Brand New

De OVO6HooliganSquad1

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I have always wanted to write a Drake fanfic but I was never brave enough to do it until now. I hope that if... Mais

Chapter 1: Congratultions!
Chapter 2: We're Going To Vegas!
Chapter 3: Mommy
Chapter 4: Keeping Vegas A Secret
Chapter 5: I'm Pretty Sure You Don't Know Him
Chapter 6: I Have A Good Feeling About Vegas
Chapter 7: Shopping
Chapter 8: I Wasn't Paying Attention
Chapter 9: Earth To Dria
Chapter 10: Get It Together
Chapter 11: Meet & Greet
Chapter 12: I'm Not Worried About Them
Chapter 13: Does That Bother You?
Chapter 14: Body English
Chapter 15: This Is All Me
Chapter 16: Trouble
Chapter 17: I Only Have One
Part 18: Count Me In
Chapter 19: Can You Sing To Me?
Chapter 20: Get A Fuckin' Room
Chapter 21: In My Bed
Chapter 22: Would You Like A Tour?
Chapter 23: Breakfast
Chapter 24: Bad Girl
Chapter 25: Just Your Company
Chapter 26: Forum Shops
Chapter 27: Show You A Good Time
Chapter 28: You Wanna Get Outta Here?
Chapter 29: I'll Be Gentle
Chapter 30: Best I Ever Had
Chapter 31: He Doesn't Deserve You
Chapter 32: Come To My Show Tonight?
Chapter 33: He's Not Your Man
Chapter 34: Got My Eyes On You
Chapter 35: Rihanna
Chapter 36: Let Me Be Happy
Chapter 37: One Last Kiss
Chapter 38: Best Friend
Chapter 39: No Strings Attached
Chapter 40: I Got You
Chapter 41: Another First
Chapter 42: Protection
Chapter 43: Quench Your Thirst
Chapter 44: Deeper Feelings
Chapter 45: Results
Chapter 46: Date Night
Chapter 47: Dance With Me
Chapter 48: Stop Teasing Me
Chapter 49: What Are You Doing To Me?
Chapter 50: Not A Square After All
Chapter 51: Just Having Fun
Chapter 52: Jealous
Chapter 53: Acting Brand New
Chapter 54: FUCK YOU DRAKE!
Chapter 55: Make Me Forget
Chapter 56: Crew Love
Chapter 57: Good Enough
Chapter 58: I'm Sorry
Chapter 59: You're Not Fooling Me
Chapter 60: It Wouldn't Be Right!
Chapter 61: Feelings
Chapter 62: Possesive & Jealous
Chapter 63: Breakfast & Revelations
Chapter 64: Conversations and Confessions
Chapter 65: Like Old Times
Chapter 66: Girl Time
Chapter 67: Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 68: Dinner With Drake
Chapter 69: Mending A Friendship
Chapter 70: Dinner With Don
Chapter 71: Petty
Chapter 72: Phone Conversations
Chapter 73: Clarity
Chapter 74: Time with Jay
Chapter 75: Surprise
Chapter 76: Rounds
Chapter 77: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 78: Birthday Dinner
Chapter 79: Done
Chapter 80: Cupid
Chapter 81: La Familia (The Family)
Chapter 82: Car Rides
Chapter 83: Dismissed
Chapter 84: Dinner And Confrontations
Chapter 85: Making Up
Chapter 86: Own It
Chapter 87: The Morning After
Chapter 88: Girl Time Shenanigans
Chapter 89: Planning A Surpise And Things
Chapter 90: Birthday Morning
Chapter 91: Birthday Tings
Chapter 92: Birthday Tings (Continued...)
Chapter 93: Birthday Sex
Chapter 94: Baby News & The Morning After
Chapter 95: Give Them Something To Talk About
Chapter 96: The UR Experience
Chapter 97: Unexpected Guest
Chapter 98: Marquee
Chapter 99: Truths and Apologies
Chapter 100: Planning a Future
Chapter 101: Oakland
Chapter 102: Oakland (Continued...)
Chapter 103: Breakfast with the Curry's
Chapter 104: To Us
Chapter 105: Yours
Chapter 106: Balance
Chapter 107: Leave
Chapter 108: The Show Must Go On
Chapter 109: Aftermath
Chapter 110: Aftermath (Continued)
Chapter 111: Too Late
Chapter 112: Catching Up
Chapter 113: Letting Go
Chapter 114: DMs
Chapter 115: New York & The Bay
Chapter 116: Dinner with Klay
Chapter 117: More Time With Klay
Chapter 119: Take Your Time
Chapter 120: LA Dining
Chapter 121: Sure Thing
Chapter 122: Eyes Wide Open
Chapter 123: Strong Bond
Chapter 124: Blessed
Chapter 125: Still Here
Chapter 126: Still Yours
Chapter 127: Dinner With The Grahams
Chapter 128: Paradise
Chapter 129: Insecure
Chapter 130: Rebound
Part 131: Night Out & Things
Chapter 132: Not Giving Up
Chapter 133: All In
Chapter 134: Heart Full
Chapter 135: True Happiness
Chapter 136: Finally
Chapter 137: We're Getting Married
Chapter 138: Happily Ever After
Chapter 139: Mom & Dad
Chapter 140: Precious Moments
Chapter 141: Worthy
Chapter 142: Heavenly Rain

