A Certain Magical Fate, Book...

By MisakaLovesYou

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Mikoto, Arturia, and Okita are going to New York.. why? After the death of Mikoto's parents, she inherited a... More

Prologue: Loss in the Springtime of Sakura Petals..
New York
The Mage Academy
Okita and Vader
Dark of the Force.
The Lord of Villains and the King of Heroes.
A Thousand Cold Nights..
Maximum Effort. (Ha! This chapter quoted me..!)
An Archer.
The World That Didn't Belong
A Yesterday that Never Happened
Self Control
Date with an Immortal
Into The Misaka-verse
Grand Saber

Beast 0

553 24 18
By MisakaLovesYou

"Sooooo... how did it go?"

Mikoto stopped abruptly in her tracks, her hand halfway to the doorknob, a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead as she stopped and turned back to look at Mordred.

"Er.. what..?"

Mordred tried to look casual, tapping her foot on the floor, but it was obvious she was looking a mixture of jealous, angry, and anxious. "Ya know.. yer date with the golden douchebag? "

"Yeah.. the golden douche bag.. putting it mildly.." said Mikoto with a grumble. "Didn't he have some buddy named Enkidu? Somebody summon THAT guy as a servant and maybe Gilga-creep will leave me alone."

Mordred's face broke out into a smile briefly before she looked away, trying to hide it. "Uh.. right.. good.. I mean bad.. I mean.. yeah, Gil's a jerk.."

Mikoto raised an eyebrow. "You weren't actually worried I'd FALL for the guy were you?"

"Naaaaahhh.. of course not..NEVER!" said Mordred.  "C'mon.. we're gonna be late for... wait a sec... where's your uniform?!"


There was a soft knock on the door, and Saber entered the room, holding a Mage Academy Uniform, neatly folded.. "Here.. Mikoto.."

"Thanks." Mikoto said, sighing. "Just another day trying to survive life.. one  Noble Phantasm swing at a time.. "

As Mikoto put on her uniform.. she took a look out the window, just to get a look at the sunlight.. but as soon as she did... she froze..

Something was staring at her from the roof of another building.. staring straight into her eyes..

A girl...  in a Goth Lolita outfit, with an octopus hairpin..

Her appearance fit Okita's description of the Ruler of New York to a T... except her eyes were wide open this time..  and despite her being yards and yards away.. her eyes were able to stare directly into Mikoto's

An ominous feeling began to well up in Mikoto's chest, she quickly turned to Mordred. "Hey! Do you see that!? "

"See what?" said Mordred.

"Over there!! On that roof!"

Mordred looked. "There's.. nothing there.."


Mikoto looked to see that the rooftop was empty..

"Where.. the hell?" Mikoto said. "I.. I could've sworn I saw the Ruler of New York!"

Saber frowned as she walked in. "I.. don't sense a presence.."

"Hey.. anybody seen my bag?" Mordred said as she opened the closet. "AAAAAGHHH!!"

Mordred leaped back in horror as the little girl was now in the closet.. staring straight at Mikoto.

Mikoto almost had a heartattack as she jolted back, lightning crackling in her bangs, and Saber drew her blade in a flash of light, her eyes wide.

"Wh.. what!?" Saber said.

The girl slowly held up her arm and pointed at Mikoto. "You... I have seen you... in the dreams.. "

"Th.. the dreams?" Mikoto stammered

The Ruler of New York tilted her head to and fro, as if appraising Mikoto with a dark understanding.

"You aren't really her.. she is older than you.. in another world..  her child fights a golden emperor and his proctors...  but you.. you shall suffer.."

"Who are you..? What do you want!? This is not a place of battle.. leave!" Saber exclaimed, Excalibur glowed dangerously in her hands.

"I came not to fight.. " said the girl. "I was never meant to be awoken.. but her scent.. her familiar scent.. Dravis whispered this scent into my dreams... but it is both her's.. and not her's.. either way.. she is a threat.. she must be destroyed.. the Omegaversal Anomaly.. "

Mikoto froze as she felt a cold chill closing in on her body..

