Levi's Wings of Freedom (Levi...

By Exellda

150K 7.8K 6.3K

Summary: Levi lived his whole life in a cage. His shackles followed him wherever he went which wasn't far at... More

Levi's Wings of Freedom
Levi is Auctioned
Levi's New Home
Levi's First Taste of Freedom
Levi Goes Out
Levi's First Flight
Levi Gets Sick
Levi's Choice
Levi Decides
Levi's Interveiws
Levi Works
Levi's First Love
Levi Models
Levi's Jealousy
Levi Tells
Levi's First Celebration Party
Levi Needs Help!
Levi's Only Hope
Levi For Christmas
Levi's Alone
Levi's Return Home
Levi Awakens

Levi Cleans

8.2K 410 329
By Exellda

Oh... xD This chapter is longer than the first chapter.... O.O

Anyway~! This is Levi's first step towards "normal" :D You'll see... read what I mean.

:D Enjoy!


Levi Cleans

            Soft. The bed Levi had was incredibly soft and comfortable. Levi stared up at the ceiling unsure of what to do with himself. Eren had left shortly after they had gotten Levi's things into what was now Levi's room. He sat up and looked around at his plain room. The room was simple with white walls, a full size bed, a closet and a dresser.

            Levi got on his feet, he was curious to see the rest of the house. He exited his bedroom and made his way down the hall. There were a total of four doors up here, two were locked and besides Levi's room, the other door that opened was the bathroom. Levi then walked down the stairs. When he reached the bottom, he saw the entrance, walked past it and went into the living room. He could now take in more details of the house. The living room had a leather couch, it was the first thing Levi saw. Admittedly it was also the first thing Levi sat on, testing it. Comfortable. It would be easy to clean. Clean. It was clean... Levi got up from the couch.

            Levi was quick to search the house. Oh, he's been waiting for this moment. Oh, yes. Finally. Levi could dictate whether it got done, how it got done. This was exciting. Levi found what he was looking for in a closet. Everything he could ever want and need... was right here. Cleaning supplies. Levi lived in a clean cage- for fucks sake this house would be clean too. It will be set to Levi standards of clean. Levi snatched up as many different cleaning products as he could. His first victim was the living room. Oh joy, it was clean, probably cleaner than it has ever been. After the living room it was the kitchen, then the bathrooms, the laundry room (he even wash some of the clothes), his room and dining room. It was when he was passing the kitchen to put the supplies away that he spotted a door. I must have missed that somehow. Levi set his supplies down and made his way to the door. It wasn't locked. He opened the door and saw the stairs that lead down to the... basement? Levi felt his feet work their way down the steps, curiosity pulling him down.

            Turning on the light, Levi cringed to see what he found. There were cameras, here, there, ugh everywhere. It was like a studio or a photo shoot.  There were even those fancy lights. He remembered reading about them before. Thank you Hanji. Levi didn't feel comfortable here but he still wanted to look for some reason. He stared at the cameras, the set, the whole room in general. Eren must be some kind of photography person... perhaps he also had models that came over? Levi could tell that this room should be clean but... he also felt that he shouldn't touch anything.

            What was interesting was the costume display. There were all kinds of weird things hanging up. Looking through the costumes, most of which reminded him of the ones he had on. He made a mental reminder to change when he went back up stairs. He made it to the last costume when he saw out of the corner of his eye, something moved. Without thinking Levi hid behind the rack of costumes. He paused listening for noise, a sound, anything. Nothing. There was nothing. Just him. Levi cautiously got out of hiding place and there it was again! Levi flinched. It moved too. It was starting to look more like a person. It was copying Levi. It scowled at Levi mockingly, just the same way he did. And to Levi's horror, it... was him.

            He found himself breathless as he approached himself. Mirror. That's what it was, a full length one. Silly to think that he had been afraid of his own reflection. Reality was harsh when he came to realize that he had never actually seen what he looked like until now. His eyes scanned his reflection, cold eyes meeting cold eyes. Levi felt hideous and disgusting. He not only looked like a mess but was dressed like a... like some kind of prostitute. That's not all, his hair was uneven too. Oh, he would fix all of this. He couldn't believe that he lived this way and looked like this.

            Wait. There was something he had to see. The things that made people stare at him. The things that made him different. The things that were called wings. The wings that were tucked in his back. Levi turned around so that his back was facing the mirror. He could see what everyone else had been seeing. All of him, all of Levi. He frowned at the scars on his back and gave a low hum when he brushed then with his hand. Those scars were right where his wings were, that crossed each other evenly. This was the moment. Levi watched carefully as he untucked his wings. They were tucked ever since he got into the car with Eren earlier. It would have been a nice feeling to stretch them had Levi not been so... shocked? He had no idea how to express his feelings (he never had). He watched them expand elegantly, beautifully. White and black, feathered harmony. Levi took several minutes to gaze at himself before he felt uncomfortable again. He decided to turn off the lights and head back upstairs. It was time for a change.