Chapter 118: Ready To Let Go

541 28 19
De OVO6HooliganSquad1

When Adriana landed she pulled out her phone to text Klay and saw she had a series of text messages and missed calls. Ignoring them all she went to Klay's name and let him know she'd landed safely. A few minutes later her phone rang and his name popped up.


"Hey, I'm glad you made it safely. Are you still at the airport?" Klay asked her.

"Yeah. I'm still on the plane, we literally just landed." She told him.

"So you haven't been online?"

"No, why?"

"Well, we kind of made every gossip blog there is last night and this morning."

Adriana closed her eyes briefly imagining all the headlines that might be up. "What's the worst headline?"

"Well they seem to think we spent the night together, which you and I both know didn't happen." Klay told her.

"Right. But we were together last night and you did come for me early this morning so I guess I can see why that would be a headline." Adriana said.

"They.... they have pictures of us kissing too."

She sat quietly for a moment and then asked "Are you okay with this?"

"Okay with what? Being seen spending time with a beautiful woman like you?"

She smiled. "Aren't you as charming as ever?" A small giggle followed. "Well, honestly, I don't even care. Let them say what they want. We are both grown and have no one we need to answer to. It is what it is. I had a good time and I don't regret any of it."

"Really? Not even the kiss?" Klay asked.

"Of course not. It was exactly what I wanted."

"Me too." Klay said and she could tell he was smiling. "If you don't have a hat or some sunglasses you may want to purchase some at the closet gift shop you pass in LAX because the paparazzi is probably going to be looking for you to ask you about us. That's why I called, to give you a heads up. We both know they can be a handful."

She sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it." She was careful not to say his name while she was on a plane full of people. Not that anyone would know it was him but better to be safe than sorry. "So, if I do run into them, what should I tell them?"

"That's up to you. This is all in your hands. I told you I wasn't trying to push anything on you and I meant that. It's you're call."

Her smiled widened. Klay was saying all the right things and keeping a smile on her face. "Thank you. You're pretty amazing you know that?"

"Maybe, but it sounds better coming from you." He chuckled. "You really are trouble Adriana Hernandez. I better let you go before I put my foot in my mouth. Let me know when you're home."

Adriana giggled. "Will do. Thanks again for the heads up."

They both hung up and she stared at her phone for a moment. Now she knew why she had so many missed calls and so many messages. Tori was surely going to bite her head off for not telling her about Klay. She went to her missed call log. Six of them where from Tori, one from her mom, one from each of her sisters, one from Jay, and one from Drake. She let out a sigh when she saw Drake's name in the middle of her missed call log. Opening her text messages she knew at least one of them would be from him. To her surprised Tori had only sent one of those messages.