And the girl began to walk forward slowly.. deliberately.. glaring at Mikoto. "You.. why...? Why is it...?  Why is it in every reality.. every multiverse has.. you? And each and every time.. that you interferes... and interferes.. and interferes... "

There was something within the Ruler of New York's voice.. something dark.. ancient.. strange..

Each and every time her words came out.. her mana began to emerge.. and it didn't feel like a Ruler Class..

Not one bit..

In fact.. it felt like no class Mikoto had ever known about..

"I came not to fight.. " repeated the Ruler of New York.. "No.. nobody 'fights' me.. never.. There is no point in fighting me.. "

"Mikoto.. Mordred.." Saber whispered. "Run.."

Wh.. wha?" Mikoto said.

"Don't argue! That mana.. that power within her.. it's not that of a Ruler!!" Saber said. "RUN!!"

"I don't fight..." continued the girl. "I... just... kill.."

The girl was slowly wrapped in smoke.. as she chanted..

"A Darkness Rises..

The House of R'lyeh screams in the mist...

The Dark God Rises again.. ."

A pair of red eyes opened within the smoke.. as something grew within...

And Mikoto felt great fear..

The mana.. the deep mana as vast as an entire ocean.. all servants mere ants before this great entity..  it wasn't the magic of a Servant..

It was that of a Beast..


Grievous coughed as he stepped into the main room of Stacy's suite. "You called Master.. Koff koff koff*...  what is your command?"

Stacy was eying the city skyline through the massive paneled windows, a glass of apple juice in her hand.. her hair down at it's shoulder length, wet from recently having showered.. wearing a light blue bathrobe.

"Grievous... tell me.. do you believe in the old tales..?" Stacy murmured.

"What is this sudden interest in the stories from the Age of Magic?" asked Grievous.

"All Servants know about the age of gods.. how magic once was... how potent it was.. how powerful in those days." said Stacy. "But there were some magicks that some say remain just as potent still in this very day and age.. "

"I am not aware of these magicks.." said Grievous. "My knowledge on magic is only based on what the Grail tells me.. and a mystic fictional force that is only accessed by Vader in this world and reality."

"You always wanted to be a jedi.." said Stacy.

"For the prowess of a warrior unparalleled by any but the sith.. but my lack of force sensitivity left me to pursue other means of becoming powerful.." said Grivous. "Namely.. these.. improvements to my body.."

"Hmmm.. I can relate... with these improvement s I have made..  but Grievous.. I want to know your opinion on vengeance.. "

Grievous snorted. "You ask this of an Avenger.. the answer will always be the same.."

"Heheh.. you might be right on that count.." said Stacy. "What I mean... is that the other day... when I was preparing to destroy Mikoto... for a brief moment.. I imagined the feeling of finally seeing her dead.."

"Was it not wonderful..?" said Grievous. "Eheheh-koff koff.."

"Actually.. that's what surprised me... I expected elation.. fulfillment... but.. instead I felt empty." said Stacy. "Absolutely empty.."

Grievous stared for a moment.. his yellow eyes narrowing beneath his skull-like mechanical face plate.

Stacy gritted her teeth. "Why..? Why!? I despise my cousin.. I hate her.. I hate her so much... but.. I can't bring myself to feel good about destroying her.."

Grievous silently walked up to Stacy.. his cloak slithering along the floor. "I might have an explanation for this..."

"Really?" Muttered Stacy with surprise..

"Yes.. it means.. you have become far too weak... and you are now useless to me.."

"SHHHHHHZZZZZZ!!" Stacy let out a cry of pain, as a lightsaber blade pierced through her chest from behind.. and her eyes went wide with a mixture of betrayal and horror... she turned her head slowly at Grievous.. blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. "G.. Grievous..?"

