Where to Find You [calum hood...

By balsamiccth

39.5K 904 69

Society has a system, it's not the easiest, but it has matched every human with another. Each person has an i... More



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By balsamiccth

"Thank you, New York!" Luke yelled at the crowd followed by Ashton, "We're 5 Seconds of Summer! Goodnight!"
We ran off the stage buzzing with the adrenaline, and the screams from the crowd ever present in our ears. It was our first show on the tour with us going to the New England area before making our way south and zig zagging across country until we landed back in Los Angeles. We would get a bit of a break at home before flying to Europe to continue the tour. I couldn't imagine wanting a break from the constant travel and shows, but I knew by the time we got that break it would be overdue.
"Man, I forgot how great being on stage can be," I said as I looked at all the guys nodding in agreement while chugging bottles of water. We were gathered in a room backstage getting showered and changed in the bathroom of the venue. We could still faintly hear the crowd as they made their way to the exit of the venue. They had been so loud and sung along to every song which always amazes us no matter how popular we get. Ashton had finished a quick shower before he came over to where I was by the couch pulling my t-shirt down over my head.
"No soulmate tonight, huh, Cal?" He joked walking over to poke my ribs in a weak attempt to tickle me. I rolled my eyes at his words and actions.
"How am I supposed to pick out one person in a crowd of thousands?" Michael stepped back into the room just in time to answer my question.
"If your soulmate were here, you would know. it's a feeling, a confusing feeling that you might not understand, but you'll feel..." He couldn't find the right word, but he finally settled for, "something. Yeah, you'll feel something for sure, mate." I was hoping that he was right because I needed some reassurance that I wasn't just passing blindly by my soulmate and leaving them behind somewhere. I could hope I'd find them at a show, yet I had no way to know if they even liked our band. I would hope they would, but I couldn't control them. Oh, damn, what if they hate us? I'm screwed. Would I chose the band or my soulmate? Fuck. That's a debate I'll have to deal with if the time comes.
"Cal. Calum! Dude!" Ashton's voice cut through my thoughts. I jerked my head up to look at my band mates who were all already staring in my direction.
"We asked if you were ready to go? Tour bus is ready to roll." I stood up following behind them as they exited the arena. I really had to stop overthinking this soulmate thing sometimes.
Once we made it to the bus, Michael and Luke headed straight for the video games while Ash scrolled through his phone on the couch next to them. He was most likely on Twitter searching through fans tweets. I lied across from him pulling out my phone before clicking on Soulscreen. It showed a brief loading screen which almost caused me to exit because I knew what it would say. They never left home, I was just waiting to see the same word appear. Boy, was I wrong. Traveling made its way onto the screen after a short time of watching a blue circle rotate in the center of the screen. I shot into a seated position. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My soulmate that I had dubbed a lameass was traveling. I longed to know where, but there was no way to tell. The boys didn't even notice my quick reaction being too focused on the screens in front of them. I decided to call it a night and head to my bunk. I must have refreshed the page fifty times before falling asleep with the biggest grin on my face.
I was surprised when I checked again a week later to see that they still weren't home. I didn't know where they were or what they were doing, but my hope was that they were enjoying themselves. I made a mental note to ask about this trip whenever we did meet, if we ever found our way to each other. As much happiness as I felt from them finally being somewhere other than home, my mind was racing. I secretly longed for Soulscreen to say they were home again. I was worried. Worried that they were somewhere new and unknown to them, and I couldn't be there to protect them should the need arise. Man, I am in way too deep with someone I don't even know.
We were getting ready to perform a show in Orlando when my constant checking showed me what I was wanting to see. Home. I tried to lie to myself, to chalk it up to tour jitters, but I knew it was subconscious trying to prove to me how much this person meant. The guys noticed my off behavior, and when they asked I simply told them it was my nerves. That wasn't a total lie, it was my nerves but not at all tour related. The weird looks they gave me with their eyebrows quirked told me that they didn't believe me. It wasn't like I could give them a real explanation since I didn't even understand it myself. Damn it, this soulmate stuff is some real shit. I'm slowly starting to understand everyone's obsession with it. One thing that definitely felt different was that I felt closer them. I couldn't explain the feeling, but one thing was for sure: I liked it. I liked it a lot.
Two nights after I had realized my soulmate was finally back at home, we were preparing to go on stage in Tennessee. We could hear the buzzing of the crowd through the walls as we sat backstage.
Luke walked through the door holding four shots between his fingers.
"Let's go, boys!" Mike shouted eyeing the small glasses in the hands of his band mate. We each grabbed one, counting back from three to signal when we would down them. The liquid burned as it slid down my throat. Next thing I knew, there was a cup of beer being shoved in my hand. We continued sitting around sipping on our drinks talking about the shows this week and the thrill of being back on the road. We were told to be ready for going on stage in five minutes. We finished off what was left of our cups before heading up towards the stage area. Adrenaline flowing through our veins as the lights started up on stage. The crowd went wild, anticipation building up for them while we waited for our cue to run out. Ashton was the first to run out starting his drum beats before the three of us joined him. It was unbelievable how much louder the crowd got when we stepped foot on stage. Taking in the view in front of me was surreal, and I wouldn't want to be living my life any other way.
"Let's fucking dance. I can't believe how crazy the crowd goes," I smiled at Ashton's observance.
"What can I say? I make the girls go crazy!" I laughed along with him as we headed out the back door to the tour bus. It was another night of sleeping on the road. The bunks we had were comfortable enough to be bearable for the nights we couldn't stay in hotels, and the bumps in the road rarely woke anyone up. Some days I felt bad for the driver having to maneuver this thing around the roads. I changed into some sweats to get more comfortable for bed. Each of us slowly retreated to our bunks, all sharing goodnights with each other before getting overcome with sleep.

a/n: thank you so much for over 100 reads!

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