Life (Naruto Fanfic) ~Itachi...

By robotdirectionattack

27.4K 975 119

Tane Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, and Itachi Uchiha have been friends since they can remember. The Uchiha uprising... More

15: Epilogue part 1
16: Epilogue Part 2


1.7K 68 9
By robotdirectionattack

Hey guys!! I'm back again.

This time it's not two a.m so here comes the sarcastic humor and pun pun puns.

Oh and by the way....I apologize in advance.

You know, I'm having to do that a lot lately....oh well nice guys finish last, eh?

And sadistic freaks get the gold am I right? 


Echm, well, I'm going to try and stop being (stupidly) funny....

SO on a good note here's another sadistic (ish) chapter. I really just want to thank you all for reading, your support means more than you know and I love you all.

So with that said, I hope you enjoy, and here ends my rambling.

~Stephanie ;)

"This doesn't really seem like you, Itachi." I mumbled, my fingers laced with Itachi as I looked out at what he had set up in the forest.

"Why's that?" I arched an eyebow and looked at him.

"You're more the 'I'm so cool' type than the 'I made you a picnic' type." He looked from me to his picnic multiple times before saying, "What do you mean the 'I'm so cool' type?" I couldn't help but laugh at him. 

"Well if you aren't hungry, you don't have to eat." He said as he sat down, pulling me with him. I kept my hand intertwined with his as I opened one of the baskets, and completely gaped at its contents.

"No way. You didn't!" I could see the amusement on his features.

"Eat one." I nodded unlocking our hands and breaking apart a pair of chopsticks and shoving one of the dumplings into my mouth. I closed my eyes and smiled, as much as you could with a mouth full of dumplings.

"These are my favorite." I said once I swallowed them. The whole basket was filled with them. The whole basket.

"I know. That's why they're here." I smiled. He opened another basket and picked up a riceball for himself with his chopsticks. I giggled at the way he ate. I had to admit, it was cute.

"What?" He asked once he swallowed. I shook my head and tried to act serious while picking up another dumpling.

"Oh, nothing, nothing." I tried to play off, every so often breaking into a smile. Itachi raised an eyebrow.



"What." I smiled at looked up at him.

"Well I've known you my whole life and I haven't ever noticed until now that you look like a cute little rabbit when you're eating." He immidiately stopped chewing, and his face went red. I couldn't help but break into laughter as he yelled at me to, "Stop! It's not funny!"

I don't ever remember being so happy.


"Itachi! Where have you been!" I heard Fugaku yell. I was hiding behind their house, trying not to be spotted by the head of the clan. He wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

"I told you Father, I was out with friends." I heard the sound of skin feircely connecting with skin and I nearly jumped out of my hiding place and attacked Fugaku.

"You have been very distraught, Itachi! You are the pipeline from the village to the clan!" Fugaku feriously yelled. I had to grip the ground to remind myself to hide where I was until the two went inside. 

"I know, Father." I guess my hiding place wasn't very good, because I soon heard, "Tane?" 

I jumped at Mikoto's voice. I looked at her and gave her a sheepish smile. She looked confused, but crouched down with me.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm so sorry, Mikoto. Itachi was with me the whole day, and I know that Fugaku prohibited him from ever speaking to me or seeing me, but we're..." I drifted off, not really knowing what we were. I guess Mikoto was more filled in than I was.

"I see. But Fugaku never told me that he no longer allowed Itachi to be around you." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her.

"What do you mean? That doesn't make any sense." Mikoto shrugged.

"That's my husband for you. I believe that in all honesty, he's jealous of your powers. You are one of the most elite Uchiha. He could use your power for his latest project, but he knows you would never do it." She whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at father and son once again. 

"Then why be so harsh to your own son?" It was more of a rhetorical question, but any question you ask Mikoto, gets answered by Mikoto.

"He doesn't know what else to do with his anger. My husband is a very complicated man. If anything, he's troubled. Conflicted." I nodded, but still didn't quite understand what she was talking about. Conflicted over what? His son, and his clan? I heard another skin-on-skin contacting sound, and immidiately Mikoto jumped from the bushes and scolded Fugaku, letting Itachi step back inside. 

For some odd reason, I took the opportunity of a distracted Fugaku to walk into the house and successfully find Itachi in his room. Sulking, like the Uchiha are known to do.

"Knock knock." I whispered. He looked up at me, alarmed. Worry really didn't suit him.

"What are you doing here?" I shrugged, stepping into the room and completely closing the door.

"I saw everything. After talking with your mother, I thought I'd talk to you." I said, sitting on his bed parallel from him, legs crossed. I took his hands in mine and smiled.

"You are the kindest person I have ever met, Itachi." I admitted.


"Don't listen to your father. He doesn't see your pressure. He doesn't understand your conflict. But also know that you don't understand his. He is the clan leader. We- they, all rely on him. I feel that you are maybe understanding enough to sympathize with him. His children are supposed to be the ideal Uchiha. You being with the disgrace of the clan? It makes his position that much more complicated. But he's not you." He didn't respond. I was alright with that. I looked up from our hands, and I set mine on his face, while his were covering mine.

