered sternly.

"Why?" You choked, having breathed in the water.

"Grab your sister and go into the basement--or the attic, just hide--okay?! Whatever you do don't look outside!"

"Dad, you're...kinda scaring me."

You ignored his warnings and out of curiosity, stepped out into the patio. You looked up at the dome covering of the backyard.

Black smoke hung thick in the sky.

Glowing ships of gigantic proportions blocked the sunlight from shining through.

Your glass slid from your hand and fell onto the ground.

"Dad?!--what the fuck is that?!-what's going on?!"



The power turned off completely causing you to let out a startled scream. Thankfully with a hum, it turned back on but much dimmer. 

Low Power Mode activated due to power outage. Please stay calm. Authorities are aware of the situation

"TV! Show me the news!" You demanded, rushing into the living room.

"-currently the entire (region) is under attack by a-- an unknown alien ship." The woman said, her voice calm and soothing, yet fear was evident by her trembling hands, "The government has sent out reinforcements and are telling citizens to stay calm and remain indoors--uh, indoors, hidden."

"What the fu-"

A loud rumble overpowered your curse. 

"Skylee!" You cried. 

You ran up the stairs, slingshotting yourself around the curve in the banister before continuing up the other set of stairs. Your little sister burst from her bedroom visually shaken. 

"(N-Name) what's-?" 

"I don't know, c' mon!" You took her hand, your own trembling with the same vibrato as hers. 

You didn't know what else to do and rushed towards the door leading to the basement. With the dim lighting already, the basement appeared scarier than it was before. Spider Webs sparkled overwhelming the entrance. Not even your father had gone down there in years, but it was the best place to hide. 

With another rumble directing your attention to the outside, you knew this was your best option. You took a step down the creaky wooden stairs, but you felt a resistance. You turned to Skylee who was petrified with fear. 

You sternly but softly said, "Sky-" 

"No! I can't go down there!" She cried. 

"Sky! Its either we die or we hide, there's no other option!" You barked rather too harshly. 

You wanted to take it back but at the moment you needed to convince her to come down with you. 

"What about dad-" 

"Dad is fine! He's brave and strong, you know that!" You softened your gaze and voice. You stepped up to her taking her shoulders, "I promise, I won't let anything happen to you. Whether it's down in the basement or--whatever is going on outside I swear I will protect you with my life." 

Her tear-filled hazel eyes stared into yours. 

She nodded trusting you. 

You took her hand and she instinctively kept close to you. You pulled out your phone and used it's flashlight function, handing it to Skylee for her to feel a little safer well you used your watch. 

You both took three steps down the stairs. "Ready?" 

She hesitantly nodded. 

"Lock the door!" You barked.

The door creakily shut and an eerie loud click echoed. 

Despite your flashlights, it was pitch black. 

You ducked down to avoid the...hopefully deserted webs. The crunching under your socked feet of tiny, smelly balls disgusted you, but you pretended not to know what they were. At last, you reached the bottom of the stairs, wincing as your feet touched the freezing cold floor. Skylee frantically waved around her light, highlighting the dust particles nearly solidifying the air, only momentarily stopping at an object that had a human aspect to it. 

You swooped your light to the left and let out a startled scream. Sky screamed and clutched onto you squeezing her eyes shut, wailing. You placed a hand over your heart that was pounding against your sternum harshly, it was a random creepy mannequin. 

This wasn't Evil Dead. 

"It's okay, it's okay Skybug, it's just a mannequin, I'm sorry I scared you." You shushed her petting her head. 

"I don' like mannequins." She whined into your cardigan. 

"Yeah...neither do I." You muttered. 

A loud rumble startled both of you once again, this time it was harsher causing the items to rattle or fall. When something shattered Skylee squeaked and gripped onto your hips harder. Under the silence, minus the heavy breathing from you both and the blood pumping in your ears, you could hear horrifying noises coming from outside. 

The sirens of police and gunshots echoed jarringly loud and close. Underneath it all, you swore you could hear screams of agony and fear.

The hairs across your neck and arms tingled almost painfully.

"I'm scared." Skylee whimpered, sobbing after. 

"It's okay, it's okay. We'll be okay. No one will look in the creepy basement." 

You continued to walk around, your sister literally attached to your hip. You were searching for something that could be used as a weapon. Anything. When you dug through the drawers you pulled out a pocket knife.

You were hoping for a gun or something to make you feel safer, but a pocket knife was the best you could get, it was better than your hands. You saw a ray of light shine on your face, there was a small horizontal window that just barely peeked above the ground. You shoved the knife in your pocket and rushed over, stepping on the plastic bin below to peek out. 