Victoria Gomez-Beezer:

She closed that message without responding. She definitely wasn't about to go into that with Tori right now. She saw Drake's name but she didn't open it. She scrolled through her other messages opening most of them just to clear her notifications. She would answer the necessary ones later. She looked up and it was almost time for her row to get off the plane. She bit her bottom lip and clicked on Drake's message.

Aubrey Graham:
Dri, I need to talk to you. Can I please see you baby girl? Call me?

She closed her message app and got ready to get off the plane. Thankfully she'd only brought a carry on so she didn't have to go to baggage claim for her luggage. Another thing she was thankful for, that she'd left her car at the airport so she didn't have to catch a cab. Following Klay's advice she went into the first gift shop she spotted and went inside to purchase a hat and some sunglasses. Not that it did her any good. As soon as she stepped outside there were cameras in her face and flashing lights. People were shooting questions at her left and right.

"What Can you tell us about you and Klay Thompson?"

"Are you two dating?"

"Did you fly to The Bay Area just to see Klay?"

"How long have the two of you been dating?"

She was trying to keep her head down and push through the crowd but she was one small person and it just wasn't working. She sighed and stopped walking. "All I'm going to say is that Klay and I are getting to know each other. Now if you would please excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be."

"What does that mean for you and Drake?" Someone asked.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Drake? He and I haven't been together for almost eight months now so I don't know what you mean."

"But the two of you were recently spotted having dinner...."

She cut them off. "Friends can have dinner. Like I said, Klay and I are getting to know each other. He's very sweet and I enjoy his company. Now I'm sorry but I really need to go." She pushed through the crowd with determination and some of them continued to follow her but she ignored them until they finally left her alone. She really didn't know how anyone handled them on an everyday basis.

When she finally made it home the only person she contacted was Klay.


Ignoring the call from Rihanna Drake opened his Instagram app and went to Adriana's page. He checked her page regularly and she hadn't posted anything since the day after they'd had dinner. But he wasn't looking for a new post. He was looking for something else. He clicked on the list of followers and soon found Klay's name in that list. He wondered when he'd started following her because the last time he checked, Klay was definitely not following her. He went back clicked on the last photo she'd posted and read the caption over and over.

🌅 Every single day you wake up is a new day to be great. Don't ever let anyone keep you from your that greatness. "Keep your head up." #PostiveVibes

Why was the keep your head up in quotations. He'd never wondered that until now. For some reason his mind was all over the place. He clicked on the likes to see who had liked the photo and Klay's name was towards the top. He clicked on the comments next and read through them until he found what he was looking for.

klaythompson Yes, keep your head up. That's some solid advice. 😉😊

He rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed chuckle. Of course it was something Klay had said to her. This really couldn't be happening. Klay Thompson couldn't be taking his baby girl from him. He couldn't even really be mad at Klay though. Adriana was beautiful inside and out and he had let her go on some dumb shit. This was on him. But even knowing that, he was still upset, fuming even. He definitely needed to let off some steam so he called Jonny Roxx to get a session in. A lot of good it did him. He was still upset even after that. Especially once he'd seen that Adriana read his message but didn't respond. How was he supposed to talk to her and try to get her back when she wouldn't even return a text message? "Fuck!" He said out loud. He was desperate so he called Chubbs.

"What up dawg?"

"Chubbs, I need to talk to Tori."

Chubbs sighed. He already knew why Drake was calling. "Dawg, she's not going to tell you anything."

"Please? I'm desperate here man."

Without a word Chubbs handed the phone to Tori who was sitting next to him.

"How can I help you Drizzy?"

"Tori, I need to see Adriana. Please tell me where I can find her." The desperation was in his voice.

