The Last Drop |Tom Riddle|

By marvelobsessed

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It is no matter a question of what is right or wrong, good or bad, and black and white. Eleanor Peverell's l... More

Chapter One: The Murder
Chapter Two: The Party
Chapter Three: Trial and Error
Chapter Four: Unbreakable Vow
Chapter Five: The Meeting
Chapter Six: A Good Christmas
Chapter Seven: 1956
Chapter Eight: Traitors
Chapter Nine: Torn Between Two Evils
Chapter Eleven: Life Is A Dream
Chapter Twelve: Behind Your Back
Chapter Thirteen: Loyalty
Chapter Fourteen: Love and War
authors note
Chapter Fifteen: Playing the Game
Chapter Sixteen: The Engagement Party
Chapter Seventeen: The Right Fit
Chapter Eighteen: You're Next
Chapter Nineteen: Try Me
Chapter Twenty: Can't Take It Back
false alarm
Chapter Twenty One: Playing With Fire
Chapter Twenty Two: The Fire Returns
Chapter Twenty Three: Trial of the Decade
Chapter Twenty Four: Change of Plans
Small Note

Chapter Ten: Ice Cold

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By marvelobsessed

The Minister called a press conference in the Atrium not too long after they had their third discussion about the case. It was more so just for gathering information to release to the angry public as more fear was rising.

Eleanor and Colin stood by the Minister's side as she gave her speech, looking ahead at the dozens of flashing cameras lined up.

"To put it simply, there is an extremist group that has shown a trend in targeting pureblood agenda advocates." said Wilhelmina, standing her ground before the podium. "Whether they're affiliated with threats we are familiar with between the Irish and the Red Scouts, or something entirely new, has yet to be determined."

There were mixed reactions among the crowd that Eleanor could see beyond the camera flashes and journalists. There were groans of disdain for the pureblood agenda and a groan that came from those who wouldn't admit they supported it. Eleanor felt quite stuck in the middle knowing that the very people she worked under were majority pureblood advocates.

"Concrete evidence is hard to come by but we are making the most logical conclusions we possibly can based on what we've discovered thus far. Our Aurors are hard at work tearing into a long overdue notion that treason of the Ministry will not be tolerated. This case is slow yet somehow taking up most of the hours within our day. I am requesting—begging, even, that anyone who believes they know someone who fit their suspect description that they please send in tips."

It would make sense to make Julius and Anna sort through the tips while Eleanor handled the typical daily work of the Auror department, but the Minister insisted she take this on considering it was her idea to open up the case. In a way, it worked out just in case anyone gave in a tip about Tom or the other Death Eaters.

Speaking of that lot, Eleanor's daily routine also included them. Throughout the course of January and into February, she noticed the slight increase in paperwork regarding individuals who worked for Tom. Mostly those associated with Orion and Cygnus Black, having been informed of those who do their secret business, are the ones causing the most ruckus but there was only so much she could do when they were apart of gangs that riddled Knockturn Alley.

They were merely misdemeanors, only requiring a fine, but some were borderline deserving a full on visit to address the matter. It went from unregistered travel, purchasing illegal substances, to using an excessive amount of dangerous spells.
Most of these actions occurred everyday, as most average Wizards and Witches may do such things once in a while, therefore overlooked. Or at the very least, they don't get caught.

Eleanor knew that she could only cover up so much before it became suspicious.

By the third week or so, it came to the point where the Malfoy Manor and its piling misdemeanors were recognized by Colin.

"I need you to write Abraxas. I don't know what he's been up to but it's sketchy and we need to address these papers piling up." Colin said, placing down the folder. "I'll let you handle it because I know you two were friends but if you find any reason to have suspicion, I trust you will let me know. Next mark up about him I'm taking this to Wilhelmina."

Eleanor nodded, smiling briefly. "Will do. Also, we're hardly friends. The man bullied me my entire childhood." she noted.

Colin scoffed, halfway out the door of her office. "Bully you? How is he still alive?"

With his charming smile, he exited the room and hers dropped immediately. Her feelings were at a crossroad-- no, they were strapped down to train tracks awaiting a very slow moving train.

This case was consuming her every waking moment as she sorted through faces new and old as potential suspects.