The smoke of flame was rising from the distance. 

You'd be safe...the basement was made entirely of thick cement, it was like a room during a nuclear attack. 

Was that what was going on? 

You realized you were gasping for air as you pushed your hair back. 

You didn't know what to do.

You heard a gargled, foreign sound from outside. 

Your soul seemed to leave your body.

A giant, alien, lizard creatures of gargantuan size were just outside your door. Their footsteps heavy, advanced weaponry and armor in their grasp. Shudders wracked your knees so hard, you could barely stand.

"(Name)?" Sky whimpered, having moved from gripping your hip to gripping your cardigan as if it was a rope to keep you from dropping a harsh height. "What was that noise?"

"The enemy. C'mon we gotta hide." 

You searched the room and noticed a closet in a rather hoarded section of the room. You took her hand and pulled her over to the closet carefully stepping over all the items.

"Sissy! Are we...closet?" 

"There are no such things as monsters Skylee, I promise we'll be okay." You assured her. 

Though at this point, you were convinced monsters existed. 

 When you heard a crunch you made the mistake of looking down and saw it was rat bones. 

You buried your disgust and continued to maneuver until you arrived at the closet. It appeared to be one of the two-door closets. With some effort you and Sky were able to open the doors, the hinges rusted from lack of use. 

The closet contained a few boxes and surprisingly good conditioned quilts. You noticed a chain leading to a light bulb and yanked it. It sparked and let out a loud crackle but didn't turn on. There was a loud thud you recognized as a door being kicked open. 

They were upstairs. 

"Quick, get in." You hissed. 

"Is that-?" 

You didn't answer your sister as you hurried in yourself. You slowly shut the doors not knowing where in the house they were. 

You grabbed one of the quilts and laid it on the floor before directing Skylee to sit down on it. You crouched down yourself. 

"Turn off your light." You directed, speaking softly. 

"Huh?" You sister stared at you as if you just ordered her to sacrifice herself. 

"Shhh! Look around, I promise there is nothing in the closet that will harm us. The only thing that will is the enemy, and right now we gotta be as inconspicuous as possible." 

"Incon?" She mimicked your soft voice. 

"We can't let them find us. Okay?" 

"I promised I will keep you safe. I promised dad and I promised you, and you know when I make a promise I keep them." 

She stared into your (eye color) but found no lies. She nodded and with a couple swipes shut off your phone light. You did the same with your watch leaving you in darkness. Almost instantly Skylee latched onto you, pressing her wet face into your shirt. 

Loud thuds and crashes echoed from above, she gripped your shirt tighter. She softly sobbed and you gently pet her head. She was only a child, of course, she was going to cry and cling to you.

 You were the same way once. 

In half-hoped attempt, you tapped on your wrist band to signal for help but there was no connection.

They had absolute control.

You were just sheep.

You held your little sister tighter and kissed her head. 

You suddenly heard loud thudding coming from outside, as well as human shouting. 


Were you saved?

A low pitch gurgle coming from down the hall above the door cut your train of hope.

You heard a soft bang from the door of something trying to open it. There was a second thud but much louder, followed by the gargle noises. You heard several slashes and bangs of the heavy material of the basement door being cut through and falling onto the floor uselessly. You covered your sister's mouth as she let out a short shriek. 

Finally, the slashing stopped.

There was no safe barrier between you and the enemy now.

The alien was far too heavy for the stairs to carry and with a rather humorous cry fell onto the floor. You would've laughed if you were under much different circumstances. Disgusted grumbles followed. 

A heavy shadow blocked the lights escaping the vents as heavy footfalls searched and scanned the room. Your eyes widened watching and listening to every single creak and thud and gargle.

It clicked its jaws, the sound similar to the rattle of a rattlesnakes tail. You heard it's heavy footsteps slowly stomp around the space sending vibrations through the floor. 

You moved to be in a more crouched position, "Sky breath slower."

She did.

More gargling, more frustrated grunts, more breaking and smashing. 

You reached into your cardigan pocket, pulling out the knife. You flipped it open. You held it tight in your hand. Your stomach felt heavy. You never thought you'd ever use a weapon to kill. 

"If it opens the door I want you to run." You whispered into Sky's ear. 

"What about you?" She asked. 

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Just if the time comes, run...I love you." 

"I love you too." 

It was getting closer, throwing and kicking the boxes and items in its wandering path. It reached out one of its giant taloned hands towards the handle of the right door.

You frantically repeated a prayer in your head.