"HAHAHAHAHA! You really didn't think my loyalty to you was absolute.. did you? I admired you.. your ruthlessness.. your willingness to resort to any means for vengeance.." Grievous growled. "But... that empty feeling you had is proof... proof that in truth.. your need for vengeance was nothing but a falsehood.."

"I.. hate.. my cousin.." growled Stacy.

"No... you delude yourself... placing the blame on her because you in fact blame nobody but yourself. You WANTED somebody to blame.. so you searched for somebody.. ANYBODY.." said Grievous. "In reality, your act as a vengeful warrior I could rely on.. was nothing but a mask for a whining crying girl.. "

Stacy gritted her teeth. "Y.. you.. will.. pay..."

Stacy burst into her servant form.. and gates began to form around her.. Noble Phantasms sliding out slowly, aiming at Grievous.. but they disappeared just as suddenly as Grievous sheathed his Lightsaber's blade, and Stacy fell to the ground, and began to bleed out."

"Foolish girl.. I have been careful from the start.. carefully working around your lawyers and subordinates... slowly claiming legal authority over ALL your businesses.. " said Grievous. "I basically own everything you own.. I never thought I would have to claim it all in such fashion.. I did so in case your power became useless to me... but now.. I see it is finally time to sever my ties with the New York faction.."

Grievous held up a hand and clenched it. "I will win this Grail War of my own means.. and when it is finally over.. I will claim EVERYTHING in this world.. I will be it's new.. and true.. ruler... and the power you've amassed has given me the necessary start.. HAHA.. Koff koff!!"

Grievous's clanking feet grew farther away as Stacy lay on the floor.. her cheek on the ground.. as her blood began to pool around her.

"Of course, you should already be aware of my other Noble Phantasm.. Mass Battle Droid Production.." said Grievous. "There's no need to worry about problems with me seizing your assets suddenly... I already have them to do it for me.."

The doors to the suite opened as light brown colored robots marched in, about 4 of them in number.

"Make sure she dies properly... " said Grievous. "When she is dead.. dispose of her body.. this suite is now my personal property.. I shall be sending more droids to make short work of all her bank accounts.. and her other business ventures.."

"Roger Roger.." said one of the battle droids as Grievous stomped out of the room, chuckling.

Stacy cursed bitterly in her mind. To think that Mikoto would be right about the reliability of Avengers.. of Grievous.. she had blindly believed in Grievous's complete loyalty, forgetting that the old Grail Wars rules were no longer in affect, she couldn't depend on a Servant's complete loyalty.. they had the ability to.. with effort.. disobey their masters.. and perhaps sever ties.

Command spells could not be used here.. and they would not be used. Grievous had severed his ties with Stacy.. and thanks to that, through time spent apart, and strong magical resistance, he'd be able to sever her as a master completely..

Not that he needed it.. he had just killed her.

But... Stacy wasn't down yet.. the strength of Gilgamesh ran through her body... the one miscalculation Grievous made... he forgot about how she now possessed a servant's power.. and one of the strongest ones out there..

"So... are supposed to just stare at her till she kicks the bucket?" asked one droid as they approached her.

"Ewww.. that's just creepy." said another droid.

"Roger Roger on that one, she's not going anywhere." said a third Battle Droid. "I'm gonna see if there's any oil canisters out back.. I wanna re-align my joint sockets."

B1 Battle Droids.. the most common Battle Droids from the clone wars segment of Star Wars.. structurally weak thanks to slender bodies, cheaply made, and possessing dimwitted levels of intelligence, not to mention terrible AI's that glitched into personality quirks..  they weren't the best..

In fact, just a few of them against a matching number of normal soldiers or American Navy Seals with proper armor piercing rounds would render them hopelessly outmatched. The main strength of the B1 Battledroid was their ability to be mass produced at a phenomenal pace, overwhelming their foes by swarming them with sheer numbers.