But they both reached a mutual understanding not to let it interfere with their job and cool down for a while. That didn't mean that he didn't try to flirt every once in a while. But the fact that he could be involved in this somehow still didn't sit right with her. The cover up he tried to pull left a sour taste in her mouth, but not as much as believing they would try again did.

After her lunch, Eleanor wrote a letter to Abraxas and an owl carried it down to his department. It didn't take long for him to come knocking at her door.

"Come in!" Eleanor called, pushing aside her shortening pile of paperwork.

Upon her desk was a file of a recent misdemeanor belonging to one of their prime suspects, a Muggle born wizard who had recently graduated Hogwarts and had joined the ranks of one of the speculated Red Scouts squadrons of Manchester. The boy had caused a pretty violent brawl that nearly had them exposed to the Muggles and it was supposedly over a heated pure blood rally. It wasn't much, but Eleanor was sending an Auror out there to investigate.

Finally looking up, the suited white haired knight entered her room without any hesitation.

"You requested my presence?" he asked, raising a brow at her. Abraxas stood at the door even after it shut behind him looking quite impatient.

"You're going to need to sit down to listen to all the misdemeanors I have linked back to your Manor." Eleanor huffed, crossing her arms as she motioned her hand towards the folder that had quite the amount of paper in it while leaning back in her seat.

It seemed that had gotten his attention and Abraxas took a seat with a dreadful sigh. She stared intently, sensing his aversion to the trouble that was being caused. Running a hand over his face, he reached out to the file and began looking.

"I'm trying to disregard as many as I can or at least reduce the penalty to a simple fine. Half of these belong to the uh, 'private security' Orion has paid for so perhaps you can pass on the message. But Ludwick raised his concern and trusted I would deal with it. However, if there's another incident then he's going to bring it to me to deal with." Eleanor warned.

"When Tom said you would protect us, this isn't what he meant." the boy scoffed.

She wanted to punch her desk but clenched her fist and refrained.

"There's only so much I can do before I look suspicious and end up putting you all out in the open when my boss opens an investigation on me. I know you're all trying to build something here but everyday criminals are more covert with more dangerous things than you lot. It's stupid mistakes. The best I can do at this point is teach you a better way of avoiding them."

Abraxas went quiet. She took a deep breath and sat back. Of course he knew she was right.

"I know."

"Did I hear that correctly?" Eleanor humorously asked.

"Tom isn't as insane as you would think nor are his followers. Everyone understands we are capable of mistakes. At least in these early phases." Abraxas continued.

She sensed there was more and that was merely a cover of his own true thoughts just to keep Tom in the light still. The fact that he even called him Tom in private was a bit of a shock.

"Whatever the mistakes are, the lot of you need to start cleaning them up fast. Colin will be on my ass about this until it blows over." Eleanor huffed, shutting the file after clearing the charges. "And what are these phases you talk of?"

Abraxas shrugged, running a hand through the white hairs on his head. He was hesitant but one glance at her glare, he caved.

"This is merely the beginning. But I sense a bigger change is coming soon. Tom, he runs it all with ease. We do his bidding; collecting funds, gathering new recruits, and just ridding the world of anyone not a pureblood." Abraxas said, a sense of honor to his slightly hushed tone. "At least, that's the tone he set. He only ever came back so soon because of you."

It was Eleanor's turn to scoff at him, lips turning upwards in belief.

"That was a jab at him, not an actual accusation that he returned after all these years to see me."

Abraxas raised his brows, callously taking a seat and crossed one leg over the other. She couldn't quite read his expression or why he had seemingly reverted to a slouchy Hogwarts student once again, but he seemed ready to reveal something she didn't quite want to hear.

"That night of the attack— the one where Steve was killed."

Eleanor tilted her head. "What are you getting at here?"

"Tom came back out of the blue. Lightning struck and he was there. Something had happened to you but none of us knew yet, but he did. I gather it's because of that ring, but I can't really say."

The story settled on her mind. It didn't make sense to her because she never saw him while she was stuck with healers. She never sensed his presence til it came to the senseless murder of Hepzibah. Deep down her gut told her this was all sincere but truthfully, she didn't want to hear it.

"And how do you expect Tom will do everything now that he's back? How does he easily have you all wrapped around his finger?"

A twisted smile rose on his lips. "Some people want this world to be whole again. I believe others want the fame and fortune that would come with being the new leaders. It will take time surely but we have our resources on getting those most valuable to us to join."

