Chapter 13

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SEES was on the way back on a yacht. They were going back to Iwatodai, which meant their small vacation was now over.

It was fun while it lasted, though.

Minako gave a glance to the robotic girl they found, Aigis. She was going to help SEES execute the Shadows. Instead of protecting Minako, she was fully set on making Makoto her highest priority. That gave Minako some reassurance, knowing that there was someone else to look out for him.

But what made Minako uneasy was the fact that Ikutsuki kept taking small glances at her every now and then. Why the hell was he even doing that? She wanted to kill him fast and so, so slow. But knowing how the team was so keen on trusting Ikutsuki, she couldn't do it.

There had to be another way.


The next morning...

It was quite a trouble for Yukari yo look all over the dormitory for Aigis, for she was nowhere to be seen. Later that day, it was found that she was keeping a watch on Makoto in his room.

More or less, a room was being prepared for Aigis now.

"And then she wouldn't listen to me at all!" Yukari groaned as she and Minako shopped for clothes.

"Aigis is...different, isn't she?" Minako said, shrugging.

"Yeah, more like difficult." Yukari rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure we'll be alright, besides we have an extra pair of hands now, don't we? That should give us an advantage in battle for sure. The full moon's almost here, too." Minako said, holding out an outfit for Yukari to see.

"Maybe, but it's annoying." Yukari shook her head. "Try this one on, alright?"

Minako nodded, grabbing the dress that Yukari had picked for her as she made her way to the changing rooms.

Yukari stood outside of the changing room Minako was in and bit her lip.

'Was...what I did okay?' Yukari wondered, a troubled look on her face as she recalled some events that she told nobody about. 'I'm sure it was okay.'

Minako and Yukari returned to the dorm at around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Junpei welcomed them and sweat dropped at the amount of shopping bags the girls had.

"I'm gonna head to my room to rest for a while, okay?" Minako gave a smile to Yukari while making her way upstairs.

The latter told her it was okay and proceeded to show Fuuka what she bought.

Minako walked to her room and stopped when she saw Makoto standing outside of her room.


Makoto turned his head to face her and motioned her to come closer.

"Something you need, Makoto?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something important." Makoto said.

"Alright." Minako nodded, opening her door for him to enter and then went inside herself.

Minako put her shopping bags to the side and placed her hand bag on her desk.

"Ask away." Minako offered, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Do you remember the day at the beach?" Makoto asked. "When I told you that I felt as if  someone was watching me? It was Aigis. It feels weird to why she's so keen on protecting me. What do I need protection from? She sounds like you, in some way."

Preventing The Fall (Minako x Makoto) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant