Chapter 11

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It was the day after the full moon. The team was tired, naturally. But with Makoto's leadership, it was really an easy win. The boy didn't talk much but somehow everything was conveyed in his results and actions.

Minako walked to school alone today, she completely overslept since she was spent from the mission last night.

Minako ran as fast as her legs could take her but kept in mind of her skirt. Why did school uniform skirts have to be this short again? It Minako wonder how Yukari managed the whole day, for she always wore a mini skirt.

As Minako made it to the school gates she heard some daily gossip on the way.

"It's almost summer break, let's go somewhere for vacation!" The usual gossiping student told her friend.

"Sounds good to me! I wanna go to the sea, the mountains, everywhere!" A loud student agreed.

"But, before that...we've got finals starting on Tuesday."

"Ugh, I'd forgotten about that."

"But, that means a break after the exams! And summer vacation us just around the corner!"

Just as they were talking the first bell rang.

"Shit!" Minako quickly dashed her way into the school building, apologising to anyone she accidentally bumped into.

Class had now begun and Minako was in her usual seat with Makoto.

"Let's see here..." Toriumi picked up her planner. "Finals will start next Tuesday. Geez, we just had an exam. What a pain...Well, maybe pain wasn't the word I'm looking for. English phrases are pretty tricky."

"You think you could help me after school? I was hoping someone would help me shop for clothes." Minako asked, whispering to Makoto.

Makoto gave her merely a look that said that he was uninterested and that he was too tired to use some of his energy.

"Okay, okay." Minako blew a raspberry. "I know that face, I'll just take Junpei with me, on second thought, he doesn't seem in the mood either, I'll ask Yukari or Fuuka instead."

Minako felt herself frown when Makoto laid his head on his desk to sleep through the lecture.

"No way, mister, you are not sleeping in class." Minako gave a 'tsk' before poking his shoulder repeatedly, causing the boy to sit straight up once again.


A few days later, in the dormitory command room...

Mitsuru is giving an account of the battle at the hotel to Ikutsuki.

"...So, that's what happened on the night of the 7th. It was a difficult operation." Mitsuru concluded.

"I see. They're getting tougher..." Ikutsuki nodded. "But, it's not all bad news, I called today's meeting because--"

"I'm sorry. Before we go on, I'd like to ask Mitsuru-senpai and Minako something." Yukari interrupted.

"Me?" Minako and Mitsuru said in unison.

"Since I've joined, so many things have happened...I went along with it, without really understanding what was going on...But, now, I need to know." Yukari continued. "I'm gonna ask you straight out. You've been hiding something haven't you, Senpai, Minako? Mitsuru-senpai, you act like you don't know anything about the Dark Hour and Tartarus...but they're related to that accident ten years ago, aren't they?"

"What accident?" Junpei demanded.

"Y-Yukari-chan..." Fuuka paled.

"There was an explosion near our school and a lot of people died...It must've been big news back then. You know about it, don't you?" Yukari questioned, looking at Mitsuru.

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