The Cure

By hiddengalaxy15

2.8K 132 7

'Depression isn't something that you should think so low of. Its suicidal, really.' "I'll be here for you, I... More

Author's Note
Author's 2nd Note!!
Final Note: Ending


70 4 1
By hiddengalaxy15

I woke up to sounds of voices in the room. I thought it was only the crackheads so I decided to continue sleeping until I heard a male's voice, the unfamiliar with any from them. 'Sehun?' 

I quickly turned around and yes, he was standing there talking to Yoongi. "No, I am her friend. Seriously" he said. "Oh yeah? Prove it then, show me your ID" Yoongi said. Sehun puts on a confused face. "What does my ID has anything to do with this?" he asked.

"Sehun?" I spoke and both of them quickly turned to me. "Il Min - ah!" he said and quickly ran up to me.. Well, that is until Yoongi stopped him. "I can't allow you to get near her" he said.

"Why? And you don't have any rights to do that" Sehun said. "I don't know you" Yoongi said. "Well, she surely knows me" Sehun said.

"Yeah Yoongi, I know him. He's my old friend from school" I said, pushing away the hand that has been holding Sehun from coming to me.  Sehun quickly came closer and pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm really glad you're not hurt" he said, pushing away from the hug. "Yeah, the doctor said I'm just traumatized" I said while glancing at Yoongi. He had a little frown on his face.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I told you I'm coming to meet you here one day. But I never wanted to see you at a hospital" he said, also frowning.

"It's okay, I'm getting better" I said. Just then, there was a knock on the door and the doctor came in.

"Good morning Miss Il Min - ah. How are you feeling today?" he asked. "Better than yesterday I suppose" I said. "Great. You can discharge later this evening, okay?" he said. "Really? Okay thank you so much Doctor" I said. He nodded and left the room.

"So tell me, what happened?" Sehun asked, turning back to me.

"Don't rush her" Yoongi said. Both of us turned to him. "She just got better today. She still needs rest" Yoongi said, coming up to me and pushed me back to bed. "Go to sleep" he said and threw a blanket on my face.

I quickly pulled his hand which made him turned back to me. I pushed away the blanket and stared at him. He quickly had this 'sorry' look on his face. I only smiled at him, trying to say 'We'll talk later'. I guess he got the message seeing him leaving the room.

I continued telling Sehun what happened that night at my home.

"Anyways, who was that guy?" he asked, rolling his eyes. "He's a new friend I made." I asked. "Sheesh, he's annoying" Sehun said. "It's not like he's your boyfriend or something" he added which made me laugh.

"Wait, he's not your boyfriend right?" he asked. "No he's not" I replied. He quickly smiled and nodded assuringly.

~ after awhile//

"I'll see you later" he said. "Where are you staying?" I asked. "At a random motel not far from here. I'll pick you up tomorrow" he said. "..I'm afraid I have plans tomorrow" I said.

"It's okay, I'll call you" he said. "Okay" I said. We waved at each other before Sehun left the room.

Then, Yoongi got in. "Not your boyfriend?" he suddenly asked. "I am not your boyfriend?" he repeated. "Of course not" I said, making a smirk. "You love me!" he said, taking an empy bag on the floor.

"Yeah yeah, whatever" I said before helping him to pack my stuffs.

~ after discharging, in Yoongi's 'fancy' car//

"You better stay at home and rest" he said. I silenced myself. "Oh wait, do you want to go home?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning to him. "I mean, the doctor you said you're quite traumatized by what happened. Will it be okay for you to go there?" he asked.

I was quite startled by his thought. So, he's thoughtful, huh? Okay, better add that to the list.

"Well, I'm not really comfortable--" "Okay then" he said and continued driving.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. "My house" he said. "What?" I said.

"Well, you have anywhere else to go?" he asked. "...Hm, no" I said. "Exactly!" he replied and made a little laugh.

He's cute, you can't deny that.

~ at his house//

"So I guess I'll sleep on the couch" I said. "What? No!" he said. "Well I'm definitely not sleeping on your bed" I said. "I never said my bed, I meant a bed." he said.

"Huh?" I asked. "Follow me" he said and I followed him upstairs towards a room just facing his.

The room was just almost the same. Classic, and I love it. "You're okay with this?" he asked. "Of course" I replied. "Wash up first, we're going for a dinner later" he said. "Okay" I replied and got in the room.

I have to admit, my heart was beating fast. I'm inside his house, in a room, and the fact I'm staying here for a few days made me wanted to scream. Wait, does that mean anything? No, right? Of course not.

I washed myself up and changed into comfortable clothes and walked downstairs. He was sitting on the couch while playing his phone. He.Looks...Cool?

"Oh, you're ready. Come on" he said and got out. I followed him and got inside his car.

"What do you wanna eat?" he asked. "I don't mind." I replied. "Okay, then I'll take you to this special place" he said and started driving.

~ at the special place he mentioned//

"McDonalds? McDonalds is your special place?" I asked. He kept on grinning. "You're such a kid" I said. "Well its self service." he said and got inside. Gosh, this boy.

He ordered the food and we sat down at an empty table. "Here's yours" he said and took out a few foods from the tray infront of me. "How'd you know I like all these?" I asked. "Based on my instincts" he said and grinned again.

We ate dinner together and yeah, I enjoyed it. Who doesn't love McDonalds? Oh right, my brother.

~ after the dinner//

"We're going home now, right?" I asked. "Nah, the night's still young. Let's go somewhere else" he said and I silently nodded.

Where is he taking me? I thought, feeling nervous. I'm not feeling like myself tonight. Like I'm on the clouds or something, gosh.

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