Broken || Harry styles

By Cynical1dx

642K 14.2K 3.7K

“Someone once told me to be careful when trying to fix a broken person for you may cut yourself of the shatte... More

Broken - Harry Styles
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Im sorry!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Q & A
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter turdyseven
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
im sorry

Chapter 34

7.8K 264 114
By Cynical1dx

Hey some of you did and some of you didn't get the message i had on her last update! soo the trailer above the last chapter is for an upcoming fanfiction by @Jocelyne_Lerin.

I made it, so we wanted to share it with you guys. I hope you enjoy. The trailer for this story is also on that youtube page!

Song for the chapter:

BANKS // You Shoukd Know Where I'm Coming From

(Her new album came out like last week and it's so perfect)

"You're not getting out of this conversation that easy!" I yell from the bedroom. I follow Melody into the kitchen. "Melody, what were you talking about?" She avoides looking at me maneuvering her way around me to get to the cabinet where the cups are. She sighs, "Harry can you please just drop it?"

"You know Melody I would drop it but you opened up this wound."

"You made me tell you!"

"I didn't make you do anything."

She rolls her eyes, I laugh.


I groan as my alarm clock goes off. I slowly open up my eyes. My room is still dark thanks to the sun not being up yet. I set my alarm to go off at 3:30. It gives me and Melody thirty minutes to get out of here to take my mum to the airport. Wait, Melody. I feel around the bed she's not here. I try not to panic as get up to go check the living room and there and behold Melody. I relax, as I blow out a sigh of relief. Shes writing in her journal sitting on the couch.

'Good morning babe," she turns around. "Morning,' she replies blushing placing her jounal next to her. "Why weren't you in bed?" I ask.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I didn't feel like I needed to."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Harry."



The car ride was relatively silent. Melody has been quiet these last couple days. I caught her staring into space a couple times. Shes been doing that a lot lately. I want to know what she's thinking but i didn't want to pry. If she wants me to know, she'll tell me. I glanced quickly in her direction and once again she is lost in thought.

"Hey,"I say gently placing my hand on her knee.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Harry, I'm fine. I promise." She forces a smile, as i do the same. I let the conversation go or two reasons:

.1) It is 4:00a.m

2) We've just pulled into my mums hotel lot.

Thirty minutes later she's all packed into the car with the help of me and Melody. Melody has let her take the front seat as she occupies the back.

"Thank you for taking me Harry,"

"No problem," I smile.

The airport is about an hour away. "Do you still play any instruments?" My mum asks.

"Yeah guitar and piano."

Twenty minutes is sat in an uncomfortable silence.

"Do you remember for your fifth birthday we got you your first guitar? And you wrote your very first song and preformed it in front of the whole family?" she lets out a light laugh.

"Yeah, I Remember."

"I still remember the song!" she says excitedly

"Mum please don't," I laugh

"I like bananas they are so sweet. I like guitars they are so neat,"

"Mum!" I stop her unable to contain my laughter. "That was horrible," I shake my head still laughing.

"I loved it!" my mum says laughing as well. "Do you remember the time you went to the bathroom by yourself for the first time and you were so excited. So you took the cup out of the training chair to come and show it to us but you forgot to pull your pants up so you tripped and everything splattered all over you!" she's now laughing to the point that tears leak from her eyes.

"Okay mum!" I couldn't help the chuckle that blew past my lips.

"Do you reme-," I cut her off. "No, no more remember whens!"

"Fine fine," she surrenders.

"Melody, do you have any embarrassing stories?" My mum asks Melody. Shit. I glance at Melody in the mirror. Again she was lost in her own head until she heard my mum's voice. She snapped back into reality. "Huh? I'm sorry."

"Do you remember any embarrassing stories from your childhood? Maybe your mum told you some?"

"Hey mum what freeway do I take?" I ask to draw the attention away from Melody. It works for now.

"Harry, I've never taken these freeways I don't know." I knew where I was going I just didn't want my mum asking about her family. I know that's a really touchy subject for her. I feel guilty for having my mum with me, interacting and laughing with her while Melody had lost hers. I feel like I'm rubbing it in her face even though that's the last thing I want to do.

"Never mind I think I got it." I cover myself up.

"So, Melody?" My mom asks again turning in her seat to face her.

"I, uh- I don't remember any," she sounds like a lost child. My heart clenches and my stomach turns. Annoyance for my mum rises even though it shouldn't. She Oblivious to the whole situation "Your mum never told you any?"

"Mum,"I warn my voice dangerously low. She looks at me and sees my frantic, angry expressions. She looks confused but she's drops the conversation. A give her a gracious nod. Little conversation after that is made up until we're in the airport now she's crying.

"I'm going to miss you Pumpkin," my mom says as she hugs me. "Ill see you soon," I promise kissing her cheek.

"I'm so so proud of you. You've become such an handsome incredible man," she's now sobbing.

"Thank you mum." I hug her tighter.

"God," she pulls away. "I'm a mess," she laughs. She turns to Melody and hugs her. She whispers something into her ear and Melody smiles and nods. She kisses her on her forehead and turns back to me.

"Thank you for forgiving me, I love you Harry."

"I love you too mum. Call me when you land." She nods.

"It was really nice to meet you Melody. Hopefully i'll be seeing a lot more of you!"

Melody blushes. "You too, Mrs. Styles," she smiles.

"Call me Lindsay!" Melody nods.

"Okay you two. I'm going to go before I start crying again. Have fun, ill miss you both. I talk to you soon. Be safe," my mom says before turning and walking away.




Hi! I have a compromise/Deal/goal thing!

IF you guys want an UPDATE on WEDNESDAY I want you guys to comment 3 things you love about yourself and compliment the person with the comment above yours!

I need at least 50 people participating for an update. If you can't think of three things write one thing or two. (Even though all you guys have a hell of a lot more things to write than three believe me!)


ugh I need a new cover for this story anyway

I always feel like I'm forgetting to tell you guys stuff which I probably am but whatever.

Goodnight loves, sweet dreams.


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