Eleanor mocked his twisted smile. "You are going to be doomed, Malfoy. "

"And you aren't? Would you sit here and tell your oldest friend that you are still not in love with the Dark Lord?" he said smugly with a gossip like grin on his lips. "I thought you and Ludwick would end up together, maybe someday one of you would be the Minister."

"Please, spare me your fake friendship. You're almost good at pretending you care." she grumbled, looking away with a dry chuckle. "I suppose you are my oldest friend whether I like it or not. What would you know about me and Colin anyway? For all I know he's a traitor."

Abraxas raised an eyebrow. "You two are starting a family together according to you."

That had almost slipped her mind.

"It was only a jab at Tom, he knows I have my reservations. Sure had he not shown up for another year or two, that possibly would be the case but that's all delayed now." she shrugged. "It doesn't matter if he came back or not though, it doesn't make up for the past."

Then, he shook his head.

"Technically, I tell everyone it's because of your new promotion in the department but that's only because how bitter everyone else is about your return." he sighed. "And Eleanor, I know that man does not have a soul or barely any left but I have never seen him so moved by anything before until I saw how he reacted to that. He was damn near ready to set fire to everything because of it had I not been there. That isn't something to joke about."

The accusation made her want to set fire to everything. How could he tell her not to make a joke to a man in the same sentence in which he also says that man has no soul?

"Perhaps not an appropriate joke to women who can't bear children but to Tom Riddle? He can grow up."

Abraxas shook his head again disapprovingly.

"Things have changed Eleanor. You're treading on different waters. We all are. So just remember you can still sink as easy as anyone else can and Tom won't bother saving you. The only reason you're here is because of your position and to save our backs as we work out the kinks in this." Abraxas said, standing up from his seat. "By the looks of it, Ludwick won't be saving you either if he is who we think he is."

"Perhaps next time we can talk over coffee and not a files of misdemeanors on your house?" she proposed.

Abraxas glanced back at her as he was on his way out the door. "I will see to it when hell freezes over, friend."

Eleanor was left in her office alone to ponder the possibilities. For once, Tom's actions were not a primary concern and the more it was brought to her attention the more she saw Colin's potential to be their enemy. But she had a soft spot for him. It was undeniable and she felt weak for such a thing. She supposed everyone would have a weak spot for something no matter what and decided to brush it off.

If it meant Tom wouldn't have the upper hand, she would presume Colin innocent until proven guilty.


The end of the week drew near. March was approaching fast but the weather and tensions ceased to disappear with spring just within arms reach. But for just a brief moment, the weather softened up for lunch out in the city which felt like a dream.

Marcella and Colin conveniently stepped out at the same time for this lunch, walking about the crowded streets of London. There was a slight damp chill to the air but the suns beaming warmth put a smile on her face. It had definitely been the most significantly nice day that she could recall and felt a weight lift off her shoulders the more they walked and talked.

In the background, police officers lingered. This was always slightly unnerving for Wizards as there had been more of them accused as Muggle Communists. It had actually been one of the leading issues that has set the case aside. It even put a halt on Tom's work for a small period of time. He had to resort to Muggle resources to avoid any suspicion on behalf of the Ministry and now there was the possibility of persecution by Muggles now too.

"I really wish we could have gone to Diagon Alley. I hate the city." Marcella grumbled as the three of them took a seat at a cafe wrapped around the corner of a street that bordered Picadilly Circus.

"I'd actually appreciate it if I could have Eleanor to myself." Colin chuckled. But when her best friend cut the man a glare that could kill, he straightened up. "I was only joking." he quickly added.

Eleanor brushed it off with a brief smile. "No one has any favoritism towards Muggle but we should appreciate out differences and yet how they blend together all the same. Does it ever bewilder anyone else how two separate worlds exist in one or is it just me?"

"Just you." Marcella piped up, skimming through her paper menu.

She locked eyes with Colin who's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Her and Allan had a tough fight last night. Not over it yet." she whispered to him.

Their quick lunch was limited by the thirty minutes they had on Thursdays in particular. This had always been the busiest day so most of the workers could be out early the following day. However, Eleanor and Colin had the luxury to take their time and Marcella returned to work shortly before they began their own walk.

"I will never understand women and their mood swings." Colin sighed, having faced the full effect of Marcella's rage today.

