I Really Think I Hate You. {X...

By KiraReno

26.7K 1.6K 708

Sorry I've been putting this one off for so long, I was hoping I could learn more about X-Drake before starti... More

Let's Eat.
A Minor Injury.
The Party. #1
The Party. #2
I'm Not Leaving.
How Did This Happen?
A Nudge From A Friend.
A Skilled Persuader.
Make Yourself At Home.
Let Me Help.
A Bold Request.
Rockabye. {Extended Ending}

Stay With Me.

1.6K 110 28
By KiraReno

He knows Drake's father? So does Drake know his doctor personally? 

And what did he mean about his father not being the cause of his injuries this time?

"Urouge, will you ever just forget what you saw?" Drake's voice catching your attention although he sounds slightly strained, you nervously bite on your lower lip, unsure whether or not to go inside or turn around and go back to Marco.

Although upon turning your head you find that the blonde brother had vanished, probably gone to check up on Sabo and Luffy, known him.

Well, guess I'll just...wait then.

"I have never been able to forgive myself, boy." The doctor named Urouge states, a slightly sad tone lacing his voice. "Letting you go home with that man after treating all those injuries, I've prayed for your health every night since then."

"It was just discipline--"

"It was abuse! Discipline is a slap on the wrist, not multiple broken bones!" Your breath hitches in your throat at the doctor's outburst, taking a few steps back from the door in attempts to hide yourself from the men some more, you didn't even know Drake's father was still around and you sure as hell didn't know he was that kind of person. "Stay with a friend while you're healing up at least, keep yourself far away from him when you're in this state."

"I'm not gonna burden--"

"It wasn't a request." A slight shuffling sound reaching your ears, the doctor clearly in the midst of turning around so you decide now would be a good time to enter the room, trying your hardest to make it seem like you hadn't been listening in.

Your soul just about leaving your body when you almost bump straight into said doctor upon rounding the door, he's extremely tall, possibly even taller than the Donquixote brothers. Your wide eyes slowly trailing up to his tan face, only being pleasantly surprised when you notice he's smiling kindly down at you.

"Ah, you're the young lady that had arrived with my patient!" The large man greets warmly, his smile unwavering as he discreetly looks you up and down. "You look like you've been treated though? Are you still in pain?"

"No, I just--"

"Oh! Of course!" The raven-haired male blurts over you, moving aside and allowing your eyes to land on Drake, the brunette still a little pale but not as much now and his blue, tired eyes looking right back at you. "He might be a little drowsy, he is on morphine and hasn't been awake long."

"Right, thank you!" A polite smile spreading across your lips as the doctor exits the room, you honestly feel like you haven't smiled in years, your apparent enemy shifting a little as he sits himself up in his bed.

"Shouldn't you be rest--" Before even allowing Drake to finish that sentence, you rush over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a firm hug but also being careful not to push against his side in the process. 

You feel the male stiffen a little in your arms, clearly not expecting such an affectionate gesture, especially not from you.

His right arm slowly making it's way around your waist to half-return the hug, a pleasant warmth radiating from his body, it's a much-needed comfort after feeling how cold he was previously. 

"You really had me worried there!" Your smile widening as you tighten the hug slightly before releasing the brunette, your orbs staring down at him as you pinch your bottom lip between your teeth, trying your best not to crumble in front of him.

I thought you died, damn it! 

"I could say the same to you," The brunette's hand still lightly resting against your lower back despite the hug being over but you don't question it, you can only imagine how much pain he's in or how much morphine has been pumped into his body, you assume moving his limbs is difficult. "You're crazy, staying with me like that. You could've gotten crushed."

With a small shake of your head, you lightly flick the cutie's cheek. "You were trying to comfort me while you were bleeding out, I don't think you've got any room to call me crazy." Your response only earning a grin from Drake, nodding his head in agreement.

"What a pair, huh? I'm glad you're here though, Dr. Urouge back there has been telling me bad jokes ever since I woke up...and lecturing me but I'd argue the jokes were worse."

"Oh yeah?" A mischievous smile etching into your lips as you drag the visitor's chair closer to the bed before taking a seat on it, admittedly your legs and ribs are still feeling tender and standing up really wasn't helping them although you regret moving when it leads to Drake retracting his arm from your waist and resting it back on his bed. "What jokes?"

By this point, you're just looking for reasons to stick around without actually telling him that you want his company.

 Although, Drake's not stupid, he can work out as much just by looking at you.

The brunette pouting vaguely, clearly not wanting to repeat the terrible jokes but judging by the look on your cheeky little face, he can tell that you won't rest until he tells you at least one.

With a small sigh, he leans back against his pillows. "Okay. What happened when the snail took off his shell to help him move faster?"

You're fighting your laughter already just from looking at the brunette, he looks completely mortified and honestly, you think it's hilarious.

"I don't know, what happened?"

"It made him feel more sluggish." A snort escapes you before you burst into a fit of giggles, your ribs already beginning to ache but you don't care. You're not necessarily laughing at the joke, just at the slight cringe on Drake's face, your laughter surprising the male slightly as you try to contain it with both of your palms.

He's gonna think I have a child's sense of humour!

Although, your giggles only cause Drake to chuckle softly, his hand clutching as his bandaged side as his laughter gradually becomes more strained, his teeth clenching as he weakly tries to catch his breath.

Shit, I'm making him feel worse!  

"How the hell did we wind up like this, huh?" His voice still sounding somewhat cheerful, a small smile on his lips as his eyes slowly fall closed before he forces them open again, the sight causing your heart to melt in your chest. 

He's a little cute when he's sleepy, I can't lie...

"Apparently, I have a really weird tendency of wanting to protect my enemies." Your response earns a low hum, you can tell that Drake wants to laugh but doesn't dare to, his eyes falling closed once again.

If the beeps of his monitor weren't so calm, it'd probably worry you but according to the small screen beside his bed, his heartbeat is fine.


"We share that strange quirk, it seems."

A quiet chuckle vibrating your throat at his remark as you place your warm hand over his, your orbs resting on his peaceful expression as he slowly begins to drift off to sleep, it would seem your presence relaxes him. 

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, Drake..."

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