Don't let it open the door! Don't let it open the door! Don't let it open the door! Please! Don't let it open the door! I wanna live! Please!

The shouting of soldiers followed by a blast from outside drew it's attention away. It growled and stormed off leaving you be.

You waited until the noises faded before you released a sharp breath of relief. Your head slumped back against the wall as your body released its built up tension.

You were alive.

"Are we safe?" Sky asked, wiping her face with her hand. 

You dragged your hands down your face before standing from the corner. 

"Not yet." 

You needed to find help, that creature or some other thing might come back and scout the house.

Or the house could collapse under the intense battle.

The sound of friendly fire was closely nearby, you were sure a soldier could help lead you to a safe zone. The tension returned and you pushed open the closet doors. The basement was left in worse conditions than before. 

"We're gonna grab our shoes and get out of here okay?" 

She nodded. 

The shoe closest was beside the main door where you could run out. 

The last thing you wanted to do was walk in socks in a warzone. You kept one hand gripping onto Skylee's, you both kept low as you stalked up the stairs. Once you arrived you pressed your ear to the door and listened closely. 

Under the rumble of the war going on outside, you heard nothing. You carefully crept open the door and scanned the hallway.


You stepped out cautiously before making a run for it to the stairs. You kept Skylee at the top as you crept down until you were sure you were safe. You beckoned her down and she carefully stepped down. The atmosphere was still tense as you opened the closet door pulling out shoes for both you and Skylee. 

She thankfully knew how to put her velcro strapped sneakers on as you laced up your own. 


She nodded with a gentle smile. 

You turned around and an invisible grip tightly around your throat. You choked as you were lifted off the ground, your legs flailing violently. Skylee screamed in fright. Your foot connected with metal armor and the invisible enemy revealed themselves.

It was the creature.

"I knew a pathetic human was hiding!" He growled.

"Sky run!" You cried. 

The monster turned its attention to your little sister and rattled it's jaw, purposely frightening her. 

"Let go!" You shrieked with anger, gaining back his attention. 

It chuckled at your pathetic display of dominance. The creature, several feet taller, several times stronger, heavily armored, and downright terrifying. It lifted you higher chuckling at you. You remembered your pocket knife and pulled it from your pocket, stabbing it right in its eye. It cried out in pain and carelessly dropped you.

You somehow managed to catch yourself on your feet. You grabbed Skylee and bolted, shoving the alien to the ground in the process. As soon as you ran into the kitchen you slammed into another creature. You flew back and fell onto your tailbone, Sky following you. You nearly landed on the kitchen knives scattered across the floor.

The new creature growled and hissed.

The other alien stormed in, it's energy sword out and ready to attack.

"T'Kark!" The one you bumped into barked, you just barely translated, "Save this one."

The other roared in anger.

The rest of the creatures' dialogue you couldn't understand, and could only hope you were going to make it out alive and safe.

The one you had kicked grumbled in anger well the alpha stormed away.

"Stay!" The angry one barked.

You glared up at the alien but kept your mouth shut, holding Skylee close to your chest. It grumbled and growled in irritation and anger. You eyed the knives scattered beside you, not even arm's length away. They glinted from the light coming through the window.

You eyed the chefs' knife which you knew was incredibly sharp. You glanced back at the alien and saw it's back was turned towards you its arms were crossed over its chest as it grumbled and groaned.

This was your only chance.

You silently shushed Sky, gently peeling her off of you. You leaned over and carefully grabbed the knife, being cautious to not alert the covenant. It was too distracted by its own frustration to notice you.

You cautiously stood, keeping your body low as you crept up to it. Once you were only a short distance away, you jumped onto it's back.

It cried out in surprise as you climbed up it's back until you reached its neck. You took the knife and stabbed it into his eye. It let out a roar of pain and you shoved it deeper in.

Blue blood spilled from it's wound and gushed onto you. Finally, it let out a choked noise before collapsing onto the ground.

You sighed in relief of victory.

There was thudding from upstairs. 

You needed to run.

Skylee grabbed your hand as you ran towards the door. You used your elbow to slam it open,  running into the apocalyptic remains of the city.

A nearby bomb blast alerted you the war was not yet over.

Bodies littered the ground. 

"Whatever you do, don't look at anything okay?" 

She nodded and you began to run, hearing the roaring of the covenant behind you. 

You were cold and sweaty. 

Your heart was racing. 

You heard a whistling sound, it sounded like it was coming from above. 

You looked behind you, you could barely let out a shriek before an explosion boomed from behind you. You held Skylee tight and clenched your eyes as you were thrown several meters. You landed on your side, having taken most of the blunt force. 

