Urie's Diner [Ryden AU]

By ryroholic

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Ryan finds a guy with a coffee shop. He kinda falls for him. More



945 43 98
By ryroholic

I was in the middle of breakfast when Brendon called me. I'm usually the one to call him. This must be important.


"My grandma wants to stop by the diner today." He quickly said and I took a sip of my drink.


"Okay? Ryan, it's not even done! She doesn't even know we're remodeling she's going to pass out!"

"First of all, calm down. Take a deep breath." I said and heard him inhale.

"Now breathe out. It'll be fine. I'll be there when she is. Just tell me what time."

"Now, like right now. Michael is helping her get in the car."

"Shit, okay, I'm on my way." I said and hung up. I got up and dropped my napkin on the table.

"I'm done." I said and the waitress brought my bill. I handed her my card and told her to get a $5 tip. I usually give $10 but I didn't eat my entire meal.

"Thanks." I said and took my credit card back before leaving the restaurant. I drove straight to the diner and didn't see them there yet. Good.

I got out the car and saw Brendon park the car in front of mine. He got out of it and looked at me. He was worried, scared, even a little shaky.

"Come here." I said and he let Michael help his grandma.

"Calm down, I told you to take deep breaths." I said and he did. "Why are you so worried?"

"I'm not, I'm worried."

"That's what I just said, it'll be fine. She'll like it." I assured and put my hand on his arm. He sighed and nodded.

"I just don't want to disappoint her. Lately small things disappoint her and this is huge." He whispered and I nodded.

"Come on." I said and I saw his grandma in a wheelchair. She had glasses and gray hair. Basic grandma look. They all look the same to me.

Brendon opened the door for her and Michael pushed her wheelchair in.

"What happened to these walls?" She asked and Brendon cleared his throat.

"We didn't want to tell you because we wanted it to be a surprise but we're remodeling the place." I said and she looked at me.

"And you are?" She asked, genuinely curious.

"I'm Ryan, Brendon's friend." I said and held my hand up. She shook it and nodded.

"But why are they different colors? You should've gotten a nice pastel yellow." She said.

"The walls were already pastel yellow, we changed them." Brendon said. Were they? I don't remember. She must not either.

"Oh, well these colors are nice too." She said and Brendon smiled.

"We're also putting in a new floor and get new tables and chairs." I said and she looked at Brendon and Michael.

"Who's paying for all of these changes?" She asked and Brendon pointed at me.

"Ryan's paying for it."

"Is this some make-a-wish thing?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"No I just want to help, I came here to eat once and loved it. I just think it needs more customers and a few fixes to get it back on top." I said and she smiled.

"That's so sweet but I'm sure we're doing fine, aren't we, Brendon?" She asked and he gaped looking at me.

"We kind of are."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He means that there isn't –"

"I want him to tell me." She said interrupting me. I looked at Brendon and he gulped. Why is he so afraid of her? Because he doesn't want to disappoint?

"We've been doing good, but not great."

"You told me this place has been running smoothly and perfectly. Your exact words."

"Well, um, the only people who come here are the elderly and they buy the minimum of stuff. Whenever we do get groups of teenagers they never come back and Ryan explained why. This place has an old vibe to it that not many locals are attracted to. We were planning on remodeling lots of it to make it more modern and to bring in more customers." He explained and she understood.

"What about the old people?"

"They're going to need to find a new place if they want." Brendon said and she sighed.

"Go ahead and do your remodeling. Michael, take me back home." She said and Michael nodded. Brendon sighed and rubbed his face.

"She seems happy."

"She's not." He said and I nodded. Nope, she's not.

"I think she's just upset this place isn't the same but she'll come around. She knows you're right about the customers, there's nothing we can do about the elderly." I explained and he sat down on a chair and rested his head on the table. I sat down in the same table and knew we had to keep working.

"Come on, we need to find a new font for the new name."

"A new name she's going to hate."

"Honestly, don't take this the wrong way but fuck what she thinks, alright? I've seen you so worried and stressed over this that it's annoying the crap out of me. I don't see why you're working yourself out over this, this is you. This place is considered yours now since you're the one who stays here all day and night to make sure it stays up and running. From what I'm aware of, she just stays home and asks how her business is doing. She might've started it but it's no longer hers. You gave up your dream to keep hers going, this is now on you. If this place goes down, you will too. So for now on, fuck what she thinks and let's do what you want." I explained and he blinked.

