Fantasy Roleplay

By HopelesslyScribbling

26.3K 266 10.7K

Creatures of all varieties roam our fantasy realm, to you some friend some foe. No one can tell you no, your... More

| Forms |
| Public Board |
| New Cover Vote! - Finished |
| New Storyline! And Final Cover! |
Crystal River
Forsythia Inn
The Metropolis
Deep Blue Shore
Underground Passageways
The Badlands
The Royal Palace
The Fairy Kingdom
Elven Village
The Chilled Tundra
Thorn Forest
Forgotten Desert
Temple Ruins
Immorality Tree
Traveling Market
Hot Springs
The Guardians' Mountain
The Great Wall
Tinker City
Kanaro Village
Tapahachi's Ruins
Orc Clan
Ancient Palace
Healers Grove
The Chaotic Jungle
Cult Castle
Naga Village
Treetop Dwellers
City of Spells
The Deep Down Under
The Deep Down Under Herd
Dawn Palace
Space Guardian's Palace
Swamp of Souls

| Welcome | Rules |

1.3K 44 81
By HopelesslyScribbling

Welcome on and all to our fantastical fantasy world, abided by the simplest rules to follow.
What legacy will you leave behind?
A legacy of an evil king?
A legacy of a kind peasant?
A legacy of a brave adventurer?
A legacy of a keen thief?
Although adevnture with caution, many challenges will await along the way.
But even though your life may be at risk will you still embrace the unknown?



I. Do not bully others.

II. This roleplay can be individual, a group roleplay, it can be written in third, first or second person. You decide.

III. Please fill out the form in one comment.

IV. You may have as many characters as you like.

V. Smut is not allowed in this roleplay. Kissing, cuddling, holding hands etcetera, is fine.

VI. Try to keep the plot interesting. If you have no ideas you can ask me for ideas.

VII. Tagging your form is a-okay!

VIII. This is a fantasy roleplay, anything is possible! So just have fun!

IX. If you have an idea for a quest, or a place, please let me know and I will most likely add it into the roleplay.

X. For the forms be descriptive - you don't have to be super descriptive, but ya know having one sentance on your Appearance column is a little to . . . little.

XI. When you roleplaying with moi, I would prefer it if you would have at least two sentances minimum in your reply.
With other people - well ya'll will have to figure out your own preferences.

Wait, wait, wait, one more thing. Let me correct myself, two sentences minimum is preferred when RPing with me, but if you don't do that I will say nothing, I will just reply as short as you do if it comes to that. So don't ask why I have 5+ sentences with someone else and 5 words with you.

XII. Cursing is allowed, but if I or another player asks you to tone it down.
Tone it down please.

XII. You may indeed Accept your own form, meaning you can start Roleplaying 😂 I will often be offline, and I don't want anyone to get really exicted and keep waiting for like a month

XIII. This isn't really a rule, but imma mention it. PlEasE for all that is good and holy in world ( also for my own sanity 😂 ) don't just ask me ' May I? ' first thing, check the RP area, see if anyone could be Roleplayed with! Because I guarantee you, that I am currently Rolpelaying with 90% of the people on here.



" Haven't you heard? The news is spreading like wildfire! Here is the story lad . . . "

Secretly, behind the Kingdom's back, the Queen made a deal with a Sorcerer. Although she did it for a reason, but not a good reason enough to make such a pact with the Sorcerer.

The King and one of their daughters carried a fatal sickness, and one of the Palace Staff knew a man who could heal them, yet this was all part of an evil plan. When the Sorcerer came he said " If I heal your beloved, promise me whatever I wish thereafter? "

The Queen obliged, and led the Sorcerer to her sick husband and daughter. The Sorcerer kept his word and healed them fully, also ridding the two of any visible scars. The Queen was overjoyed, and turned to the Sorcerer, asking what he wished for-

" To make all the final descions for the Kingdom " he replied.

The Queen had to let him, for her family would die if he lifted his healing magic, and now, starting this very day, whatever descion the Sorcerer makes is done. And these descions are making the Kingdom fall apart, crumbling by the day.

I hope you find this book to your liking!

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