Preventing The Fall (Minako x...

By IamAliciaSten

28.8K 607 199

Arisato Minako wakes up and finds herself back in 2009 again. It's crazy because she thought she was to spend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 10

1.1K 24 7
By IamAliciaSten

According to the meeting that was held, there were still eight Shadows that remained to be defeated before the Dark Hour could end.

Minako wanted to puke the entire time she was there. She couldn't believe how oblivious she was in her previous cycle that she thought everything that Ikutsuki said was true.

There was a lot of time before the final battle with Nyx. Minako was going to do everything in her power to stop that from happening. She was going to prevent the Fall. Even if it meant killing Ryoji, the male who she fell in love with, she was going to do it. That's her main purpose for being here--preventing the Fall.

Minako ate her ice cream as she wandered around the Shrine. There was no school today and she was going to make the most of it. It was still hot as hell, but hey, better than staying in a closed room all day.

Minako walked up the steps of the Shrine and grinned when she saw Koromaru.

She bent down to the dog's level, immediately running her hand on his hair. She began to pet the dog, a lively smile on her face as she did so. Koromaru, nuzzled closer to her and Minako hugged to dog's body.

"I didn't think of you to be a dog person." A familiar voice which she knew too well said.

"Well, I guess you don't know me too much, Makoto." Minako mused. "You know this dog?"

"Not really, Yukari and Fuuka were with this dog yesterday when I came back from school." Makoto explained.

"Ah. Come on, pet him."

Makoto said nothing, quietly looking at Minako as she smiled cheerfully at the dog who licked her hands.

He didn't know why but he loved it when Minako smiled. It felt to him like she used smile a lot and laugh without a care in the world, happily, in one life. Makoto wanted to protect that smile. It didn't occur to him when it happened, but he started developing feelings for Minako.


At the dorm...

"The full moon's upon us." Mitsuru mentioned. "It would be excellent if our theory about the full moon and the Shadows appearances is right."

"Yeah, it's tomorrow." Yukari gulped nervously. "It just came so soon."

"Eight are left, right? We should probably be training hard. And considering tomorrow's the full moon, we should be working extra hard." Minako crossed her arms.

"That's the spirit Mina-tan!" Junpei gave a thumbs up to the said girl. "I'm bored as hell."

"We should really be studying for the test we have tomorrow." Yukari rolled her eyes.


"What t-test?" Junpei dared to ask.

"Oops! I forgot to mention it!" Yukari slapped a hand on her forehead.

"Are you kidding me?!" Junpei deadpaned before running up to his room, Yukari, Minako and Makoto doing the same thing.

"I guess they have it hard." Akihiko chuckled.

Minako already knew everything, so there was no need for her to study at all.

A couple of knocks came on the girl's door. Minako went up to her door and opened it to find Makoto outside. "Oh, something you need?"

"I need some help in calculus." Makoto admitted.

"I'm at your service." Minako grinned, standing beside to let Makoto enter. "And be quiet while you're in here, we wouldn't want a possible execution from Mitsuru, would we?"


It was approximately ten o'clock. Makoto and Minako had been studying for about four hours together.

"Hey, that was the last of it." Minako yawned, stretching her arms a bit. "You should prob-"

Minako stopped speaking and just focused on staring at Makoto at the moment. He had somehow fallen asleep, his whole body on her bed, books haphazardly placed around there. Her expression softened upon looking at him.

The only person who she opened up the most to was Makoto. Even though he didn't reply to her most of the time, or the two didn't hang out a lot, she felt closest to him.

Minako gently ran her hand through his blue locks, loving how soft his hair was every time she did that.

If the two were exactly a like and one, did he use the same shampoo as her? If so, then what the hell was she doing wrong. Her hair was nowhere soft and smooth like his. That thought left more things in her head. He already used the same model of headphones as hers, which was pretty surprising to him at first, they both had the same taste in music. He even liked the same food as her yet he restrained himself from eating too much sugar.

His height was definitely slightly more than hers. They were also total opposites, that was certain.

Minako stiffened when she felt Makoto shift a little.


Minako's eyes widened, feeling sadness cloud her. It was hard, but she somehow had gotten over her parents death in these last years. Makoto was the same, but nightmares were always there. She remembered having terrible nightmares in her cycle as well. And the worst part was she had no one to talk about it with.

Minako leaned down, hovering over Makoto on her bed, her legs on each side of his waist.