Eleanor chuckled. "Whereas women have their so called mood swings men have their unchecked masculinity that makes them seem like they're better than everyone else. It evens out. Unless that's just you."

Colin shook his head again and rolled his eyes.

"We should probably get back soon." he said, finishing his drink. "And don't think I don't know that jab was meant for me."

Eleanor nodded in agreement.

"I still have some time. I want to go shop for a bit so I'll see you after work, El." Marcella said as the three of them stood up.

Whenever her and Allan had a fight, she would pick him up some chocolates and bring it to him after work to call it a day and start fresh. It was cute. Sometimes he would do it too at the same time. But once again the realness of her marriage and family made Eleanor secretly yearn for it more.

"Not to push my luck here," said Colin, making Eleanor already roll her eyes. "But when this investigation stuff blows over can I please take you on a real date. Nothing fancy. We'll sit among the finest food with the Muggles and it will be normal."

Eleanor looked at him genuinely this time.

"We don't know how long all of this will take." she said. She knew it would betray everything she's been telling herself, but Colin has been good lately and very kind. "So let's pick a date. After the Quidditch World Cup we have a date. No cancellations either unless it's truly an emergency. It's one month, yes. But we don't know where we'll be at by then so it's interesting to have a date planned with all this chaos."

Colin shook his head. "I like the way your mind works, Peverell. It's a date."

When the pair returned to the Ministry, Eleanor had felt a weight lift from her shoulders more so now than ever. It has been quite stressful these days handling Tom's business as well her own. But to have some normalcy for a brief moment was nice. Not too long after their arrival in the office though, the Minister was already storming up to them.

"Where were you two?!" Madame Wilhemina exclaimed, her eyes wide with panic.

Eleanor's blood ran cold as she exchanged glances with Colin before replying.

"We were at lunch. We were back one minute early even. What's happening?"

"I'm never sending an intern Auror after you two again that pesky moron!" she cried to herself, throwing her hands in the air. "Charles Hall was murdered in broad daylight moments ago and I need you two on this!"

The Minister had never looked so frazzled, her pristine clothing and make up becoming so disoriented from the energy she exhausted. It was only a state her and Colin could ever witness. The name left her standing there still absorbing it all and she knew it sounded so familiar.

"Mr.Charles?" Eleanor asked, her voice falling soft. "The head for the International Magic Cooperation Department?"

Wilhelmina caught her breath and straightened herself, still looking quite strained as she nodded her head. Immediately, Eleanor's heart sank. That man had been kind enough to write to her and speak with her before Wizengamot gatherings and after them as well since her holiday party. He was too kind. How could he fit their profile of victims?

The three of them rushed to the meeting room and she was already being handed a file by Julius.

"I got right on it, El." he said, keeping up with her as she entered the room.

Everyone chattered around the table so loud that she could barely think. Colin was trying to get the information, people were trying to discuss the evidence, and yet none of it mattered to Eleanor because she stood among it all quietly reading the file in her hands. The headlines of newspapers and tid bits of information on his policies expressed verbatim in the Wizengamot cast a shadow over her heart. Everything here pointed to the profile of who was being attacked.

As the breakthrough hit her, a grim smile rose on her lips and she shook her out.

"He is a pure blood advocate!" Eleanor yelled out.

People slowly stopped and looked as she grabbed his picture from the file and put it up on the board where she had put common pure blood supporters. Now, all but two of the victims were on that list with solid proof.

"This is it. These murderers are taking out pure blood advocates. This is our evidence." she cheered.

"Why do you look so sad then?" Anna asked.

Judging by the astonished looks on everyone else's face, they were starting to piece it together too. But they all took note of how her expression fell with disappointment.

"Because Mr.Charles was a good person to me. I just-- I didn't want it to be him."

Eleanor couldn't describe the weight on her chest. She could feel the weight of the news heavy but she knew at the same time that this was apart of the puzzle they were trying to put together.

"There's no logical explanation for it, Eleanor. Just because these men and women have had a say in these politics doesn't make this the prime reason. Everyone picks a side. This doesn't mean it's the leading reason." Colin argued, standing by her with crossed arms as if pushing her in the shadow.

Her mind went livid as she watched him take over and get everyone to agree with him. She felt her hands tremble with her anger.

"What do you mean this isn't logical?" she roared. "I don't want it to be, but it is the best shot we have right now!"

