A Call From Heaven. ○Jean X M...

By Bragi_

19.4K 831 425

Jean and Marco have finally graduated and are free from their parents eyes. Jean makes a daring move and asks... More

A Call From Heaven. ○Jean X Marco○
Chapter Two: The "I" in lie
Chapter Three: Light 'em up
Chapter Four: When the day met the night
Chapter Six: Strange Love

Chapter One : Dirty Socks

3.8K 192 106
By Bragi_

Marco and I found a nice house, not to far from the station or the hospital, we lived in a quiet neighbourhood.  It was expecially quite right now.  I was driving home from work, it was twelve thirty seven, I knew Marco would be waiting for me on the couch.. I felt bad, this was the fourth time this week that I have come home late. I groaned softly as I  rubbed my temples, allowing my hand to run down my face, making me shudder when my skin touched my scruff. I chuckled and the light I was at turned green and I got myself home after about ten minutes.

I parked in our driveway and closed my door softly,  not wanting to wake anyone, but my heavy boots on the cement didn't really help. I unlocked the front door and slipped inside to be greeted by my sleep boyfriend on our leather couch. I smiled kindly as I take my jacket off, the thing was tattered and worn, I hung it on it's normal spot. I have had that jacket for two years and Marco always told me to get a new one but I never will..Marco sturred and say up, yawning softly , rubbing his eyes"Morning  baby"I chuckle softly and sit beside him, wrapping my arm around his shoulders,  and kissing his cheek. "Can we go to bed now?" He asks with a whiney tone. With a nod I stand and Marco goes through our nightly routine,  laying out on he couch, coughing like he's dieing. "Jean-eh, help mee" he chuckles softly and I scoop him up bridal style and he kisses my cheek"your scruff is itchy " he whines before going back and pretending to be dieing. "Then don't kiss it babe" I chuckle and  we walk to the bedroom with our cat on my heels.

Marco and I got a cat when  we first moved in. Her name is Lily and she is the most annoying piece of shit on the face of the planet. Lily was mewing loidly as she followed us into the room, I set Marco on the bed, and looked down at the cat"go away" I grunt and pull my shirt off, making Bott whistle, "look at that six pack" he chuckles and changes out of his scrubs into just a T-shirt and sweat pants. After training I never liked to wear a T-shirt and pants to bed, it was just the shirt and boxers for me.

After we got dressed we climbed into bed, Marco snuggled against my side and smiled up at me. "Your so quiet tonight. Are you okay?" He asks with his smile shrinking as I look down at him with a small frown. "I'm fine" I smiled faintly and Marco sat up quickly"you fucken didn't" he hisses with his eyes narrowed and  his jaw set. My eyes grow wide and I put my arms up"i'm fine honest" Bott scoffed and shoved me over on my stomach"Hey! " I bark as Freckles hikes up my shirt , reveling some of my old burns, and one new one across my shoulder. "Damn you!" He snaps and lightly brushes his fingers over the burn "You need a new jacket Jean, this one is beating you up.. the burn you have is two degree. You need a new jacket!" He was clearly upset and I frowned into the pillow"I know.. I know-" Marco slapped my back, just below my injury, making me jolt and sneer  in pain"gah-what the hell!?"Marco pulled my shirt down and got out of bed"You better get a new one Jean.. you better" I turned to see him walking into the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom. He came back with a wet washcloth and sat on my lower back and pulled my shirt back up and started to clean the wound. "Ah-Shit! Stop!" I should be used to this, I have had him clean my burns for the past two years."shut up you big baby" He scolds me and I huff softly and let him finish up.

I lay on my stomach with Marco trying to spoon me. I was exhausted and in pain. Lily layed on the small of my back, keeping me from moving, witch I didn't mind. "Sorry for slapping you " he murmurs softly and kisses the back of my neck, making me shutter, and Lily crawled off me and layed beside my feet. "It's fine...I kinda deserved it" I chuckle lightly and Marco kisses my neck softly "I have work tomorrow and I know you do too so lets get some sleep okay baby?" I mumble a yeah and I close my eyes and sigh.

We both slept all night and my alarm went off a five. I struggled to slip out of the bed with Marco clinging to me but I managed to get out. I got dressed in my normal work clothes.  I made it into the kitchen quietly as I held my boots in my hands. I set them down on one of our bar stools and I leaned over the counter sighing. It was still dark outside. I got myself a cup of black coffee and I sat beside my shoes on the other barstool. Lily trotted into the kitchen and meowed loudly"no, shut up" I hiss and she meows again, moving to rub against my feet."piss off" I grunt and the cat sits down and looks up at me with an sad look, if cats can do that, and I sighed;setting my cup down and picking the small cat up, and she rubbed her face over my chin. It felt weird and I didn't like it. I could hear shuffling in the hall and I look over Lily to the entrance of the kitchen to see Marco dressed in his scrubs and a tired look in his eyes. "Why are you up so early? It's like three in the morning" Bott pushed my shoes off the seat, letting them fall, before looking at my bare feet"where are your socks?" He then asks and he raises a brow.I shrug wih a small smile "it's five something and my socks are in the dresser..wanna go get them for me?" I give him  a begging expression and he rolls his eyes, getting up and going back to the room groaning"fiine". I smirked to myself and set the cat down before taking a drink of the strong liquid.

"Jean your socks are dirty!" He calls and I chuckle "I know! " . I waited a response.  "There-" he stops and I get up and set my cup back down, heading into the hallway"Jean!! Jean oh my god!!" I grin as I see my boyfriend rush out of the bedroom holding a small velvet box out to me, his eyes filled with tears of joy as he embraces me tightly"Oh my god Jean. Oh my..god" I take the box from his hands when he let me go and I got down on one knee, opening the box and revealing a silver ring, I smiled up at  Freckles and cleared my throat. "Marco, we've been together for a shit tone of years now and we've had our ups and downs.. but we are always there for eachoher and I want us to be like that for the rest of our lifes.." I swallow a little hard"Marco, will you marry me?"

Marco pulled me into another hug as he replied"Yes! Yes!" He kisses me passionately and that kiss was the best kiss I have ever shared with him. But the moment ended when my phone begun to vibrate in my pocket. "Do you need to?" I nod and answer" Hello?" I heard them sigh and Reiner laughing loudly in the background"where are you Jean?  We need you here" I sigh and resond with yes sir, I'll be right there, and the phone call ended and I pointed to the door"I gotta go.." Marco pouted" you just got a fiancé and we aren't gonna make out or anything?" I chuckle as I move out the door"tonight baby, I promise" Marco grinned  and winked "see ya prince hardass"

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