Fuck, if Mitsuru or anyone would barge in, she was definitely going to get kicked out. But seeing Makoto so vulnerable like that, she had to do this.

Minako gently shifted him to his side. She then proceeded to get off of him and take off his shoes and her own. Minako threw a blanket on top of Makoto and layed next to him after placing her pillow on his head. It was alarming how he didn't wake up. Maybe he was more like her and was a heavy sleeper. She rubbed soothing circles on his back, trying to ease the pain he was feeling in.

Minako knew she shouldn't be doing this but she just felt the need to do so. She layed close to him, her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, with her arms wrapped around him.

Minako gasped quietly, feeling the warmth of another person like this after decades. Makoto was so warm, it made her feel all fuzzy inside and her breathing became shallow.

Being chained for decades made her forget how human touch and warmth felt like. But now, she craved it more than ever.

"I'll always protect you." Minako whispered soothingly in Makoto's ear before placing a tender kiss on the boy's forehead. She snuggled closer to him once again and let a few tears escape from her eyes from the feeling of holding someone.

It was alright if he slept in her room for one night, right?


The next morning...

Makoto's eyes woke up first and adjusted his eyes to the light.

Makoto shifted a bit but stopped when he felt arms wrapped around him. He froze and looked down to see Minako completely pressed against him in an embrace, a blanket around the two.

His mouth fell open slightly when he saw what looked like dried tear tracks on the girl's cheeks.

He didn't know what to do and he wasn't so good at comforting people, so he followed his intuition. He lied back down, wrapping an arm around Minako and closing his eyes.

It was still four o'clock, so he still had plenty of time to rest. It was also a dull moon today and most probably a powerful shadow was going to appear. It was best to rest as much as possible for today.

Makoto sighed with content and let slumber come to him.

Was it possible that she felt something for him, too?

But it was also possible what he felt for Minako wasn't love at all.

What was love anyway?


It was now six in the morning.

Minako opened her eyes with a low groan. She was feeling an excruciating backache from sleeping in one position.

On second thought, though, that backache didn't matter anymore. She was blessed with the sight of a sleeping Makoto.

Last night, he had a small frown on his features, probably from the nightmare he was having. Right now, however, his face was at peace. He breathed quietly and the hearing the sound of his heart beat brought her a feeling of safety, for some reason.

He was really cute in the mornings, to put it briefly.

All she wanted to do was stay in bed all day and relax her muscles. It almost didn't occur to her that there's a full moon today. Two Shadows were going to appear.


Which also meant there was going to be that shower incident. Minako grinned to herself when she remembered how Yukari and Mitsuru was flustered. Her friend, Junpei, thought that he had died and gone to heaven. He whined when Minako had told him that it was all caused by the Shadow. Junpei whined saying that this moment was was pretty sweet, only to be given a smack on the head by Minako, who was trying her best to cover her body with a towel.

"You're being creepy, you've been grinning for the past five minutes."

Minako widened her eyes, surprised that Makoto had spoken.

"M-Makoto, h-hey!" Minako gulped, pushing the blanket off her, making sure that the blanket didn't leave him. "How long have you been awake for?"
"The past five minutes."


"Well, we should probably be getting ready for school, don't you think?" Minako pulled some lose stands behind her ear.

"I'm sorry for troubling you."


"I slept here, didn't I? You couldn't even carry me back to my room so it must have been hard for you." Makoto explained.

"It's really no big deal, Makoto." Minako patted his shoulder.

Makoto wanted to ask her why she had dried tear tracks on her face but chose to mind his own business.

Makoto, without a word, stood up from her bed, stretching his muscles before walking to the door.

"I had great sleep for some reason." Makoto muttered before exiting the girl's room.

A goofy smile came on Minako's face.

She had a great nap as well.


Later that day...

Fuuka has summoned her persona, Lucia, and is scanning the area.

"Any luck, Fuuka?" Akihiko asked.

"...Just a moment." Fuuka closed her eyes. "...I found it! I sense a strong presence!"

"Hey, we were right!" Junpei gaped.

"Or so it would seem." Ikutsuki agreed.

"It's located in Iwatodai...inside a building on Shirakawa Boulevard." Fuuka announced.

"Hmm, Shirakawa Boulevard..." Ikutsuki hummed. "They've been finding the Lost in pairs lately...Now I understand why."

"In pairs..." Mitsuru gave it a thought. "Oh, I get it..."

Fuuka dismissed Lucia.