But Grievous didn't expect Stacy to be much of a threat after being stabbed in the back.. so only four droids definitely seemed sufficient to him

Stacy took a deep breath.. as she used her mana to temporarily close over her major damaged and bleeding areas..  The burns from the lightsaber however were still there, but her Servant body was already trying hard to regenerate.

But without medical attention, a wound like this would still be fatal.. she needed to make her way out of here and find a hospital.. something..

Stacy desperately began pulling herself forward with her own chin as the droids marched around, commenting on different aspects of the suite.

She slowly managed to crawl over to the nearest coffee table.. sweating as she did.. grabbing from it's surface with one shaky hand a piece of paper with a magic rune on it.

Stacy slapped the paper to her chest, and immediately, a temporary barrier formed over her wound. This would have to do for now..

"RRAAAAGHH!!" Stacy hurled up a hand, and immediately a single gate of babylon opened up, and she pulled a gold sword out of it.

"Eh!? She's moving! BLAST EM!!!"

The battle droids turned their guns on Stacy and fired a barrage of red lasers at her.

Stacy let out a scream and moved at tremendous speed, ripping apart each and every one of the droids to pieces with her blade..

After the fourth droid was destroyed.. she fell to one knee, coughing up blood.  She was dying.. she needed to get out.. she needed the hospital.. she needed her father.. if she could find her father.. Vader could easily put a stop to Grievous's rebellion.. she.. just.. needed... to.. MOVE!!

Stacy staggered out of the room and into the hall.. somehow managing to make her way to the elevator.. a trail of blood splatters following her like a plague..

Gasping, she wandered onto the street.. gasping desperately, blood trailing further..  but something strange was happening..

Through her fevered state, Stacy looked up at the sky, and her eyes went wide.

"Wh.. what is this..?" Stacy gasped..

The sky was blood red.. where the sun was.. instead was a giant black circle surrounded by a burning ring of light..

There were screams coming from all over the city.. as something screeched in the distance.. 

It was a cry of darkness.. terrible to hear... and it didn't just resound in sound waves.. it was also heard in the mind itself...  a mental and physical sound.. that resounded across the city.. causing all of New York to tremble with the tremors of a terrible god..

Stacy could feel the density of the mana in the air thicken to unbelievable levels...

That's when she saw something rise above the buildings...

It was a huge black shape.. with scorching red eyes.. The eyes themselves were bulbous, with pink glowing slits in the center...and they seemed to reverbrate like some sort of infrared energy constantly swirling out from the center..as if the eyes were portals to another dimension..

As the shape came into view.. Stacy saw the head of the thing...  a MASSIVE green octopus shaped head.. so massive, the top of the slimey green skinned head peaked through the blackened clouds..  large giant tentacles as thick as skyscrapers or thicker slithered around it's oddly shaped worm-like mouth lined with rows of teeth..  It's body was humanoid and immensely muscular.. with a mollusk-like shell or exoskeloton lining it's shoulders and arms like armor.. it's clawed hands webbed.  And a massive orange eye shaped jewel burning with dark molten power burned in it's chest.

Ginormous dragon-like wings sprouted from it's shoulders, covering the sky, and a dragon's tail whipped back and forth behind it.. decapitating multiple buildings..

"SCRRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" The monster let out another ethereal cry, as finally mana in the air continued to thicken so much that it was comparable to the mana of the Age of Gods.

Stacy knew what that was... it was formerly the Ruler of New York.. the mana.. felt similar.. but there was one difference.

This wasn't Ruler Class mana..

"Dad.. wh.. what did you summon!?" Stacy stammered.

"So the Beast Class has awoken.."

Stacy looked up to see Darth Vader standing next to her, solemn and domineering.

"Vader.." Stacy gasped. "Wh.. what is this..?"