            He opened drawers and cabinets in the kitchen, he didn't find what he was looking for. He spent ten minutes looking for scissors and found an electric razor in the bathroom. He stood there, in front of the bathroom mirror, brought the scissors up to his face. Cut. There goes one strand. Snip. There goes another. With every swipe from his scissors hair fell. Levi parted his hair. He turned on the electric razor and with a low buzz, Levi started to shave off hair from his head.

            After Levi swept the floor, he found himself in the laundry room. He shuffled through the clean clothes, refolding most of it, looking for something to change into. Levi was tired of wearing practically nothing, plus, he wanted to take another shower. He had hair bits everywhere. He settled for some plaid pajamas that were red, black and gray. A quick dash up the stairs, light steps in the hall, Levi was in the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and took off his- whatever clothes. He opened the shower curtain and froze. There were two handles. Levi knew what this meant. Hanji told him about this before. Levi stepped into the shower and turned the handles on, and for the first time in Levi's life- he had hot water.

            Ten minutes later Levi came out smelling like strawberries and soap. He dried himself off with a towel and then slipped into the pajamas that he brought. I'm sure he won't mind. After all, I have nothing else to wear. Levi folded his towel, unsure of what to with the clothing he wearing, he folded them and laid it on the end of his bed. Levi then walked down the stairs. Eren has been gone for a long time... Where did he go? Levi shrugged, Why should I care how long he's gone or where he went. Levi fell onto the leather couch, sitting up straight, getting comfortable. It was peaceful here. Would it be peaceful with Eren here too? Guess he'd have to see if the brat was worth befriending.

            From where he lay on the couch and the way it was positioned in the room, he could see the front door.  I could go. Now. Leave and not come back. Freedom was literally right outside the door and it was all too tempting. Nothing was stopping him. No one was here... He could get away with it, but... Where would I go? I don't know where I am. How would I survive? Levi felt conflicted, he wanted to go, yet, he wanted to stay and see if everything would work out. Maybe if he found Hanji, she'd help him? The problem with that is... she's annoying and won't shut up.

            The couch by now had sucked Levi into its possession, he didn't mind. It wasn't like he was going to get up anyway because damn it was comfortable. Levi leaned into the arm of the couch closing his eyes for a moment, his newly cut hair brushed lightly against his forehead. He brought a hand up to his much shorter bangs and brushed his fingers through his hair. Yes, this was much better. Levi brought up his legs and settled more against the arm of the couch. The legs of the pajama bottoms were slightly longer than his own legs, thus when his feet met the couch, he didn't feel the leather, he felt the fabric of the pajamas. It was nice and all being this comfortable... but where the fuck was that brat? Levi immediately dismissed the thought of Eren. He at last had a chance to have some alone time, might as well enjoy it. So that's what he did.


            Eren had a long day, it was exhausting. He finally could return home. He didn't mean to be gone for so long but Hanji talked his ear off, he had to go shopping for Levi (though he really didn't mind). Thanks to Hanji he had several things for Levi to wear and also some tea. Said items were in the back of the car. Eren parked his car and got Levi's new clothes, unlocked the door and walked into his home. It was awfully quiet in the house. No, did he run away? Eren set the shopping bags next to the door, closing it behind him and- Eren gasped, Who's- Is that...Levi? If it was, he was sleeping on the couch, huddled, leaning on the arm. Are those my pajamas? Eren smiled at the amusing sight. Eren's pajamas were at least one or two sizes too big. Eren pulled out one of his camera’s, turned off the flash and then took a picture. He then put the camera away.

            Getting all the food he bought and leaving the clothing items behind Eren heading for the kitchen. He went quietly because he did want to wake Levi yet, he brewed up some tea. According to Hanji, that was his preferred drink. Why was he going through such lengths to please the short man? Because he didn't want to cage Levi. He didn't deserve to be trapped for his whole life. Out of everything Hanji said, that was the part he agreed with that the most.

            To Eren's surprise... Everything, literally everything was totally clean. Spotless. Wow. That was also something Hanji mentioned, wasn't it? Levi liked- no, loved to be clean. His space always had to be clean and if it wasn't cleaned right, he'd make whoever fucked up, redo the whole thing. He would have to find some way to thank Levi. Quietly, Eren walked out into the living room and set down the two tea cups on the coffee table. Levi was still asleep on the couch. He looked so handsome, Eren decide that he liked the undercut that Levi now had. It seemed to match his personality. He kind of looked like he should have been a soldier. Eren chuckled, like a corporal.

            It wasn't until Eren sat down did Levi stir awake. He seemed drowsy and sleepy. Levi rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and then jumped when he saw that Eren was sitting next to him, “Good afternoon, sleepy head.”