"Why? What's on Shirakawa Boulevard? I'm not familiar with that area." Fuuka asked with curiosity.

"I've heard about it, but..." Yukari grimaced.

"I mean, that gossiping student practically can't keep her mouth shut about her boyfriend..." Minako pinched the brim of her nose.

"It's were all those hotels are. Where people go to...ya know..." Junpei smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"O-Oh..." A small blush escaped on Fuuka's face.

"Ugh, you have the dirtiest mind!" Yukari hit Junpei's shoulder.

"Nonsense...They're no different from ordinary hotels. The rooms are just fancier, that's all." Ikutsuki revealed.

"I don't know about this...maybe I shouldn't go..." Yukari mumbled.

"You and me both." Minako gave a shudder from her memory with Junpei.

"You're just like a little kid, Yuka-tan." Junpei teased.

"W-Whatever!" Yukari glared. "I'll go. But, this time, I want a piece of the action!"

"Y-You do?" Junpei looked proud.

"So, who's leading?" Minako asked.

"Yuuki. I don't see any reason to change leaders now. And Yamagishi, I want you to handle support during the operation." Mitsuru said.

"I'll do my best." Fuuka nodded.


At Shirakawa Boulevard...

It was now the Dark Hour and any escape to the outside was blocked by the Shadow.

The team was quick in reaching the room where the Hierophant was located in.

"Let's do this as always." Minako cracked her knuckles.

"We have more members for combat, so it'll be an easy win!" Yukari ran a hand on her weapon.

"Get ready everyone!" Fuuka warned.

The boss Shadow was sitting on what looked like a throne.

SEES threw multiple attacks on the Shadow, finding that it was getting tired so soon.

"Keep going, it's getting weaker!" Fuuka told.

Makoto threw a final attack on the Shadow with his sword with a flip of his hair.

"You all managed to defeat it!" Fuuka cheered. "Great job! I'll be waiting for you all outside."

SEES scanned the whole room and just as soon as Yukari turned the doorknob, it wouldn't budge.

"H-Hey, it's locked!" Yukari called.

"I'm sensing another Shadow!" Fuuka quickly told, taking the team by shock.

"Are you serious?!" Junpei narrowed his eyes.

"Damn it, I knew it was too easy!" Akihiko gritted his teeth.

"Calm down, everyone. Start searching the area." Mitsuru suggested and the team did so.

Makoto let his eyes wander to a large mirror in the room.

"Does that mirror seem weird to anyone else?" Yukari questioned as everyone stared at the mirror.

'Here we go again...' Minako groaned.


No one knew what was happening.

Minako had stripped her entire uniform off and was taking pleasure in feeling the warm water fall from the shower fall on her nude body. Why did it feel so good?

Makoto stood outside, eyeing the mirror where he saw Minako bathing, who sent a seductive smirk his way. He proceeded to unbutton his uniform shirt, all while keeping his eyes fixed on the red eyed beauty.

Minako exited the shower, wrapping a towel around herself before she stepped outside.

Minako and Makoto walked closer to each other until there was a tiny bit of space left between them.

They looked at each other, eyes glazed and in a trance.

There was a strange voice in Makoto's head.

"I am the voice of your inner self...Enjoy the moment."

And boy, that was exact what the two of them were currently doing. Minako embraced Makoto, placing butterfly kisses on his jaw, making him close his eyes with a sigh as he wrapped his arms around her back, letting his fingers savour the feeling of her skin.

"That which cannot be felt is merely a dream...The present is all we have."

A small noise of approval escaped his throat when the girl licked his neck, letting a hand run through the hair she loved so much.

But...the present isn't all they have, right? Not everything is a dream.

Makoto felt his head ache slightly.

"The future is but a fantasy, memory a fabrication..."

When Minako suddenly pushed Makoto onto the bed with a playful smile on her face, she straddled his lap, letting her lips give feather like touches to his eyes, his nose, his cheeks and very close to his lips.

"Let your desire free you from your shackles...Such is my wish..."

"I can't give in..." Makoto muttered, allowing his lips to kiss the girl's shoulder blade.

"Pleasure is what you truly want. You stand before the doorway to bliss. You cannot deny your instincts...Embrace your desire..."

"Not now..." Makoto told his head.

His mind was beginning to get a bit clearer now.

Makoto opened his eyes and widened his eyes at the sight in front of him. He was sucking on Minako's collarbone, while she was...moaning. Makoto immediately removed his mouth, pushing the girl back by her shoulders.

