Chapter 50

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After helping Elena explain to Caroline why she quit, which was a very difficult task, Elena and Stefan went back to their love fest. Bonnie and I exchanged a look before sneaking off to let them alone. I turned back once to look at them, Elena was completely fixated on him but just as I looked at them, Stefan's eyes flicked up towards me. Our eyes locked for a moment and I thought I saw a brief flash of resignation in his eyes. I couldn't stand to fall into his eyes now so I broke off, looking back forward. I gave Bonnie a smile as we keep walking.

Bonnie and I walked around together until nightfall. I knew I came here with Elena but she had Stefan and I didn't want to intrude. Plus I wanted to keep my distance from him and Damon as much as possible until I could get Bonnie to bring back their memories. It just hurt to much to know they didn't know me. Also the fact that they knew I was a vampire, Damon could very well put a stake through my heart if I pissed him off.

Soon it was time for the bonfire and Bonnie had to go with the other cheerleaders. I walked over just in time to see Stefan giving Elena a kiss goodbye before he went over to the football team. I walked towards her, passing him on the way. Stefan and I locked eyes once again and I heard him whisper too low for Elena to hear ''We need to talk. After the rally.''

I nodded slightly to him before giving Elena a bright smile. Once I reached her she gave me a sheepish smile ''Sorry I ditched you, I know I said we were going to hang out but Stefan-''

I held up my hand to cut her off  ''Elena, it's fine. I just hung out with Bonnie. No need to  apologize, I understand" I laughed and she relaxed, laughing with me.

She held her arm out to me and smirked ''To the bonfire?''

I nodded and linked my arm through hers. "Lets do it"

Bonfires. One of the many new human traditions that I did not quite understand. Most of the whole student body, surrounded and pressed against one another in a tight circle around a giant pile of wood. All of the teenagers, sweaty and pumped full of adrenaline, stand around and watch as the pile goes up in flames. To me, it seemed stupid. Did that mean I didn't stand with these stupid teenagers and scream in joy as the wood and the maniquine of the opposing team bursts into flames? Of course, I screamed and cheered just as any other normal teenager would have.. 

I could faintly hear  the sound of drunk laughter and shots being taken from the parking lot. Oh how I wished I could be with them. Instead, I stood next to Elena with a smile on my face. Her eyes gazed over to the football section, making eye contact with Stefan. They shared a smile before the coach began to speak. Everyones attention turned to the coach, speaking motivationally to the team and crowd.

Most of it I tuned out, focused on my surrounding, but I had to smile and cheer as I heard the coach calling Stefan out as one of the great new players. I felt good that my brother was using his supernatural-given strength and speed to help out a good cause. 

My gaze scanned across the football team, most looked pleased and thankful, but one face stood out. Tyler Lockwood scowled and whispered something to Matt that I couldn't make out through the cheers. Tyler then glared at Stefan before moving off the platform, walking away from the rally. My eyes cautiously followed him, watching as he walked towards the parking lot. 

Vicky was waiting just outside the circle when she caught sight of him. "Hey babe, what's wrong?"

He brushed her off and stood there for a moment. "Nothing." Tyler's head then turned towards the parking lot, his eyes fixed on something. "Is that Jeremy?" I looked towards the direction of his gaze, straining to see Jeremy sitting by a truck, drinking from a bottle of liquor. Tyler then marched towards him, ignoring Vicky's feeble attempts to stop him.

Jeremy, catching sight of Tyler stood up ready to face him. I couldn't see Tylers expression but I could tell by the sound of his voice he had a smirk on. "Don't look so down, you can have her when I'm done."

That's when Jeremy threw the first punch, smacking Tyler right in his smug face. No one from the rally noticed but I could see from the corner of my eye, Stefan knew as well. We locked eyes before he headed off the platform. My gaze went over to Elena by my side, her expression confused. I sighed and dragged her with me towards the lot. "Come on, we need to go."

**I am truly very sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I know I am a horrible person for leaving you all on a cliffhanger. I will try and post once every week, I am just not sure what day of the week that will be. Perhaps I'll make it Thursdays so it will be up when the new episode of Vampire Diaries airs on TV. :D Any way, I will try and be better on my writting but if I miss a week or so, give me time and I'll try and upload as soon as possible. Thank you all! I love you! 

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