Chapter Seventeen: The Right Fit

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April 4, 1953

Was it wrong to feel excited for a wedding under false pretenses? Was it wrong to feel eager for what a powerful union would bring to their enemies? Was it wrong to be so calm while lying to everyone she loved?

These questions ran through her mind as she walked into the Ministry of Magic, the ring on her finger making her stand a little taller in the average morning crowd. Eleanor couldn't remember the last time she walked through these halls with so much as a smirk on her face but her she was, smiling subtly with a few invitations in hand to her wedding which was less than a month away now.

To make her morning somewhat easier, she stopped at the office of Abraxas Malfoy first, not even bothering to knock which clearly startled him.

"Bloody hell, Eleanor you can't—"

His eyes drifted to the invitation she held out, scrutinizing it before cautiously taking it.

"You're going to laugh." She said, crossing her arms as he opened it.

Malfoy went whiter than his hair, staring up at her now with eyes ready to pop.

"Is this serious?"

"Do you think Lord Voldemort would have time for jokes?"

The man scoffed, leaning back in his seat with disbelief as she wore a pleasing smile. "I can't believe you pulled it off. You're going to—" he stammered, shaking his head again before easing up. "You're going to make a great dark queen, but you didn't hear that from me. You're almost worse than him I think."

Eleanor chuckled. "This isn't for me. This is to bring down Colin and these terrorists he sympathizes with. In turn it benefits all of you, putting him at my level in ways Malfoys and Blacks can't."

"How will a marriage do that?"

Sighing, she looked down at the next invitation which was for him.

"I propose he will crack at our union. I don't know how but I know the idea of me being partnered with the Death Eaters will make him question his loyalty to me. But I will be pretending me and him are still working together."

"Colin Ludwick believes you'd throw out this whole game, picking yourself before you ever picked between him or Tom." Abraxas noted.

Eleanor shrugged. "Perhaps. But let him trust me and tell me everything or let him fear me and expose himself trying to bring this down. Either way, I will win."

Abraxas nodded with approval.

"Best of luck to you then, Eleanor."

Eleanor waved him off before leaving his office, now feeling the dread of facing Colin. Every step towards the Department of Magical Law Enforcement grew heavier. The sight of the Aurors desks alone made her uneasy but many heads started turning towards her.

"Congrats, Eleanor!" said Anna, a beaming smile on her lips as she shot up from her seat.

As she turned her head, stopping to hand the girl her invitation, another presence neared that made her breath hitch.

"What's the congratulations for?" asked Colin, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

Eleanor was caught in the middle of a dozen eyes, her breath caught in her throat while her heart was pulsing in her warming ears. Without even saying a word, not that she could if she tried, she handed Colin his invitation and didn't quite tear her eyes away from him.

Finally, she sucked in a deep breath.

"I'm getting married."

She wanted to turn away before she could see his reaction because despite it all, Eleanor knew if she looked into his eyes she would see their many shared nights and other memories no one would ever know. To her relief, Colin didn't even look at her as he stormed around her and something about that almost felt more crushing.

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