"Brendon, I need the car keys." Michael said awkwardly. He must've heard some of my speech. Brendon took the keys from his pocket and tossed them at him. "And from what I've heard Ryan say, I agree. I hate working here but I'm only doing it for her since she wants this to be some family business. I think it's time we step up, mainly you." He added before leaving. I looked back at Brendon and he was resting his chin at the palm of his hand.

"Why are you always right?"

"It's a gift." I said and he sighed.

"Okay, we're doing this. We're remodeling this entire place and I won't think about how much you're spending."

"That's what I've been wanting to hear." I said and snapped my fingers. After that Z showed up.

"Someone called for my help." She said opening the door. "You clearly need it." She added looking around the place. I chuckled and stood up.

"Brendon, this is Z, Z, Brendon, he's the owner of the place." I said and he smiled taking pride and shaking her hand.

"Nice to finally meet one of Ryan's boyfriends. Just kidding, you're the only one he has." She joked and I chuckled. Brendon bit his lip and looked at me before saying.

"I'm not his boyfriend, I'm actually taken, by my girlfriend." He corrected and she nodded.

"Oh, my apologies. You two would look so cute together, I would love to be the flower girl but oh well. Let's get to work." She said and I chuckled. Brendon was a bit uncomfortable. That just says a lot now. He's straight and taken. Fuck me for being so unlucky.

"I need to make a call." I said and walked out of the place. I called Spencer. Who else would I call?

"Hey, bud, you having sex yet?"

"No, he's –"

"I said to let me know when you hit the home run otherwise I don't care."

"Spencer, shut up, he's straight. I just know it. Z joked about us being together and he got so uncomfortable that it made me feel bad. What the fuck do I now?"

"Forget about the diner and bill him later for what you've already paid." He said and I shook my head.

"That's too cruel."

"Okay then Gordon Ramsay, finish paying for everything and let him thank you with a damn hug. That's all you're gonna get from him so really, now you're just wasting your time. The guy is religious too, I bet he thinks we're sinners for liking the same gender." He explained and I bit my lip.

"I'm in too deep, I can't stop now."

"Okay then, just be home by 9." He said and hung up. I chuckled and walked back inside.

"All ready?" I asked and Z nodded.

"Yup, he sure makes up his mind easily. It'll take us about 3 days to finish up everything, is that alright?" She said and Brendon nodded.

"Of course, yeah."

"Okay, I'll go get stuff ready. You mind giving me a key? I wouldn't want to wake you so early just to open for us." She said and he looked at me.

"She won't steal anything." I said and he handed her the key to the diner.

"Who will I be giving updates to?" She asked and Brendon raised his hand.


"Write down your number here for me." After that Z left and Brendon sighed running a hand through his hair. I licked my lips and nodded.

"Okay then, I'm gonna go. We seem to be done here." I said and he nodded.

"Can I get a ride?" He asked. "Audrey is working right now and I forgot my wallet for a cab." He added and I nodded.

"Sure, just tell me where to go." We got in the car and he gave me directions. After a few minutes he got a call. Since it was quiet I heard the voice. It was Audrey.

"I'm not busy." He said. Isn't she working? What's she doing on her phone? Maybe she's on her break.

"Tomorrow then." He said and I sighed not caring about the conversation.

"You missed a turn." He said and I narrowed my eyes.

"How would I know when you weren't guiding me." I said and did a dramatic U-turn and he held on to the door.

"Sorry, I'll call you back." He said and hung up.

"I should've been guiding you, sorry." He said and I didn't respond.

"Mind if I play the radio?"

"Yeah." I said and he put his hand down since he was about to turn it on. I don't want him to think my mood changed. Spencer told me not to.

"The radio has some crap music." I said and he chuckled.

"There's some CD's in the back." I said and he turned grabbing the pack.

"Why do you have so many?"

"I love music." I shrugged and he told me to turn right.

"I'm playing The Beatles since it's the only band I know from here."


"Yup." He chuckled and put the CD in.

"You've got a lot to learn."

"I'm into Frank Sinatra, I also do love The Beatles."

"I'm into rock and stuff like that." I said and he nodded.

"I can tell. I enjoy some rock music too. Marilyn Manson is great, I like Guns N' Roses as well."

"Nice." I nodded and he smiled. I couldn't help but smile too. He's still so cute, I don't understand why he won't let me fuc–

"The next right and I'll let you know the house." He said and I bit my lip.

"That one." He pointed at a light blue house. It's pretty nice. Two floors, nice gardening.

"Thank you for the ride." He said and I nodded.

"No problem." He got out of the car and walked towards the door. I watched him and bit my lip.

Gosh, why can't I just have him?


what do I write here uhhh,

I love ryan ross.

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