"Drake you know I can't do that. You have her number. Call her." Tori actually felt bad for him but Adriana was her best friend and she'd specifically asked her not to tell Drake where he could find her so she wasn't going to do that.

"I have called her and I've texted her but she's not trying to talk to me."

"I'm sorry Drake, I really am. But I can't tell you anything."

"Can you at least tell me how long this things been going on with her and Klay?"

"I wish I could but I'm just as surprised as you. I didn't even know she and Klay were talking. I knew she was as going there to drop of some pictures for Ayesha and Steph Curry but I didn't know she was going to see Klay. If it makes you feel any better she hasn't returned any of my calls or my text message either."

Drake sighed. "Thanks Tori. Give my god son a kiss for me."

"Will do."

They hung up and Drake thought about what Tori told him. She'd gone there to see Steph and Ayesha. He knew who he was calling next.

"I had a feeling I might be getting a call from you." Ayesha's voice sounded on the other end.

"So you already know why I'm calling them."

"I do. But there really isn't much I can tell you. I had drinks with her when she was here yesterday. Before we left she was waiting outside and Klay got there. When I walked out there they were talking but I dragged her away. I asked her what was going on with them when we were together and she said they were going to have dinner." 

"That was it?"

"I asked some more questions but nothing she said indicated to me that they were dating. Quite the opposite actually. I didn't get much out of her but I do know she still loves you."

"She told you that?" Drake asked with hope in his voice.

"She didn't have to. I asked her if she did and it was written all over her face. I'm going to tell you like I told her. I don't know what happened between the two of you but I know that seeing you with her was the happiest I've ever seen you. If you want her back you're going to have to move fast because she and Klay obviously hit it off better than I expected."

"I'm trying but she's not making it easy. She won't even return my calls or my text messages. You wouldn't happen to have her address would you?"

Ayesha was silent for a moment. "I have the address to her new studio but I'm not sure I should give it to you."

"I'm kind of desperate here Ayesha." Drake told her. He didn't need to though, the desperation was all in his voice.

"Let me find it and I'll text it to you."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Ayesha. You have no idea how grateful I am."

"Yeah, yeah. I love you and I'm rooting for you two so don't mess this up! Now I need to go because Riley is yelling for me."

Drake laughed. "Okay, give her and Ryan my love."

"I will."

Drake ended the call and got in the shower to wash off the workout session with Jonny.


Adriana picked up her phone and went trough and responded to messages that needed responding and then she talked to her mom for a while and finally, she called Tori.

"Ummm excuse me bitch but what the fuck? How come I didn't know about Klay?"

"Hello to you too Tori." Adriana said.

"Uh huh. Hi. Now spill! When did this start?"

Adriana sighed. "He messaged me on Instagram the day after you had the baby. After this pictures surfaced of Drake and I having dinner. He was really sweet and told me to ignore the things people were saying and keep my head up. We exchanged a few DMs and then he asked me to let him take me to dinner. I told him to let me think about it and then I forgot all about it since I had taken that social media break. When I got back on I saved his number but I never texted him. When I was at Ayesha's yesterday I ran into him and ultimately made plans to have dinner. The rest is all over the internet so yeah. That's about it."

"Not uh bitch I don't wanna hear that the rest is all over the internet shit. I wanna hear it from you. I want details."

"We had dinner and he was very sweet. I had a really good time with him Tori. He made me laugh and, I don't know, we just clicked. I mentioned going for a run in the morning and he offered to go with me. So he picked me up early the next morning and we did that. Then he asked me to go to breakfast with him so we went back to my hotel room and showered."

"I'm sorry, you did what?" Tori asked.

Adriana sighed. "Not together Tori. Geezus. After he asked me to breakfast I told him I needed to shower first. So he was going to get a room just so he could shower too and I told him that was ridiculous when he could just shower in my room. We took showers SEPARATELY! Then he offered to take me to the airport after breakfast. So we had breakfast and then he dropped me off at the airport. That's it."