"A Beast Class Servant.. one of the Great Beasts of Creation.. and Ruin... " said Vader. "They were made by the World to Counteract the Evils of Man.. a failsafe.. to destroy humanity should they get out of hand..  But the history of Beast goes far beyond just this Earth... it is safe to call them the original evils.. The Grand Servants.. the first Heroic Spirits.. were made to counteract them.. "

"Grand Servants.. I've heard of them.. " rasped Stacy.

"Indeed.. 7 beasts.. 7 servants.." said Vader. "It was a war far beyond the meager Holy Grail. A battle to fight the Failed Attempts at the world to create it's own Numensapiens.. "

"Numen.. what?" said Stacy.

"Beings of immense power and might residing at the center of the Multiverse." said Vader. "Ancient Guardians created directly by God. Beasts are the result of rampant monsters made in an attempt to copy the Numensapiens.. their power is equal in some cases.. but.. they lack reason.. compassion.. no.. their only purpose.. is to wipe away humanity.. and as a Grand Servant.. it is our duty to keep them at bay.. 

Vader's mask glinted in the red light. "This isn't one of the original 7 Beasts from the first War of Heroic Spirits.. no... that is not an Evil Of Man.. rather it is an Evil Of Gods..  this isn't one of the 7 Sins.. Is it Beast 0...? Or Beasts 8 through 20..? Master discovered her frozen deep in the ice.. determined her class as ruler.. but knew her to be far more.. which is why he kept her here under the guise of a Ruler of New York..  he knew my status, and that I was the best hope to contain her... but can I now..?"

The monster let out another screech, and Stacy felt her vision swirl.. and she screamed, clutching her head.. the monster was drilling into her mind.. All around .. New York citizens of all types were clutching their heads too..

"Beast 0...then... The Beast of the Mind.. Why have you awoken..? Cthulhu.." Vader said

Vader swept a hand out.. and a powerful blast of mental Force energy exploded out.. and Stacy felt her mind clear, panting as she felt her head's residual throbbing still booming inside her..

Stacy clutched her chest.. and fell to the ground. "Vader.. please... you.. need to get me to a hospital..

Vader looked down at Stacy. "I should tell you my original reason for coming here.. Your father has disowned you.."

Stacy stared. "Wh... what?"

"He has heard of your experimentation with the body of Gilgamesh.." said Vader. "He is disgusted with what you did.. he explicitly told you to stay out of this Grail War.. but you abused his authority... and the servant you were given.. whom I take has also betrayed you.. to him.. you are but trash now.."

"You.. you can't.."

"I have no opinions on you.. or feelings for you in either hatred or liking." said Vader. "And neither do I feel any obligation to help you... die in a manner you see fit.. I have a greater duty I must attend to..."

Vader walked off.. his cape billowing in the wind as he walked in the direction of Beast 0...

Stacy felt tears splashing down her face as she fell upon the ground.. blood staining her body... her mana running out..

She was alone... she was alone in the end.. and it was all her fault..

She laughed humorlessly to herself.

"Looks like I'm getting what I deserve in the end... Mikoto.." Stacy whispered. "I don't know how to say it... but... I think I finally understand... you really did.. love me.. even after all that time.. even after all I did to you.. you still loved me.."

Stacy shut her eyes and cried deeply. "What kind of demon deserves this type of death more than me? None... it is fitting.. and a shame upon me that only upon death's door that I realize this.. "

As darkness closed in.. Stacy felt a pair of gentle hands take hold of her waist.. 

It was death of course... death come to take her at last..

But when Stacy opened her eyes.. it wasn't the face of Death she saw..

Mikoto blinked away tears as she held Stacy in her arms. "Hold on Stacy.. I've got you.."

"Wh... what?" Stacy rasped, she looked down at her abdomen to see Mikoto was using one hand to apply a rudimentary healing spell. "Wh.. what are you doing? ... h.. how are you here.. y.. you.."

Stacy's eyes widened. Mikoto was in her Saber form.. and her armor was dented, her gown torn.. dried blood stains all over.. as if she had barely escaped a ginormous battle.

