The Story of Emma Salvatore

By maggotsandlove

376K 3.6K 492

In 1864, Emma Salvatore had it all. A loving father and her two brothers, Damon and Stefan. Because of Kather... More

The Story of Emma Salvatore
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 44 part 2
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 36

6.1K 58 7
By maggotsandlove

I decided to go back to the Grill to hang out with everyone. And to see how Vicky was. Elena was no where in sight. The only ones that I saw were Bonnie, Matt, Caroline at a table near the middle of restaurant. "Hey Matt. Did you find your sister?" I asked once I got to the table. 

"No I don't know where she ran off to. I'm hoping that she's at home. I'm heading there soon but I just wanted to wait to see if-" He was cut off to see Vicky walk into the Grill dazed and bleeding. "Vic! Where were you?" 

She walked over to Matt. "I'm fine Matty. Don't worry I just went for a walk." 

He grabbed her around the waist. "No you're not. What happened to your stitches?"  

"Matt I honestly don't know what happened. I took some pills and all I remember is Stefan finding me and taking me to the door." 

Matt looked at the door. "Well where is he?" 

She shook her head. "He said he had something to do." 

Matt nodded. I knew that this was all part of Damon's compulsion.  "Come on. Let's get you patched up." He sat his sister down and went to get water. When he came back, he started to put a new gauze pad on and clean her wound. Seeing this made me sad. I wished that my brothers were there to take care of me when I needed help. 

"Ah so much drama! Ever notice that the druggies are the biggest attention whores?" Caroline said in her snobbish voice. 

"Yeah." Bonnie agreed. At that moment, Stefan breezed in through the door. He instantly locked eyes with me before I pulled away to talk to my friends. 

Matt took saw him walk in and started to talk to him. "She said that you found her wondering around." 

"Yeah." Stefan agreed. 

"Well, thank you." He said half heartedly. Stefan nodded then walked over to us. 

"Excuse me. Hi." He said politely . Obviously ignoring me on purpose. 

"Hi." Bonnie answered him 

"Uh have you guys seen Elena?" I tried to catch his eyes but he wouldn't look straight at me. 

"I think she went home." Bonnie frowned for him. He nodded looking disappointed. As he turned to walk away, Bonnie called to him. "I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number and her email." She dug through her purse to find pen and paper. "She is big on texting and you can tell her I said so." She finished scribbling down letters and numbers. She reached it out for him to take it. Only for a moment did their skins touch but I knew from experience that it was enough. The second that they touched, Bonnie's eyes flashed wide open before she pulled her hand away as if he had shocked her. 

"You okay?" He asked. 

"What happened to you?" She whispered while looking at him with terrified eyes. I looked up at him to see him finally looking at me. We shared a short look of understanding before he turned back to her. She suddenly snapped out of it. "That's so rude." Bonnie stood up swiftly. "I'm sorry, excuse me." She walked right out the door. Stefan looked back at me. He now knew that she was a witch, or at least suspected. 

"Yeah, she kinda wigs out. Kinda her thing." Caroline said to Stefan. He simply nodded and turned without a word. Before he left, he shot a look over his shoulder that I could tell was a 'Do not follow me.' look. I nodded at him before he walked out. 

"Well that was strange!" Caroline burst out. 

"Yeah, tell me about it." We both laughed off what just happened even though I knew it wasn't funny. Bonnie had just gotten a glimpse at Stefan's soul. She felt that he had the cold, dead feeling that would chill her to the core. It was the witches way of recognizing a vampire. Of course Bonnie wouldn't know what it means yet, I hoped.  I stayed at the Grill for a while with Caroline. I really wanted a drink of alcohol but I knew that I couldn't with Caroline here. 

Suddenly she got a text.  "Oh damn. My mom wants me home." She frowned.  

"Aw that sucks."  

"Yeah this has been so much fun!" She stood up and hugged me. 

"Wait do you need a ride?" I remembered that I had driven her here. 

"Ah no it's fine I just live a street away. Unless you were already going home and you wanna give me a lift." 

I shrugged. "Actually I was planning on staying here for just a little longer." 

"Alright well I'll see you tomorrow!" Caroline walked towards the door but turned rapidly. "I think I'm gonna use the bathroom quick though." I laughed as she rushed into the room that was in the back of the restaurant.  

I sighed and sipped my Coke. God, when would she leave so I could get a real drink?

"What are you doing?" I heard a sudden voice come from behind me making me jump slightly. I turned to see Damon standing at the back of my chair. 

"Well what does it look like I'm doing? I'm waiting to be alone so I can get something alcoholic." I laughed. 

He chuckled darkly and sat where Caroline had just been. "So, who are you? Never got a name." 

I smiled. "Emma."  

"Damon." He put his hand out for me to shake, which I did happily.  Caroline was just about to walk out of the bathroom when Damon winked at me and disappeared before anyone had realized he was there in the first place. Well this was a step up from him threatening to kill me. But not that much of one since this was Damon.

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