            Levi eyed Eren questioningly, “Were you watching me sleep?” He sat up straight, his expression unchanging. Emotionless.

            “Just a little,” Eren said honestly, “I brought you some tea.” He said as he pointed to the coffee table. Two hot cups just sat there, waiting. Levi looked at Eren and then the cups skeptically as if deciding Eren would poison him or not, “Levi, I promise they are not contaminated. The cups are clean, I swear. I have you to thank for that.” Eren paused awkwardly, “So… uh, thanks.” Levi only nodded in acknowledgment then lean forward and picked up his tea cup. He placed the cup to his lips and sipped his tea, testing it, once he decided it was fine he began drinking it wholly. You'd think that he'd burn his tongue, but no, he didn't. One thing Eren did wonder was how could Levi be comfortable holding his cup like that? It didn't seem right but Eren shrugged the thought away, it didn't matter that Levi held the cup weird, it only mattered that he was drinking his tea.

            It was quiet for a while on the couch and it was starting to get awkward. Eren glanced over at his tea cup and then back at Levi. It was weird to think that this was the same Levi. Was he really the one in shackles just earlier today? Levi suddenly made a noise that sounded like ‘Tch’. Eren looked up and was caught by Levi’s glare.

            “What? If you’re going to stare then take a damn picture, it will last longer.” His steel gray eyes met Eren’s, they looked sharp and threatening. That was when Eren realize he had been staring at Levi. How could he not? Levi looked so… Different.

            “Sorry. I just…” Eren cleared his throat nervously, pointed at Levi and then rotate his finger, “What made you decide to do… This?

            Levi cringed, “If you think I’m going to strode around in almost nothing, or even naked, you are painstakingly wrong.”

            Eren felt the heat rise to his cheeks causing them to become pink. How could someone be so blunt about that? “N-no. That’s not what I meant. I was talking about” He reached over towards Levi’s hair but stopped when Levi flinched. Eren saw Levi’s face change for a moment, so brief, and then change back to his monotone face. Was that-? Did he just look scared for a moment? Is he scared of me? Did I do something wrong, or is that just his way of showing that he doesn’t liked to be touched? Eren put his hand down, “I meant your hair… It’s so short- I mean, you cut it, why?”

            Levi suddenly brought his hand to his hair, “I cut it because I don’t like it long, I never did.” He brushed his hand through his longer strands of hair. Eren could see how the undercut was perfectly cut all the way around, even on all sides. Levi’s eyes shot up to Eren’s eyes, “Why, does it look bad?”

            Eren shook his head, his pink gone from his cheeks, “No Levi, I actually like that a lot better than what you originally had.” Then he smiled at Levi, “It looks good on you and I think it suits you very well.” Levi seemed to relax from Eren’s comment. “Oh, if you don’t mind, I went shopping today and the bags are next to the front door. Could you bring them upstairs and put them in your room? I got you a couple things.” Levi’s brows furrowed, cautiously he nodded and got up. Silently, he pulled up the pajama bottoms as he walked out of the room.

            Eren didn’t know how long he had been sitting on the couch but it had been quiet for at least thirty minutes before he actually got up. He picked up the two tea cups. The one that Levi had was empty, whereas Eren had been too distracted by Levi’s new appearance that he had neglected to even sip his tea. After he dumped his tea, feeling slightly guilty, he placed the cups in the sink. Eren decided that he’d do the dishes tomorrow and then turned to leave the kitchen. He made it upstairs and saw that Levi’s door was still open and the light was still one. “Levi?” Eren called out as he opened the door slightly. He spotted Levi folding one of the new jeans that he got.

Levi looked up upon hearing his name being called, “Hm?” He put his new jeans in the dresser then shut the drawer when he was done. It seemed that he had folded everything. He was done.

            Eren shrugged, he actually didn’t even know why he was here, “Just checking up on you I guess.” Eren hesitated, “Wait. You wouldn’t want to come with me tomorrow, would you? I was going to go down town, I have a few errands to run. I mean, it may not be fun but at least you won’t be stuck at the house all day.”

            He watched as Levi seemed to be contemplating if he should go or not, upon coming to a silent agreement with himself Levi nodded. “Sure…” Then he was silent for a while but he looked like he wanted to say something more.

            “Okay we’ll leave after breakfast.”

            Levi fidgeted with his hands and then glanced from the ground to Eren. He blinked, “Thanks… for you know, everything…”

            Eren noticed how he seemed uncomfortable but he didn’t think Levi would answer him if he asked why. He let it slide. Maybe he's just not used to my home yet or maybe he’s nervous. Eren shrugged, “No problem Levi. Goodnight.” To which Levi just nodded in return. 


Now officially, Levi looks like... Levi. (With the exception of his wings)

...and always incredibly attractive... and in this fic, very cute ♥o♥ But then again, when is he not?

I just can't get enough of Levi. xD

Thanks for reading! :o :D

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