"Right, that's it. Let's leave the part out where you two kisses." Tori scoffed.

Adriana laughed. "Well I know you seen the pictures."

"Yeah bitch but I said I wanted details. Who kissed who?"

"Well, it was my idea. I could tell he wanted to kiss me but he was the perfect gentleman. He never tried to make any advances on me. He was very sweet and very understanding. I think ultimately that's why I wanted to kiss him. So I I asked him if he would get the wrong idea if I kissed him. I told him that I really want to kiss him but I didn't want to give him any false hope. Then he smiled and told me that he could live with getting a goodbye kid from me." She giggled. "Then he said he could kiss me and take all the blame and I told him I wouldn't be opposed to that. Then we kissed."

"That's the cutest shit I have heard in a long time. Wow! Look at my bitch getting herself a NBA player, and not just any NBA player, a fuckin splash brother that just won an NBA title."

"Tori you know I don't care about that. Besides, were not dating. It was just dinner."

"Bitch I love you but that was a whole lot more than dinner."

"We're just getting to know each other Tori. I really did have a good time with him though. He's so sweet. He even called me after I told him I landed to give me a heads up about the photos just in case the paparazzi was on the prowl, which they were."

"Oh I see how it is. Klay even got to talk to your ass before me huh? Okay. That really is something. Well you know what? I'm not even mad. Get yours babe cause Klay is fine!"

Adriana laughed. "I won't deny that He's a great kisser too."

Tori laughed. "Okay now I know you plan on seeing him again right?"


"That means yes. You know what? This makes me happy. You were chessin so hard in some of those pictures girl. Both of you were. I can tell you had a good time and that makes me very happy. You deserve girl, you deserve. By the way, you two looked cute as hell together. Don't think I didn't notice y'all were all matching and shit."

Adriana laughed again. "That was just a coincidence. I pointed that out to him too."

"Well it was cute."

"I thought so too." She paused. "Drake texted me. He said he wants to see me."

"Yeah I know, I talked to his ass. He's really desperate to see you. He wanted me to give him your address but obviously I told him no."

"Good. Don't give it to him. I really don't want to see him. Being with Klay last night and this morning made me feel like I was finally ready to let him go. That's not to say I'm going to jump into a relationship with Klay but I think we could have some fun together, at least for a while."

"I'm all for that girl. Just make sure when y'all decide to have that extra fun, he wraps it up."

"I can't stand your ass sometimes." Adriana told her and laughed.

"I know bitch, but you love me. Now I gotta go because my baby just woke up and needs to be fed."

"Okay, give him some kisses for me."

"I will. Bye babe."

"Bye Tori."

As soon as she hung up her phone rang again. Jay's name appeared on her screen and she answered it immediately. "Hey Jay, what's up?"

"Hey Adri, I know the kids and I were supposed to come back tomorrow night but, would you be opposed to them spending another week out here with me?"

"Another week? Jay I miss them. You know I've never been away from them this long."

"I know, I know. But...." He paused. "My granny isn't doing all that well and she's really enjoying having them here. She asked me if we could stay another week and I told her I had to check with my kids moms. Jordan is in the clear, now I just need your permission."

"Awww Jay I'm so sorry. Now how am I supposed to say no? Of course they can stay. Just make sure I get to talk to them at least once a day and keep sending me pictures."

"I promise. Thank you Adri."

"You don't have to thank me Jay. I know how much your Granny means to you."

"Still, you didn't have to say yes so I appreciate it. We're about to have lunch so I'll have them call you later."

"Alright Jay. Talk to you later." She hung up the phone and tossed it on her bed. Another week without her babies was going to be rough. But she did have a lot of work and things do she could catch up on so maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

Author's Note: So Ayesha is gonna give Drake the address to Adriana's new studio. 😬 What do y'all think is going to happen? Will Adriana be seeing Klay again? Thoughts. 🤔🤔 I'm spoiling you guys with updates lol. Hope you're enjoying them. 😘

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