Chapter Five

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Friday proved to be more stressful o for both Jillian and Niall than they had thought.

In retrospect, Niall knew exactly what he was walking into this morning when he went into the interview. Though he was thankful that it was only a radio interview so people only heard him, and he didn't have to mask all of his aggravation. 

When the interview came to a close he let out a breath, walking away from the boys, away from all the people. The first thing that came to mind was alcohol, though it was the key player that put him in this position right now, he wanted to drink. The second was Jillian, he could practically predict what she would say right now. Telling him that he did bring this on himself, but in the same sense he didn't deserve such cruelty, little did she know.

"Niall," He turned his head to find Harry striding over to him. When he came up to him he held out his hand. "You left your keys." He said and Niall nodded, it was the first time the two had spoken since the boys had forced Niall to go visit Jess. 

"Thanks," He said watching as Harry swayed on the balls of his feet.

"I heard Nicole stopped by your place, how'd that go?" Harry asked and Niall shook his head.

"It's over," he mumbled and Harry nodded understandably.

"I'm sorry, I know you really liked her." Harry said and Niall nodded biting his lip.

"I went to the hospital." He said rubbing his hands together.

"How was that,"

"Good, good Jess is her name, she's really sweet." He said, looking around Harry. "You should come sometime," Niall added with a nod.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Harry answered.  Niall felt his phone go off in his pocket, when he pulled it out he quickly sent a text to Jillian telling her that he was on his way, and he couldn't help but laugh to himself while reading her remarks about Niall calling her beautiful.

"I have to go," Niall said and Harry nodded. "I'll text you later," He asked and Niall nodded. With that Niall made his way out of the radio station, making a bee line for his car, hoping to get out of their as quickly as possible.

Jillian's leg shook as she sat in class, she had all of her notes down and had been sitting in class wondering how they had gotten from talking about business principles, to talking about how the local football teams were doing.

Letting out a heavy breath when class came to an end, Jillian gathered all of her things trying to get out of the class as quickly as possible. She walked into the hall, headed for the doors when a tall frame stepped in her way, hands placed on her shoulders.

"Jillian, where have you been?" Her eyes rolled as she looked up, coming face to face with the one and only Matt Donovan.

"What do you want Matt?" She sighed stepping around him. She began to walk again, his arm now wrapped around her shoulders.

"What's wrong baby, not happy to see me?" He asked and Jillian shook her head.

"I have to go," Jillian muttered pushing on the door. The cold air whipped around her and she immediately placed her hands on her head, adjusting her beanie hoping it didn't fall off.

"Come on Jill, don't you miss me?" Matt asked grabbing her hand pulling her back to him. His hand went to her hair, tucking a strand behind her ear. "Because I miss you, miss fucking you." Jillian scoffed, walking away from him.

From where she stood Niall's car wasn't too far away. She walked over to it, pulling on the door and climbing in. "Thanks for coming to get me, you didn't have to." She breathed.

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