Storm Grey

By Bookworm_Noodle

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Only those eyes would take her mind off of everything. The storm grey eyes. ... When Hermione finds out she's... More



365 14 24
By Bookworm_Noodle

A/N: Song- press song! If you want. Song!; Can you read about a thousand words per minute?.. No? Okay, just continue and read.


There is nothing to warn, except for drama ahead, yeet 😂

Bit of disagreeing / arguing between RoNaLd BiLiUs WeAsLeY and DrAcO (the ferret) MaLfOy

Enjoy reading! :)

"Potter, Weasley, other Weasley's" greeted Draco as they approached their occupied area of the Gryffindor table.

"Malfoy," Harry mutually responded, not like his usual self who'd argue and duel Malfoy on the spot.

Ron took a big bite of his food and nodded as a gesture of acknowledging the Slytherin, not upset like he was last time they were amongst the other's company.

"Mind if we join you?"

" 'suppose not. Just don't try anything or else you want to face the wrath of Ginny's bat bogey hex"

"Trust me, I mean no harm whatsoever. Neither do my friends"

"You've got friends?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, Weasley, I do have friends. Three if you include Hermione"

"Well I still don't understand why you're getting so friendly but seeing as you were genuine and humane last time we crossed paths, we'll keep to ourselves and trust you can treat her right"

"Obviously, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't"

"Yeah, yeah. So what business do we have knowing your friends intentions?"

"I wanted to know if it was alright if they could eat here with me. They're not like what you make them out to be, I promise you"

Harry and Ron shared a look, the youngest Weasley looking at Hermione, and the twins looking at the blond himself. It took a moment, but finally a decision was made.

"I suppose they could come and eat here, but on one condition" spoke Ginny.

"Which is...?"

"I'll elaborate later, after dinner in the library's historical literature and figures section"


Draco was very confused, but agreed nonetheless because he had no reason to ignore her.

"And," started Ginny, leaving a somewhat dramatic pause after the word.


"And you've got to explain why Hermione wasn't in her bedroom"

"You're kidding me, right?"

"No, this is not to be kidded. She has a dormitory to sleep in, drapes around her bed if she needs privacy, spells to mute sounds, and yet she still isn't there, so yes I very much need answers to that. Be at the library, no excuses"

With that, Ginny got up and left towards Ravenclaw table, where her blonde friend had been waiting with an upside-down Quibbler in hand.

"I didn't know Weaslette could be so intimidating" commented Draco.

"Yeah, she's got a lot built up inside with so many brothers"

"That seems fair. Excuse me, I'm going to get my friends, because I actually do have them"

Draco glared towards Ron who rose his hands up in defeat.

"What's up with the two of you? How come you've gotten so close so fast? Not that I mind, but... well I do, but mainly because of the fact I have no knowledge of what brought the two of you to be friendly"

"It's just complicated, Ron. I... I don't want to talk about it"

The youngest male ginger could read past the words and see the depth of emotion in them, and he gave in.

"Alright, but I expect some insight at some point in the future. Alright?"

"I'm not too sure, but I'll try"

Ron gave a smile her way,

"Thank you, 'Mione"

She only nodded in response, no longer in the mood for talking. At least not in the current moment.

Her mind was elsewhere, and that was definitely not a good thing.

"Stupid, insignificant, absolute fool! I can't believe I was stuck with raising you. At least your mother doesn't have to put up with your crap. I'm tired of everything, of having anything to do with you!"

In the flashback playing in her mind, her then thought-to-be-her father had pushed a vase off of the table it was on. Shards were everywhere, and the man had the nerve to grab a handful and throw them at the girl.

His aim wasn't all that good, but he managed to get a few pieces to hit her skin, stuck in flesh, as it punctured her muscle tissue.

"You're so useless and worthless. Why are you even still alive? No one loves you! No one will ever come close to liking you! Everyone would be better off without you"

He had kicked the nearby table, causing it to fall backwards, which was where the girl was crouching down, sobbing.

It fell on her, surely left a few bruises, but it thankfully wasn't that heavy of furniture.

"Puck all of this. Puck you," he cursed, only the word "puck" wasn't exactly what he'd said.

She had been hiding her face from view, behind her arms, as she cried everything she could out.

In her daymare, she was cowering against a wall, sobbing in great pain. The cruel man was cursing a good few feet away.

When she felt a hand on her arm, she jumped, letting out a small yelp.

"Blimey! Are you alright Hermione? You looked like you were staring off into space or something. Like a bad space, with some sort of space version of You-Know-Who attacking"

Ron's complete nonsense of words was disregarded, as the rest of the group actually focused on the matter and not the food on their plates.

" 'Mione, are you doing okay? You don't seem well"

The youngest Weasley tried to be as helpful as possible, but it seemed she'd been as effective as her brother.


This time, the question of her odd behavior was sourced from the closest she has to help; Draco.

"I-I don't feel well, I think I'm g-going to go to the library and refresh m-my mind"

The blond could only imagine what had happened, and quickly questioned the lions who were with her.

"What happened? What'd you all do?"

As if an instinct, Harry rose his hands in defense.

"We didn't do anything, Malfoy. We only conversed and she zoned out, shaking a bit, like she was in the middle of war or something"

After a shaky breath, the Slytherin excused himself, needing to hurry to find the girl.

"Wait, what about us?"

"Where are you even going?"

His house friends were not even the tiniest comfortable with staying alone with the Gryffindors. They might have well been cats in a dog house.

Without a word, the boy hurried towards the Great Hall entrance, desperate to find and comfort the girl.

After even a single moment of knowing what she's been going through, what she had to live with for years, he couldn't do nothing. He had to help, to make up for everything he's ever done.

"Malfoy, wait!"

By now, he was gone. Despite the fact, everyone in the Great Hall was focused on the situation.

The two Slytherins remaining among the lion's presence were conflicted. Of course, they would want to sit and have a normal meal.

Still, their friend had just run off, desperately. If he'd ever needed a friend, it was now. Even if he was running after someone, he could use some backup.

It influenced the Gryffindors they were near, the-boy-who-lived-to-be-a-pig-in-a-slaughterhouse, the boy-who-ate, and the-girl-who-had-a-crush, to follow in suit of the strangely decent Slytherin and their friend.

"I wonder what's got them in such a fuss"

The Headmaster seemed to be so clueless to the trouble he'd caused by leaving the girl with muggles who did nothing but traumatize her with lies and beatings.

"I wonder why no one ever does anything about these things," muttered McGonagall to herself.

"Hmm," she heard the potions professor address her concern.

They shared a look, the same thing in their minds, and knew even without Legilimency that they would work together to find out anything they could.

The brightest witch of her age was not alright, that was clear, as was her true identity. They had yet to know what her past held.

A/N: hellooooooo
Sorry it took soooooooo long but life's hard and so is writing with writer's block, and so is writing a straight romance into a drama when you're gay 🏳️‍🌈, not to mention that I'm going to a new school, a new campus, a college campus, to continue for 2 years of education that I'd normally finish in a regular high school campus, but I get to have some college done sooner than others. Idk yeet, love y'all, hope this is good enough for your patience

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