Their Goddess - The Roses, Bo...

By TheClosetLibrarian

245K 10.6K 357

Completed The Rose Triplets..... Elijah Noah Jericho Their Goddess.... Genevieve Thorn At Sixteen the boys ha... More

Part 1. Genevieve
Part 1. Jericho
Part 1. Noah
Part 1. Elijah
Part 1. Genevieve
Part 2. Noah
Part 2. Elijah
Part 2. Genevieve
Part 2. Mandy
Part 2. Jericho
Part 3. Genevieve
Part 3. Noah
Part 3. Mandy
Part 3. Genevieve
Part 3. Jericho
Part 3. Genevieve
Part 4. Nick
Part 4. Genevieve
Part 4. Noah
Part 4. Jericho
Part 4. Genevieve
Part 4. Elijah
Part 4. Genevieve
Part 4. Epilogue
Feedback and Other Books

Part 3. Elijah

8.5K 418 6
By TheClosetLibrarian

In the back of my mind, I was planning our chase of Evie, I knew Riki would have dropped off the quad by now and we could use that to follow her but it was just a start, we had to be there for her. As we worked I threw ideas at Noah who laughed at me but as we bantered back and forth, we both acknowledged that her prank this morning had given us hope.
By the time we regrouped with Noah late afternoon, we were knackered, "I'm sure dad is keeping us busy on purpose" I groaned, sitting down to drag off my boots.
"Yeah well, I'd rather have been out with you, my mind has been going round and round in circles, stuck here in the office, dad left me some paperwork to do, I haven't even managed to log on and see if Evie's used the quad".
"Do it now" I told him and watched as he pulled open his laptop and we checked.
"It's not gone anywhere, still at the cottage" Noah said sounding confused "what's she been doing all day?"
Riki looked up "ahh, when I dropped the quad off Carlisle and his boyfriend were there, waiting for her"
"His boyfriend?"
"Jonah somebody, he was at school with Evie in America, Nick tried to tell me he was following Evie here, but the guy told him off for winding me up... I told them we want her"
"Because he warned me off, told me not to hurt her and asked what our intentions are... I think, maybe, he could be an ally" Riki explained.
"So where is she, with them?" Noah questioned.
Riki nodded, "probably, they'll all be together for the last year of Uni, we just need to wait till she's back".
"Yeah, but when will that be?"
Noah's phone ringing loudly made us all jump "bloody hell Noah, turn it down" Riki shouted as Noah answered.
"Hello... Mandy?"
"She is... really, oh yeah, we will"
We watch Noah expectantly.
"Evie, Nick and Jonah are in town and have just met up with Mandy and Diana, they are going to meet for a drink later at Meadows, Mandy thought we might like to join them" he grinned as he told us.
I slapped my brothers on the back "now that's an opportunity we can't pass up, come on brothers, let's get ready"

Meadows was packed as we wove our way through looking for Evie. Riki spotted her first, grabbing our arms and steering us in the right direction.  I hadn't thought of how we joined the group but Mandy spotted us coming and called us over. "Hey guys, come and join us" she called and we all smiled back.
Evie's was blushing but the others had smirks on their faces, they knew we would be coming, all of them except Evie.
"Hey Evie, welcome back" Noah reached her first and pulled her up out of the booth and into his arms for a hug, Riki quickly stepping in to hug her next, muttering "hey" to her as she squeaked in response, her body stiff in his arms.  As he let her go, I pulled her into my arms for a hug and smiled down at her "we've missed you" I told her and she looked shocked, her eyes wide. Silent.
I let her go and smiled as she rushed back to her seat next to Nick.
"You joining us, we're just about to order" Diana offered and we all nodded "if you don't mind" I replied for us all.
Evie fidgeted silently , her eyes flicking between us and the group, but everyone else welcomed us. Shuffling round in the booth to make space for us. I slipped in next to Evie as Noah and Riki pulled up chairs, growling at me.
Nick introduced Jonah to us and steered the conversation to what Mandy and Diana had done with the cafe.  I could see Evie gradually relax as we all joined in, Jonah telling us about America and what he and Evie got up to, eventually Evie joined in easily and started ribbing Jonah and Nick for things they had done.

I leant into Evie. "it's our prank next, better watch out"
Her head whipped round to look at me in shock, "what?"
"You pranked us this morning, now it's our turn... did you take a picture?" I whispered and watched as she blushed bright red.
"I... I... it wasn't me" she stuttered softly.
"Liar, but you can take my picture anytime, with or without clothes" I teased. "But don't worry Evie, were coming for you".
I sat back watching the conversation around us as she tried to ignore me for the rest of the evening.

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