"The only evidence you have is just their political affiliations!" Colin retorted, looking down on her.

"Actually, there's a lead" Anna's soft voice spoke.

Colin's face went white. "What?"

"Six suspicious men down by the river have been reported by our local Aurors. There was a commotion reported that was observed to be two groups fighting but only one is visible now. So I suggest we hurry down there."

Eleanor looked around and nodded. Two groups? One of them was responsible and was at least in their grasp now. Her mind immediately went to Tom and not even the group they were trying to find. Perhaps both were there but she knew going in was going to be quite a surprise.

Everyone ran off to grab the designated items required for this mission, all preparing to meet in the one spot where they would all apparate away to where they needed to be.

Grabbing her burgundy coat, being the furthest away from everyone, Eleanor had to hurry.
But someone caught her arm from behind: Abraxas.

"What?! I have to go!" she shrieked, jerking her arm away.

But Abraxas eyes were too wide to ignore. "The other Death Eaters were down there today. The Dark--Tom-- needed to find out who this other group was. Whatever happened, it seems we interrupted an attack."

"He's dead anyway. They got him." she sighed, shaking her head.

"You might be able to find out who did it though. Just be warned they may still be down there."

Eleanor absorbed it all. Fords death was supposed to be covered up, an accident. But Tom ruined it and in a way exposed them and made it messy. She nodded.

"Thank you." she whispered.

"Be careful, Eleanor. You're all on different sides down there."

Eleanor nodded and caught up with everyone else, a knot in her stomach and clenching her wand. She was an Auror, the best at that, and she could handle this. A simple reminder in her head would go a long way.

Looking over at Colin though, he looked as nervous as she felt inside. But now she was reminded at the misogyny of degrading her evidence.

"Still can't let it sink in that I might be right? Maybe we can't have a normal date." she snapped under her breath as she lined up with everyone else.

Colin briefly closed his eyes and exhaled. "Well it's a good thing you scheduled it a month away."

Then, they apparated off to the streets of London.


The small dock swished and creaked in its empty glory. It was fairly south, once a place they used to build these massive ships once upon a time. While Charles wasn't murdered here, the patrolling Aurors said this is where they tracked the men to be.

Colin, Eleanor, Anna, and a few others apparated to the icy grounds with her having caught up with the two patrolling Aurors. Once upon a time she looked as small and new as they did.

"We lost them when we got here. The ship was too big for either of us to safely scan. But we have reason to believe at least two suspects are on it while the others have fled the area."

There was tension none the less, enough to be felt in the stiffly frozen air, but nothing riled Eleanor up more than hot cases such as these where there was an active pursuit. It made her feel a certain level of eagerness she certainly would look crazy for expressing.

Eleanor was closest to the docks where ships were trapped in the frozen river Thames and she crossed the crunchy gravel walkways to assess it. It was a sheet of ice still despite the warming weather. But above their heads there was still a brooding, murky grey sky.

Colin approached her from behind as she casually strolled along the wooden boards, keeping her ears and other senses on overdrive.

"The two boys did us one favor at least by turning away any Muggles who may be collateral."

The very sight and smell of the ships and water gave her an unnerving chill that repeatedly shot through her spine. It felt eerily similar to the night Steve was murdered. At least this time, they were ready for anything. Eleanor was certainly hell bent on grabbing her first suspect.

"Right, well let's get to it then." Eleanor grinned.

Looking back at the two Aurors across the street by the entrance gates, she nodded and then her and Colin apparated on the deck of the boat. A concealment charm was then cast by them starting from the gates to the other end of the river.

"I forgot how much you enjoy this."

The remaining Aurors then entered the boundaries and came on board with them.

She felt the ring of Tom's that she still wore begin to hum as she observed the left side of the ship's deck alone. Her heart began to sink to her stomach. This would ultimately be a battle between them and she couldn't stand the thought of it.

"Tom, if you're here, you need to leave."

Eleanor's mind pleaded out to him as she sensed his presence nearby.

"We have a present for you. A couple of boys who helped kill Charles. Now if your side attacks first, then we have ourselves a friendly fight."

Eleanor stopped and it was then that she stared down at the gray slate of river beneath her and felt the cold nip her nose and she watched her breath cloud in front of her.

Snow began to fall.