Standing next to her.. was Mash, Mordred, and Arturia, all of them looking equally battered, with Mash carrying an unconscious Ritsuka over her shoulder.


"RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Cthulhu ripped through the buildings, hissing... as it's voice spoke in the mind of every person in the city. "Fulguras... die... FULGURAS... DIE... FULGURAS!!"

"Why would you.. save me?" Stacy whispered. "Why!? After all I did to you... after all the pain I caused..  why?! WHY ME!?"

Mikoto smiled as a single tear trickled down her cheek. "You're family... that won't ever stop being true..  so I won't give up.. even if you kill me.."

Stacy's lips trembled and she sobbed again.. crying and bawling like a baby. "LEAVE ME... LEAVE ME AND RUN!! I'M NOT WORTH IT!! GET OUT OF HERE!!"

"Oh you were always the big crybaby when we were kids.." said Mikoto, rolling her eyes as she picked up Stacy in her arms. "Where's Okita!?"

"HERE!!" Okita appeared, flashing over in a burst of speed, blood splashing down her forehead. "WE NEED TO MOVE!!! .. If  we stay within a mile of that thing too long they are going to catch up with us!!"

No sooner had Okita said this, when a large crowd began to emerge from the city.. humans.. many of them.. children, men, and women alike.. some wearing Chaldea uniforms, others looking like politicians or construction workers.. people from all walks of life.. walking in a monotone manner.. their eyes having been transformed into Beast 0's eyes..  all of them under the control of it's mind..

"Oh crap!" Mikoto began..

"FOOOOMMM!!" suddenly, all the mind controlled civilians were sent flying as Vader stepped in.

He stared at the group. "You know... you know what she has done.. you know the pain she has caused you..  why? Why not just give up on her..?"

Mikoto considered Vader for a minute. Then she spoke. "Why didn't your son give up on you?.. to quote a famous movie...  Your thoughts betray you... your feelings for him are strong.. "

Vader nodded. "My own words.. used in such a fashion.. you are an odd girl Mikoto Misaka.. "

Vader turned away.

"You're not going to try and kill us?" Okita said.

"My master currently has given no such order to kill you.. I am under no such obligation to destroy you at the moment.. however.."

Vader looked up at the approaching Cthulhu. "She is a different matter.. "

Cthulhu let out another screech, and a giant sphere of black light emerged in between her eyes.. before firing a tremendous black energy beam from the sphere

the beam probably would've obliterated everyone, if Vader had not held out his lightsaber... and a ginormous red light exploded from is body..

A new type of Servant energy, one never felt before, emerged in Vader as he obliterated the blast.. with a slash of his Lightsaber.. a strength far greater than Vader had used when he fought Gilgamesh.."

"I am Darth Vader... Grand Saber.." Vader said. "This power is one I can only use in the presence of Beasts.. your head.. shall be mine.. Beast 0.."

Vader held up his hands.. and hundreds of buildings rose out of the earth from the power of the earth.. as Cthulhu spread out her arms and roared.. a dark shockwave blasting from her body..

Cthulhu hurled up a hand and pointed it down at the group.. and everyone watched in amazement as the entire ocean rose up from the edges of the New York coast line and towered thousands of feet into the air.. rising and curving over all of the city.. ready to bury and sink all of American East Coast underwater..

And to top it off .. the ocean was now black in color.. something about the water had changed.

As the giant ocean made to crash down.. Vader exploded with tremendous red power as he swung his saber up at the closing water..


A giant crackling red energy blast hurled out of the lightsaber.. and split the giant towering deep waters apart.. ripping them into a rain of vapor..

"DARK OF THE FORCE.. SUPREMEEE!!" Vader hurled out a hand.. and all the hundreds of buildings crashed into Cthulhu.

Cthulhu bellowed angrily, and she swept a hand through the buildings.. blowing them to dust with one arm.

