Clean // Niall Horan Fan Fict...

By yeahboyashley

2.5K 70 2

The things people will go to, for just a moment not to feel. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty- Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty- Four

34 1 0
By yeahboyashley

The first thing Jillian saw when she opened her eyes were two small green ones staring back at her. She let a scream, sitting up, her head knocking into Jess'. "Jess what are you doing?" Jillian breathed placing a hand on her forehead.

"Ow Jill," Jess mumbled placing both of her small hands on her head. Jillian reached over putting Jess on her lap.

"Are you okay?" Jillian asked looking down at Jess who gave her a small nod.

"Mommy wants you." Jess mumbled laying her head on Jillian's chest. Jillian rubbed her shoulder and Jess let out a yawn. "'M tired," Jess mumbled rubbing her eyes.

"Alright well let me go downstairs and see what your mom wants." Jillian yawned before the two of them climbed off of the bed. When Jillian got to the kitchen she saw her aunt at the stove. "Good morning," Jillian sang, a lazy smile on her lips.

"Jillian, your school called." Her aunt said giving her a sideways glance. "Online courses huh?"

"Oh yeah, I picked up on a few, just to eliminate school time and all that jazz." She said waving her hands turning on her heel and opening the fridge. She grabbed the orange juice and then a cup from the cabinet.

"Will you be able to handle all of it?" Her aunt questioned grabbing a plate

"Yeah, I mean It's only two classes I still have three at school, I'm fine." Jillian smiled and her aunt let out a sigh of relief. Jillian took a sip of her juice and her aunt handed her a plate.

"You have work in an hour." She spoke absentmindedly and Jillian groaned inwardly.

"Shit." Jillian mumbled setting her plate on the table.

"Swear jar," Jess yelled running into the kitchen. She sat down at the table and Jillian rolled her eyes taking a bite of her pancake. Jillian ate quickly before getting up and throwing her plate in the sink.

"I'm gonna leave in a bit, not exactly sure what I'm doing after." Jillian spoke walking out of the kitchen. She ran upstairs, changing quickly and running down the steps yelling goodbyes as she tried to get out of the door as quickly as possible, she only had twenty minutes before she had to be there.


"You're a lifesaver. Jillian said with a smile as she got into Niall's car. There was at least four inches of snow on the ground and temperatures felt as if she would freeze with being outside too long. Niall smiled, shrugging his shoulders as Jillian shut the door and unzipped her coat.

"I missed you." Niall said quickly, slowly pulling out of the car park and onto the main road. He was careful to make sure that he didn't drive too fast, not wanting to cause an accident.

"I missed you too," Jillian laughed shaking her head. It was silly really, to miss someone when they hadn't been gone too long. Jillian wondered why she felt like that, but then quickly shook the thoughts away, wanting to only focus on Niall. "So, this picture, are you going to let me take it down if I don't like it?"

"Absolutely not," Niall said shaking his head. Jillian rolled her eyes running her fingers through her hair. She leaned back into the seat and stared at the snow. She seemed so lost in thought that she hardly noticed Niall's hand on her thigh. "Jill,"

"Hm, what?" Jillian asked snapping from her thoughts. She looked over at Niall who shook his head with a smirk.

"We're here, if you don't get out we might freeze to death." Niall said before getting out of the car. Jillian was quick to follow after him, wrapping her self up in her coat. She let out a breath when she stepped inside of the house. Shrugging out of her jacket, she set it on the coat rack.

"Okay, show me this picture." Jillian said waving her hands. Niall smiled looking at her and then walked into the living room. Jillian quietly followed, her eyes scanning the room before her eyes settled on the picture. She couldn't help the small gasp that fell from her lips, or the way her heart seemed to feel like it was going to burst. It was real, it was totally real and she had no idea how to explain how she felt.

She wrapped her arms around him from behind. Her head pressed against his back. "Do you like it?" Niall whispered keeping his eyes off of her. Instinctively, her arms tightened around him.

"Love it," She whispered softly still trying to wrap her head around the feeling that wouldn't seem to go away.


"You have nothing to eat here." Jillian sighed looking through the fridge. There wasn't anything that she could find that was actually edible. Two arms snaked around her waist, and she leaned back into Niall's chest.

"How about take out? What do you want to eat?" Niall mumbled kissing her neck. Jillian took a deep breath through her nose as she relaxed even more.

"Chinese." Jillian said licking her lips.

"Didn't we have that last time?" Niall asked making a face. Jillian smiled before kissing his chin. She wrapped her arms around him before lacing her fingers behind his back.

"I really love Chinese." She defended and Niall shook his head.

"I want pizza." Niall pouted causing Jillian to laugh.

"We could have both." Jillian shrugged stepping away from the fridge. She walked over to her bag, when she came back she handed Niall a twenty from her wallet.

"I can pay." Niall said refusing to take the money from her hands. Jillian rolled her eyes holding the money for him.

"I don't want this back." Jillian replied setting the money on the counter. She crossed her arms starring at Niall with an eye brow raised. Finally he let out a sigh, picking up his phone and ordering the take out.


"Best idea we've ever had." Jillian spoke taking a bite of her noodles. She licked her lips letting out a soft hum as she swallowed and took a bite of her pizza.

"Definitely," Niall agreed finishing up with his plate. He set it on the coffee table, his attention turning back to Jillian. He watched as she slowly finished up her plate, sending him a sideways glare at Niall.

"Stop looking at me." She mumbled quickly getting up from her seat. She grabbed both of their plates then walked to the kitchen discarding both dishes into the sink. When she came back over to Niall he had both hands up in defense, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"'M sorry, I can't help it." Niall said looking at her as she glared at him. "C'mere," Niall said sitting up slightly. His fingers wrapped around her wrist, pulling her down onto his lap. He couldn't stop the laugh that escaped his lips as she squirmed in his lap. "Stop moving," he complained lightly, hearing Jillian scoff in reply.

"Let go of me." Jillian groaned crossing her arms. Niall smirked his arms tightening around her waist as he placed a chaste kiss in the crook of her neck.

"C'mon, let's just lay here and cuddle for a bit." Niall murmured into her skin. He listened closely as he heard her breath hitch, it had to be one of the beats sounds in the world. She relaxed a bit more into him and, silently agreeing, Niall smiled in triumph.

"Fine, but we're watching the hobbit." Jillian huffed leaning fully into Niall's chest.

"If that's what you want." Niall responded before leaning up and pressing a kiss on her lips. He couldn't help but smile as Jillian's fingers twisted into his hair and she pushed her tongue onto this mouth. That familiar feeling coarse through his veins and as he continued to kiss Jillian he  was able to out a name on it; love. He was completely and totally in love with Jillian, and it completely and totally scared the hell out of him.


I am so so so sorry this took so long to post! I'm just really busy with school and work and my phone broke a week ago and it was really hard to update this because I save these chapters in my phone and not on wattpad. I'm sorry hope you liked it though! 

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