"Tom, let them go. If anything goes wrong I wont be able to help you. I stay neutral."

Eleanor shut her eyes, concentrating more. The strain this amount of conversation took on her head would soon be unbearable. Having to await the different possibilities that all end terribly was even more of a strain.

"As you wish then, darling."

Eleanor's eyes opened, her connection feeling severed but her mind relieved as well as the incessant hum of the ring. With nothing but her heart beat clouding her ears, not a single sound was made with the snow hampering down. Looking behind her, the Aurors still observed the deck.

What was going on and where were the missing boys?

Suddenly, a whip of flames whizzed by her and Colin had lunged towards her as they ducked behind a crate.

"Everyone take cover!" Colin ordered.

But Eleanor had sprung up, her arm reeling back as she fired out diffindo, catching only a glance of two just barely younger than she was in dark clothing darting across the deck. Her spell tore through the sail where one was climbing and as it came crashing down, the boy apparated away. Behind her the other Aurors could be heard in combat, the strength of their disarming spells resounding against the creaky old ship.

Just as she turned around though, more figures apparated on deck and she tried her hardest to get a good look at their faces but there was no time as she had to shield herself from the attacks they immediately fired out.

No matter how hard Eleanor braced herself, their strength was true and she nearly lost balance.

But no one caught her off guard.

One came from behind her but she ducked underneath the pair of arms that tried to grasp her and before the man could even turn around, she kicked the back of his knee in so he could fall. With her wand at his neck she rendered him unconscious with a simple spell. They needed people to take in.

"Eleanor!" Colin shouted, sprinting towards her with his wand armed and ready.

Confused at his actions, Eleanor didn't really consider why he would shout at her and only recognized the woman chasing him down, her face covered but her golden hair whipping out from under her hat, and also armed up her wand and rendered her legs useless with a temporarily paralyzing spell.

"Anna round her up!" Eleanor called.

Colin paused on the deck just short of a few feet of her. He looked nervous as ever to her surprise.

"You sea sick, Ludwick?" Eleanor asked.

"Not at all." He frowned.

Eleanor watched as black cloudy figures apparated over her head and she groaned out loud. Two suspects were not enough, and now, as she ran towards the edge of the ship to look where those figures ran too, she realize they weakly landed on the ice.

They were injured.

"Get the others. I'm going after them." Eleanor waved, taking a few steps back.

"We have enough—let them go! That is an order."

But Colin's demands fell short of her ears and Eleanor took off in a short spring before leaping over the edge.

She apparated on the ice, nearly slipping when she landed but seeing that a crack had formed on the thick layer from the force of her apparating. That was too dangerous to do then, she concluded.

But the four figures that looked injured began to get a lead on her, Eleanor did what she could do best and ran.

She did her best to fire her spells straight ahead without hitting the ice. But the snow became blinding and they eventually began to fire back. There were several yards between them and they seemed close but far as her legs nearly slipped out from beneath her too many times.

But one spell came firing back, sending her into a state of panic. It was a familiar powerful beam of light that was white with a hint of purple. It brought her back to the night of the shipping yard where the collision with another had nearly blinded her.
This one, however, blinded her in a different way.

Beneath her, the ice caved in and shards of ice and freezing water swallowed her whole. Nothing could keep her above and holding onto her senses because once she became blinded by the collision, she couldn't see again.

Standing within the boundaries of the concealment charm, Tom remained hidden to the Aurors with Avery and Dolohov at his side.

Eleanor had the audacity to complain about her work bouncing from covering him and this investigation. Believe it or not, he cut her a break by taking the day to easily discover that another group was targeting a man from the Ministry. The man could have been an ally but nonetheless was bound to die anyway. So him and his  boys wanted to take care of it. Of course the others had to panic and kill the man in public, causing an unnecessary havoc.

They were quite annoying but he managed to maim and injure a few.

Enough for Eleanor to handle.

Watching on the deck, communicating with her, he gave Avery the nod to free the boys that he had locked down on the side of the ship with their bums sitting on the ice. It would have been a slow death for them if Eleanor never found them. But for that girl he decided to let them run away like fools.

However, just as Eleanor realized it, it seems that more members of that group ambushed the rest of the Aurors.

"Didn't see that one coming." Dolohov said flatly, watching the chaos ensue on the deck.

Tom's brows furrowed. "Me neither. That's unfortunate but I suppose it'll make things interesting."