Minako pouted, still straddling his lap, placing her arms around his neck. "Aw, why'd you stop? We were just getting to the good part..."

"Listen." Makoto closed his eyes shut when he noticed her lack of clothing. "The Shadow is controlling your mind. Snap out of it."

"Why would a shadow be controlling my mind? That sounds impossible!" Minako stuck her tongue out.

"Minako, get off."

"I don't want to." Minako murmured into his ear, sucking on his earlobe, which caused him to pull her head back.

"Can you just--"

Makoto was taken by surprise when Minako pushed him down onto the bed completely, legs on either side of his waist with her hands on his wrists.

"Am I joke to you, Makoto?" Minako glared.

"This isn't what you want." Makoto sent a glare back.

Makoto tried struggling to get out of her grip, but the Shadow had given her power, making him weak against her.

"Why can't you just, ngh, enjoy yourself?!" Minako yelled, trying to place a kiss on his lips but Makoto kept moving his head away.

"You don't want this, Minako." Makoto repeated slowly. "And I am certain that I don't want this either."

Her grip somehow began to loosen.

"Hey, Makoto..." Minako whispered, laying down on his side, placing her arms around her face. "What if I told you...I'm actually afraid to die?"

Makoto, getting up by his elbows, decides to get a clear look at her.

Why did her mood change all of a sudden?

"What if I told you...I'm afraid of dying?"

Makoto widened his eyes when Minako sat up, gripping his shirt, eyes trembling from a sudden fear.

"Minako..." Makoto placed a hand on her arm.

"How can I save you when I couldn't even save myself?" She shaked.

"What do I need saving from?" Makoto questioned, all while returning her embrace.

"W-What's going on?" Minako gasped, pulling away from Makoto.

It seems like her mind isn't clouded now.

Minako judged the situation, finding herself clad only in a towel that was almost to the point of falling off, a bruise on her collarbone, which she hoped it wasn't what she thought it was. She looked at Makoto, who had his eyes wide, before noticing his unbuttoned shirt.

Minako solved the puzzle, letting out a scream before jumping off the bed and running back to the showers, leaving Makoto more confused than aroused.


"I said I was sorry, didn't I?" Minako blushed, trying to look at Makoto in the eye without looking at his neck.

Much to Makoto's frustration, there was a mark on his neck, covered by his uniform. While Minako was still under a spell, she left many kisses on his neck and one kiss mark.

"Y-You gave me one, too! How the hell am I gonna explain this if anyone asks?!" Minako huffed, crossing her arms and looking away from Makoto with a blush.

"And how am I supposed to explain mine, Minako?" Makoto raised an eyebrow.

"W-We'll just hide it!" Minako scoffed.

Their friends didn't they what they were talking about, thankfully.

Behind them, was a very pissed off Yukari and a very happy Junpei with visible hand print on his face. He had a hand on his cheek, trying to soothe the pain, but he regretted nothing.

And behind them, was Mitsuru with a pink hue on her cheeks, with her arms crossed and a glare on her face. Akihiko had a very, very red face and he kept his eyes away from Mitsuru, trying to keep his mind diverted by looking at the number of doors on the floor as everyone walked.

"Stupei." Yukari spat.

"Aww, you don't need to be shy, Yuka-tan." Junpei cooed.

"That is it! You are so dead!"

Akihiko sent an apologetic look Mitsuru's way while she gave him the silent treatment.

This was going to be one long night, indeed.


Defeating the Lovers Shadow took no time at all either.

As the group made their way outside, Minako couldn't help but feel proud of Makoto.

When Minako was in his place, it was slightly more difficult for her and the team to battle the Hieriphant and the Lovers Shadow. Makoto's leadership made it look like nothing.

"I'm glad you're all safe. When I noticed there was another Shadow, I feared the worst!" Fuuka breathed.

"Hey, were you two okay back there?" Yukari questioned.

"H-Huh? Of course we were!" Minako replied. "We were just fine! Nothing happened at all!"

"Us first years take the spotlight once again. Fuuka played a big role in this one, let's head back now." Yukari yawned.

"Hey, Makoto." Junpei stopped the said boy, along with Minako and Yukari. "What are you trying so hard for?"

There appears to be a sullen and pissed Junpei.

"I don't have to." Makoto replied.

"Is that so?" Junpei gave a mocking laugh. "Psh, like it really matters."

Junpei sent a glare to Makoto before walking ahead.

"What's up his butt?"


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