Cthulhu began to chant in it's ethereal voice as it lumbered forward at tremendous speed, closing it's distance with Vader quickly.. "A Dark Place to Sleep... A God Comes Back to Rip apart the whelps... A Dark Call is Heard..  The Call Heard Across the World..

A massive sphere of crackling black energy rose out from Cthulhu's mouth.. growing bigger and bigger little by little.

Cthulhu spread her arms out.. as she activated her immense Anti-World Class Noble Phantasm. "CALL OF CTHULHU.."

Cthulhu hurled out a giant black beam.. which got more and more massive, immense sonic shockwaves swirling around it as the roar of a terrible monster beyond existence blasted through everyone's minds... and eardrums.

"DEATH.. STAR.." Vader roared.

Immediately, in the sky... the Death Star formed and fired it's own massive beam of green light.. deflecting the giant black energy blast.. causing the black energy to sail off into space... ripping a hole in the sky..

"Such power.. A Grand Saber indeed.." Cthulhu's voice could be heard across all minds, ancient.. unyielding.. the very power of the Old One.. the First Beast.. resounding everywhere.. throughout the world.. "But.. I do not know your Spirit Origin.. I have watched human history... but your voice.... your blade.. it is not splashed across it's pages... who are you..? I hear no call of any legends.."

"I am new.." Vader said simply, as he raised his Lightsaber into the air..

"Vader.." Mikoto murmured.

"Arturia Pendragon.. I do not want you to die.. not until we face each other in battle again.. you wish to make me pay for Emiya's death? Then survive and seek that wish endlessly.." Vader growled. "Use your anger... your hatred will make you strong... destroy me.. strike me down... and survive.. until that task is complete... protect those you hold dear.. now... go.. this battle.. has sickened me with it's sweet ecstasy of power.."

Saber gritted her teeth, then nodded. "Everyone... let us go..."

"W-where is there TO go!?" Mordred stammered.

"Anywhere not here!" Saber growled. "HURRY!!"

As everyone ran, Vader began to chant.. his saber burning with a towering light.. that ripped into the sky, causing the clouds to swirl around it.. activating a Noble Phantasm that could only be used by one who was in the form of a Grand Servant..

"A man born of the Midichlorians... a family born of the Force.. Concieved by the Force we were.. this accursed family that stands in the Dark and Light..

Vader swung his saber down. "SKYWALKER LEGACY!!!!"

Vader's lightsaber hurled out a giant blinding light, a powerful red energy that was now swirling with parts of blue energy as well.. ripping across the city, causing the very planet itself to tremble.

"CALL OF CTHULHU!!" Cthulhu fired another black beam.. this time, the Noble Phantasm imbued with FAR more power than the one that was deflected by Death Star.

The energies collided with each other.. and they struggled in the center of New York.. creating a hurricane in between each other... before slowly the black beam began to overcome the red one.

"AGH!!!!" Vader gasped.. as his power was pushed back.. and his mask began to crack.


Suddenly, another blast of light hurled into Cthulhu's attack.. and together with Vader's energy.. overpowered the black energy.. and both attacks hurled straight into Cthulhu's abdoment.. hurling her back slightly.

"FUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Familiar laughter echoed throughout the city as Gilgamesh levitated down to stand next to Vader.. Ea in his hand.

Gilgamesh grinned. "Well well.. my greatest rival since Enkidu... a Grand Servant.. can't say I'm surprised..  but, even a Grand Servant won't do much against Beast 0, Cthulhu the God of R'yleh."

"You.." said Vader.

"A temporary truce then?" said Gilgamesh said.. grinning. "I'd hate my rival to die before we decide on the final fight between us... "

"Just try not get in the way.." Vader said.

Gilgamesh laughed again. "FUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Very well.. then I.. rival.. shall allow you the glorious honor of assisting me...  let us send Beast 0 on a straight trip to HELL!!"

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