The man stood there, watching it like a Quidditch game. He stood in a black suit and rubbed his hands together from the cold as snow began. He would leave shortly and allow them fight it out. He expected a thank you from Eleanor later. It was amusing.

Speaking of, he watched her chase after those boys on the ice but saw a light flying from them unlike anything hes ever seen. It looked powerful even from his distance away. He had yet to see her truly in action, unable to tear his eyes away from how she was catching up to their heels at an alarming rate. The power she emitted could be felt from here. Or that was just the taught feeling in his chest he had watching her all over again.

But instead of admiring any longer, a sheer panic swallowed him as he watched Eleanor fall victim to that blast and her body disappear under the ice.

"Dammit!" he shouted, apparating away. He landed on the ice, seeing where the current was going. It was strong despite being covered by ice and it was going fast. Her body could be anywhere.

Tom looked to his left, in the direction of the current, using his hands to split open the ice without the use of his wand.

"Accio." he whispered, praying it would work while still holding onto her body.

Anyone as powerful as him couldn't exceed the limits of that spell but he was damn sure of his power that he could get her out somehow. When her body was dragged onto the ice by the coat tightly clinging to her, Tom ran over to her, dropping to his knees to pick her up.

Dolohov and Avery arrived soon after, watching his moves.

"My lord, the Aurors will be here any moment." Avery said warily. "I'm afraid we cannot take her. They will be able to track her directly to the Manor if need be."

Tom was starting down at her blue lips as her drenched body now soaked his. He knew he couldn't take her. He knew his loyal followers stood before him as he weakly sat on his knees for the one woman he knew he should hate. As he reached to push the hair off her face as white as the ice, he withdrew immediately, going against his instinct.

Blood from her leg mixed with the ice they sat on.

There was an open wound on her thigh, deep and gushing red from the ice it seemed.

"My Lord, we must go. They're coming." Dolohov said.

"I know!" Tom yelled, looking back down at Eleanor. He feared for her life, but even that he couldn't admit to himself. He detached himself physically and mentally, letting her body sit on the ice as he stood up.

But despite the lie he told himself that he did not care, he couldn't tear his eyes away. He knew he would return to her shortly.

It was the sight of the Aurors approaching that provoked his exit.

Sometimes he wished he could burn the world down so that there was no one to fear when they were together. But some things were just too good to be true and the painful reality was that of leaving her on that ice. It was a bold and reckless move, and there was nothing he could have done to stop her anyway.

It was a sacrifice he needed to make for there will be one day they never had to fight on opposite sides.

But in the distance as he watched Colin carry her away, frantic, as he held her in his arms, his blood began to boil harshly against the cold air that whipped across his face. There was a growing suspicion of him, one that was not out of lust for Eleanor but a gut feeling he knew was never wrong.

The man played hero, stringing her along as a fool, but there was another feeling he couldn't deny and that was that maybe Eleanor had enjoyed being Colin's fool.


Eleanor loved Christmas.

It was a memory that never left Tom's thoughts when the holidays came around. But on this holiday, he took a pause from his journeys, returning to his old place of work in search of the Slytherin locket once more and a few other things necessary to his search for more power. Every so often it would cross his mind to ask if  the old crows who ran the shop if anything of value had come in.

But as he strolled the shadows of Knockturn Alley, something more than he bargained for crossed his vision as a crew of Aurors were patrolling the area.

"I think if we get a win today in this case, I deserve a trip to Hogsmeade."

"Eleanor, I can take you anywhere you want and you pick that place?"

The voice coming from the end of the alleyway in passing made Tom stop, his foot nearly missing the puddle in front of him, and he crept slower to the edge where the street opened up, descending the stairs carefully to remain hidden.

Just ahead, to no surprise, was the woman behind the voice he heard walking alongside another Auror who walked closer than an average patrolling partner would.

The smile upon her lips was beaming in such a dark place. He couldn't remember the last time she looked that happy but he forgot his absence had certainly changed things.

But her smile faltered, as Colin placed an arm around her, and Eleanor quickly stepped out of his embrace.

The ring.

Before her frantic eyes could search for him, Tom disappeared just slightly more out of sight.

"Darling, what on earth as gotten into you?"

"Nothing, I just thought I saw someone I knew."

Tom would not let her be a fool any longer.

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