"The lines...and now the redness." I mumbled, rubbing my thumbs over his cheekbones.

"Tane..." I shook my head, my eyes never leaving him.

"I'm sorry, Itachi." I sighed. He didn't respond with any words. Instead, he leaned closer to me and pressed his lips on mine, and grasped my hands. It was a nice, not forceful kiss, with passion in all the right places. It lasted for a couple minutes, before I pulled back, my forehead still against his, our noses aligned. I could feel his breath on my face.

"Itachi, I should really go." I was reluctant to say it. I didn't want to go, and I knew Itachi didn't want me to leave, either. I hated how I couldn't just be accepted into this clan- this family, because I was such a disgrace. Because my family had "betrayed" everyone.

"I know." He whispered, pulling away from me. I sighed and got up, slowly walking towards the door. I cracked it open slightly, seeing if I could easily leave without being caught. Still, no one was in the area outside Itachi's room. So, without any hesitation, I opened and closed the door, and quickly dashed out of the house. Once I was outside, I saw Shisui just...standing in front of it.

"Shisui?" I questioned, carefully walking up to him.

"What were you doing in there?" He glumly asked. I stood next to him and observed along with him.

"I wanted to talk to Itachi. His father is being more strict than usual." Shisui nodded, but he seemed upset at the fact. I knew even if he was, it wouldn't last for long. It was Shisui and Itachi. No matter what, they were inseparable.

"Did Fugaku see you?" I shook my head, grabbing Shisui's hand. He flinched, but let me take it.

"I'm worried about him. He's under so much pressure from his father, not to mention the elders as well. Sometimes I hate the Uchiha." I mumbled, staring at the clan symbol plastered on the roof.

"The Uchiha are alright. It's their pride that kills them." I nodded.



"Are you and Itachi together?" The question took me off gaurd, and I didn't know how to respond. It was obvious that he saw how we acted. There was no doubt to that. But...what were we exactly.

"Not sure." I shrugged it off, like it was nothing. But in all honesty it made my heart throb and ache all at the same time. I wanted to be with Itachi. But there was his father, and the coup that we had to deal with. 

We would be able to figure it out after we were finished. Then everything would be in harmony again. We could live peacefully. Maybe I would even be accepted into the clan again.

"Tane! I'm so glad you haven't left yet!" Mikoto announced, running out of the house and putting her hands strictly on my shoulders. I gave her a confused look.

"I need you to come inside with me. You too, Shisui. There's something wrong." I let myself be pulled into the house by Mikoto, following her through confusing hallways and various porches. 

And that was when I saw it. 

"Oh my god...Itachi..." I mumbled, covering my mouth. Mikoto didn't seem to know that her "something wrong" was this bad. I let go of Shisui's hand and kneeled next to Itachi. He was coughing and covering his mouth with red liquid staining his hands and shirt. He looked paler than usual, and like he was about to pass out.

"We need to get him to the hospital." I mumbled, already slinging on of his arms over my shoulder. 

"Shisui?" I looked towards him, but he was already moving Itachi's other arm over him. 

"Mikoto? You get Fugaku and Sasuke, meet us there. Arlight?" I knew that Mikoto was reluctant, but we couldn't waist any time. He seemed incredibly sick, and I worried for him. I didn't know if he was going to be alright, and it scared me.

"Hang in there, Itachi." Shisui mumbled as we ran to the hospital in the main part of the village. All I could think was, dammit, Hokage, why did you have to move the Uchiha district to the outskirts of the village?


"I hate waiting." I mumbled, bouncing my knee up and down, leaning forward with my hands intertwined. It was obvious that I was worried. Shisui rubbed his hand on my back comfortingly, but it didn't do much. Not then.

"It'll be alright. It's Itachi, after all." I nodded.

"Tane!" I turned my head to a smiling Sasuke. The thought of a smile made me want to vomit.

"Hi, Sasuke." I said glumly, not bothering to smile. Sasuke's face fell at my lack of a smile. I had always smiled around him, he was so cheery. I couldn't help but share his emotions. But not this time.

"Tane! Don't be sad! My big brother is strong. He can survive anything!" I nearly smiled at his faith in his older brother. I turned my head in the direction where they carried off Itachi to and heavily sighed, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Sasuke, I think that Tane doesn't really want to be bothered right now." Once again, I had been grateful for Shisui being able to read me like a children's book. I heard Sasuke pout and lightly stomp away.

"Thank you." I breathed. Shisui grabbed one of my hands with both of his and lightly pressed his lips to it, making me take even deeper breaths.

"He's going to be alright, you should know that better than anyone, Tane." I nodded.

"I sure hope so."


 A/N: Ahahaha I'm such a lil bish. 

Idk I wanted to incorporate this in because in the show it said he had a medical condition and (spoilers) when Itachi died he was coughing up blood cause he had no medication so here that is.

Well.........yeah, I really hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for reading.

Please, remember to vote and (definitelyyyy) share this story so it will rain cats.

Rain the aCATsuki

I'll just let myself out.... *slams the door shut and scolds for such foul jokes*

~Stephanie ;)

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