Hidden and Lies


33.3K 1K 176

Izuku Midoriya, Aka Deku, Has always been smarter than then everyone else his age. But being quirkless still... More

The Beginning Of the Lies
His First Quirk, Or Should I Say Second
Sorry, Kacchan, But I Prefer Sensei
Deku's First Mission from Sensei
Deku's Plan Is Set Into Motion
A Meeting and The Aftermath
Part 2 of Deku's Plan! (+EXTRA)
When you mess with the wrong person
The BIG Plan
Meeting Kacchan and the Entrance Exam
Overhaul, Results, Dabi, and Relationships? Wow!
First Day!
Oh... We didn't Know
Phone Call with Who?
A really Shortened version of the Sports festival
Who knew, that HE would do this

Fight! Fight! Fight!

1.3K 45 4

Deku's Pov.

I wake up, cuddling Shouto, with a text message from Kuro-san.

'Bring results in a week to base'

I respond with an ok and check the time. Seeing how early it is, I wake Shouto up and tell him to get dress and that we are heading out. We get dress and I give Shouto a red and white eye guard to protect his identity, even with it being early morning. I use my warp quirk to get us into the city. After walking around we catch sight of a villain fight. It is someone with a green and purple jacket with a plague mask on. He has 2 accomplices with similar masks on. Fighting against them are the Pro-Hero Hawks and Pro-Hero Best Jeanist. Best Jeanist has captured one of the villains with his fibers. The police are blocking off the crowd and the fight. The hero's back is facing the crowd. Me and Shouto walk straight into the crowd and through the police.

"You can't go there," one of the policemen says. I punch him in the face and continue walking. The other police just stare at us as we continue walking. Shouto uses his ice to knock Best Jeanist off his feet. He falls back and hits his head on the ground, incapacitating him. Shouto pins him to the ground and I walk up to him. and lean down.

"Say goodbye to your quirk Best Jeanist," I say before touching his face, taking his quirk. The villain that he captured escapes as the fibers disappear. I hold my hand out and use the newly acquired quirk to tie up Best Jeanist while Shouto uses his fire to melt the ice. I can hear someone in the crowd shout out.

"Oh my god, That's Quirkless and Hell Ice!" They shout out. The crowd goes silent. A van rolls up, one from a news company. They get out and start shooting the fight live. I use my echolocation quirk to watch as the camera pans towards me and Shouto. I turn and face the camera. Hawks are fighting the villains right behind me and Shouto walks to my side. I turn my head and yell at the civilians.

"Hey, Villians! What's your name?" I yell out. One of the sidekicks distracts Hawks as the leader walks over to me. He looks into the camera preparing to give a speech.

"Dear Hero's and the city of Musutafu, My name is Overhaul, and I am apart of the Eight Precepts of Death, I was planning to wait for our introduction, but with Quirkless and Hell Ice here, I think its appropriate. We have bullets that act like Quirkless's quirk over here." He points at me and I wave.

"If you mess with us," Overhaul says.

"Or Us," I say, interrupting him.

"I will not hesitate to kill you." He says.

"And we will not hesitate to make you quirkless and injure you," I say. One of his sidekicks get launched into the will and we all turn around. I activate the electricity quirk that I have, Shouto's left side light up on fire, and OVerhaul holding his hand out. We turn around. Hawks stands on top of the other sidekick and staring straight at us.

" Do you really think that you can win this fight villains?" Hawks asks us. I stare at him before laughing. I run at him. and go for the punch. He doges and thinks that he has the upper hand. He goes for the punch to my side. I grab his hand, setting my feet on the ground, and swinging him over my shoulder and onto the ground. Shouto runs over as I trap him to the ground, face down. Shouto uses his ice to create a giant dome over us, blocking the view for the police, crowd, and news. Shouto grabs hawks outfit and tears it off, opening a view of his back. We at least have the decency to not show it to the news. I grab his wings and Shouto reaches for the joint. Hawks start to scream as Shouto burns most, if not the entirety of his wings off. Shouto does it to both of his wings. Hawks can still regrow them but he is gonna be out of work for a while. I grab his jacket and throw it over the now knocked out Hawks. Best Jeanist is still trapped. I text Kuro and ask for help getting out of there. A warp opens up and I help pick up one of Overhauls sidekicks. Overhaul picked the other one up and we walk into the portal, leaving the fight, and the hero's, behind.

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