Seconds after your back stung, you could feel blood intermixing with your sweat. You reached up to your head, two of your fingers held blood on their tips. 

"Sky? Sky?! Are you okay?" You called to the child curled beside you

"My arm!" She wailed. 

You ignored your own pain as you sat up despite your wounds screaming at you to lay down and rest. Her right arm was distorted at her lower arm but both were heavily covered in burns and cuts. 

"It's okay, it's okay, you just broke your arm." 

Despite your assurances, it did nothing to quell her cries. 

You frantically looked around for any sort of help as dirt and blood rained from the sky.

"We have to keep running." You reminded her. 

She nodded, you took her good hand before continuing to run. Your legs burned and your lungs ached. 

As you run around the corner of a home you jerked to a sudden stop. 

An energy sword hovered only centimeters away from your face. It was one of the lizard aliens again, judging by it's bleeding eye it was the same one you had stabbed in the eye.

It seemingly grinned at you, ready for its revenge. You ran again, pulling Sky at first who was frozen with fear. It split its four jaws open and let out an inhuman animal screech before chasing after you. 

You suddenly found yourself in the dead end of an alleyway. You directed Skylee to remain behind you as you searched around the area for anything to delay the inevitable. The brick fence behind you had no chance of escape at all. 

"Help!" You screeched at the top of your lungs. 

"Someone help please!" 

It was taking its sweet time as it slowly stalked towards you with its energy sword thirsting for human blood. You pulled out your pocket knife once again holding it out threateningly. 

"Stay back!" You barked. 

Despite the current fear in your heart, your eyes and voice spoke otherwise. 

It chuckled at your threat. 

"STAY BACK!" You screamed. 

"(Name)!" Skylee wailed. 

"It's okay Skybug, I said I'd protect you, and I'm keeping my promise." 

The alien was only feet in front of you. 

It swung its sword and you narrowly dodged. 

You cried out and stabbed its arm in a weak point of its armor. Before you could stab again it punched you off, but you kept your grip on the knife tearing it's wound open further. The alien howled and directed it's attention away from your wailing sister as you run. 

You fell down as it bolted to try and stab you. You stabbed him in the leg before twisting it and trying to dig it deeper, blue blood was splattering everywhere including your face.

It moved its leg and you lost your grip on the knife from the blood coating your hands. It ripped the knife out of his leg and threw it behind him, too far away for you to reach it. The creature tried to stab you but you crawled backward. After several attempts, you kicked his hand giving you enough time to scramble up to your feet. 


You turned hearing your sister cry your name so urgently. 


The violent, searing pain sent you slamming into the ground. 

You lifted yourself up enough to clutch to your abdomen when you pulled your hand back to your view you were bleeding. 


You started to army crawl towards the knife. 

The creature slashed at your back. 

You cried out in agony but continued to drag yourself. 

Another slash on your back. 

One on your leg. 

There was a large glass mirror shard. 

It kicked you onto your back and knelt down over you, grabbing the collar of your shirt. 


It gargled as it raised its energy sword. 

"Once I'm done with you, I'll kill the young one in the same way." It growled. 

You spat in its face and it snarled punching you. 

"Any last words human?" 

"Yeah. Two actually. Fuck. You." 

You revealed the mirror shard in your hand and slashed its neck open. The creatures only eye widened in surprise before letting out more choking gargle noises. It fell backward as it convulsed clutching its neck and roaring in pain before finally dying. 

You sighed in relief, letting your head fall back as your vision began to fade. 



You opened your eyes but your vision was blurry. Your sister was sitting beside you unsure whether to touch you. 

"I'll be okay Skybug." You assured in a raspy whisper. 

At that point, you heard a commotion coming behind you. You tilted your head back to see it was another Elite having heard the pained cries of its brother. Before you could blink its body collapsed onto the ground and standing behind it was a Spartan. 

He put his weapon on his back before rushing over and kneeling down beside you. 

"Medical team we need immediate attention!" He barked over the radio. 

Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head. 

"(Name)!" Skylee wailed. 

"I'm gonna be okay." You rasped. 

You cried out in agony feeling a harsh pressure on your wound. The Spartan had covered your hand with his much larger one applying more pressure.

"Will she be okay mister?!" Sky asked the man. 

He seemed to hesitate before nodding. 

You felt a rumble of an engine as a medical team arrived. You were struggling to hold your consciousness for just a little bit longer. 

You grabbed the Spartan's hand gaining his attention. 

"Protect her...please." You rasped. 

Your head rolled as your vision became black. 



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