Out Of My League


247K 9.4K 3.8K

"You're out of my league" This.Is.Just.A.Product.Of.My.Bored.Ass More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 20

9.1K 406 273

3rd Person's POV

Lisa was patiently waiting for the class to end. Today is Friday and both her and Jennie decided to have their 'bestfriends date' after class.

'Whatever, at least I will have an alone time with my bestfriend later' she thought.

Lisa was also thinking of telling Jennie that she's still part of the dance crew and she will be joining the competition two weeks from now. She couldn't hangout with Jennie because of their dance practices. The other girl was being suspicious now because she always go home late and she's always tired. She's been losing out of alibis.

She's worried, scared and afraid of what reaction might Jennie have when she heard her but the guilt is already killing her, she doesn't want to hide things from Jennie.

*bell rings*

As soon as the bell rang Lisa put her things back on her bag and made her way out of the classroom. She saw Jennie walking out of ther room just in time. Lisa was about to approach her when Seulgi grabbed her hand.

"Hey Lisa, where are you going?" Seulgi asked.

"Uh.. out? Why?" She asked.

"Well Bam said Taeyang oppa will be coming later and wants watch our performance." Seulgi answered.

"What?? I thought we're free today?" Lisa asked in frustration. She doesn't want to cancel her plans with Jennie because it has been two weeks since their last bonding.

"I know it was a late minute notice but it's Taeyang oppa. It would be great if we can hear some advices from him. You know he's a busy person because he's an in demand dancer right now so we really have to grab this chance since he's free." Seulgi explained.

Lisa understands Seulgi, Taeyang was their Senior and he's really a great dancer. Taeyang lifted their Academy's dance crew and achieved four straight championships in his time. She knows that hearing some suggestions from their senior will help them so she needs to stay and perform today even if she needs to cancel on Jennie.

"Okay, I guess I really need to stay." She said at Seulgi which made the girl to squeal.

"Oh my god! Thank you, I'll see you in the practice room." Seulgi said and hugged her playfully before running away from her.

"Ehem.." she heard a fake cough from behind. When she faced the person she almost had a heart attack.

"J-Jennie! You're here!" She said nervously.

"I am..." Jennie said flatly.

"Have you been listening?" She asked nervously, anxiety is slowly eating her.

'Did she hear Seulgi?? Does she know that I'm still  part of the dance crew?? Oh my god!!!' she internally panicked.

"Listen to what?? And why did that girl hugged you?? I told you not to hang out with them." Jennie said while glaring at her.

"I-uh... I don't know why she did that. I think it's part of her personality because I see her around hugging people without a reason." Lisa said awkwardly. She doesn't know why she have to explain.

"Tsk! I'm sure she goes around hugging girls that she likes because she's pervert and she's---" Jennie was cut off by Lisa.

"Woah woah stop right there Nini, don't talk like that to the people you don't personally know." She said because she knows where Jennie was saying is going.

"Yah! Are you siding that gay classmate of yours?!" Jennie yelled thay shocked Lisa. Good thing they are the only students left outside the classroom.

"Hey watch your mouth! Don't talk about them like that!" Lisa yelled back and it was Jennie's turn to be shocked.

"Why not? It's the truth tho..." Jennie said with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"Yah, Jennie Kim, what kind of attitude are you showing right now huh? Are you really that close minded?" Lisa frowned at her bestfriend.

"And what kind of attitude are you having right now, huh? Seriously? You're tolerating yourself to hangout with those kinds of people?" Jennie retorted.

"Yah Kim Jennie! I said watch your mouth!" Lisa yelled, she was mad now and one more time Jennie speak bad to her friends she will really explode.

"What?? What the fuck Lisa? Are we really going to argue because of those people? Let's stop this non sense. Let's go and don't you ever dare to talk to those people again. Look what they are doing to you, you're changing." Jennie said seriously.

"You know what Jennie? You're really a smart person, you're almost perfect you know? You know why you're not perfect?? I think you lacked on some respect" Lisa said that stabbed Jennie's ego.

"What did you just say?" Jennie spit in a low tone.

"I said that you don't have respect, Jennie." Lisa said seriously.

"Take that back, Lisa. You know that it isn't true." Jennie warned her.

"I've said what I said." Lisa said.

"Yah, are you serious right now?" Jennie asked in disbelief.

Lisa did not say anything and just turned her back at Jennie to walk away.

"Yah! Lalisa, I'm asking you!" Jennie yelled.

"Just leave Jen. Let's talk in my house later." Lisa answered without looking back.

Jennie can't believe why her bestfriend is acting like that. Something about her changed, was it her behaviour? Lisa never talked back at her. They never argued like this before.

Jennie walked and followed where Lisa went, she doesn't want to leave until Lisa and her fixed this argument.

She tried to walked fast to catch up with Lisa but she lost sight of the girl.

"Did she go out of the school already?" She mumbled.

She was about to ran her way out of the building when she heard people talking and music playing inside the practice room of Dance Crew.

"She was talking to Seulgi earlier, could she be--?" Jennie asked herself before pushing the door to open.

As soon as she opened the door, a shocking sight welcomed her.

Lisa was warming up with the dance crew.

"I'm really shocked to hear that you really joined the dance crew Lisa, I've been asking you to join since your first year because you really are a great dancer but you always refuse." Taeyang said.

"I'm really sorry, Oppa. I just thought about giving a try since this is my last year in YGA." Lisa said.

"So this is what is making you busy huh, Manoban?" Lisa froze when she heard that voice.

Everyone stopped what they're doing and looked in horror when they saw the person standing in the doorway with her deadly stare.

The music stopped and everyone got silent. Even Taeyang couldn't tell a word because she knows how scary this person even if she's his Junior back then.

"J-Jennie... what are you doing here?" Lisa asked nervously, she looks pale right now.

"Shouldn't I be the one who should ask you that question?" Jennie asked still glaring at her.

"Jen.. I can explain. We'll talk later, okay?" Lisa said.

"We'll talk N.O.W" Jennie emphasized.

"Let's just talk when we get back home, please." Lisa begged, she doesn't want her friends to witness their fight.

"Then let's go home. NOW" Jennie said autoritatively.

"But..." Lisa was about to say that she can't when Seulgi butted in.

"Lisa, it's okay. You can leave." Seulgi said because she's afraid of what Jennie will do too.

And Lisa... she badly wants to smack Seulgi for selling her this quick.

"Let's go!" Jennie yelled which made all of them jumped in surprised.

Jennie walked out first, Lisa looked back at her teammates and mouthed an apology before following Jennie.

The drive on their way home was silent but Lisa can feel the heavy tension that Jennie have right now.

As soon as they reached Lisa's house, Jennie dragged Lisa to her room. Good thing Lisa's parents were not around.

"How long are gonna keep that you're still part of the dance crew to me? Until your competition?? Are you even planning on telling me?" Jennie asked.

"I was about to tell it to you but I can't have the perfect timing!" Lisa answered frustratedly.

"Fuck that timing! Haven't I told you to quit that dance crew?" Jennie yelled.

"I can't! I already promised that I will help them to get the championship." Lisa answered with a low tone.

"So you lied to me when you told me that you quitted?? What the fuck Lisa, is having you in that fucking dance crew that big deal?? Are you that amazing that made those bunch of gays believed that they will get the chanpionship? Fucking delusionals." Jennie said without thinking, madness clouded her mind.

"God those people are changing you, can't you see? Your behavior is changing, you're started lying to me, Lisa. See what those kinds of people will only teach you. They are bad influence, Lisa. That is why I don't want to be near those kinds of people, so you better stay away from them too." Jennie added.

And Lisa, she was badly hurt with those words. She doesn't know that would come out from her bestfriend's mouth.

"Here I thought you'll be proud of me." Lisa chuckled, "of all people Jennie, I thought you will be the proudest because you're my bestfriend... my ever supportive bestfriend. All the people around me belived in me Jen, but why can't you?" Lisa asked then tears started to fall from her eyes.

Jennie was too taken aback by Lisa's response and when she saw the girl crying... She never saw Lisa cried on her whole life.

She was speechless.

"You know why I didn't quit the dance crew?? It's because I felt happiness when I joined them, I felt free. For the first time after how many years, I felt those. And I thought... I thought you would support me, because that what matters to you right? You said that as long as I'm happy then it's fine." Lisa said.

"Then why do you hate my friends so much Jennie? They never did something wrong to you, do they?" Lisa asked.

"Because I don't like the thought that they might turn you to something you are not!" Jennie find her voice now.

"Something like what?? Gay?? Oh God, Jennie open your mind! Being gay is not a crime, those people did not do anything wrong so don't judge them!" Lisa yelled, "you don't know how they helped me with my problems. You don't know how they helped me when I was on my darkest days. You don't know how free and true I can be when I am with them so shut up!"

"What? What did they do to you, Lisa? What did they do to my bestfriend?" Jennie asked in frustration.

"Your bestfriend? This is your bestfriend. This is the real me Jennie. If you think that this is not your bestfriend, then I'm sorry to say that you failed to make the ideal bestfriend you have." Lisa said, "what type of bestfriend do you think of me? That girl who likes wearing dresses? The girl who likes watching romance or chick flicks movies? The girl who likes shopping? Well news flash Ms. Kim, I am the type of girl who prefers wearing t-shirts, pants and flat shoes. I prefer watching disney movies like cars and big hero 6, or watching Marvels or any superhero movies and don't like shopping because it's tiring."

As soon as Lisa finished her confession, she felt a sting on her right cheek.

Jennie just slapped her.

When she looked back at Jennie, the girl was already teary eyed.

"T-take back what you have said." Jennie said while fighting the urge to cry.

"I can't... that's the truth." Lisa just said.

"Take that back! Take that back! You're lying, tell me you're lying!" Jennie said and hit Lisa repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, Jennie." was only can Lisa say.

"I said take it back!" Jennie yelled.

"Jennie stop!" Lisa yelled back and tigthened her grip on Jennie's wrist to stop her and that made her stopped.

"Why are you doing this to me, Lisa-yah?" Jennie asked.

"Y-you said earlier... y-you said that you can't hangout with those kind of people." Lisa said softly and Jennie knows what she's pertaining to.

"Don't fucking start with that again." She gritted her teeth.

"I... I guess you should stop hanging out with me too." Lisa said and Jennie doesn't need to hear the exact words to understand Lisa.

"No... no you're not! Lisa stop! Are you insane?" Jennie yelled at her again.

"I'm not. I'm gay Jennie." Lisa said and again, she earned another slap from Jennie.


MWFH just reached 1M reads WTF THAT WAS INSANE!!!!


Jennie's poopoo 💩😍

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basically jenlisa put in perspective of how blackpink debuted. "i'm not gay, i can't be gay." "say that to the marks you left on my neck last night...
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A very chill Jenlisa fanfic :))